Let's acknowledge the indisputable sad truth on this Independence Day

I've had plenty of battles with you Missouri_Mike and P@triot but nice to see we have the ability to have a civil discussion every once in a while. I'm sure we will be back to throwing blows and insults tomorrow but for tonight, I enjoyed the discussion.
Nah...I can have many reasonable discussions with you. You're not one of the hard core ideologues. You may have left-wing views but you're also calm and reasonable (most of the time anyway!).
I'm not a big fan of Trump, mostly because I can't stand his ego and temperament in the office of POTUS... but one good thing that may come from his presidency is just what your asking for, a purge of government. I think we are in need of that in many areas and though I may disagree with many of his cuts and decisions, we always have the ability to reinstate measures in the future if problems exist. It's going to be a very interesting next 4 years
I was the biggest "Never Trump" advocate during the primaries for the same reason - his ginormous ego scared the hell out of me. The last thing I wanted to do was to hand the power of the Oval Office to a megalomaniac.

But I have to say, he has shocked the hell out of me. Instead of being drunk with power, the Oval Office has actually humbled him (to some degree anyway). You guys on the left allow his Tweets to get to you. But if you ignore them and look at his actions, they have been George Washington-like. He has respected the U.S. Constitution and returned power to the states (the last thing I expected from a megalomaniac).
I'm not a big fan of Trump, mostly because I can't stand his ego and temperament in the office of POTUS... but one good thing that may come from his presidency is just what your asking for, a purge of government. I think we are in need of that in many areas and though I may disagree with many of his cuts and decisions, we always have the ability to reinstate measures in the future if problems exist. It's going to be a very interesting next 4 years
I was the biggest "Never Trump" advocate during the primaries for the same reason - his ginormous ego scared the hell out of me. The last thing I wanted to do was to hand the power of the Oval Office to a megalomaniac.

But I have to say, he has shocked the hell out of me. Instead of being drunk with power, the Oval Office has actually humbled him (to some degree anyway). You guys on the left allow his Tweets to get to you. But if you ignore them and look at his actions, they have been George Washington-like. He has respected the U.S. Constitution and returned power to the states (the last thing I expected from a megalomaniac).
I'm trying to see it that way but I'm not there yet. The tweets make me laugh, but that's kind of the problem, I can't take him seriously. He is that wildly inappropriate and offensive manbaby from the apprentice... I mean our President. Haha
I'm trying to see it that way but I'm not there yet. The tweets make me laugh, but that's kind of the problem, I can't take him seriously. He is that wildly inappropriate and offensive manbaby from the apprentice... I mean our President. Haha
Just out of curiosity - why are you even viewing them? I'm a devout constitutional conservative and I can honestly say I've never seen a single Trump tweet unless the news shows it or someone on this board posts it. I don't even "follow" him (nor did I "follow" Obama), why are all of you?
Yes, I know how it works. You were the one crying because our rights have extended beyond what was recognized in 1787
Wait...your position is that our rights have "extended"? :uhh:

Which one's exactly? The right to be forced to be a part of Obamacare? The right to be forced to fund the Department of Energy - something the constitution does NOT grant the federal government powers over? The right to be spied on by the NSA? :dunno:

If you aren't aware of rights we have now as opposed to the recognized rights we had at the signing of the constitution, you are pretty dumb. Women's vote, the end to slavery, social security, the end of child labor are a few. See if you can think of a few more.
Liberals want a totalitarian state wherein the masses are virtual slaves to the system and an elite oligarchy rules them.

Sad, but I think you really believe that crazy crap. You need a mental health intervention.
You actively support the Hate spewed by the left daily. You defend it and support it. You are a piece of Human garbage. As are all the lefties that support this.

And you are a whiny lying bitch. I have more proof for my claim than you have for yours.
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
You do make a great point there Slade3200. Electing Donald Trump was a giant "fuck you" to government and the establishment.

But that being said - if you ever watch "Waters World" on Fox, you'd be hard pressed to deny that the citizenry is astoundingly ignorant and uninterested in controlling government. Literally 9 out of every 10 people he asks cannot tell you who fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. And don't even think about asking them questions regarding the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.
Waters world and other "street interviews" are made for entertainment. The people are selected and edited in a way to make them look stupid. There is a reason why the "Real Housewives" and Kardashians are so popular. "We" like to watch stupid people be stupid. The majority of the people that I associate with are capable of having very intelligent conversations. People of every type of political ideology, ethnicity and religion. I know a few nutty characters and a few airheads, but for the most part people, and our nation, are doing just fine.
Then do your own.

