Let The Colleges Die

The fascism we have pointed to castrates the prisoners before the job market does.
This is why I am glad my children chose a HBCU. They are being trained to be thinkers and entrepreneurs.

Do you have a lot of experience with different universities to come to the conclusion that HBCUs train students to be thinkers and entrepreneurs more than other universities?
Enough to form that opinion. Most Blacks I know that have attended a HBCU vs other universities are entrepreneurs. The ones that didnt go to an HBCU are trained to be employees for life.

That could be correlation rather than causation, and it's light on specifics, but I appreciate the response.
That could very well be accurate. However, its too big a coincidence to ignore especially since there are very few exceptions. My friends that are from HBCU's just carry themselves differently and are always open to business opportunities. The ones that went to non HBCUs are nose to the grind workers on their careers. They are highly suspicious of any business opportunities outside of working for someone else.
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
Their Reality Check Bounces

Marxism is a product of the secluded and sheltered academic environment. It appeals to the Born to Rule pushy never-told-no rich brats whom the university is specifically designed for.
We can understand the suspicion, though not the schizoid split, since there are more than two varieties of college educated DNA.
If we did that we'd become a third world country. I guess idiots like you don't need doctors, engineers or anything else that makes this nation function as a world power.

Of course Somalia is what you want and that is what you'll get.

Fuck you traitor. You only win when your taliban mindset based on stupidity can spread throughout this land just like in the middle east. Scum like you should be thrown out of airplanes without a shute over Somalia!

Don't worry, the US will import more doctors, engineers.... The same idiots on the board will complain about immigrants taking their jobs without realizing they had no one qualified to fill those posts... they will then think it is a left wing conspiracy to win votes and we will off again...

They will never learn..
If Students Aren't Paid, They Aren't Worth Anything

College is for richkids living off an allowance or for young adults willing to live like teenagers afraid to grow up. Both steal jobs that would go to the talented we need if that obsolete institution were replaced by highly paid professional training. Americans deserve to have their economy collapse if we continue to listen to the arrogant economic bullies who mandate this absurdity of a Diploma Dumbo getting a job primarily because he was willing to go four or more years without a job. That puts inferior people in superior positions and drags everybody else down.
This is why I am glad my children chose a HBCU. They are being trained to be thinkers and entrepreneurs.

Do you have a lot of experience with different universities to come to the conclusion that HBCUs train students to be thinkers and entrepreneurs more than other universities?
Enough to form that opinion. Most Blacks I know that have attended a HBCU vs other universities are entrepreneurs. The ones that didnt go to an HBCU are trained to be employees for life.

That could be correlation rather than causation, and it's light on specifics, but I appreciate the response.
That could very well be accurate. However, its too big a coincidence to ignore especially since there are very few exceptions. My friends that are from HBCU's just carry themselves differently and are always open to business opportunities. The ones that went to non HBCUs are nose to the grind workers on their careers. They are highly suspicious of any business opportunities outside of working for someone else.

I am currently enrolled with a HBCU. I'm not an entrepreneur, and doubt I will become one. It's just not my personality. The school I attend was never likely to change that. :)

It may be that HBCUs are better at teaching people to be entrepreneurs, but I think there are so many factors involved, it's hard to consider the college someone attends that much of a causative factor. On the other hand, perhaps HBCUs have programs which are more attuned to those already with the sorts of drive and personalities to be entrepreneurs?

I don't have enough experience with different universities to make any firm judgement either way. :)
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
Harvard being one of the richest endowed college next to Yale...
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
Harvard being one of the richest endowed college next to Yale...
It's saying half, not all.....will be bankrupt. I'm sure most of the larger colleges will be here for a long time.
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die

