Let There Be Peace Already

The Romans invented the word palestine to rename Israel during the Roman Empire.

Palestine is a European invention which is why it does not appear in the Bible or even Quran. Israel appears 2500 times in the Bible and Quran

Now, you know.

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Professor of Religion, Boston University; Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University; Diploma in Theology, Oxford University


The Gifts of the Jews - YouTube

MORE SHIT FROM THE STONE AGE MAN........who thinks Jews created Homo Erectus.....Homos maybe...Erect NEVER

Specializing in the history of early Christianity, Paula Fredriksen is author of two books and over a dozen articles on early Christianity. Among her numerous awards and honors are a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for University Professors and a Lady Davis Visiting Professorship of Ancient Christianity at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Her second book, From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images of Jesus, received the Yale Press Governors' Award for Best Book in 1988. Fredriksen holds a Ph.D. in history of religions, ancient christianity, and Greco-Roman religions from Princeton University and a theology diploma from Oxford University. She served as historical consultant for the BBC production The Lives of Jesus and was a featured speaker and historical consultant for U.S. News and World Report's "The Life and Times of Jesus."
Biographies | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Professor of Religion, Boston University; Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University; Diploma in Theology, Oxford University
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish rebel] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea.

The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews by Paula Fredriksen - Book - Random House

Homo:confused:Stoney,well a Pedo would be,
MORE SHIT FROM THE STONE AGE MAN........who thinks Jews created Homo Erectus.....Homos maybe...Erect NEVER


Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Professor of Religion, Boston University; Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University; Diploma in Theology, Oxford University
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish rebel] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea.

The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews by Paula Fredriksen - Book - Random House

Homo:confused:Stoney,well a Pedo would be,

The Romans invented the Latin word palestine to rename Israel during the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire no longer exists, neither does the fictional palestine.

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation.

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Professor of Religion, Boston University; Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University; Diploma in Theology, Oxford University

Homo:confused:Stoney,well a Pedo would be,

The Romans invented the Latin word palestine to rename Israel during the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire no longer exists, neither does the fictional palestine.

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White

Homosexual Stoney I thought you'd be confused:confused:and Pedophile Stoney.

I just don't know how mankind ever achieved anything according to you without Jewish help..IDIOT:mad:
Homo:confused:Stoney,well a Pedo would be,

The Romans invented the Latin word palestine to rename Israel during the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire no longer exists, neither does the fictional palestine.

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White

Homosexual Stoney I thought you'd be confused:confused:and Pedophile Stoney.

I just don't know how mankind ever achieved anything according to you without Jewish help..IDIOT:mad:

One of the nation's foremost religion scholars, L. Michael White has a special interest in the social world of early Christians and Jews in the Greco-Roman period. His forthcoming book, Images of Jesus: The Shape of the Gospels and the Making of Tradition, deals extensively with the development of the gospels in early Christian history. White's distinguished career includes academic appointments at Yale University, Oberlin College, and University of Texas at Austin, where he currently serves as professor of classics and director of the religious studies program. White has published six books and over thirty articles and book reviews on Christianity and has received numerous awards and honors, including two National Endowment for the Humanities research fellowships. He is active as a program leader in the Society of Biblical Literature and is currently series editor for the Archaeology and Biblical Studies Series. He has served on the editorial boards of The Journal of Early Christian Studies and Biblical Archaeologist. White has served on archaeological excavations in Israel and also has done extensive field research in Italy, Greece, and Turkey. He received his Ph.D. and master of divinity degrees from Yale University.
Biographies | From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. L. Michael White, Ph.D. and Master of Divinity Degrees from Yale University ....
Responses to the Roman Destruction of Jerusalem

The Roman destruction of Jerusalem sent shock waves through the Jewish population. The loss of life was devastating, but the destruction of Jerusalem and especially the Temple was even more devastating.

Several other effects were discernable in the period of the postwar reconstruction...

Roman coinage of the period carried the legend Judaea Capta [Judaea Captured], a clear statement of the Jewish subjugation.

The province of Judaea was reorganized and even renamed Palestina [the Latin form of the old regional name Philistia]. The name change was another slap in the face to Jewish identity

From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White
You are as big a fucking moron as I've ever seen on this board, and that says A LOT given the dogshit that has passed through here over the years (some of whom appear in my sig).

I've yet to see even one rational, on-topic post from you - complete zero.

It's quite common for people to lose their temper after they have been proven wrong.

Again, you claimed:

they've lived in shithole dumps for the past 70 years with no hope for a better future any time soon.

Which clearly fails to address the fact that people in Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait enjoy an exceptional standard of living, and also that in countries like Turkey, Malaysia and Beirut we see people enjoying great lives and having a high standard of living.

I wonder if our anger stems from the fact that you have no connection or experience of the Middle East personally, so feel a little out-gunned by posters who have?
You are as big a fucking moron as I've ever seen on this board, and that says A LOT given the dogshit that has passed through here over the years (some of whom appear in my sig).

I've yet to see even one rational, on-topic post from you - complete zero.

It's quite common for people to lose their temper after they have been proven wrong.