It is not the street interviewers that have convinced me of the massive number of voters utterly ignoring the government but thinking they know enough to cast an informed vote. It is my daily interactions with people all over the nation. The vast majority of them do not have a single clue as to what is going on. I polled the people I worked with once to see if they could name the three branches of government. All of them very intelligent people but almost half could not do so.

The man on the street interviews are not of airheads or idiots - they are willfully ignorant of a system that has worked so well that they have not had to pay attention for decades.
Knowing what day the Revolutionary war ended isn't that important. I'm sure many people don't know much about our founders or the constitution or all our laws or how our government works. Maybe a shoemaker just knows how to make shoes, and the farmer only knows how to tend his crops, and the mechanic knows how to rebuild a carburetor with his eyes closed. Thats just fine. Everybody doesn't have to know everything. This is why we are a Republic and thats why we have an electoral college and elected representatives who's skill and job is to know civics and history and the law and represent the will of the people who voted for them.

The scary thing is, I don't know if our current president knows any more than those people on Waters World.
Knowing when the revolutionary war ended has literally nothing in common with knowing what THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE.

And yes, having even a basic understanding if the government and a politicians platform is vital to casting an informed vote. IOW, that knowledge is to voting as knowing how to tend crops is to farming.
Thats a pretty sad perspective that you have and while much of what you say exists it is only a small part of a much bigger picture.
Sad perspective... I wish! No, its the sad reality!

Nothing is small, the bigger picture was and is ignored!
Our country has been evolving since its inception... We are constantly fixing things and dealing with new problems.
People's ideology has been evolving
We aren't nor haven't fixed shit....
we're dealing with the problems from appeasing others
and failing to hold people accountable in government
We created slaves and the eradicated them. We didn't give women equal rights and then we fix that...
We didn't create slaves nor slavery....
people have been forced into slavery for thousands of years
and slavery continues to this day!

Women and equal rights my ass! Fixed what?
Screwing up traditional roles of a man and a woman
We have just recently accepted the rights of LGBT individuals and are starting to treat them like humans...
Don't get me started!
And during all this time we have put a man on the moon, built the most powerful army in the world, stood as a pillar for opportunity and fairness, created the largest technological advancement in human history with the computer, internet, medical advancements... we provide aid to those who suffer around the world... I can go on all day...
We put a man on the moon but, we depleted our forests,
poisoned our seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, soil and land,
disrupting untold ecosystems and cry about climate change.

We built the most powerful army in the world,
yet, violence plagues our inner cities

Stood as a pillar for opportunity and fairness??
What color is the sky on your planet?

Created the largest technological advancement
in human history with the computer, internet, medical advancements...

Yet, we can't seem to protect it from hackers,
it's used to pry on the people using it,
and has contributed to laziness and vulnerability

Medical advancements...
surgically changing a persons gender
and a pop a pill for every ill generation,
yet, they still can't find a cure for cancer
You have to be able to recognize and appreciate these amazing accomplishments that our nation has achieved and the hard work that millions of people do every day to further the greatness of our country.
People need to recognize what is destroying our country
by continuing to allow perversions, unaccountability
and concessions and start seeing the bigger picture!
I'm trying to see it that way but I'm not there yet. The tweets make me laugh, but that's kind of the problem, I can't take him seriously. He is that wildly inappropriate and offensive manbaby from the apprentice... I mean our President. Haha
Just out of curiosity - why are you even viewing them? I'm a devout constitutional conservative and I can honestly say I've never seen a single Trump tweet unless the news shows it or someone on this board posts it. I don't even "follow" him (nor did I "follow" Obama), why are all of you?
Honestly, it's just garbage entertainment. A political version of a reality show. I don't get distraught about them and would suggest that people who do just ignore them. Like I said, I laugh at them, they are comical, but they do not make him sound presidential at all... they leave the impression of "what an idiot". I just think that Trumps tactics are so transparent, it baffles me that so many people fall for the BS.

I do understand people in your position though. Smart of you to ignore the personality stuff and focus on the policy stuff. In that aspect I get why conservatives are happy with his performance
Your think people have lost all desire to properly control government? Donald Trump just got elected president, I can't think of a bigger fuck you to government than that. I will say that we have done a pretty piss poor job with our elected leaders
You do make a great point there Slade3200. Electing Donald Trump was a giant "fuck you" to government and the establishment.

