Let's debunk a popular right wing myth, shall we.

If you have nothing to contribute to the OP's discussion, ignore the thread and MOVE ALONG! I'm tired of going from thread to thread repeating this. We'll get 30 posts and 26 of them are members just trolling and flaming each other because they don't like the subject.
Or just give the post a DISLIKE and move on.

I read you think giving dislikes gets under peoples skin - youre a f'n IDIOT.



This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a Trumpette about that.

So much for the set-up. Here are the facts........more comprehensively explained by CNN than I could in the following article.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield

The crux of the matter being.....................
"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

I encourage anyone who has managed to get this far in the thread to read the entire article. It puts to rest the notion that anything untoward happened on that stage that day. For those wingnuts who dismiss the contents of the article because of its source I invite you to offer a factual rebuttal.

It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.

Let's have an investigation and have Obama testify under oath then. If that what really happened, he should have no problem with a probe
Indictments any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now....
The game is fixed in the Progs favor. Has been for many years. If you are non Prog reporter, you are in the cross hairs of destruction if you investigate anything anti Prog and globalism related. That narrows it down a lot. Most non Prog people rebuff what Progs say. A few go further and are made of mockery of. Especially if any of their accusations are proven to be a bit not founded. Progs do that all the time. And still are held to high regard because they sold out. A good life is guaranteed that way. Even if tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people suffer more then they have to.

poor helpless little rw's - :cryhug_1_:

grow the f up -
This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a Trumpette about that.

So much for the set-up. Here are the facts........more comprehensively explained by CNN than I could in the following article.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield

The crux of the matter being.....................
"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

I encourage anyone who has managed to get this far in the thread to read the entire article. It puts to rest the notion that anything untoward happened on that stage that day. For those wingnuts who dismiss the contents of the article because of its source I invite you to offer a factual rebuttal.

It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.
From the article:

"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.

The text in italics is in the author's opinion. It's not a fact.

You proved nothing.
"The U.S. launched a new ground-based missile defense system in Romania Thursday, sparking fresh tensions with Russia, which quickly blasted the system as a threat to its security.
The system, to be operated by NATO, is getting up and running nearly a decade after the U.S. first announced plans to do so, only to encounter pushback from Russia. The U.S. has long insisted that the shield is directed against rogue states like Iran and not intended to target Moscow's missiles, but Russian officials have slammed the move as an "attempt to destroy the strategic balance" in Europe."

Some folks just dislike the facts.

I don't get what you are trying to prove here.

President Obama wisely scrapped the missile defense project in Poland. In order to avoid getting flak for it before the election, he pushed it past that date. The reason was to create a more favorable platform for his Russia Reset, since the Kremlin was understandably worried about upsetting the balance of power in Europe, and Russia's retaliatory capacity in case of an attack by NATO.

So, he furthered his political fortunes, basking the shine of better relations with Russia due to his statecraft while hiding what his intent was before the election. Old school. Give and take, as usual in international relations. Trumpletons-to-be would just be upset because they missed an opportunity throw a fit of spluttering apoplexy in time for the election.

After the Russian annexation of Crimea, things changed, and he installed something similar in Romania. By all reasonable standards a dumb, retaliatory move that created more tensions and sparked an arms race, as Russians sure will (if they haven't already) develop stealth technologies and whatnot.

It never was, and never will be, anything analogous to Trump's Ukraine corruption. Among several differences, President Obama's moves (not) to install that missile defense system were always going to be publicly visible, while Trump tried to hide his role in the announcement-to-come of an "investigation into the Bidens". That's why they hid the memorandum as best they could. Mainly: Trump's shenanigans were purely self-serving, President Obama arguably acted in the interests of the U.S.

Anyone with more than two (not misfiring) brain cells understood that long ago. Which basically means, our Trumpletons will never get it.
How many countries did failed former President Barack Hussein Obama bomb and how many has President Donald Trump bombed?

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This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a Trumpette about that.

So much for the set-up. Here are the facts........more comprehensively explained by CNN than I could in the following article.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield

The crux of the matter being.....................
"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

I encourage anyone who has managed to get this far in the thread to read the entire article. It puts to rest the notion that anything untoward happened on that stage that day. For those wingnuts who dismiss the contents of the article because of its source I invite you to offer a factual rebuttal.

It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.

So you're saying delaying deployment for near a decade, is a good thing? If my memory serves, maobama cancelled the deployment right after his regime too office.

Obama’s universal theme in dealing with foreign powers - friend or foe - was APPEASEMENT. The World liked him because they could influence him. The world chuckled at his “line in the sand”.

Appeasement? He installed a STRONGER defense than originally proposed
It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.

Was the missile system deployed in 2016...............yes or no?
Of course it was.

The problem is...it's a "meme". Most Trumpers had no idea that a missile defense system was even the issue here.

All they knew was that Obama said "something" might be different after the election. That sounds just nefarious enough to satisfy their preconceived idea of who Obama is and his motives.
You are half right, and conservatives are half right. Obama did in fact ditch Bush's planned missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic. However, after Russia took over Crimea, Obama began to see the light about the Russians, changed his mind about missile defense, and agreed to the deployment of the missile defense system discussed in the article you cite.