Again, you claimed:

they've lived in shithole dumps for the past 70 years with no hope for a better future any time soon.

Which clearly fails to address the fact that people in Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait enjoy an exceptional standard of living, and also that in countries like Turkey, Malaysia and Beirut we see people enjoying great lives and having a high standard of living.

I wonder if our anger stems from the fact that you have no connection or experience of the Middle East personally, so feel a little out-gunned by posters who have?

Gulf News/Bahrain: Widespread Poverty Throughout Arab World
Two in five Arabs live in poverty as a widespread lack of basic elements of human security, such as access to clean water, freedom from hunger, democracy and a robust rule of law, is denying citizens of Arab countries the ability to fulfil their potential, a UN-sponsored report has said.

"One in five people in the Arab region lives below the internationally recognised poverty threshold of $2 a day as poverty and hunger persist in the Arab region despite its comparative affluence. However, a significantly larger proportion of Arabs in countries studied by the report, however, lives under nationally determined poverty lines and still cannot afford bare necessities," said the Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries.

"Large segments of the population in low-income countries face basic deprivation, reflected in inadequate access to safe water and a high incidence of underweight children, with the number of undernourished people in the region rising from almost 20 million in 1990-1992 to 25.5 million in 2002-2004."

The report, which draws on contributions from more than 100 Arab scholars, said that human security, a pre-requisite for human development, was being undermined by unjust political, social, and economic systems, a scramble for power and resources among fragmented social groups and, in some cases and the impact of external military intrusion.

The ability of more than 330 million people in the Arab world to make progress in human development, lead stable lives and fulfil their potential can be achieved only if the sources of insecurity, environmental degradation, discrimination, unemployment, poverty, and hunger are addressed, the report said.

The report released in Manama on Tuesday identified a series of measures to improve human security that include guarantees on universal basic rights and freedoms, especially for women, better protection for the environment, the tackling of poverty and hunger, the expansion of access to affordable health services and ending occupation and military interventions that have caused human suffering and erase decades of economic development.

"The rights of women can be safeguarded by changing laws and attitudes that entrench gender-based discrimination.
gulfnews : Poverty rife in Arab world: UN report
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You are as big a fucking moron as I've ever seen on this board, and that says A LOT given the dogshit that has passed through here over the years (some of whom appear in my sig).

I've yet to see even one rational, on-topic post from you - complete zero.

It's quite common for people to lose their temper after they have been proven wrong.

Again, you claimed:

they've lived in shithole dumps for the past 70 years with no hope for a better future any time soon.

Which clearly fails to address the fact that people in Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait enjoy an exceptional standard of living, and also that in countries like Turkey, Malaysia and Beirut we see people enjoying great lives and having a high standard of living.

I wonder if our anger stems from the fact that you have no connection or experience of the Middle East personally, so feel a little out-gunned by posters who have?

An ocean of oil goes a long way in providing an exceptional standard of living and Beirut is no longer the paradise it once was. Neither Turkey nor Malaysia is Arab and the statndard of living for the vast majority of Mideast Arabs is, by their own admission, way below exceptional. I thought you said you know the region.
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UN: Arab World Rife with Illiteracy & Lacks Innovation
U.N. report finds one third of Arabs illiterate and only $10 per person spent on scientific research. The level of education, research and innovation in the Arab world is appalling, a new United Nations report has claimed.

The report, produced as part of a partnership between the United Nations Development Program and the United Arab Emirates-based Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, found that despite the efforts of scientists and researchers throughout the region, the Arab world makes up only 1.1% of global scientific publishing and the low level of investment into research has led to relatively low levels of innovation throughout the Arab world.

Examining a number of aspects of "the current Arab knowledge landscape," the report expressed "grave concerns over the state of education in the Arab world," with over one third of the adult population unable to read or write and major educational discrepancies between males and females.

The report found that despite 20% of national budgets in the Arab world being spent on education over the past 40 years, the average Arab individual reads very little compared to other societies and around 60 million Arabs are illiterate, two thirds of them women.

With almost nine million primary school-aged children not attending school in the Arab world, it is predicted that only a few select Arab nations will meet the universal primary education goal of the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals.

The report's harshest criticism was reserved for the lack of investment in academic and scientific research, hampering the ability of Arab nations to meet global occupational, technical and higher education standards. The report found that spending on scientific research in the Arab world does not exceed 0.3% of most nations' GDP and is 97% dependent on government funding.

While nations like Finland were found to spend over $1000 per person on scientific research each year, less than $10 per person is spent annually on scientific research in the Arab world. As a result, the number of patents registered with Arab national institutions is minimal and Arab scientists and researchers account for 1.1% of global scientific publishing.

"Things are really bad," Dr Ghassan Khateeb, Vice President of Community Affairs at Birzeit University in the Palestinian Territories, told The Media Line. "There is a direct relation between the lack of investment and the problematic situation we find ourselves in relation to knowledge."

"This is all related to politics," he continued. "The lack of democracy and lack of knowledge reinforce each other: the lack of education contributes to the lack of democracy and the fact that rulers can remain rulers without the will of the people. In turn, the fact that there is no proper democracy in the Arab world means that there is less incentive among rulers to really invest in knowledge of the kinds of things that have a positive impact on the public which would elect them."

