Let them eat ice cream

I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.
The problem with that is the right isn’t protecting liberal values either. Both criminal gangs only care about appeasing and pleasing their wealthy donors.

And in case you haven’t noticed, most of the billionaires are psychopaths.
The right doesn't believe that:

#1) Calling it a Chinese virus is racist
#2) Men may indentify as women and compete in sports vs. actual women...age is irrelevant
#3) Uttering the words "radical Islam" is racist
#4) Wearing a red hat and supporting Trump makes you racist
#5) That because someone is white they are privileged

Shall I go on? Of course the right has flaws but the Left's flaws are just so much worse.
No. They are almost identical twins.
You just completely ignored my post. So the right believes men may identify as women on a whim? LOL
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Nice fantasy. The left today is regressive.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Nice fantasy. The left today is regressive.

"Regressive" is the heart of MAGA. Maybe regressive has a different meaning in MagaLand than in the real world.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Nice fantasy. The left today is regressive.

"Regressive" is the heart of MAGA. Maybe regressive has a different meaning in MagaLand than in the real world.
Naw, the real world recognizes that the Democrats are now the regressive party wanting to keep blacks on the welfare plantation while promoting old time socialism.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Nice fantasy. The left today is regressive.

"Regressive" is the heart of MAGA. Maybe regressive has a different meaning in MagaLand than in the real world.
Naw, the real world recognizes that the Democrats are now the regressive party wanting to keep blacks on the welfare plantation while promoting old time socialism.

Jesus in a jumpsuit.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Nice fantasy. The left today is regressive.

"Regressive" is the heart of MAGA. Maybe regressive has a different meaning in MagaLand than in the real world.
Naw, the real world recognizes that the Democrats are now the regressive party wanting to keep blacks on the welfare plantation while promoting old time socialism.

Jesus in a jumpsuit.
Remember when the democrat turds bitched because Trump was served two scoops? Now having a fourteen thousand dollar freezer stocked with ic cream is just fine while millions are out of work and waiting in food lines is fine. Democrats are just assholes!

What do you suggest she should do with that freezer and that ice cream?

I don't like Pelosi an iota. If she were on fire I wouldn't piss on her to put her out. But if she wants to spend he money on an over-priced refrigerator and fill it with over-priced food, that's her business, just as what I would do with mine is my business. Presumably, no one else here would want to be told what they should and shouldn't do with what they have.

There are so many wonderful things for which we can hang Pelosi out to dry. Her expensive refrigerator and her ice cream really shouldn't be among them...
Take the food and ice cream and take it and the freezer to a homeless shelter.

That's just stupid.

Are you willing to do the same with yours?

I paid $7,000 for my refrigerator/freezer, and it's fucking awesome. Why did I pay that much? Because I wanted it, that's why, and because I could afford it. I could've spent $1,000 and gotten one which would've kept my food every bit as cold, but the one I've got is the one I wanted.

At the moment, I probably have a few hundred bucks worth of steaks (NY Strips and filets, mostly) in it, some crab and lobster, etc.

I've had friends who don't own such a wonderful appliance ask me why I bought it, and my answer is simple: "I wanted it" and the conversation ends. Essentially, it's nobody's fucking business what I have in my kitchen, just as it's nobody's fucking business what Pelosi has in hers.

Seriously, be critical of the woman for matters of actual substance because, if all you can come up with is "ice cream" you're not likely to add much to the conversation...

Goody for you, but you didn't parade your fridge and expensive food to many on video, like this TONE FREE leftist elitist jackass did, while there are MILLIONS who lost their job, small businesses who see this unfeeling bimbo hold up relief money that would help keep their business stay alive.
I wonder how many children didnt get their ice cream because of the Wuhan Virus. I thought liberals were for the children..Oh yeah, any children except US children.
Remember when the democrat turds bitched because Trump was served two scoops? Now having a fourteen thousand dollar freezer stocked with ic cream is just fine while millions are out of work and waiting in food lines is fine. Democrats are just assholes!

What do you suggest she should do with that freezer and that ice cream?

I don't like Pelosi an iota. If she were on fire I wouldn't piss on her to put her out. But if she wants to spend he money on an over-priced refrigerator and fill it with over-priced food, that's her business, just as what I would do with mine is my business. Presumably, no one else here would want to be told what they should and shouldn't do with what they have.

There are so many wonderful things for which we can hang Pelosi out to dry. Her expensive refrigerator and her ice cream really shouldn't be among them...
Take the food and ice cream and take it and the freezer to a homeless shelter.

That's just stupid.

Are you willing to do the same with yours?

I paid $7,000 for my refrigerator/freezer, and it's fucking awesome. Why did I pay that much? Because I wanted it, that's why, and because I could afford it. I could've spent $1,000 and gotten one which would've kept my food every bit as cold, but the one I've got is the one I wanted.

At the moment, I probably have a few hundred bucks worth of steaks (NY Strips and filets, mostly) in it, some crab and lobster, etc.

