Let them eat cake........................

Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returened or confiscated 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
They knew the situation back during the Great Recession, and those folks lost their homes.
What have you got against cake?


I'm trying to watch my figure.

If you can look down from a standing position and still see your pecker and you're past 50 you're doing well.....it's a constant fight.
And Wilbur Ross and Trump are way past the fight, when they can justify the suffering of millions. Put them in a nursing home yesterday.

And what exactly did that have to do with my post......lost ancient artifact?
Those two aren't doing well in the head, and are the problem. They've already lost the fight is my point, and it comes at a gigantic cost to this country.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Someone living paycheck to paycheck is somehow our problem? The national banks are all offering forebarence on mortgages and will give payday loans knowing the workers will get paid. This is not a problem.

Also, this is not Trump's fault. Democrats refuse to counter offer hoping Trump will have a No new taxes moment. He is standing fast. 52% nationally want the wall included in any deal. 80% of republicans.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returned or confiscated or 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
-------------------------------- Plus see AveGuys post number 44 for more info BWK .
I wonder how quickly Pelosi would agree to secure your border from the ongoing illegal invasion, substance smuggling, human trafficking and child abuse, exporting of criminals, if Trump decided to work on closing federal offices in California due to "redundancy" or a lack of need based on the shutdown...
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Arrests being down, does not mean fewer are coming in illegally. Tell us though, why you don't care about securing our borders ? Give us a look into the mind of a leftist.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returened or confiscated 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
They knew the situation back during the Great Recession, and those folks lost their homes.
----------------------------------------------- That was a different situation wasn't it as the recession times involved 'pikers' that had gotten loans that they couldn't repay . The 'pikers' had over extended their Credit and then lost a job or 2 could never repay . These 'federalis' pretty much have guaranteed jobs when my friend TRUMP's Shutdown ends . Or is it 'pelosis' shutdown because she won't fund the USA Nations Border Security BWK ??
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returned or confiscated or 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
-------------------------------- Plus see AveGuys post number 44 for more info BWK .
. Look for the Alert on Wells Fargo's home page. Www.wellsfargo.com
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?

Well all Pelosi has to do is pass a bill that the Senate and President will sign off on.

Why is holding out for Mexico drug cartels and human traffickers more important to Pelosi than Federal employees on furlough?
Could be poloosly is getting some of that drug money no.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returned or confiscated or 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
-------------------------------- Plus see AveGuys post number 44 for more info BWK .
. Look for the Alert on Wells Fargo's home page. Www.wellsfargo.com
----------------------------------------------------- thanks 'AveGuy' --- and see , i told you BWK , now read the alert and be better infomed eh BWK . See post number 51 for the Alert BWK .
Last edited:
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Nobody paid their bills for them

Whatever “windfall” they get will go to paying past bills plus any penalties and interest.
-------------------------------------- Banks and Lenders will work with those that owe them money as its the right thing to do and Banks don't want a buncha cars or houses returned or confiscated or 'repoed' for non payment of Loans . The Banks and lenders know the situation RWinger .
-------------------------------- Plus see AveGuys post number 44 for more info BWK .
. Look for the Alert on Wells Fargo's home page. Www.wellsfargo.com
----------------------------------------------------- thanks 'AveGuy' --- and see , i told you BWK , now read the alert and be infomed eh BWK .
They won't look. Then in their mind, the Government Worlers are suffering and not getting any relief. It's like they have hands over their eyes and telling us, there is no financial help.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Someone living paycheck to paycheck is somehow our problem? The national banks are all offering forebarence on mortgages and will give payday loans knowing the workers will get paid. This is not a problem.

Also, this is not Trump's fault. Democrats refuse to counter offer hoping Trump will have a No new taxes moment. He is standing fast. 52% nationally want the wall included in any deal. 80% of republicans.

Those government workers are living paycheck to paycheck because they don't get much money.

Know how much a GS-1 step 1 makes? Around 18,500 per year.