But that being said - if you ever watch "Waters World" on Fox, you'd be hard pressed to deny that the citizenry is astoundingly ignorant and uninterested in controlling government. Literally 9 out of every 10 people he asks cannot tell you who fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. And don't even think about asking them questions regarding the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.
Waters world and other "street interviews" are made for entertainment. The people are selected and edited in a way to make them look stupid. There is a reason why the "Real Housewives" and Kardashians are so popular. "We" like to watch stupid people be stupid. The majority of the people that I associate with are capable of having very intelligent conversations. People of every type of political ideology, ethnicity and religion. I know a few nutty characters and a few airheads, but for the most part people, and our nation, are doing just fine.
Then do your own.

It is not the street interviewers that have convinced me of the massive number of voters utterly ignoring the government but thinking they know enough to cast an informed vote. It is my daily interactions with people all over the nation. The vast majority of them do not have a single clue as to what is going on. I polled the people I worked with once to see if they could name the three branches of government. All of them very intelligent people but almost half could not do so.

The man on the street interviews are not of airheads or idiots - they are willfully ignorant of a system that has worked so well that they have not had to pay attention for decades.
Knowing what day the Revolutionary war ended isn't that important. I'm sure many people don't know much about our founders or the constitution or all our laws or how our government works. Maybe a shoemaker just knows how to make shoes, and the farmer only knows how to tend his crops, and the mechanic knows how to rebuild a carburetor with his eyes closed. Thats just fine. Everybody doesn't have to know everything. This is why we are a Republic and thats why we have an electoral college and elected representatives who's skill and job is to know civics and history and the law and represent the will of the people who voted for them.

The scary thing is, I don't know if our current president knows any more than those people on Waters World.
Knowing when the revolutionary war ended has literally nothing in common with knowing what THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE.

And yes, having even a basic understanding if the government and a politicians platform is vital to casting an informed vote. IOW, that knowledge is to voting as knowing how to tend crops is to farming.
I agree and I think we need to do a much better job in all areas of campaigning and communicating platforms/proposed bills to the public. There is way to much misinformation being spread and it is extremely difficult for people to access honest explainations on details for proposed policies
What personal freedoms does the left support? They sure don't support getting your own insurance from the free market. They don't support personal freedom in not participating in a gay marriage. They don't support going into the work force and making what you're worth without a minimum wage that prices you out of the job market.

Standing up for the poor and the middle class is fine. Demanding someone else pay for them other than you is not.

How are businesses abusing people? You're worth what you're worth. A government mandated wage doesn't make your skills improve to that level. It keeps you out of the work force.

Do the poor and middle class not live here? Why should all of the money required to run this nation rich, poor and middle class all enjoy be put on one group of earners? That doesn't make sense.
Well they do support the right for a gay couple to get married and have the same rights and a heterosexual couple. They support the rights of consumers to be informed by those who handle their food, medicine, money and investments by creating regulations and disclosures... They do what they can to help minorities, women, and immigrants who are statistically underpaid... they support opportunity for our children through education and after school programs... They support our right to breath clean air and drink clean water by trying to keep big companies from dumping poison... Do I need to keep going?

You make fine points, I'm not saying that everything the left does is correct. They go overboard with many things. I wish Liberals and Conservatives could respect each other and see the value that each brings to the table instead of painting the other side as evil. The more people who can see things this way the better off we all would be

These regulations come from the left though. That's my problem. I could respect a left winger that wasn't just coming up with goofy things they want the government to regulate.

Gay people can be married, it's not a real marriage but for government paperwork I suppose we can call it that. They don't get the right to sue someone for not baking them a cake. Hetero couples can't do that if a cake maker won't cooperate with them. They go somewhere else. Gays need to do the same.

Sure you have a right to be informed. Isn't that something a food provider, medicine provider or investment company want to do to keep you as a customer? Is the government really necessary to tell you not to eat 20 cheeseburgers a day from McDonalds? Is a label on a toaster telling you not to use it in the bathtub really necessary?

