Let's be honest here. Bottom line this shit folks

Laughing at the usual chicken hawks....Trump lied as usual. He had green lighted the terrorist attack on the Iranian General SEVEN MONTHS AGO. There was no imminent threat,there was no attack by Iran on the embassy its all more lies and trumpsuckers swallow it like its nothing.

Yet another Dim cheerleading for a fucking terrorist.

Stop breathing my air.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
He had just coordinated the attack on our embassy in Iraq. Did you miss that?
I have not heard that so yea, I guess I missed it
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


I agree. The Embassy excuse was a lie.


This guy was a terrorist, responsible for many deaths. This is truth.
He is no longer a threat.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
OK, let's stop the fluffing and really bottom line this:
  • A guy responsible for hundreds of American deaths is now himself dead
  • Lots of bad actors have been put on notice to keep their heads down and their mouths shut
  • Iran's leaders have decided this isn't a good time or the right POTUS with whom to play "Cowboys & Iranians"
  • America's left have once again chosen sides against America
America's left have once again chosen sides against America

I just don't agree with this. Most of the 'left' doesn't side against America.

Sure, a few nut jobs in public, and even a few in Congress (sad)
When you say 'left' you mean 'far left, like 1-2%'. Yes, and they are NutJobs.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.

Funny you say this when Soleimani had directed a rocket attack that killed 1 US citizen and injured others and followed that up with directing the storming of a US Embassy....

Yeah, he must have been sight-seeing in Iraq, and the #2 terrorist - who carried out the Embassy attack - also taken out just happened to book the same tour, which explains them being together....


Thank you, seriously, for sharing what you BELIEVE, but, as the thread title says, let's be honest....its what you BELIEVE.

The real bottom line is the President directed the strike against the leader of the officially recognized largest terrorist organization in the world, one who is responsible for the deaths of over 600 Americans and thousands across the Middle East....

...and the United States has been taking out terrorists / terrorist leaders since 2001. No one else has had the testicular fortitude to take out this mass-murdering terrorist.

The only ones not happy to see this are Democrats and snowflakes. Many Iranians celebrated and thanked the US.

If Barry had ordered this strike Barry and Democrats would have floated and snowflakes celebrated.

If Trump had ordered the OP against UBL they would have botched and sent sympathy fruit baskets to his terrorist followers....
There are a lot of bad guys out there

Have to choose your poison. Not sure if this was the correct time or place.

Anyone saying this doesn't have a very tight grasp of the timeline leading up to the strike that took out Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Background and lead-up:

On 27 December 2019, an Iraqi airbase in Kirkuk province was attacked by more than 30 rockets, killing an American civilian contractor and injuring four U.S. service members and two Iraqi security forces personnel. The U.S. blamed the Iranian-backed Kata'ib Hezbollah militia, a subgroup of Iraq's Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), for the attack.[18][19]

On 29 December 2019, retaliatory U.S. airstrikes targeted five Kata'ib Hezbollah —and therefore PMF— weapon storage facilities and command and control locations in Iraq and Syria.[20][21] 25 militia members died[22] and 55 were wounded.[20] U.S. officials said the strikes were a direct response to the killing of the American contractor on 27 December.[23]

On 31 December 2019 and 1 January 2020, the attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad occurred in Baghdad, Iraq. Iranian-backed Kata'ib Hezbollah militiamen and their Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) supporters and sympathizers[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] attacked the U.S. embassy in the Green Zone in response to U.S. airstrikes on 29 December 2019 that targeted weapons depots and command and control installations of Kata'ib Hezbollah across Iraq and Syria.[9][10][11][12][13]
A fact being ignored by everyone is that Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy chief of the Iran-backed PMF was present at the Embassy attack.

Then came the U.S. drone strike in Iraq on 2 January 2019 which killed both Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qassem Soleimani, who were traveling in the same car (given this detail, anyone who believes Soleimani was on a peaceful mission is living in la la land).

Anyone who isn't aware of the chain of events here simply isn't getting enough information and needs to expand their sources of info. I find it disingenuous that some people are weighing in with opinions on this without knowing the facts, and seem not to want to know.

