Let's be honest here. Bottom line this shit folks

There was no reason to lie. Iran gave us good reason to torpedo that cocksucker. Trump didn’t lie
Do you believe that there was an imminent attack planned and that four embassies were targeted?

Who the fuck cares. The son of a bitch was responsible for at least 600 of our troops being killed.

His sole purpose in life was to kill others.

Good riddance to bad rubbish and shame on you assholes for defending a piece of shit like him.

Funny how leftardz always miss the bigger picture. Huh.
You will excuse any lie. That’s why you have no credibility.

You will support any terrorist. That's why you are a scumbag.

And there is no limit to the absurd accusations you continuously make. That's why you are just another crazy trump supporter. Accusing people of supporting terrorists just because they don't praise that orange fool is disgusting, and you should be ashamed.

The dems have universally claimed that murderous piece of shit was the equivalent of MLK. You fuckers have gone batshit crazy.

Why are you lying about that?
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

Trump lied...but he had to!

I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
Gramps, you know how the game is played.

Politics is so fucking dishonest and tribal and hypocritical at this point, that it's just a bad, predictable joke.
Trumpettes see nothing wrong with a potus arbitrarily ordering the murder of 10 people, including foreign leaders on foreign land, even though a child can comprehend the tyrannical precedent this sets.

The world looked away in horror. Trumpettes cheered.

Trumpettes see nothing wrong with a potus arbitrarily ordering the murder of 10 people, including foreign leaders on foreign land, even though a child can comprehend the tyrannical precedent this sets.

The world looked away in horror. Trumpettes cheered.


Actually, in Ancient Rome the "thumbs down" sign meant let him live. Getting to kill his opponent was an honor for a gladiator for putting on a great show, so the "thumbs up" sign was the sign for "proceed to kill." That's one of Hollywood's most notorious blunders.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

It doesn't matter now, what does matter is a strategy

that's something our intel should have been on the minute Trump's campaign promise to get out of JAPOC was made public

I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag

good analysis of the aftermath.

What about the calculation in the first place? Do you think this November’s election played any part in the calculation?
There was no reason to lie. Iran gave us good reason to torpedo that cocksucker. Trump didn’t lie
Do you believe that there was an imminent attack planned and that four embassies were targeted?

Who the fuck cares. The son of a bitch was responsible for at least 600 of our troops being killed.

His sole purpose in life was to kill others.

Good riddance to bad rubbish and shame on you assholes for defending a piece of shit like him.

Anyone who believes that we must trust what our President tells us must care
Maybe Trump lied or exaggerated the threat maybe he didn't it does not change the fact Soleimani had a lot of American blood on his hands and would have more given the chance. He got cocky and made himself an easy target because he didn't think we would take the shot he was wrong chances to take out high profile terrorist don't come along every day when you get one you would be wise to take it.

I mean if he lied it would not be minutia, it would be a very big thing, but where is the proof of such a lie?
What in the world would be acceptable proof to you?
Anything short of Trump admitting it?
There have been plenty of lies that have gotten American into war in which thousands of our soldiers were killed. I'm certainly not in position to know if Trump told the truth or not. Nor whether Trump was told factual information upon which his decision to take out the general was made.

Trump putting our people at risk for the sake of leftist hacks to jump all over him seems too childish for a president to risk the American blood that would be on his hands. If it is a matter of a lie then I'd put my money down that it was perpetrated by those in the Pentagon.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Obama put that cocksucker on the terrorist list of scumbags to kill or capture. Trump made good on that part of the list.

You CAN NOT with a straight face condemn Trump for killing him when Obama GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT by putting him on the god damn list to begin with.

Did Trump lie? In my opinion, yes. Why? Because he knew leftist hacks would jump all over him. And don't call me a Trumptard because I said the same damn thing about Clinton lying about Lewinsky. I get why Clinton lied. I don't condone it but I get it.

Point being, both sides need to stop. Trump may have lied or exaggerated but he made good on an Obama declaration.

Good riddance to a scumbag
First, not surprising you realize he lied and you're ok with it, even though it is a sad statement on tRump supporters as a whole..

Second, it's all about the timing.
I don't believe for a hot second that the terrorist we just took out was plotting attacks on our embassies that Trump found out about and as a result he ordered the strike.
Trump likely made up that bullshit. If intel is released that proves me wrong I will happily retract.


Why don't you believe your President?

What's wrong with you?

President Trump tells it how it its!

Shame on you Grampa Murked!

Shame on me


Shame on you.
You aren't the first to shame me. You won't be the last.

Trump is neither infallible or always honest. No shame in recognizing that.
You mean politics is nasty and dirty and President Trump is imperfect? That there's a shortage of people constantly harping on the latter? Hell, we even have a couple of MSM outlets that keep a running tally of what they claim to be his lies while conveniently ignoring their own lies as well as their lack of credibility. Once in a while theirs have much deserved consequences:

CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann stemming from viral video controversy - CNN

CNN settles $275M lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann
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