The level of these regulations is just ridiculous. There's no way a small government should even be involved in 98% of the laws we now have. I may be able to deal with a lefty, if they aren't wanting every detail of our lives regulated or dictated.
I like to think of myself as a moderate but I get called a lefty every day on this board and I'm all for regulation reform and welfare reform. I think many on the left would be too if it makes sense. I think most people like freedom. But most regulations were put in place because there were abuses that caused harm. Sure cut the fat and get rid of any unnecessary regulations but also recognize the value of the good ones that protect us
I've called you that. But nice to see we may be getting somewhere.

We can't just keep passing new laws. There are so many laws out there now nobody isn't a criminal. I think the best thing we can do is actually take two years and vote out old laws. No new laws can be passed until we get the old ones down to a reasonable level. Its crazy. God give us ten laws. The US government in all their wisdom has given us a few hundred thousand. Amazingly all variations of the original ten. But with more power behind them.
I'm not a big fan of Trump, mostly because I can't stand his ego and temperament in the office of POTUS... but one good thing that may come from his presidency is just what your asking for, a purge of government. I think we are in need of that in many areas and though I may disagree with many of his cuts and decisions, we always have the ability to reinstate measures in the future if problems exist. It's going to be a very interesting next 4 years
I don't really get worked up over his tweets or calling out the media. We knew that was coming when we voted. I do like his policy moves though. I just wish the rest of the repubs would do what they ran on doing and get more of these reforms done.

I was a Cruz supporter during the primaries but am pretty happy with Trump.
What does it say that about how radicalized and unhinged the left side of the political spectrum has become that they now consider those of us who believe in liberty, a small, limited government, and the rule of law just like these revered men, to be "extremists"?

View attachment 136900

True constitutional conservatives (the Tea Party, the Constitution Party, etc.) simply want the U.S. Constitution upheld. Nothing less. Nothing more.
Is that why #RussianWrs got all bent out of shape when NPR did their traditional tweeting of the Dec of Ind?
I'm disappointed with the left.

I totally expected to be getting called a sexist for having the same views that made me a racist that were just my views the day before Obama was sworn in.

but 'extremist' sounds good.

beats "The murder party", which is what the dnc has become
You hypocritical partisans crack me up. You are no better than those who you despise.
so you deny that we were called cons one day then the next we were all racists, and you deny the incredibly high probability that we would have been called sexists.

you also deny that they left has started to murder people on the right.

your level of delusion is astounding.
I keep saying that I don't understand why con-servatives get called racists.
You do make a great point there Slade3200. Electing Donald Trump was a giant "fuck you" to government and the establishment.

But that being said - if you ever watch "Waters World" on Fox, you'd be hard pressed to deny that the citizenry is astoundingly ignorant and uninterested in controlling government. Literally 9 out of every 10 people he asks cannot tell you who fought in the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. And don't even think about asking them questions regarding the Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution.
Waters world and other "street interviews" are made for entertainment. The people are selected and edited in a way to make them look stupid. There is a reason why the "Real Housewives" and Kardashians are so popular. "We" like to watch stupid people be stupid. The majority of the people that I associate with are capable of having very intelligent conversations. People of every type of political ideology, ethnicity and religion. I know a few nutty characters and a few airheads, but for the most part people, and our nation, are doing just fine.
Then do your own.

It is not the street interviewers that have convinced me of the massive number of voters utterly ignoring the government but thinking they know enough to cast an informed vote. It is my daily interactions with people all over the nation. The vast majority of them do not have a single clue as to what is going on. I polled the people I worked with once to see if they could name the three branches of government. All of them very intelligent people but almost half could not do so.

The man on the street interviews are not of airheads or idiots - they are willfully ignorant of a system that has worked so well that they have not had to pay attention for decades.
Knowing what day the Revolutionary war ended isn't that important. I'm sure many people don't know much about our founders or the constitution or all our laws or how our government works. Maybe a shoemaker just knows how to make shoes, and the farmer only knows how to tend his crops, and the mechanic knows how to rebuild a carburetor with his eyes closed. Thats just fine. Everybody doesn't have to know everything. This is why we are a Republic and thats why we have an electoral college and elected representatives who's skill and job is to know civics and history and the law and represent the will of the people who voted for them.

The scary thing is, I don't know if our current president knows any more than those people on Waters World.
Knowing when the revolutionary war ended has literally nothing in common with knowing what THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE.

