Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

Jones Grabs Lead In Alabama
November 12, 2017 at 11:48 am ESTBy Taegan Goddard17 Comments

A new JMC Analytics poll in Alabama finds Doug Jones (D) now leading Roy Moore (R) in the U.S. Senate special election run off, 46% to 42%, with 9% undecided.

Interesting: “While 38% of poll participants said they were ‘less likely’ to vote for Moore in the aftermath of the allegations, 29% said it made them ‘more likely’ to vote for him and 33% said it made ‘no difference.'”


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It looks like the sleazy despicable Hillary campaign tactic is working.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.
So they heard a rumor of Moores past romantic pursuits and spent four months verifying the story before they printed it
You mean they spent fou months trying to dig up any dirt they could find on him and cajoling people to bear false withness against him. Do you supposed they would have invested that kind of effort if Moore was a Republican?
Love how you are just making stuff up now.....it's a trumpanzee thing, isn't it?
It was normal back then. I couldn't get a date at the age of 16 because all the girls were dating men in their 20's who had cars and gave them drugs in trade for sex.
The question is why do grown men date teenagers.
When I was in college, about 6 years ago, I did a research paper on the "age of consent" in the US, from about the 1880's til today. While I got an excellent grade, my conclusions were a tad bit controversial. Suffice to say that during the industrial revolution, medicine changed and improved too. The whole idea of marrying a girl, some as young as 12, were no longer necessary to sustain the human specie. Furthermore, as we went from an agrarian rural to an industrial based urban society, large families were no longer needed per se. Apparently some men still want to cling to the "older" ways.
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?
Whenever someone says "everyone knows" it's always a lie.
Everybody Knew About Harvey
Oct 6, 2017
RUSH: everybody apparently knew about Harvey Weinstein. Everybody that worked with him, everybody that took money from him, everybody that palled around with him all throughout Hollywood, everybody knew.
As usual democrats set the bar too high. Even after he was married, Hillary's husband allegedly "dated" everything in a skirt and while Monica was "of legal age" she was barely a year or two older than his daughter. Does that mean Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual molestation and rape?
The question is why do grown men date teenagers.
When I was in college, about 6 years ago, I did a research paper on the "age of consent" in the US, from about the 1880's til today. While I got an excellent grade, my conclusions were a tad bit controversial. Suffice to say that during the industrial revolution, medicine changed and improved too. The whole idea of marrying a girl, some as young as 12, were no longer necessary to sustain the human specie. Furthermore, as we went from an agrarian rural to an industrial based urban society, large families were no longer needed per se. Apparently some men still want to cling to the "older" ways.
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.
It was normal back then. I couldn't get a date at the age of 16 because all the girls were dating men in their 20's who had cars and gave them drugs in trade for sex.
Not necessarily true. I lived in a big city and went to a very big high school. Girls dated boys their own age. I may have sometimes dated a guy a year or two older but not men in their 30s. No one did that.

Also it seems absurd to generalize about girls you age in high school, that they all prostituted themselves for a ride in a car and drugs. Why would you want to go out with the type of girl who did that anyway? You are saying there were no nice, decent girls in your school?
Even after he was married, Hillary's husband allegedly "dated" everything in a skirt. Monica was barely older than his daughter. Does that mean Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual molestation and rape?
These people are not the issue. Monica, btw, was of age, an adult. A college student, not a high school girl.
Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate for December’s Senate special election in Alabama, took a leading role in an effort by a far-left legal group massively funded by billionaire George Soros to grant full voting rights nationwide to felons released from prison, including those convicted of murder, rape, and other violent crimes.
Besides his direct role advocating for the votes-for-criminals scheme, Jones is also listed by the Soros-funded organization as a “supporter” of the voting drive for felons alongside a grouping of radical Soros-financed organizations. Jones is himself tied to some of those other Soros-funded groups. Doug Jones Pushed Felon Voting 'Rights' with Soros-Funded Org

A website that functions as the public web portal for Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate for December’s Senate special election in Alabama, advocates for supporters to “get involved” in “matters of justice and equality” through four organizations that are far-left activist groups financed by billionaire George Soros.

Jones himself is closely associated with at least three of those Soros-financed groups, Breitbart News has found.

The website SeekingJusticeToday.com gets its namesake from the following statement by Jones, brandished on the main page of the site: “It is never too late to just do the right thing, to seek the truth, to seek justice.” Doug Jones Website Pushes Supporters to ‘Get Involved’ with Soros-Funded Far-Left Groups

Joe Biden endorses Democrat Doug Jones for Senate for Alabama. Show Doug some love folks.........


Who funds the "Foundation for Moral Law?
BTW: The videos are annoying and pointless..

We have to live by morals. It is morals that makes this country great. I know that you Hillary's supporters wants a immoral society, that you can do whatever you want to anyone at anytime. But it will be a cold day in hell that if any of you Hillary's supporters will be able to penetrate my bottom with any foreign object.

he Foundation for Moral Law was established in 2003[3] by Republican politician Roy Moore. Pastor Phillip Ellen became the first president of the Foundation for Moral Law in December 2002.[8] Randy Stafford acted as vice president at that time, and Mel C. Glenn Sr. was executive director. Foundation for Moral Law - Wikipedia

Genesis 19: 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

The question is why do grown men date teenagers.
When I was in college, about 6 years ago, I did a research paper on the "age of consent" in the US, from about the 1880's til today. While I got an excellent grade, my conclusions were a tad bit controversial. Suffice to say that during the industrial revolution, medicine changed and improved too. The whole idea of marrying a girl, some as young as 12, were no longer necessary to sustain the human specie. Furthermore, as we went from an agrarian rural to an industrial based urban society, large families were no longer needed per se. Apparently some men still want to cling to the "older" ways.
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.

Moore admitted it on Hannity.

What are you defending? That 14 year Olds don't know what kind of man they want in their panties?
When I was in college, about 6 years ago, I did a research paper on the "age of consent" in the US, from about the 1880's til today. While I got an excellent grade, my conclusions were a tad bit controversial. Suffice to say that during the industrial revolution, medicine changed and improved too. The whole idea of marrying a girl, some as young as 12, were no longer necessary to sustain the human specie. Furthermore, as we went from an agrarian rural to an industrial based urban society, large families were no longer needed per se. Apparently some men still want to cling to the "older" ways.
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.

Moore admitted it on Hannity.

What are you defending? That 14 year Olds don't know what kind of man they want in their panties?
He did not, you lying piece of shit. You post outright falsehoods like that and you expect people to believe anything you say?
I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.

Moore admitted it on Hannity.

What are you defending? That 14 year Olds don't know what kind of man they want in their panties?
He did not, you lying piece of shit. You post outright falsehoods like that and you expect people to believe anything you say?
That is common for them to lie. That is the only thing that they could understand, when it is a lie.

It's not just comedy, it's satire.

noun: satire
  1. the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


apply that to the post you responded to.

(psst, I'll give you a hint...SNL is NOT a news site)

It doesn't pretend to be a news site you fucking moron.

Apparently all you moron snowflakes believe it's a news site.

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