Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

The question is why do grown men date teenagers.
When I was in college, about 6 years ago, I did a research paper on the "age of consent" in the US, from about the 1880's til today. While I got an excellent grade, my conclusions were a tad bit controversial. Suffice to say that during the industrial revolution, medicine changed and improved too. The whole idea of marrying a girl, some as young as 12, were no longer necessary to sustain the human specie. Furthermore, as we went from an agrarian rural to an industrial based urban society, large families were no longer needed per se. Apparently some men still want to cling to the "older" ways.
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.
You have some pretty skewed ideas of male/female relationships there, Comrade.

That's reality, cupcake. Every guy knows it, and every woman denies it when talking to men.
Isn't it just very odd that NONE of these stories ever surfaced until now, that NOT ONE of them surfaced during the battle over the Ten Commandments monument (a battle that gained nationwide attention for months), that NONE of them surfaced when Moore ran for governor, etc., etc.? Isn't that very odd?
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?
Where did I say that? You, on the other hand, are trying to pretend they never lie about it.
Jones Grabs Lead In Alabama
November 12, 2017 at 11:48 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard17 Comments

A new JMC Analytics poll in Alabama finds Doug Jones (D) now leading Roy Moore (R) in the U.S. Senate special election run off, 46% to 42%, with 9% undecided.

Interesting: “While 38% of poll participants said they were ‘less likely’ to vote for Moore in the aftermath of the allegations, 29% said it made them ‘more likely’ to vote for him and 33% said it made ‘no difference.'”


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That's the only poll that shows Jones leading.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.
So they heard a rumor of Moores past romantic pursuits and spent four months verifying the story before they printed it
You mean they spent fou months trying to dig up any dirt they could find on him and cajoling people to bear false withness against him. Do you supposed they would have invested that kind of effort if Moore was a Republican?
Love how you are just making stuff up now.....it's a trumpanzee thing, isn't it?
I didn't make up a thing. The "reporters" admitted it. They were doing opposition research for Doug Jones.
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It was normal back then. I couldn't get a date at the age of 16 because all the girls were dating men in their 20's who had cars and gave them drugs in trade for sex.
Not necessarily true. I lived in a big city and went to a very big high school. Girls dated boys their own age. I may have sometimes dated a guy a year or two older but not men in their 30s. No one did that.

Also it seems absurd to generalize about girls you age in high school, that they all prostituted themselves for a ride in a car and drugs. Why would you want to go out with the type of girl who did that anyway? You are saying there were no nice, decent girls in your school?
When I was in college a lot of the girls I was dating were going out with guys in their 30s. When you're dead broke it's hard to compete with guys who are professionals and drive a Mercedes.
Think about it........if Moore were to lose to Jones next month, republicans would be reduced to just a ONE seat majority in the senate.....

Conversely, were Moore to win, the democrats' ads for the 2018 election in BOTH chambers would be rather simple to devise.....(if you know what I mean)

McConnell and Ryan are in a bit of a bind over Moore (and their corrupt tax bill, I may add.)
What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.

Moore admitted it on Hannity.

What are you defending? That 14 year Olds don't know what kind of man they want in their panties?
He did not, you lying piece of shit. You post outright falsehoods like that and you expect people to believe anything you say?

"Common knowledge" that Moore dated high schoolers, ex-colleague says

"It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird," former deputy District Attorney Theresa Jones, who used to work with Roy Moore, told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall."

Four women have come forward with accusations against Moore, including one who was 14 when she claims Moore sexually assaulted her. Moore told Sean Hannity he "dated a lot of young ladies" when he returned from the military, though "not generally" 16- and 17-year-olds.

"Common knowledge" that Moore dated high schoolers, ex-colleague says

Yes Moore admitted it to Hannity

He did not admit to dating a 14 year old, douche bag. At this point, we don't know that his "colleague" isn't another Democrat political hack like the Gibson woman. My bet is that she is active in Democrat politics.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?

Not all women, Crystal Mangum did when she accused the La Crosse player. Lena Dunham did when she accused somebody, she never did get that story straight. The women, real or imagined who were the subject of a Rolling Stone article did. Wanetta Gibson accused Brian Banks of rape. She was lying. Mary Zolkowski lied when she claimed to have been raped. Jemma Beale claimed to have been raped by 15 men. She was never raped at all.

