Let's acknowledge the indisputable sad truth on this Independence Day

In that aspect I get why conservatives are happy with his performance
Exactly. As I said, I was dead-set against him. But I care about what he does - and so far - I've been extremely pleasantly surprised. I thought he would consolidate all power to the oval office much like Obama did. But in fact, so far, he has done the exact opposite.
Yes, I know how it works. You were the one crying because our rights have extended beyond what was recognized in 1787
Wait...your position is that our rights have "extended"? :uhh:

Which one's exactly? The right to be forced to be a part of Obamacare? The right to be forced to fund the Department of Energy - something the constitution does NOT grant the federal government powers over? The right to be spied on by the NSA? :dunno:

If you aren't aware of rights we have now as opposed to the recognized rights we had at the signing of the constitution, you are pretty dumb. Women's vote, the end to slavery, social security, the end of child labor are a few. See if you can think of a few more.
While 3x's as many have been revoked. My right to carry a firearm at any time, anywhere. My right to not be forced to purchase a product or service. My right to privacy (as I type, the NSA is seeing ALL of this). The list goes on and on.

There is no denying that citizens in 1776 had a thousand times the freedoms that we have now. Yes, blacks were enslaved. Yes, women couldn't vote. And stuff like that was huge. But, correcting those injustices while creating thousands more is nothing to brag about.
I don't want a fool representing me and my country.
Sure you do...you voted for Barack Insane Obama. He was a life-long community organizer who snorted coke in college and waxed about the wonders of marxism.

Don't you have a fitting for a new tinfoil hat to goto, or a seminar on 9/11 being an inside job?
Are you typing that from your progressive indoctrination seminar? You are quite the good little fascist soldier...
In that aspect I get why conservatives are happy with his performance
Exactly. As I said, I was dead-set against him. But I care about what he does - and so far - I've been extremely pleasantly surprised. I thought he would consolidate all power to the oval office much like Obama did. But in fact, so far, he has done the exact opposite.
Give him some time... he has shown a quick pen for the Executive orders and hasn't been able to pass any major legislation through congress... if this continues I wouldn't be surprised if writes off congress and tries to do it all himself. I have no doubt that if healthcare fails to pass or passes and fails in the market he will be pointing the finger at congress and then it's over. It will be he vs them
Yes, I know how it works. You were the one crying because our rights have extended beyond what was recognized in 1787
Wait...your position is that our rights have "extended"? :uhh:

Which one's exactly? The right to be forced to be a part of Obamacare? The right to be forced to fund the Department of Energy - something the constitution does NOT grant the federal government powers over? The right to be spied on by the NSA? :dunno:

If you aren't aware of rights we have now as opposed to the recognized rights we had at the signing of the constitution, you are pretty dumb. Women's vote, the end to slavery, social security, the end of child labor are a few. See if you can think of a few more.
While 3x's as many have been revoked. My right to carry a firearm at any time, anywhere. My right to not be forced to purchase a product or service. My right to privacy (as I type, the NSA is seeing ALL of this). The list goes on and on.

There is no denying that citizens in 1776 had a thousand times the freedoms that we have now. Yes, blacks were enslaved. Yes, women couldn't vote. And stuff like that was huge. But, correcting those injustices while creating thousands more is nothing to brag about.

You're really off the deep end.
Give him some time... he has shown a quick pen for the Executive orders and hasn't been able to pass any major legislation through congress...
Well, let me preface this by saying that it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he turns into a Barack Insane Obama and attempts to govern through executive fiat. After all, that was my expectations for him going into this thing.

But that being said, so far he has done an incredible job of being a constitutional president. All of his Executive Orders have been 100% constitutional (and don't forget that like 90% of them or so we're simply rolling back Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders).

As far as passing legislation - that's not his job. I think you got too used to the Obama Regime. Congress passes legislation. The President is the executive branch. He should focus on his roles and responsibilities and not worry about legislation.
The Declaration of Independence was read on NPR and the Trump swine went bazerk thinking it was a call for revolution by the left.
Yeah you're patriots. Ha!
Give him some time... he has shown a quick pen for the Executive orders and hasn't been able to pass any major legislation through congress...
Well, let me preface this by saying that it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he turns into a Barack Insane Obama and attempts to govern through executive fiat. After all, that was my expectations for him going into this thing.

But that being said, so far he has done an incredible job of being a constitutional president. All of his Executive Orders have been 100% constitutional (and don't forget that like 90% of them or so we're simply rolling back Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders).

As far as passing legislation - that's not his job. I think you got too used to the Obama Regime. Congress passes legislation. The President is the executive branch. He should focus on his roles and responsibilities and not worry about legislation.
I gotta disagree with the last part of your statement. He is the president the leader of the executive branch, and he campaigned on a handful of policies that do require legislation to pass. He also campaigned on being a unifier. So it is his responsibility to work with Congress to pass legislation that aligns with what he campaigned on and is best for the American people.
In that aspect I get why conservatives are happy with his performance
Exactly. As I said, I was dead-set against him. But I care about what he does - and so far - I've been extremely pleasantly surprised. I thought he would consolidate all power to the oval office much like Obama did. But in fact, so far, he has done the exact opposite.
Give him some time... he has shown a quick pen for the Executive orders and hasn't been able to pass any major legislation through congress... if this continues I wouldn't be surprised if writes off congress and tries to do it all himself. I have no doubt that if healthcare fails to pass or passes and fails in the market he will be pointing the finger at congress and then it's over. It will be he vs them
I'm not sure it ends up that way. It's possible but it's also possible congress sees how his policies are actually popular and start getting votes lined up. There will always be a few that just vote no out of spite but 2018 is going to be pretty big for both parties. Doing nothing to help fix things will look bad on both parties.
What does it say that about how radicalized and unhinged the left side of the political spectrum has become that they now consider those of us who believe in liberty, a small, limited government, and the rule of law just like these revered men, to be "extremists"?

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True constitutional conservatives (the Tea Party, the Constitution Party, etc.) simply want the U.S. Constitution upheld. Nothing less. Nothing more.

The founding fathers were all over the board. Hamilton was a monarchist, basically the modern democrats.
Not everything that is considered law has to come from congress.
Uh....yes it does. That is just a fact.
What of state and county laws? Last time I checked Congress didn't outlaw fast food and billboards in the city of Carmel... And they didn't legalize pot in Colorado.

The legislatures of those areas did, none of them can legally have a king or Earl to rule - despite Premier Brown in the fascist state of California.
You're really off the deep end.
You really don't like the truth. Typical for your side of the aisle.

Love the truth. Enjoy laughing at the crap you post.

Yes, you fascists have lots of room to laugh...

it all comes down to what you do for YOURSELF and any one of you who believes in country first....I'm calling you out for what you are...a LIAR. Do you think I worked my whole life so my country does better? I can say I don't really even think about it. I can still run 5 miles no problem and lift weights. But defend this country? meh I have to comb my hair....lol.
You're really off the deep end.
You really don't like the truth. Typical for your side of the aisle.

Love the truth. Enjoy laughing at the crap you post.

Yes, you fascists have lots of room to laugh...


Yes. You RWNJs are quite entertaining.

I don't care how much buffing is done, that wit of you're will always be dull beyond compare...

You're really off the deep end.
You really don't like the truth. Typical for your side of the aisle.

Love the truth. Enjoy laughing at the crap you post.

Yes, you fascists have lots of room to laugh...


Yes. You RWNJs are quite entertaining.

I don't care how much buffing is done, that wit of you're will always be dull beyond compare...



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