Let's confiscate all the wealth of the rich

Any country trying to operate as Libertarian would be doomed. That is why nobody will do it

Allow me to correct your statement: Any country trying to operate as Libertarian would disallow nanny state do gooders from increasing their control of others. That is why they won't do it.
Well, if you want to magically set spending at ten year old levels, shouldn't income be held at those levels too? The super wealth have made a lot of money in the last ten years.....why ignore that when you decide what to spend?

Could you go back to what you were spending ten years ago?

Under the law, spending is controlled by Congress. It doesn't take magic, just a vote. Not the case with regard to what one person wishes to pay another for their labor.

I spend less today than I did ten years ago. This is what I do when I'm trying to start a new business.



So the US Government has to spend the same while the cost of labor, fuel goods and services has gone up significantly. It would mean our military and social security beneficiaries would have to accept pre 2001 salaries.

Yes....Libertarians would be very popular as they destroy the country

Sorry to inform you, but nobody owes you a comfortable life.
No country run the way we are currently run will ever succeed long term. Just take a look at some of our European counterparts. They are economically doomed, and their neighbors are picking up the bill for their fiscal foolishness. When we go down, there won't be anyone to pick up the tab for us.

Oh- forgot to add- Somalia is a state of anarchy, not libertarianism. There's a subtle but distinct difference.

They are not doomed and neither are we

Any country trying to operate as Libertarian would be doomed. That is why nobody will do it

Yes, we will not survive our future government debts. We have a growing dependent population, and to few workhorses to carry the load. No matter what you believe, we cannot continue to defy the laws of nature and succeed. Libertarianism works just fine as long as you have a population which is mature enough to handle it. True, with our current populace, it would be difficult. Too many mental and emotional children.

Name a single country on earth where Libertarianism is working just fine
So the US Government has to spend the same while the cost of labor, fuel goods and services has gone up significantly.

If government spending was increasing anywhere near to the cost of inflation, you'd have a case. That spending has increased a wee bit more than that pretty much blows your argument out of the water.

Since 2000, spending has grown across the board. Discretionary spending has expanded 79 percent faster than inflation. Other spending categories that have grown rapidly since 2000 include: anti-poverty programs (89 percent faster than inflation), K–12 education (219 percent), veterans spending (107 percent), and Medicare (81 percent).

Rather than take all their wealth, why don't we just return the tax rate to what it was before the ill-advised Bush Tax cuts?

Tell ya what, if we go back to the SPENDING levels prior to those tax cuts, you can have the higher rates. Deal?

Does that spending involve Bush wars and an unfunded Medicare Part D?

Anyone that has a problem with Medicare D, but has no problem with Obamacare may be exposing themselves as a complete partisan hack, but whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
No country on earth has ever succeeded by operating on Libertarian principles

The only country currently run by Libertarians is Somalia

While I realize that you are a mindless sheep, do the hate sites give you any foundation for claiming that Somalia is "libertarian?"

In what way? What features? - Again, you have no idea, you simply spew shit from Truthout and the other hate sites, but seriously, that is about the most fucking stupid charge you morons make - and y'all are renowned for stupidity.
Rather than take all their wealth, why don't we just return the tax rate to what it was before the ill-advised Bush Tax cuts?

Tell ya what, if we go back to the SPENDING levels prior to those tax cuts, you can have the higher rates. Deal?

Sounds good, but seems as though we can't agree on what gets cut. :dunno:

Tell me one person other than Ron Paul in Washington that is talking about cutting anything. Then we can have a discussion about what to cut.
Sounds good, but seems as though we can't agree on what gets cut. :dunno:

The democrats propose that nothing get cut and the Repubs propose that very little be cut.

Problem is, no one ever got reelected by cutting social spending. Anyone who seriously proposes cutting spending is soon out of office. Even the military is 70% or more purely social spending.
Tell me one person other than Ron Paul in Washington that is talking about cutting anything. Then we can have a discussion about what to cut.

{House Republicans called for cuts in hundreds of government programs Friday night in a $61-billion savings package they toughened at the demand of "tea party"-backed conservatives.