If you want to talk about a conservative myth about Obama, you should talk about the myth that Obama "gutted" the military and "slashed" military spending. Two years after 9/11 with George W. in the White House, defense spending was $553 billion. Two years into Obama's presidency, with Democrats controlling Congress, defense spending was $775 billion. Obama's smallest defense budget was $605 billion, and that was because of sequestratian.
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You are half right, and conservatives are half right. Obama did in fact ditch Bush's planned missile defense system for Poland and the Czech Republic. However, after Russia took over Crimea, Obama began to see the light about the Russians, changed his mind about missile defense, and agreed to the deployment of the missile defense system discussed in the article you cite.

If you want to talk about a conservative myth about Obama, you should talk about the myth that Obama "gutted" the military and "slashed" military spending. Two years after 9/11 with George W. in the White House, defense spending was $553 billion. Two years into Obama's presidency, with Democrats controlling Congress, defense spending was $775 billion. Obama's smallest defense budget was $605 billion, and that was because of sequestratian.
As I mentioned at one point in the thread, there are dozens of right wing media myths out there. I'll be debunking some of them as time goes on.
Part of the exercise is meant to highlight two contributing factors for why Trump devotees hold so many factually inaccurate beliefs. 1. Conservative media often does not provide the context required to come to a full understanding of the story it is covering. They distort the truth, intentionally. 2. Trumpleton's use the lack of context as an opening to fill in the blanks with their predisposed beliefs. Rarely if ever do they possess the intellectual curiosity or critical thinking necessary to question the credibility of what their media sources are trying to get them to believe.

Here is the assertion by the aforementioned chicken shit Trumpette flame baiter that provided the motivation for the thread.............found here, If The Media Weren't An Arm Of The DNC....

"Second.....you, being as ignorant as you are, don't realize that the Democrat Party is the one that supported, shielded, and took orders from the Soviets for 70 years, and Obama made a quid pro quo with Putin.....here:" The "here" being a link to the hot mic incident.

I tried to engage the OP in a discussion about the lie that was asserted but the OP dodged me. So I decided to write a thread on it.
This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a Trumpette about that.

So much for the set-up. Here are the facts........more comprehensively explained by CNN than I could in the following article.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield

The crux of the matter being.....................
"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

I encourage anyone who has managed to get this far in the thread to read the entire article. It puts to rest the notion that anything untoward happened on that stage that day. For those wingnuts who dismiss the contents of the article because of its source I invite you to offer a factual rebuttal.

It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.
Obama should've been impeached over that comment.
This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a Trumpette about that.

So much for the set-up. Here are the facts........more comprehensively explained by CNN than I could in the following article.

U.S. launches long-awaited European missile defense shield

The crux of the matter being.....................
"Obama was also caught on an open mic in 2012 telling then-Russian President Dimitry Medvedev, that "After my election I have more flexibility," with regard to the U.S.-led NATO missile defense system in Europe.
Obama's posture made the Poles and Czechs "very concerned" that the entire missile defense project would be abandoned by his administration, according to Conley.
But, she said, "What they wound up getting with the current system was more robust than they had anticipated."

I encourage anyone who has managed to get this far in the thread to read the entire article. It puts to rest the notion that anything untoward happened on that stage that day. For those wingnuts who dismiss the contents of the article because of its source I invite you to offer a factual rebuttal.

It's at this point that I want to acknowledge the futility of taking the time to write this post. Because it will not change the mind of a single Trumpette. The facts never do. The lie is too ingrained in right wing mythology to be extracted now. It's been a go-to lie far too long for that.
There isn’t enough bandwidth to cover half of the RW myths.
This one came up quite a bit after Individual 1's attempted quid pro quo with Ukranian President Zelensky was exposed. It has to do with a "hot mic" comment Obama made to then Russian President Medvedev back in 2012. The famous "After my election I'll have more flexibility," remark. Oh, how right wing media and the nutbaggers who consume it got their shorts in a bunch over that. It was all the rage and all they raged about inside the bubble head's sound chamber for quite some time. It still comes up, most recently mentioned by a prolific resident flame baiter who will remain nameless...........but you know who you are.

Essentially the accusation is Obama was doing something nefarious in suggesting he and Russia (a message was to be delivered to Putin) make some kind of covert agreement after Obama's re-election. In the case of the aforementioned flame baiter the claim was Obama and Putin had engaged in a quid pro quo. Presumably to compromise Europe's security in exchange for.............frankly..............you'd have to ask a....

I never got the feeling of any quid pro quid, just that Obama was interesting in help out the "other side" at the expense of the American side.

I kind of got the feeling the Russian was thinking the same thing, actually.
Subject will be full of deceit and lies as usual.....just like all of your threads.
As I do with all you Trumpleheads I invite you to back up your claim. Let's see who is telling the truth and who is not. Find something I wrote you think is a lie and let's have it out.
I never got the feeling of any quid pro quid, just that Obama was interesting in help out the "other side" at the expense of the American side.
In that case, you're welcome for posting a thread that dispels your misguided belief.

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