Let There Be Peace Already

Besides, the majority of palistanians in Lebanon ran there from Jordan.

I am not sure if the majority did - you are going back to events which took place in 1970, and many Palestinians in Lebanon were not born in 1970.

I suspect the single largest grouping of Palestinians in Lebanon are Lebanon-born Palestinians. Given the Lebanese tend not to accept them as being Lebanese, I can understand why they consider themselves Palestinians.
Rhodes -

I think it is important to note the difference between refugees with asylum seekers.

The latter is fantastically hard to determine, but refugees not so much so, I'd have thought.

I wonder if you would be quite so dismissive of the claims of Palestinians rights to refugee status if they were white - it is very difficult for people to remove their own sense of hatred from the situation and be objective.

In the aftermath of WW II, 150 million refugees were repatriated including 12 million ethnic Germans. 1 million Jewish refugees expelled from their Arab countries repatriated to Israel.

It's long overdue for the Arab countries who initiated the '48 War to repatriate their own people
Rhodes - I think it is important to note the difference between refugees with asylum seekers.

Asylum? From who, their own repressive governments, in Egypt, Syria and Gaza? Then the whole arab world would be eligible for asylum status, which no one would accept. The arabs needs to start fixing their own countries, and stop relying upon others for aid - or blaiming the West, Israel or some other boogeymen for their own failings.

Read the UN reports jstone has linked to here - written by and for arabs, they pretty much explain what the failings are in the arab muslim world - and it is not the fault of anyone but themselves.

I wonder if you would be quite so dismissive of the claims of Palestinians rights to refugee status if they were white - it is very difficult for people to remove their own sense of hatred from the situation and be objective.

All BS aside, this statement is why people are dismissive of YOU. WTF are you, who knows absolutely nothing about me, my race, ethnicity, background, etc., and claim that <I> am prejudicial against a group of people based upon their skin color? WTF is that? And how would you react if you found out that I was not white?

FYI, I am VERY objective, as I know the region well having lived throughout the ME for probably longer than most of these posters have been alive. You are falling into the trap of trying to attack someone personally when you disagree with their assessment or made a factual error - don't.
Rhodes -

Syrians may well be claiming asylum from their own govermnent, absolutely. Palestinians in Gaza likewise could be claiming asylum from Hamas, no?

But SOME Palestinians also have a claim for asylum from Israel, I would think. Certainly I can understand some people their lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the wall, by collective punishment and detention without trial. We know for a fact these things happen.

I agree many Arab states blame Israel and the US for their own failings - but this does not mean that occasionally they are right to blame Israel, in particular.

As for your second point - given much of your positng seems to amoint to abuse, ridicule and name-calling, I hadn't imagine you'd be terribly sensitive in return. I can only assume this sentence:

You are falling into the trap of trying to attack someone personally when you disagree with their assessment or made a factual error - don't.

is a Stone-eque piece of self-irony.

You don't seem terribly objective to me - you seem wildly anti-Palestinian.

btw. I am delighted to hear you have lived in the region - it puts you a few steps up on the like of Stone and Co.!!
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You don't seem terribly objective to me - you seem wildly anti-Palestinian.

What's a palestinian?

Arab American Journalist Joseph Farah: The Myth Of Palestine And Palestinians
The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 A.D. when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a Goliathian people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power.

Palestine has never existed — before or since — as an autonomous entity. It was ruled alternately by Rome, by Islamic and Christian crusaders, by the Ottoman Empire and, briefly, by the British after World War I. The British agreed to restore at least part of the land to the Jewish people as their homeland.

There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.

But that’s too much for the Arabs. They want it all. And that is ultimately what the fighting in Israel is about today. Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough.

I know what you’re going to say: “Farah, the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem represent Islam’s third most holy sites.”

Not true. In fact, the Quran says nothing about Jerusalem. It mentions Mecca hundreds of times. It mentions Medina countless times. It never mentions Jerusalem. With good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Muhammad ever visited Jerusalem.