Two women who accused Bill Cosby of raping them were on the bandwagon but lying when it was proved that Cosby was in fact, out of the country at the time. One woman who accused Donald Trump of groping was only trying to sell her line of sex toys. One woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of inappropriate conduct is now in jail for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Not all women lie about rape and assault but enough do to make suspicious claims, well, suspicious. Of the four women claiming that Roy Moore assaulted them, one is a DNC campaign worker, one seems to be on the payroll. The two others' claims are of innocent conduct. One woman claiming that Moore asked her mother for permission to take the girl out. Mother said no and the girl never saw Moore again. Now that's a huge act of harassment right there.

The facts are, 40 years of service, 8 major election campaigns and only when its a senate campaign with a democrat challenger has this come up and it stinks to high heaven.
Welcome to national politics! Before it was just Bama.

It is the GOP who doesn't want to be painted with Moore and for more reasons than that he is just a pedophile

The establishment RINOs never liked him. Getting rid of those worthless slime is exactly the reason people voted for Moore.
Establishment RINOs

Is that what you are calling sane moral republicans now?

By "sane" you mean douchebags who sell out the people who voted for them. Yes, that is what I call them.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
Irrelevant since it hasn't been established that any such thing ever occured, you lying piece of shit.
A former colleague of U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore said Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that the Alabama Republican dated high school girls while he was the assistant district attorney for Etowah County.

Moore worked in the district attorney’s office from 1977 until 1982, and his coworkers found it strange that he regularly dated high school girls, Teresa Jones, former deputy district attorney for Etowah County from 1982 until 1985 told CNN.

No one confronted him about the behavior, which included preying on young girls at high school gatherings, at the time, she said.

“It was common knowledge that Roy Moore dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird,” Jones told CNN. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall...but you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that,” Jones told CN
Poll: 37 percent of Alabama evangelicals more likely to vote for Moore after allegations

Poll: 37 percent of Alabama evangelicals more likely to vote for Moore after allegations

LOL, this is so funny! MORE likely!!!

WTF is an evangelical any more? Definitely not Godly

Evangelicals are Satan's little helpers.
The best I can figure, evangelicals are not about God. They are about RW white supremacy politics and specifically aborton
Two advertisers back away from Sean Hannity's show

Realtor.com and Keurig are pulling their advertisements from Sean Hannity's Fox News show. Both faced criticism on Twitter about continuing partnerships with Hannity after his controversial coverage of the sexual assault allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Neither company explicitly cited the Moore coverage as its reason for backing out.

Two advertisers back away from Sean Hannity's show
I has an old coffee maker. But I will not support any coffee makers that supports Hillary and her pedophilia organizations. Every dollar that is spent on them, helps pedophiles to get away with murder

Hannity Fans Livid, Call For Boycott Of Keurig

The popular Keurig single cup coffee machine maker is facing a boycott by outraged fans of conservative talk radio and TV icon Sean Hannity after the company caved to pressure from Democratic Party front group Media Matters for America after the group smeared Hannity over his comments about Alabama Republican U.S. Senate nominee Roy Moore and accusations reported by the Washington Post that Moore preyed on teenage girls when he was in his early thirties. Keurig Caves to Media Matters, Faces Boycott Backlash from Outraged Sean Hannity Fans After Dropping Ads

On another thread, I offered a "meager defense" of Moore, stating that just based on allegations from 40 years prior, us democrats would be lowering ourselves to right wingers' own tactics.

Moore is a scum bucket and I sincerely hope he loses.......HOWEVER, rather than us applying the same low standards as right wingers, we should encourage Moore to keep opening his foul mouth and provide a "shovel" in digging his own grave.

Here's a "perfect" example of Moore being interviewed by the soft-ball idiot, Hannity:

Asked if he remembers dating teenage women when he was older than 30, Moore said, "Not generally, no."

"I don't remember dating any girl without the permission of her mother," he said. He later pointed to The Post's story and said, "These two young girls actually said their mothers encouraged them to be friends with me."

After a commercial break, Moore became more forceful in his denials of dating teenagers. He said doing so "would be out of my customary behavior" and that he "never" would have dated a teen without her mother's permission.

Now, please remember that Moore was in his 30s when these instances/allegations occurred.
Sad that now we have to ask our politicians and judges if they dated high school girls when they were in their 30s. Never thought to do that before, but I guess now it's a thing. Thanks Trump.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
Irrelevant since it hasn't been established that any such thing ever occured, you lying piece of shit.

Bri, when Moore admits it and all these people independently knew about it its time to cut the shit.

You tell me why a 30 year dating teens is ok. If not, move the fuck on because you know its wrong. Period.

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