Let's be honest here. Bottom line this shit folks

Laughing at the usual chicken hawks....Trump lied as usual...
Well I am sorry YOU didn't get the classified memo!....fucking asshole wants Trump to be like the Obomanation and let the enemy know exactly what you are going to do....before you do it!
Anyone who doubts for a NY second that some congressional leftard would have warned Soleimani has not been paying attention. Their "duty" to their anti-American religion - Global Leftardism - trumps their duty to America every time.

The latest (but not last) traitor:

The former US Treasury Department staffer accused of leaking confidential information to a reporter pleaded guilty Monday to a single count of conspiracy.
Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards admitted before Manhattan federal court Judge Gregory Woods to spilling secrets to a Buzzfeed reporter about the Mueller investigation and probes into Paul Manafort, Rick Gates and Russian agent Maria Butina.
You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

IMHO yes you can, Trump is the sitting POTUS not O'Nimrod, Donny regularly reverses and eliminates Obama Era policies as well as criticizes things Obama put in place, so the excuse "well I ordered him killed because Obama said I should" doesn't hold water.
There have been plenty of lies that have gotten American into war in which thousands of our soldiers were killed. I'm certainly not in position to know if Trump told the truth or not. Nor whether Trump was told factual information upon which his decision to take out the general was made.

Trump putting our people at risk for the sake of leftist hacks to jump all over him seems too childish for a president to risk the American blood that would be on his hands. If it is a matter of a lie then I'd put my money down that it was perpetrated by those in the Pentagon.
Yanno, the FISA Court scandal has me wondering if there have been previous DC swamp coups perpetrated in our past that went uncovered or at least unreported.

Applying Canadian PM Trudeau's methodology - he blames Trump's actions for Iran's having shot down the Ukrainian airliner - could we not just as easily blame the Hysterical House Dems impeachment charade for pressuring Trump into that action? Have you noticed all the Canadian parliamentarians condemning Trudeau's silliness?

Yeah … me neither.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
First, not surprising you realize he lied and you're ok with it, even though it is a sad statement on tRump supporters as a whole..

Second, it's all about the timing.
So you are saying there is a bad time to eliminate a terror-rat. Would that by chance be only when this POTUS orders it?
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
He had just coordinated the attack on our embassy in Iraq. Did you miss that?
I have not heard that so yea, I guess I missed it
I’m not surprised. When Trump sent Marines and gun ships to shut that crap down he ruined their Trumps Benghazi story. So now they just pretend it never happened.
There was no reason to lie. Iran gave us good reason to torpedo that cocksucker. Trump didn’t lie
Do you believe that there was an imminent attack planned and that four embassies were targeted?

Who the fuck cares. The son of a bitch was responsible for at least 600 of our troops being killed.

His sole purpose in life was to kill others.

Good riddance to bad rubbish and shame on you assholes for defending a piece of shit like him.

Anyone who believes that we must trust what our President tells us must care

You shovel the guaranteed horse poo the media elite feed you. We KNOW they lie. You telling us to believe known liars is humorous, but not in a good way.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

The guy was invited to Iraq by the PM to discuss the offer of reduction in hostilities between Saudi (proxy and otherwise). The order was to kill a guy on his way to peace talks...

And then be perplexed why Iraq was so pissed...
You will excuse any lie. That’s why you have no credibility.

Most PROGS are far too dumb and ignorant to comprehend that ALL POTUS' lie, often for good reason. PROGS couldn't handle the truth anyway. They're too fragile, confused and emotionally strained.

There's a reason we don't allow the populace to make the tuff decisions. PROGS are probably the best reason.
Yah, the explanation was a bit odd.

I don't need an explanation. I'm glad they got him.

They'd have been better off just saying that in the first place if that was the reasoning. If there was an imminent threat they could have said:

1. _______ is what it was

2. We cannot disclose specifics due to ongoing ops.

Either would have been accepted and, had they stuck with it, it would have died.
Jigging this way and jogging that way only opens the administration to criticism. You'd think they'd know that by now and would have been prepared with a plan.

Still, at the end of the day, I'm glad they did what they did despite the criticism.
The guy was invited to Iraq by the PM to discuss the offer of reduction in hostilities between Saudi (proxy and otherwise). The order was to kill a guy on his way to peace talks...

And then be perplexed why Iraq was so pissed...
Yeah, Soleimani was just like Gandhi.

Terrorist supporters need a better lie coordinator.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

First, not surprising you realize he lied and you're ok with it, even though it is a sad statement on tRump supporters as a whole..

Second, it's all about the timing.

The timing? See post #27. Are you suggesting the attack on the U.S. airbase in Kirkuk was a false flag? Talk about whacko conspiracy theories.
You will excuse any lie. That’s why you have no credibility.
Lololol, talk about no credibility. Lone suck Obama's dick laughter is in no position to call anyone out.

And again, notice how he didnt comment on any substance at all. Lefties avoid facts and logic like the plague
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

Trump authorized Soleimani's killing 7 months ago, with conditions

The timing certainly smacks of someone "wagging the dog," as it were...

'" probably"

after telling Fox News Iran was “probably” planning to attack four US embassies before he authorised the drone assassination of the top Iranian general Qassem Suleimani earlier this month.

probably - as in hes full of shit.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

That's like saying Osama Bin Laden wasn't plotting a terrorist attack either. So I guess Obama was a terrorist, and we should have impeached him.

Soleimani as best I understand, has been involved in every bad thing that has happened in that region for a decade now. He has no problem gassing civilians, or slaughtering the innocent.

The problem wasn't that Soleimani was not a valid target, but rather that policy blunders up to this point, made going after him difficult.

For example, how can we go after Soleimani for his involvement in Syria, when we gave Assad a red-line, and then did nothing when he crossed it? How can we give our tacit approval, and then complain about Soleimani's involvement?

We can't also go after Soleimani for his involvement with terrorist groups like Hezbollah, when we tacitly approve of Hezbollah by saying Israel shouldn't deal with them.

When he attacked Americans directly, he gave us the clear undeniable right to target him.

But the argument that he posed no imminent threat is ridiculous.

This is like going to a dunkin donuts, and asking "do you have any imminent plan to make people fat?"

Planning attacks on people, is what this guy did for a living. And it's not like they had never targeted US operations before, because they just did.

So by any possible measure, this was justified, and Trump secured a major victory for the US, by making Iran back down.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

First, not surprising you realize he lied and you're ok with it, even though it is a sad statement on tRump supporters as a whole..

Second, it's all about the timing.

The timing? See post #27. Are you suggesting the attack on the U.S. airbase in Kirkuk was a false flag? Talk about whacko conspiracy theories.
Then why have they not brought this up instead of all these bullshit excuses?

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