Lets examine a graph of oil price per barrel over the past 12 months

In 2019, America pumped 12.29 millions of barrels of oil per day. In 2021, we pumped 11.18 Per. An 8% difference DOWN.

Why did Trump kill US oil production?

By the way, that difference is more than enough to make up for what we buy from the Russians today. Yes sir, the Leftists are flailing away trying to gaslight everyone.

But it is not enough to make up for what the world buys from Russia and oil is a global commodity.
Hey Colonel, want another very cool fact!

Pooty didn't invade Ukraine until this year, so if you go back and check...........are you ready........are you sure, lolololol------------------> The Biden administration has been the single highest price hike administration in HISTORY for fuel through 2021. They can't blame it on Pooty-Poot, because he didn't invade until this year.

Good job Joe, what a guy! Americans love you and your party. Watch how much we love you all come November. (as the Leftists feverishly go to the internet to try to disprove what Whosure just said about the Biden Administration)

Let’s hear it commies. Why the spike in prices in 2021? Trump? Poot?
I recall Joe Biden openly stating that ''I'm gonna work like the devil to bring gas prices down."

So, I dunno, I guess he's doing devil shit.
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Why did Trump kill US oil production?

But it is not enough to make up for what the world buys from Russia and oil is a global commodity.

Well Golfing, as I just told the Colonel, the Biden Administration has the glory of being the Administration to see the largest hike in fuel prices in history, and that is calculated just through the end of 2021, so no blame for Pooty-Poot there.. So if you think that is a good award, be happy for him because we sure are going to tout it going forward. Maybe we will make a trophy for him and have you Leftists on here sign it...........as a going away present-)

And when I say that, I mean for one year! A great achievement, for a brilliant Democratic President. Jimmy Carter loves you, lololol.
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Well Golfing, as I just told the Colonel, the Biden Administration has the glory of being the Administration to see the largest hike in fuel prices in history, and that is calculated just through the end of 2021, so no blame for Pooty-Poot there.. So if you think that is a good award, be happy for him because we sure are going to tout it going forward. Maybe we will make a trophy for him and have you Leftists on here sign it...........as a going away present-)

And when I say that, I mean for one year!

Let's stay on topic....you said this....In 2019, America pumped 12.29 millions of barrels of oil per day. In 2021, we pumped 11.18 Per. An 8% difference DOWN.

That entire drop took place under Trump, in fact it was twice that much of a drop under Trump.

So, tell us why did Trump kill US oil production, since you brought the numbers up.
So how did xidens first year compare to Trumps last year? You commies always try to play with numbers to tell your lies.


Was this a dem policy or a trump thing?

OPEC +. deal, signed April 2020.

trump forced a 2 year deal when consumption was low, now that demand is high, trumps demand for a cut in production is what is determining the high gas prices.

Fvvck djt.
Let's stay on topic....you said this....In 2019, America pumped 12.29 millions of barrels of oil per day. In 2021, we pumped 11.18 Per. An 8% difference DOWN.

That entire drop took place under Trump, in fact it was twice that much of a drop under Trump.

So, tell us why did Trump kill US oil production, since you brought the numbers up.

What has Trump got to do with 2021, lol.

The point is a simple one, even as you try to obfuscate the issue-------------> What was the price of oil when we needed it, and how much did we pump in 19? How much was the amount of oil we pumped in 2020, when we didn't need it? Now we needed it in 2021, and how much did we pump then!

The verdict is in, Trump was by faaaaaaaaaaaar the better domestic energy President. He was able to........through sheer force of will, keep energy prices cheap when need be, push them up to save the domestic oil industry in 2020 because of COVID, only to have Jose' come in and screw the proverbial pooch.

You paint it any way you wish, this is on the Left, end of story. To insist it is not, is a fantasy that very few people believe any longer. Now, you watch the economy and what happens long before November. If I was you, I would practice that spiel in advance.
What has Trump got to do with 2021, lol.

the production drop you pointed out all took place in 2020, not in 2021....but you already knew this right?