From education to job training, the environment and nutrition, few domestic programs werewould be left untouched — and some werewould be eliminated — in the measure, which is expected to reach the floor for a vote next week.}

Tea Party | At 'tea party' urging, Republicans deepen spending cuts - Los Angeles Times

LOT'S of people are talking about and proposing spending cuts. They are being savaged in the press for it.
Tell me one person other than Ron Paul in Washington that is talking about cutting anything. Then we can have a discussion about what to cut.

{House Republicans called for cuts in hundreds of government programs Friday night in a $61-billion savings package they toughened at the demand of "tea party"-backed conservatives.

From education to job training, the environment and nutrition, few domestic programs werewould be left untouched — and some werewould be eliminated — in the measure, which is expected to reach the floor for a vote next week.}

Tea Party | At 'tea party' urging, Republicans deepen spending cuts - Los Angeles Times

LOT'S of people are talking about and proposing spending cuts. They are being savaged in the press for it.

You're right, I overstated my case. There are some in Washington urging real spending cuts. However, when most talk about cuts, they're really talking about reducing the rate of increased spending. That is NOT a cut.
You're right, I overstated my case. There are some in Washington urging real spending cuts. However, when most talk about cuts, they're really talking about reducing the rate of increased spending. That is NOT a cut.

Baseline budgeting. Yes, that is a common ploy, but note that the extreme left which controls the democrats won't even allow reduction in the increases.

Much of this falls back on we, the people; who elected Tea Party candidates to cut spending, then we have failed to support them when they actually try to cut that spending.

I view Scott Walker as a litmus test, IF he is actually recalled, then the nation is over, done. We will have shown that not even modest spending containment is possible in this declining nation of ours.
Does that spending involve Bush wars and an unfunded Medicare Part D?

I think Obama should come out TODAY and repeal Medicare Part D.

I think your shameful party should make the repeal of Medicare Part D the center plank of your 2012 platform.

Run with it!

I would run with putting Medicare Part D on firm financial footing. Bush rammed this through without any consideration of how it would be paid for. I would also include open competition by big pharm to hold down costs......another Bush sellout
No country on earth has ever succeeded by operating on Libertarian principles

The only country currently run by Libertarians is Somalia

While I realize that you are a mindless sheep, do the hate sites give you any foundation for claiming that Somalia is "libertarian?"

In what way? What features? - Again, you have no idea, you simply spew shit from Truthout and the other hate sites, but seriously, that is about the most fucking stupid charge you morons make - and y'all are renowned for stupidity.

Somalia is a Libertarian paradise

No big government telling you what to do, no government regulation, business free to operate as it chooses. No gun control, no taxes

Just what libertarians want for the US
I would run with putting Medicare Part D on firm financial footing.

With more unsupported debt? Another $20 trillion should hold us through to 2016, eh?

Bush rammed this through without any consideration of how it would be paid for.

Bush was an idiot, and clearly not a conservative - given the big government nature of this.

I would also include open competition by big pharm to hold down costs......another Bush sellout

Competition through the socializing of pharmaceuticals?
We have an economic downturn as well. Raise revenues (at present tax rates) to the point they were in 2007, and that will give you a realistic picture of the gap to be closed.

as long as you raise everyone's tax rates and get rid of all the refundable tax credits such as the making work pay and earned income tax credit idiocy I'm OK with that.
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No country on earth has ever succeeded by operating on Libertarian principles

The only country currently run by Libertarians is Somalia

While I realize that you are a mindless sheep, do the hate sites give you any foundation for claiming that Somalia is "libertarian?"

In what way? What features? - Again, you have no idea, you simply spew shit from Truthout and the other hate sites, but seriously, that is about the most fucking stupid charge you morons make - and y'all are renowned for stupidity.

Somalia is a Libertarian paradise

No big government telling you what to do, no government regulation, business free to operate as it chooses. No gun control, no taxes

Just what libertarians want for the US

And no equal justice...because there is no law of the land. Hardly Libertarian principals. Perfect anarchist principles. Get thee to a dictionary. We are for limited government, not no government. We are for taxes that are needed to oversee enumerated powers, not "no taxes". You really aren't this thick, are you?

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