So how did Jerusalem become the third holiest site of Islam? Muslims today cite a vague passage in the Quran, the 17th Sura, entitled “The Night Journey.” It relates that in a dream or a vision Muhammad was carried by night “from the sacred temple to the temple that is most remote, whose precinct we have blessed, that we might show him our signs. …” In the seventh century, some Muslims identified the two temples mentioned in this verse as being in Mecca and Jerusalem. And that’s as close as Islam’s connection with Jerusalem gets — myth, fantasy, wishful thinking. Meanwhile, Jews can trace their roots in Jerusalem back to the days of Abraham.
Myths of the Middle East
Rhodes -

Syrians may well be claiming asylum from their own govermnent, absolutely. Palestinians in Gaza likewise could be claiming asylum from Hamas, no?

But SOME Palestinians also have a claim for asylum from Israel, I would think. Certainly I can understand some people their lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the wall, by collective punishment and detention without trial. We know for a fact these things happen.

I agree many Arab states blame Israel and the US for their own failings - but this does not mean that occasionally they are right to blame Israel, in particular.

As for your second point - given much of your positng seems to amoint to abuse, ridicule and name-calling, I hadn't imagine you'd be terribly sensitive in return. I can only assume this sentence:

You are falling into the trap of trying to attack someone personally when you disagree with their assessment or made a factual error - don't.

is a Stone-eque piece of self-irony.

You don't seem terribly objective to me - you seem wildly anti-Palestinian.

btw. I am delighted to hear you have lived in the region - it puts you a few steps up on the like of Stone and Co.!!
Ol' Hoss is the anti-Palestinian here. You can dump all your diatribe on me.
Rhodes -

Syrians may well be claiming asylum from their own govermnent, absolutely. Palestinians in Gaza likewise could be claiming asylum from Hamas, no?

But SOME Palestinians also have a claim for asylum from Israel, I would think. Certainly I can understand some people their lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the wall, by collective punishment and detention without trial. We know for a fact these things happen.

I agree many Arab states blame Israel and the US for their own failings - but this does not mean that occasionally they are right to blame Israel, in particular.

As for your second point - given much of your positng seems to amoint to abuse, ridicule and name-calling, I hadn't imagine you'd be terribly sensitive in return. I can only assume this sentence:

You are falling into the trap of trying to attack someone personally when you disagree with their assessment or made a factual error - don't.

is a Stone-eque piece of self-irony.

You don't seem terribly objective to me - you seem wildly anti-Palestinian.

btw. I am delighted to hear you have lived in the region - it puts you a few steps up on the like of Stone and Co.!!
Ol' Hoss is the anti-Palestinian here. You can dump all your diatribe on me.

Saigon is uneducated and unaware that Jews were called palestinians during the British Mandate. He's not to be taken seriously.
We all know that. But he sure is entertaining.

Rhodes -

Syrians may well be claiming asylum from their own govermnent, absolutely. Palestinians in Gaza likewise could be claiming asylum from Hamas, no?

But SOME Palestinians also have a claim for asylum from Israel, I would think. Certainly I can understand some people their lives and livelihoods have been ruined by the wall, by collective punishment and detention without trial. We know for a fact these things happen.

I agree many Arab states blame Israel and the US for their own failings - but this does not mean that occasionally they are right to blame Israel, in particular.

As for your second point - given much of your positng seems to amoint to abuse, ridicule and name-calling, I hadn't imagine you'd be terribly sensitive in return. I can only assume this sentence:

is a Stone-eque piece of self-irony.

You don't seem terribly objective to me - you seem wildly anti-Palestinian.

btw. I am delighted to hear you have lived in the region - it puts you a few steps up on the like of Stone and Co.!!
Ol' Hoss is the anti-Palestinian here. You can dump all your diatribe on me.

Saigon is uneducated and unaware that Jews were called palestinians during the British Mandate. He's not to be taken seriously.
If the Arabs had accepted the 1947 UN resolution, not a single Palestinian would have been a refugee. Truly what the Arab countries did to their Palestinians is hard to ever forgive.

