Lets get off of gas, oil and coal!!!!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)
The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Absolutely. I use solar panels to help power the car, my house is insulated, Colorado is at the forefront of developing all sorts of renewables, and I'm a petroleum engineer, worked in and around the fossil fuel industry my entire life!!

Let us know how your typing on your "built from hydrocarbons" computer powered by fossil fuel electricity supports what you appear to be advocating?
We'll hear from Matthew when the next tide comes into Portland -- or the clouds part..
Whichever comes first..

Geothermal is a dirty mining operation.
Tidal designs that are practical are enviro nightmares.
More hydro in the US isn't in the cards.

Problem is --- the list is a lot shorter than that...
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Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???

In a SINGLE safe depository about the size of a football field.. And the vast MAJORITY of the spent fuel COULD be recycled and will cease to be a radiation in much less than 10,000 yrs. CAN be passivated in lead glass casing and be impervious to the elements.

Takes 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel to run your home for a year.. If we can safely handle the MOUNTAIN of toxic waste from Electric Cars and Battery stations for renewables --- (which are toxic for LONGER than nuclear waste) ---- we can handle your 0.7 ounces..
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Nuclear????? :eek: Nuclear is no choice! Where is your radioactive waste for millions of years???

In a SINGLE safe depository about the size of a football field.. And the vast MAJORITY of the spent fuel COULD be recycled and will cease to be a radiation in much less than 10,000 yrs. CAN be passivated in lead glass casing and be impervious to the elements.

Takes 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel to run your home for a year.. If we can safely handle the MOUNTAIN of toxic waste from Electric Cars and Battery stations for renewables --- (which are toxic for LONGER than nuclear waste) ---- we can handle your 0.7 ounces..

You are dreaming ...
Pretty cool move. Windmill technology hasn't changed much since the Dutch developed the windmill and now a town in the Netherlands is going back to 14th century technology. It should be a big tourist attraction.
Air Force One worked really good by wind power during computer simulations.

I think they should try it with the president aboard.

Hopefully it will go as well as the Obamacare site.
We'll hear from Matthew when the next tide comes into Portland -- or the clouds part..
Whichever comes first..

Geothermal is a dirty mining operation.

Interesting. How so? I drill a hole to someplace warm (done that plenty of times before), case and cement the hole, put in water, let it get hot in the bottom, circulated up tube similar to how I run a plunger lift system, except I only want the hot fluid on the surface to do stuff with, rather than produce as I might oil and gas. Then I send the now colder water back down to bottom. How might this be mining?
Pretty cool move. Windmill technology hasn't changed much since the Dutch developed the windmill and now a town in the Netherlands is going back to 14th century technology. It should be a big tourist attraction.

Right up there with the wooden shoes.
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)
So, you want to starve and freeze in the dark.

No, thanks.
Yeah, and in Great Britain they are discovering that windmills worth millions of pounds are only producing ten or more per month - when the wind blows and not too hard at that.
Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest From Fossil Fuels

At a Fossil Free Europe tour event in Amsterdam on Tuesday, two aldermen from Boxtel, Netherlands announced that their town would be divesting from the 200 fossil fuel companies that hold the largest coal, oil, and gas reserves. This makes Boxtel the first municipality in Europe to make a commitment to divest from fossil fuels, joining over 20 U.S. towns and cities that have vowed similar commitments.
Read more at Boxtel, Netherlands Becomes First In Europe To Divest Fossil Fuels

A list of colleges, cities, counties that no longer want to use coal, oil or gas!!!!

Fossil Free Commitments - Fossil Free

Ten U.S. Cities Commit to Pursue Fossil Fuel Divestment | 350.org

The choices are for our future are--->

Let us US message board members make a commitment to move towards the above choices. ;)

Never happen. Not as long as the big money is in oil, coal, gas.

And, until we have a way to dispose of the waste, you should remove nuclear from your list.
Yeah, and in Great Britain they are discovering that windmills worth millions of pounds are only producing ten or more per month - when the wind blows and not too hard at that.

You're right. If there's a problem, run away. That's what the right is all about. Why try to save this planet for their children when all they care about is money?

America just doesn't have the balls to lead in the area of energy. We need to depend on the rest of the civilized world to do this for us because we can't. Not as long as really stupid rw's vote for scum Republicans/t-potties.
I wish we could go back to horse and cart days, myself. Cooking in a huge fireplace with a big ol kettle. Pa huntin' while Ma mended his trousers by that fire as the stew cooked. Horses cozy in the barn, chickens clucking in their pen. Weeks before a letter arrives and nobody knowing what anyone else is doing at the click of a button.

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