And yes, having even a basic understanding if the government and a politicians platform is vital to casting an informed vote. IOW, that knowledge is to voting as knowing how to tend crops is to farming.
I agree and I think we need to do a much better job in all areas of campaigning and communicating platforms/proposed bills to the public. There is way to much misinformation being spread and it is extremely difficult for people to access honest explainations on details for proposed policies
In cases like the healthcare bill it's hard to get the real info out. Most people won't read the whole thing but they do hear dems screaming everybody's gonna die. It's ridiculous. Especially since we all know obiecare is a disaster and can't last.
Thats a pretty sad perspective that you have and while much of what you say exists it is only a small part of a much bigger picture.
Sad perspective... I wish! No, its the sad reality!

Nothing is small, the bigger picture was and is ignored!
Our country has been evolving since its inception... We are constantly fixing things and dealing with new problems.
People's ideology has been evolving
We aren't nor haven't fixed shit....
we're dealing with the problems from appeasing others
and failing to hold people accountable in government
We created slaves and the eradicated them. We didn't give women equal rights and then we fix that...
We didn't create slaves nor slavery....
people have been forced into slavery for thousands of years
and slavery continues to this day!

Women and equal rights my ass! Fixed what?
Screwing up traditional roles of a man and a woman
We have just recently accepted the rights of LGBT individuals and are starting to treat them like humans...
Don't get me started!
And during all this time we have put a man on the moon, built the most powerful army in the world, stood as a pillar for opportunity and fairness, created the largest technological advancement in human history with the computer, internet, medical advancements... we provide aid to those who suffer around the world... I can go on all day...
We put a man on the moon but, we depleted our forests,
poisoned our seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, soil and land,
disrupting untold ecosystems and cry about climate change.

We built the most powerful army in the world,
yet, violence plagues our inner cities

Stood as a pillar for opportunity and fairness??
What color is the sky on your planet?

Created the largest technological advancement
in human history with the computer, internet, medical advancements...

Yet, we can't seem to protect it from hackers,
it's used to pry on the people using it,
and has contributed to laziness and vulnerability

Medical advancements...
surgically changing a persons gender
and a pop a pill for every ill generation,
yet, they still can't find a cure for cancer
You have to be able to recognize and appreciate these amazing accomplishments that our nation has achieved and the hard work that millions of people do every day to further the greatness of our country.
People need to recognize what is destroying our country
by continuing to allow perversions, unaccountability
and concessions and start seeing the bigger picture!
Wow, the way your brain works is fascinating. When I read your response I hear you stepping all over yourself. You complain about us poisoning our environment but then complain about climate change advocates... you acknowledge our advancement in technology but then complain about hacking issues... you say we didn't create slavery or fix it yet we brought it to this country then decided to abolish it. You try and make the point that we've made no progress with woman's rights because more are working professionals and not in the kitchen? You acknowledge the power of our army but then bring up inner city violence...

Yes you are talking about real things in SOME of your examples but you seem to be scrambling to focus only on negative elements, some of which have nothing to do with the original point. So yes, it's a very sad perspective that you have... I hope you can open your eyes to the brighter side of the equation every once in a while. It will do wonders for your mental health
Waters world and other "street interviews" are made for entertainment. The people are selected and edited in a way to make them look stupid. There is a reason why the "Real Housewives" and Kardashians are so popular. "We" like to watch stupid people be stupid. The majority of the people that I associate with are capable of having very intelligent conversations. People of every type of political ideology, ethnicity and religion. I know a few nutty characters and a few airheads, but for the most part people, and our nation, are doing just fine.
Then do your own.

It is not the street interviewers that have convinced me of the massive number of voters utterly ignoring the government but thinking they know enough to cast an informed vote. It is my daily interactions with people all over the nation. The vast majority of them do not have a single clue as to what is going on. I polled the people I worked with once to see if they could name the three branches of government. All of them very intelligent people but almost half could not do so.

The man on the street interviews are not of airheads or idiots - they are willfully ignorant of a system that has worked so well that they have not had to pay attention for decades.
Knowing what day the Revolutionary war ended isn't that important. I'm sure many people don't know much about our founders or the constitution or all our laws or how our government works. Maybe a shoemaker just knows how to make shoes, and the farmer only knows how to tend his crops, and the mechanic knows how to rebuild a carburetor with his eyes closed. Thats just fine. Everybody doesn't have to know everything. This is why we are a Republic and thats why we have an electoral college and elected representatives who's skill and job is to know civics and history and the law and represent the will of the people who voted for them.