"When there are vicious circles you have to work on both education and democratization together," he said.

The report was also critical of the quality of university education, citing a lack of emphasis on modern communication technologies and specialized sciences. "As a result," the UNDP wrote in a statement, "the region lacks a critical mass of highly skilled professionals equipped with the ability to innovate and capable of answering the needs of the marketplace."
UN: Arab World Rife with Illiteracy & Lacks Innovation | Menassat
Again, you claimed: "they've lived in shithole dumps for the past 70 years with no hope for a better future any time soon."

Which clearly fails to address the fact that people in Bahrain, Dubai and Kuwait enjoy an exceptional standard of living, and also that in countries like Turkey, Malaysia and Beirut we see people enjoying great lives and having a high standard of living.

I was referring to the pal arabs living in camps all over the mideast, fucking retarded idiot.
Rhodes -

Which camps have you been to?

Please be specific in your answer, because when yo say "all over the mideast" I am not sure what you mean.
An ocean of oil goes a long way in providing an exceptional standard of living and Beirut is no longer the paradise it once was. Neither Turkey nor Malaysia is Arab and the statndard of living for the vast majority of Mideast Arabs is, by their own admission, way below exceptional. I thought you said you know the region.

Oil has playeed an enormous part in generating wealth of course - but it has also been well handled in many ME countries.

Nigeria has earned €32 billion in oil revenues since independence, but has a GDP per capita less than 1/10th of Bahrain, for instance.

Beirut is still wonderful - when were you last there?

I think both Turkey and Malaysia belong in this debate to - we're lagely discussing Islam, rather than ethnic Arabs.
An ocean of oil goes a long way in providing an exceptional standard of living and Beirut is no longer the paradise it once was. Neither Turkey nor Malaysia is Arab and the statndard of living for the vast majority of Mideast Arabs is, by their own admission, way below exceptional. I thought you said you know the region.

Oil has playeed an enormous part in generating wealth of course - but it has also been well handled in many ME countries.

Nigeria has earned €32 billion in oil revenues since independence, but has a GDP per capita less than 1/10th of Bahrain, for instance.

Beirut is still wonderful - when were you last there?

I think both Turkey and Malaysia belong in this debate to - we're lagely discussing Islam, rather than ethnic Arabs.

Gulf News/Bahrain: Widespread Poverty Throughout Arab World
Two in five Arabs live in poverty as a widespread lack of basic elements of human security, such as access to clean water, freedom from hunger, democracy and a robust rule of law, is denying citizens of Arab countries the ability to fulfil their potential, a UN-sponsored report has said.

"One in five people in the Arab region lives below the internationally recognised poverty threshold of $2 a day as poverty and hunger persist in the Arab region despite its comparative affluence. However, a significantly larger proportion of Arabs in countries studied by the report, however, lives under nationally determined poverty lines and still cannot afford bare necessities," said the Arab Human Development Report 2009: Challenges to Human Security in the Arab Countries.

"Large segments of the population in low-income countries face basic deprivation, reflected in inadequate access to safe water and a high incidence of underweight children, with the number of undernourished people in the region rising from almost 20 million in 1990-1992 to 25.5 million in 2002-2004."

The report, which draws on contributions from more than 100 Arab scholars, said that human security, a pre-requisite for human development, was being undermined by unjust political, social, and economic systems, a scramble for power and resources among fragmented social groups and, in some cases and the impact of external military intrusion.

The ability of more than 330 million people in the Arab world to make progress in human development, lead stable lives and fulfil their potential can be achieved only if the sources of insecurity, environmental degradation, discrimination, unemployment, poverty, and hunger are addressed, the report said.

The report released in Manama on Tuesday identified a series of measures to improve human security that include guarantees on universal basic rights and freedoms, especially for women, better protection for the environment, the tackling of poverty and hunger, the expansion of access to affordable health services and ending occupation and military interventions that have caused human suffering and erase decades of economic development.

"The rights of women can be safeguarded by changing laws and attitudes that entrench gender-based discrimination.
gulfnews : Poverty rife in Arab world: UN report
As the Aboriginal population is only 4 % of the AUSTRALIAN population it would be a little hard methinks.

It was their country first, fucking moron **** idiot asshole - now ignored. This turd sounds like shogun....hmmmm.....

I'll over look the EXPLETIVES YOU MORON.....so by your warped anal ogy the US should be returned to the native Americans,Israel to the Palestinians,Jamacia and West Indies to the Arawak Indians...........................It was their country first......what a complete Idiotic Ct you are...for all to see.

Keep Wanking:lol::lol::eusa_shhh:You may one day get an ERECTION but I doubt it
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As the Aboriginal population is only 4 % of the AUSTRALIAN population it would be a little hard methinks.

It was their country first, fucking moron **** idiot asshole - now ignored. This turd sounds like shogun....hmmmm.....

Actually, when Australia was formed, there were no humans, just plants and animals. So everyone in Oz, none of you belong there, so everyone please go jump in the ocean, NOW! :D

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