In sum, this sequence of events was started by Iran, resulted in the death of an American citizen and an attack on sovereign U.S. soil, and our final drone strike took out not only Soleimani who coordinated the attacks, but also Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis who was directly responsible for and present at the U.S. Embassy attack.
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Laughing at the usual chicken hawks....Trump lied as usual. He had green lighted the terrorist attack on the Iranian General SEVEN MONTHS AGO. There was no imminent threat,there was no attack by Iran on the embassy its all more lies and trumpsuckers swallow it like its nothing.

Yet another Dim cheerleading for a fucking terrorist.

Stop breathing my air.

There are a few like that around ....sadly! :puke:
There was no reason to lie. Iran gave us good reason to torpedo that cocksucker. Trump didn’t lie
Do you believe that there was an imminent attack planned and that four embassies were targeted?
I believe the bastard responsible for hundreds of American deaths is now himself very, very dead. I call that justice. You're probably wringing your leftarded hands and pissing yourself.

Hollywood Rose McGowan: "Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people... 52% of us humbly apologize ... We want peace with your nation ... We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us."

Bitter, petulant lefties are traitors ... every stinkin' one of 'em.
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I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Why don't you believe your President?

What's wrong with you?

President Trump tells it how it its!

Shame on you Grampa Murked!
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Why don't you believe your President?

What's wrong with you?

President Trump tells it how it its!

Shame on you Grampa Murked!

Shame on me
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Why don't you believe your President?

What's wrong with you?

President Trump tells it how it its!

Shame on you Grampa Murked!

Shame on me


Shame on you.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Why don't you believe your President?

What's wrong with you?

President Trump tells it how it its!

Shame on you Grampa Murked!

Shame on me


Shame on you.
You aren't the first to shame me. You won't be the last.

Trump is neither infallible or always honest. No shame in recognizing that.
Maybe Trump lied or exaggerated the threat maybe he didn't it does not change the fact Soleimani had a lot of American blood on his hands and would have more given the chance. He got cocky and made himself an easy target because he didn't think we would take the shot he was wrong chances to take out high profile terrorist don't come along every day when you get one you would be wise to take it.

You know, I never faulted Obama for his assassinations. Even when he killed a father and his kid and bragged how good he was at killing folks. I understand that there are things I just don't get to know, and if a presidant says he needs to kill a guy, I kind of have to take his word for it be he Clinton who bombed the shit out of Kosavo (sp don't care) George Bush who started a 20 year war or Barak Obama who droned the fuck out of terrorist and got hard doing it. They see things we don't and they act. Period. Now, had the US ambassador to Iraq been on the news being dragged down the street with an AK47 sticking out of his ass what would the topic of conversation be today I wonder?
You will excuse any lie. That’s why you have no credibility.

You will support any terrorist. That's why you are a scumbag.

And there is no limit to the absurd accusations you continuously make. That's why you are just another crazy trump supporter. Accusing people of supporting terrorists just because they don't praise that orange fool is disgusting, and you should be ashamed.

The dems have universally claimed that murderous piece of shit was the equivalent of MLK. You fuckers have gone batshit crazy.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
He had just coordinated the attack on our embassy in Iraq. Did you miss that?

Dumbwinger misses most things.
Laughing at the usual chicken hawks....Trump lied as usual. He had green lighted the terrorist attack on the Iranian General SEVEN MONTHS AGO. There was no imminent threat,there was no attack by Iran on the embassy its all more lies and trumpsuckers swallow it like its nothing.
Well I am sorry YOU didn't get the classified memo!....fucking asshole wants Trump to be like the Obomanation and let the enemy know exactly what you are going to do....before you do it!
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
Bottom line we don’t need more war and you’re still an asshole.
You will excuse any lie. That’s why you have no credibility.

You will support any terrorist. That's why you are a scumbag.

And there is no limit to the absurd accusations you continuously make. That's why you are just another crazy trump supporter. Accusing people of supporting terrorists just because they don't praise that orange fool is disgusting, and you should be ashamed.

The dems have universally claimed that murderous piece of shit was the equivalent of MLK. You fuckers have gone batshit crazy.

You're lying dumb ass. Just because another nut bag like you said it doesn't make it true. Why do you trump supporters always make up such goofy shit?

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