Let's be real here people...

Am I the only righty that feels this way?

It isn't a right or left thing. It is an unfortunate symptom of partisan politics. It's similar to the people on the left who loved Bob Woodward before this story, and are bashing him now. Partisans hate admitting they were wrong, as if owning up to a mistake weakens their position.
Am I the only righty that feels this way?

No. I'd say I agree with you. You made the point in your OP though, time to put it behind us. When Woodward made his charge, the right was eager to believe him -- it sounds just like Chicago style politics -- right up Obama's alley. Woodward WAAAAY overstated his case - he may have felt threatened ( who knows the history between Plouffe and Woodward - if they were never friends and Plouffe referred to him as "dear friend", maybe Woodward really felt threatened.).

Anyway, the good media ran with this a little too quick, now they have to look like Ed the talking mule, and Rachel Madcow regarding this one issue.

I'd like to have more details on Lanny Davis. I'd also like to know why we have senior WH staff calling media members to tell them what they think about their work/opinions at all... Don't they have better things to do than to try to control/influence the media that has a strong record of support for Obama to begin with. Shoot, the last thing anyone in the MSM wants to do is to get ostracized (like FOX) for having a differing perspective than the President. You find yourself as a liberal news organization outside the Obama Bubble - and you may as well close your doors, right?
Side note:

Dana Perino tweeted 2 days ago ---

If a senior admin official had sent that email to Bob Woodward when I was press sec, that someone would have to meet me out on west exec
Woodward took way too much credit for his Watergate "reporting."

Sometimes he's just full of shit.

Sometimes, he's on the mark.

The claim he made of having been more or less threatened by that e-mail is clearly bullshit.

Folks on both sides should simply pay less attention to Bob Woodward.

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