I think it is due to capitalism. Same with health, which is why Yanks are always bitching about health and education, Neither of which should be part of the capitalist model IMO.
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
Harvard being one of the richest endowed college next to Yale...
It's saying half, not all.....will be bankrupt. I'm sure most of the larger colleges will be here for a long time.
Those long hairs also said we'd be flying cars and would be in a nuclear freeze...Yet here we are sweating in November and I need new tires...
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
Harvard being one of the richest endowed college next to Yale...
It's saying half, not all.....will be bankrupt. I'm sure most of the larger colleges will be here for a long time.
Those long hairs also said we'd be flying cars and would be in a nuclear freeze...Yet here we are sweating in November and I need new tires...
My dad said back in the 50's, his teachers told him that in the future we'd all evolve to have giant heads and be able to move heavy objects with our minds.
That fellow doesn't understand how much money colleges are sitting upon...Such a large amount the US govt. is going to start taxing them...
Harvard Business School professor: Half of American colleges will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years
Harvard being one of the richest endowed college next to Yale...
It's saying half, not all.....will be bankrupt. I'm sure most of the larger colleges will be here for a long time.
Those long hairs also said we'd be flying cars and would be in a nuclear freeze...Yet here we are sweating in November and I need new tires...
My dad said back in the 50's, his teachers told him that in the future we'd all evolve to have giant heads and be able to move heavy objects with our minds.
I can move heavy objects in my mind just not if it's setting in front of me...
'The object of the Institution isn't an object at all. It is space.'
(Felix Guattari, 1979)

Fascist forces have assured themselves that the population is now sufficiently addicted to petroleum and cyberspace, accompanied by protection-racket mafia financial coercion. Yes, capitalism, a very special delirium.
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
Spoken just like a guy who hasn't seen or been on a college campus in the past several decades...if ever.

The market for our universities is certainly over saturated with many institutions growing bigger and bigger and charging a higher premium to students instead of doing a good job of increasing their student base. However, make no mistake that our education system is well renowned as one of the best (and, in most nation's minds, the best) in the world. If you have an issue with the obscure majors that some students choose...that is an issue for the American parents and culture (we do live in a nation that elected what is widely regarded as one of the least intelligent leaders in the developed world). You look at student imports and these guys are all choosing to participate in our excellent STEM education. It isn't just the weird gender studies that you seem so interested in that we offer...we happen to have the best education in computer science, medicine, and engineering too...but a radical like you forgets about the things that truly make America great.
There's only two colleges I want to see die
1. Liberty University
2. Hillsdale
Any college that teaches cultural Marxist garbage should die.
And, of course, according to you, any real science is Marxist garbage. LOL You are not exactly making a case for your point of view, except with those that are uneducated.
" At a symposium in May, Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen predicted that “50 percent of the 4,000 colleges and universities in the U.S. will be bankrupt in 10 to 15 years.”

Christensen appears to be onto something. The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failedto meet their enrollment and tuition targets.

This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.

American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism. Instead of strolling out of college with nimbler minds, students now stumble out into the real world with their brains scrubbed clean of the ability to hatch a single independent thought.

And as they enter a hostile job market with their useless Master’s Degrees in Postmodern Gender Modalities Among Hamsters, your average hapless college grad is saddled with a life-crippling average debt of nearly $40K to banksters who finance all this brainwashing. Student debt in America is currently close to $1.5 trillion—nearly twice as much as all credit-card debt combined. "

Let the Colleges Die
People from all over the world come to America to study in our universities. It is not about poor quality education that enrollment has dropped. There has been a world wide recession and college tuition is expensive. That's why enrollment has dropped.

I would think tuition has a far, far greater impact on enrollment numbers than belief that the US university system provides a poor education. Even if the education is poor, people would still likely get degrees simply as a way to improve their career options, if some other factor(s) didn't prevent them from doing so.
For many years, I worked with international students in a college prep program. Many ended up going to the US to study, in various disciplines. For these kids, who were wealthy, tuition was not an issue, but for your average working class or middle class American, tuition can be too expensive.
I have been going back to school, off and on, as work schedule allows, for the last five years. I see students working two jobs, and taking a two thirds load, trying to stay awake through the classes. And I see on this board, people like Offensive saying what slugs these kids are.

Education is the key to a better life, not just for the student, but for the rest of society, as that student can make more contributions to society with that education. The 'Conservative' stupidity of hating all education because of their inferiority complex is evident in this thread. Also evident it the justification for that complex. LOL
We are not that worried about attempts to stigmatize with the use of "religion of cultural Marxism." There is still much to do exposing what religion itself does to human DNA, even sans copulation with the State.
'The object of the Institution isn't an object at all. It is space.'
(Felix Guattari, 1979)

Fascist forces have assured themselves that the population is now sufficiently addicted to petroleum and cyberspace, accompanied by protection-racket mafia financial coercion. Yes, capitalism, a very special delirium.

Capitalism is responsible for the greatest rise of living standards in human history.
#59: Capitalism's intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process in a world with finite resources.

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