The Palestine Refugee Problem

Well M they the Palestinians were put between a Rock and a Hard place,but I agree with you in as much that the Palestinians have NOTHING TO THANK ANY ARABIC NEIGHBOUR FOR and in the end it will be the will of the Palis and Israelis to reach a settlement,finally.
Palestinians are Arabs from Arab countries. What is stopping them from returning?

About 3,000 years of permanant inhabitaed in Palestine.

In other words, about 2,000 years more than that which stops half of Central America moving to Spain.

Why don't all Indonesians move back to Thailand?

Why don't all white South Africans move bck to Holland?

Wy don't all Hunagrians move back to Russia?
Palestinians are Arabs from Arab countries. What is stopping them from returning?

About 3,000 years of permanant inhabitaed in Palestine.

In other words, about 2,000 years more than that which stops half of Central America moving to Spain.

Why don't all Indonesians move back to Thailand?

Why don't all white South Africans move bck to Holland?

Wy don't all Hunagrians move back to Russia?

What's palestine? The land was Israel 3000 years ago, named by the Jews. palestine was a European invention to call Israel much later

I see why people here mock you for your lack of knowledge
Twezeerman -

Do you believe that Italy and Germany are legitimate states?

Which concept of the three (Italy, Germany, Palestine) if the oldest?

Honestly, dude, this is such an obvious point. If there was no Germany and no Italy 200 years ago, how can you complain about there not being a Palestine as if this was some important information?

The history of the occupation of land is not tied to the existance of nation states!
Twezeerman -

Do you believe that Italy and Germany are legitimate states?

Which concept of the three (Italy, Germany, Palestine) if the oldest?

Honestly, dude, this is such an obvious point. If there was no Germany and no Italy 200 years ago, how can you complain about there not being a Palestine as if this was some important information?

The history of the occupation of land is not tied to the existance of nation states!

You're deflecting and rather pitifully because you were caught unknowledgeable.

After the Israelites emerged from Canaanite society, they established Israel, not palestine. Jesus was the King of Israel in the Bible.

Israel appears thousands of times in the Bible. But, there's no palestine because it was invented much later by the Romans and the British

You really are uneducated.
Not only did the surrounding Arab countries leave tens of thousands of Palestinians as refugees & dump millions of others on Israel after the 67 war but now they won't even grant them a right of return back to their homelands. And to make matters even worse for the Palestinians, Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & concedes land to them so they can stay in Israel.

If the Arabs had accepted the 1947 UN resolution, not a single Palestinian would have been a refugee. Truly what the Arab countries did to their Palestinians is hard to ever forgive.

The Palestine Refugee Problem

Well M they the Palestinians were put between a Rock and a Hard place,but I agree with you in as much that the Palestinians have NOTHING TO THANK ANY ARABIC NEIGHBOUR FOR and in the end it will be the will of the Palis and Israelis to reach a settlement,finally.
Tweezerman -

Please try and stay on topic. Please address the point raised, and post honestly.

YOU raise the issue of the legitimacy of a Palestinian entity - let's discuss that, that alone, no?
Not only did the surrounding Arab countries leave tens of thousands of Palestinians as refugees & dump millions of others on Israel after the 67 war but now they won't even grant them a right of return back to their homelands. And to make matters even worse for the Palestinians, Israel makes peace offerings to them, builds a security fence & concedes land to them so they can stay in Israel.

What on earth are you talking about?

With all due rspect, MJB, this is just gibberish.

You think Israel is building the security fence "so that they can stay" in Israel?
Tweezerman -

Please try and stay on topic. Please address the point raised, and post honestly.

YOU raise the issue of the legitimacy of a Palestinian entity - let's discuss that, that alone, no?

You seem to have a problem staying on topic because you're so uneducated.

I only see Israel in the Bible, no "palestinian entity" Jesus was King of Israel, not of any "palestinian entity"

You really need to act smart even though you are not and refer to the land by its correct name, Israel.

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