The scary thing is, I don't know if our current president knows any more than those people on Waters World.
Knowing when the revolutionary war ended has literally nothing in common with knowing what THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE.

And yes, having even a basic understanding if the government and a politicians platform is vital to casting an informed vote. IOW, that knowledge is to voting as knowing how to tend crops is to farming.
I agree and I think we need to do a much better job in all areas of campaigning and communicating platforms/proposed bills to the public. There is way to much misinformation being spread and it is extremely difficult for people to access honest explainations on details for proposed policies
In cases like the healthcare bill it's hard to get the real info out. Most people won't read the whole thing but they do hear dems screaming everybody's gonna die. It's ridiculous. Especially since we all know obiecare is a disaster and can't last.
The healthcare debacle is an ego play over the name ACA. Rs are adimant on erasing it and Dems want to reform it. The exact same bill the Rs are proposing could be an amended ACA as it keeps many of the same elements.

Personally I think it is a horrible plan. I'd like to see Rs and Ds work on ACA fixes that increase competition, loosens regulations, brings medical care and p drug costs down. I feel like everybody is arguing about the wrong things and not focusing on the things that will actually make a difference.
Then do your own.

It is not the street interviewers that have convinced me of the massive number of voters utterly ignoring the government but thinking they know enough to cast an informed vote. It is my daily interactions with people all over the nation. The vast majority of them do not have a single clue as to what is going on. I polled the people I worked with once to see if they could name the three branches of government. All of them very intelligent people but almost half could not do so.

The man on the street interviews are not of airheads or idiots - they are willfully ignorant of a system that has worked so well that they have not had to pay attention for decades.
Knowing what day the Revolutionary war ended isn't that important. I'm sure many people don't know much about our founders or the constitution or all our laws or how our government works. Maybe a shoemaker just knows how to make shoes, and the farmer only knows how to tend his crops, and the mechanic knows how to rebuild a carburetor with his eyes closed. Thats just fine. Everybody doesn't have to know everything. This is why we are a Republic and thats why we have an electoral college and elected representatives who's skill and job is to know civics and history and the law and represent the will of the people who voted for them.

The scary thing is, I don't know if our current president knows any more than those people on Waters World.
Knowing when the revolutionary war ended has literally nothing in common with knowing what THE THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT ARE.

And yes, having even a basic understanding if the government and a politicians platform is vital to casting an informed vote. IOW, that knowledge is to voting as knowing how to tend crops is to farming.
I agree and I think we need to do a much better job in all areas of campaigning and communicating platforms/proposed bills to the public. There is way to much misinformation being spread and it is extremely difficult for people to access honest explainations on details for proposed policies
In cases like the healthcare bill it's hard to get the real info out. Most people won't read the whole thing but they do hear dems screaming everybody's gonna die. It's ridiculous. Especially since we all know obiecare is a disaster and can't last.
The healthcare debacle is an ego play over the name ACA. Rs are adimant on erasing it and Dems want to reform it. The exact same bill the Rs are proposing could be an amended ACA as it keeps many of the same elements.

Personally I think it is a horrible plan. I'd like to see Rs and Ds work on ACA fixes that increase competition, loosens regulations, brings medical care and p drug costs down. I feel like everybody is arguing about the wrong things and not focusing on the things that will actually make a difference.
Agreed. It's a classic example of government getting beck deep in something they barely need a toe in. Open up to selling across state lines, health savings accounts and some help for the truly needy. But no, keep piling on the stupid for votes.

I want a convention of the states. Shut this crap down.
I'm trying to see it that way but I'm not there yet. The tweets make me laugh, but that's kind of the problem, I can't take him seriously. He is that wildly inappropriate and offensive manbaby from the apprentice... I mean our President. Haha
Just out of curiosity - why are you even viewing them? I'm a devout constitutional conservative and I can honestly say I've never seen a single Trump tweet unless the news shows it or someone on this board posts it. I don't even "follow" him (nor did I "follow" Obama), why are all of you?

Every word uttered by the POTUS is examined by the world, even if he is posting childish stuff. Especially if he is posting childish stuff. That effects how they interact with the US, and ultimately you and I. I don't want a fool representing me and my country.
I don't want a fool representing me and my country.
Sure you do...you voted for Barack Insane Obama. He was a life-long community organizer who snorted coke in college and waxed about the wonders of marxism.

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