So, I ask you again...why did Trump kill US oil production in 2020?
The oil price rose because of simple supply and demand economics, retard.

It has nothing to do with Biden.

Oil prices actually went NEGATIVE during the pandemic because of extremely low demand.

Now oil prices are spiking GLOBALLY because of the spike in demand as the world's economies returned to normal.

Stop drinking your propagandists' piss. You look stupid.

Are you sure it wasn’t because of Bush making his big oil buddies rich?

the production drop you pointed out all took place in 2020, not in 2021....but you already knew this right?

So, I ask you again...why did Trump kill US oil production in 2020?

Because production is based on what is needed, and the price supports for increasing, or decreasing production......at least in our country.

Let me ask you, lol. When do you think frackers make more, when a barrel of oil is at 55, or at 100? So under our system, we should be pumping more, piping in more, trying to refine more. But, as you know, we aren't!

So then, you can't have it both ways------------>either Trump convinced them to pump more in 19, and they just refuse now because they do not like massive profits, or Biden has no idea what he is doing. And while the profits would really be massive now, they would have been outlandish through 21.

Sometimes those evil for profit oil companies just make no sense, lol. What a way to run a for profit business, lol.

Yeah, sure thing, and we conservatives aren't buying any of your swampland or the Brooklyn Bridge either!
The oil price rose because of simple supply and demand economics, retard.

It has nothing to do with Biden.

Oil prices actually went NEGATIVE during the pandemic because of extremely low demand.

Now oil prices are spiking GLOBALLY because of the spike in demand as the world's economies returned to normal.

Stop drinking your propagandists' piss. You look stupid.
Oil started to go up when biden did away with Trump's policies. Don't let the truth smack you in the ass. If biden would do away with restrictions on drilling on federal land. The price of a barrel would plummet over night.

Here you can see oil went negative because trading volume fell through the floor.

Biden is no more responsible for global oil prices spiking than Trump was responsible for oil going negative.

Jesus, the tards just keep hitting themselves in the head in public with no clue they look fucking stupid. They have no understanding of simple economics at all.
Study up on the futures market.
So then, you can't have it both ways------------>either Trump convinced them to pump more in 19, and they just refuse now because they do not like massive profits, or Biden has no idea what he is doing. And while the profits would really be massive now, they would have been outlandish through 21.

Or perhaps increasing production is a long process that cannot be done overnight. Did that idea ever occur to you?

US oil production is up16% since Feb of 2021, at the current rate we will be above the record level of early 2020 by Nov of this year.

In the 3 years before COVID US oil production rose an average of 15%.
Talk now of a federal gas tax holiday and the Governor of MN has proposed the same for the summer months.

Wouldn't help a damn bit as that would just offset the increases in the last two weeks alone.
They will just raise taxes later to make up for the shortfall.
Because production is based on what is needed, and the price supports for increasing, or decreasing production......at least in our country.

Let me ask you, lol. When do you think frackers make more, when a barrel of oil is at 55, or at 100? So under our system, we should be pumping more, piping in more, trying to refine more. But, as you know, we aren't!

So then, you can't have it both ways------------>either Trump convinced them to pump more in 19, and they just refuse now because they do not like massive profits, or Biden has no idea what he is doing. And while the profits would really be massive now, they would have been outlandish through 21.

Sometimes those evil for profit oil companies just make no sense, lol. What a way to run a for profit business, lol.

Yeah, sure thing, and we conservatives aren't buying any of your swampland or the Brooklyn Bridge either!
you are - perhaps without bad faith - making a failed assumption that somehow presidents cause US domestic producers to produce more or less. That's actually insulting to them. They produce, or don't, based on their assumptions of profit.
When the market collapsed in 2000 with the pandemic, a lot of the smaller guys went bust. So there's less interest in "sinking wells" today. That may change if prices continue hovering well north of $100/barrel

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