Let's Blow Up A Character Attack On Harris

And Casey, don't forget Casey, which overturned parts of Roe.


Morons like Lesh don't realize that ever since Roe was passed, states were slowly hemming it in.

In fact, lefties in Texas declared Roe as being "dead".

The left didn't want it in front of the SCOTUS. They knew it was a POS and it would be overturned.
The lunatics are the people who support Trump after all of his corrupton, lies, indictments and convictions.

Indictments seem to be disappearing and wasn't Trump supposed to be sentenced on the 19th, what's up with that? LMAO

I see you are stumped and can't tell me what was inappropriate about Harris's relationship.

Just as I suspected.

I am going to stay focused on the fact that cucks like you were all over Trump for his misdeeds, but bristle when Harris gets called for hers.

Then you call others hypocrites.

You can't make this stuff up.

To further the sham, we have Harris as part of the biggest cover-up in history as Biden was never that mentally good......she was kicked from the primaries before they started.
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The MAGA propagandists made up lies about Harris's relationship with Brown and the tards ran with it, just like the do with every hoax.

It never occurred to them that making this about character was the stupidest thing they could have done since their candidate is the slimiest piece of shit to ever run for office.

I swear, they haven't two brains cells to engage in some independent thought.
Why? Trump is a convicted felon. He can't get a barbers license, but idiots like you want him to be president.

I doubt he'd be a good barber, a good president, WINNER!!!!!!!!

Indictments seem to be disappearing and wasn't Trump supposed to be sentenced on the 19th, what's up with that? LMAO

He was given a break since the convention was the same week.

Trump gets special treatment which ordinary people never would.

But don't you worry, kid. His sentencing is coming.

As for disappearing indictments, only one has been suspended. However, the suspension is being appealed and the judge is going to find her dumb ass off the case.
I am going to stay focused on the fact that cucks like you were all over Trump for his misdeeds, but bristle when Harris gets called for hers.
Again, you can't tell me what was inappropriate.

You got your tit caught in the wringer, rube.
Sorry SFB. Not playing your game. You started with the whole Trump bad meme.

Play it out or STFU.
I accept your defeat.

Next time you jeer at someone's post, I hope you have learned you better be able to back up your bullshit.

Especially if it's me.

No amount of smoke or red herrings can save your lying ass.
Tards HATE having their hypocrisy rubbed in their faces.

They made up some lies about Harris in a pathetic attempt to draw a moral equivalency with Trump.


I ask you.

As we just saw, they cannot back up their lies that her relationship was inappropriate. So they must swallow the bitter pill that their asshole Trump is a total piece of shit and they got nothing on Harris.

Boy, has that shit blown up in their faces! :lol:

Brown was not Harris's boss when they were together.

You lying c*nt.

Really, how was he able to appoint her to two patronage positions? Then she slept with an assistant DA to get hired there. I don't think Trump ever tried to get a job by sleeping with anyone.

I warned them.

It was a YUGE mistake to make this race about character.
Really, how was he able to appoint her to two patronage positions? Then she slept with an assistant DA to get hired there. I don't think Trump ever tried to get a job by sleeping with anyone.

You know that picture of Harris and Brown laughing that some tard posted earlier?

"I wonder what they are laughing about derp derp derp."

That photo is from a column Brown wrote in response to all this horseshit.

That's why the tard was unable to tell me what was inappropriate. He must have read it and decided not to mention it because it destroys the narrative.

That's what's known as a lie of omission.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

That’s politics for ya.

Willie Brown: Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

Inflation has been coming down for years, dipshit.

And how quickly you idiots have forgotten Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the White House.

Such a disaster has not been seen since the last businessman President, Herbert Hoover.

What a loser.

Nope, it's just increasing a bit slower, that's not coming down.

He was given a break since the convention was the same week.

Trump gets special treatment which ordinary people never would.

But don't you worry, kid. His sentencing is coming.

As for disappearing indictments, only one has been suspended. However, the suspension is being appealed and the judge is going to find her dumb ass off the case.

When? And no the judge won't be removed, her reasoning was sound.

You know that picture of Harris and Brown laughing that some tard posted earlier?

"I wonder what they are laughing about derp derp derp."

That photo is from a column Brown wrote in response to all this horseshit.

That's why the tard was unable to tell me what was inappropriate. He must have read it and decided not to mention it because it destroys the narrative.

That's what's known as a lie of omission.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

That’s politics for ya.

Willie Brown: Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

So there was an admission he influenced her career while they were doing the horizontal mambo. Got it! So where's the lie?

It takes stunning gall for Trump World to attack the character of Kamala Harris, but no one has ever said these brainless parrots had any self-awareness.

So the earliest attack on Harris's character is that she dated a married man way back in the early 90s.

Trumpers have been copying and pasting some really disgusting cartoons on this forum connected to that. And because they have zero self-awareness, they probably will post them in this topic. That's just how these sick bastards roll.

But here's the thing: Donald Trump was still married to Marla Maples when he started "dating" Melania.


Numbnuts, she's a dope smoking tyrant that loved locking people up so much that, she kept them locked up even after they serve their time or, were proven innocent. She lacks character cause "Joe Biden is healthy and well and me tally sound, stronger than ever." Numbnuts the media is feeding you a load of crap again. Don't forget the border czar that was all of a suddenly wasn't. less than a month ago Kamala had to go. But now the coverup of biden's decline in mental acuity can no longer be hinden shes golden. The media is lying to you again. Dumb dumb

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