Know how much a GS-5 step 8 makes? Around 36,600 per year.

At 18,500/year, you are only bringing home around 1,500 per month.

At 36,600/year, you are looking at around 3,000 per month.

General Schedule (GS) Base Pay Scale for 2019

Considering that most people who are renting a house generally are paying around 950 to 1,500 per month in Amarillo, plus gas money to get back and forth to work, groceries, general expenses, no, it's not too hard to see how many of them live paycheck to paycheck.

Lots of government workers are GS-5 and below.
They don't give a rodents rear end about us.

We're living in an oligarchy fueled by those at the top perpetrating diversion , keepin' us wee folka at each other's throats

Once you come out of the partisan fog, realize it's all a socially engineered fascade , the reality of subjugation hits you like a brick

We need another Bastille day Biker ......w/o the guillotines

They don't give a rodents rear end about us.

We're living in an oligarchy fueled by those at the top perpetrating diversion , keepin' us wee folka at each other's throats

Once you come out of the partisan fog, realize it's all a socially engineered fascade , the reality of subjugation hits you like a brick

We need another Bastille day Biker ......w/o the guillotines

there was no guillotines when the Bastille was stormed by the fish broads.
I think Trump should just dissolve Congress and appoint himself supreme leader.

You're forgetting about a document we have that prevents that from happening.

It's called the constitution.

You might want to read it sometime. Get an adult to help you with the words that have more than one syllable.
Well, now we are seeing what Trump supporters in high government positions think of the workers. One is saying that the workers are going to be better off after the shutdown, because they got a paid vacation and will have a month's worth of pay saved up.

Trump's top economic adviser says furloughed federal workers might be 'better off' due to free 'vacation days'

Another is asking why are furloughed government workers going to soup kitchens and food pantries to get fed, when they could easily go get a loan.

Wilbur Ross says unpaid federal workers shouldn't need food banks, they can just get a loan

I guess those people don't understand that government workers at the GS-5 pay level or lower (which is a large percentage of them), don't make enough to have lots of money saved up. People at that level are generally living paycheck to paycheck. They aren't raking in a whole bunch of cash.

How much longer is this heartless action by the current admin going to go on?
Someone living paycheck to paycheck is somehow our problem? The national banks are all offering forebarence on mortgages and will give payday loans knowing the workers will get paid. This is not a problem.

Also, this is not Trump's fault. Democrats refuse to counter offer hoping Trump will have a No new taxes moment. He is standing fast. 52% nationally want the wall included in any deal. 80% of republicans.

Those government workers are living paycheck to paycheck because they don't get much money.

Know how much a GS-1 step 1 makes? Around 18,500 per year.

Know how much a GS-5 step 8 makes? Around 36,600 per year.

At 18,500/year, you are only bringing home around 1,500 per month.

At 36,600/year, you are looking at around 3,000 per month.

General Schedule (GS) Base Pay Scale for 2019

Considering that most people who are renting a house generally are paying around 950 to 1,500 per month in Amarillo, plus gas money to get back and forth to work, groceries, general expenses, no, it's not too hard to see how many of them live paycheck to paycheck.

Lots of government workers are GS-5 and below.
Blame the house democrats as they are refusing any bill that would give federal workers their paychecks.

House Dems Reject Three Bipartisan Bills Which Would Pay Federal Workers During Shutdown - Right Side Broadcasting Network
I know Wilbur Ross has $700 million but just because you have $700 million doesn’t mean you don’t understand how hard it is to live from paycheck to paycheck.

Republicans are coming up with such terrific ideas.

Ask dad for some money, see if he’ll help you out.

Sell off a few stocks, you can get money for that.

Take a loan you’re going to get paid eventually.

Have a garage sale.

Take another job like Uber driver or something like that.

Only Republicans could come up with such terrific ideas that could help all these people out.

Only Republicans.

Remember that the next time you go to vote.

Only Republicans.
Democrats have a solution.

Fund the wall.

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