I've had friends who don't own such a wonderful appliance ask me why I bought it, and my answer is simple: "I wanted it" and the conversation ends. Essentially, it's nobody's fucking business what I have in my kitchen, just as it's nobody's fucking business what Pelosi has in hers.

Seriously, be critical of the woman for matters of actual substance because, if all you can come up with is "ice cream" you're not likely to add much to the conversation...

You're missing the point.

No, I'm really not.

There will always be people who have to do without in this country. It sucks but, hey, that's life. Should those who are doing okay, then, supposed to pretend they're not?

On what show was she talking about her ice cream?
I have an idea, why dont you go down to the Inner City and flaunt your nice watches jewelry and other expensive items. See how are you get....
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Women shouldnt have the vote not until they use their brains instead of their purse. Too many women "feel" that the Demoncraps are for women, yet are totally clueless because of the likes of Bill the rapist Clinton, Harvey the flasher Weinstein, Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner, and now the front runner for the stupid people like women, Joe the groper Biden...
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Women shouldnt have the vote not until they use their brains instead of their purse. Too many women "feel" that the Demoncraps are for women, yet are totally clueless because of the likes of Bill the rapist Clinton, Harvey the flasher Weinstein, Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner, and now the front runner for the stupid people like women, Joe the groper Biden...

You're talking about personalities, not principles.
I studied political science while at school in the early seventies. I read John Stuart Mill. I digested John Rawls. I understood what liberalism is all about.

Today's left represents the greatest threat to liberal values I have seen in my lifetime.

Progress is never a straight line, but it's always to the left. Progress is the defeat of conservatism, which is marked by its devotion to the status quo, or the status quo ante. If conservatives of the day had their way, women wouldn't have the vote, nor would racial minorities. To this day, conservative opposition prevents the ERA from passage.

Conservatives today think they define "classical liberalism". They're talking about themselves - dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th Century and not ready to leave it yet. Liberalism may be best described as (very imperfect) devotion to equality before the law - for every sad motherfucker out there, which is a constantly moving target. Is it, in practice, guilty of silliness and overreach? Sure, sometimes. People are human, and conservatism applies an irregular speed-brake to the process.

Both political parties are servants of the corporatocracy, plutocracy, or whatever you call it, but on the margins, the GOP seeks to protect the powerful from the weak, and the Democrats try to protect the weak from the powerful. That's a worthwhile distinction.
Women shouldnt have the vote not until they use their brains instead of their purse. Too many women "feel" that the Demoncraps are for women, yet are totally clueless because of the likes of Bill the rapist Clinton, Harvey the flasher Weinstein, Anthony Carlos Danger Weiner, and now the front runner for the stupid people like women, Joe the groper Biden...

You're talking about personalities, not principles.
Your right not one of those Demoncraps had any principles, just like Groper Joe...Are you going to vote for that molester of women and children?
Remember when the democrat turds bitched because Trump was served two scoops? Now having a fourteen thousand dollar freezer stocked with ic cream is just fine while millions are out of work and waiting in food lines is fine. Democrats are just assholes!

What do you suggest she should do with that freezer and that ice cream?

I don't like Pelosi an iota. If she were on fire I wouldn't piss on her to put her out. But if she wants to spend he money on an over-priced refrigerator and fill it with over-priced food, that's her business, just as what I would do with mine is my business. Presumably, no one else here would want to be told what they should and shouldn't do with what they have.

There are so many wonderful things for which we can hang Pelosi out to dry. Her expensive refrigerator and her ice cream really shouldn't be among them...
Take the food and ice cream and take it and the freezer to a homeless shelter.

That's just stupid.

Are you willing to do the same with yours?

I paid $7,000 for my refrigerator/freezer, and it's fucking awesome. Why did I pay that much? Because I wanted it, that's why, and because I could afford it. I could've spent $1,000 and gotten one which would've kept my food every bit as cold, but the one I've got is the one I wanted.

At the moment, I probably have a few hundred bucks worth of steaks (NY Strips and filets, mostly) in it, some crab and lobster, etc.

I've had friends who don't own such a wonderful appliance ask me why I bought it, and my answer is simple: "I wanted it" and the conversation ends. Essentially, it's nobody's fucking business what I have in my kitchen, just as it's nobody's fucking business what Pelosi has in hers.

Seriously, be critical of the woman for matters of actual substance because, if all you can come up with is "ice cream" you're not likely to add much to the conversation...

You're missing the point.

No, I'm really not.

There will always be people who have to do without in this country. It sucks but, hey, that's life. Should those who are doing okay, then, supposed to pretend they're not?

On what show was she talking about her ice cream?
I have an idea, why dont you go down to the Inner City and flaunt your nice watches jewelry and other expensive items.

And what would be the point of my doing that? Perhaps you enjoy showing and acting like a dick but, I can assure you, I do not...

See how are you get....

That's not even a sentence.

English as a second language?

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