Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

I think they are also men who are immature, who are weak in the sense they don't want to deal on an equal footing with an adult female, someone who may have her own ideas and a stronger sense of self.

What makes you think men want to be "on an equal footing" with some castrating bitch? Women certainly don't want to be on an equal footing with men. They want a guy who is taller than they are, who makes more money than they do, and who is more mature than they are. You made your beds, so lie in them.

Yeah, but what does a 8th grade girl want besides a cool birthday party?

We haven't established any such incident actually occured, scumbag.

Moore admitted it on Hannity.

What are you defending? That 14 year Olds don't know what kind of man they want in their panties?
He did not, you lying piece of shit. You post outright falsehoods like that and you expect people to believe anything you say?

"Common knowledge" that Moore dated high schoolers, ex-colleague says

"It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird," former deputy District Attorney Theresa Jones, who used to work with Roy Moore, told CNN. "We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall."

Four women have come forward with accusations against Moore, including one who was 14 when she claims Moore sexually assaulted her. Moore told Sean Hannity he "dated a lot of young ladies" when he returned from the military, though "not generally" 16- and 17-year-olds.

"Common knowledge" that Moore dated high schoolers, ex-colleague says

Yes Moore admitted it to Hannity
Isn't it just very odd that NONE of these stories ever surfaced until now, that NOT ONE of them surfaced during the battle over the Ten Commandments monument (a battle that gained nationwide attention for months), that NONE of them surfaced when Moore ran for governor, etc., etc.? Isn't that very odd?
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?

Not all women, Crystal Mangum did when she accused the La Crosse player. Lena Dunham did when she accused somebody, she never did get that story straight. The women, real or imagined who were the subject of a Rolling Stone article did. Wanetta Gibson accused Brian Banks of rape. She was lying. Mary Zolkowski lied when she claimed to have been raped. Jemma Beale claimed to have been raped by 15 men. She was never raped at all.

Two women who accused Bill Cosby of raping them were on the bandwagon but lying when it was proved that Cosby was in fact, out of the country at the time. One woman who accused Donald Trump of groping was only trying to sell her line of sex toys. One woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of inappropriate conduct is now in jail for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Not all women lie about rape and assault but enough do to make suspicious claims, well, suspicious. Of the four women claiming that Roy Moore assaulted them, one is a DNC campaign worker, one seems to be on the payroll. The two others' claims are of innocent conduct. One woman claiming that Moore asked her mother for permission to take the girl out. Mother said no and the girl never saw Moore again. Now that's a huge act of harassment right there.

The facts are, 40 years of service, 8 major election campaigns and only when its a senate campaign with a democrat challenger has this come up and it stinks to high heaven.
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.
So they heard a rumor of Moores past romantic pursuits and spent four months verifying the story before they printed it
You mean they spent fou months trying to dig up any dirt they could find on him and cajoling people to bear false withness against him. Do you supposed they would have invested that kind of effort if Moore was a Republican?

The dirt was already there

They spent four months verifying a lead. That is what Reporters do. Identify sources, verify their story, follow up

Would they do it if Moore weren't a Republican?
They did it on Clinton
One of the hottest chicks I ever banged was 18 at the time! And she even got on the pill since I indicated even Magnum XL rubbers just don't feel comfortable. And her tits grew like two cup sizes after a few months on the pill.

Long story short, I worked in Manhattan while she attended college in upstate Connecticut, so she settled for some douchebag. No doubt she still fantasizes about me (who wouldn't?) when trying to do the punk she married.

LoL there Snouter. Ya managed to advertise your dick size and tell us how bitchin' ya is in a couple of sentences so congrats i guess.

I dated high school girls too - when i was in HIGH SCHOOL. Were ya thirty something when you was bangin' this chick (who is "still fantasizing about you cuz who wouldn't").


Once when I was in my 20s I met a woman in a bar and made a date with her. It turned out she was underage. She was still a teenager and still living with mom and dad. I had to pick her up at her house and meet her entire family. I didn't ask her out for a 2nd date, partly because I didn't want to undergo all that scrutiny every time we went out. She was also kind of annoying.

A lot of women like older men. There's no doubt about that.
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Isn't it just very odd that NONE of these stories ever surfaced until now, that NOT ONE of them surfaced during the battle over the Ten Commandments monument (a battle that gained nationwide attention for months), that NONE of them surfaced when Moore ran for governor, etc., etc.? Isn't that very odd?
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?

Not all women, Crystal Mangum did when she accused the La Crosse player. Lena Dunham did when she accused somebody, she never did get that story straight. The women, real or imagined who were the subject of a Rolling Stone article did. Wanetta Gibson accused Brian Banks of rape. She was lying. Mary Zolkowski lied when she claimed to have been raped. Jemma Beale claimed to have been raped by 15 men. She was never raped at all.

Two women who accused Bill Cosby of raping them were on the bandwagon but lying when it was proved that Cosby was in fact, out of the country at the time. One woman who accused Donald Trump of groping was only trying to sell her line of sex toys. One woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of inappropriate conduct is now in jail for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Not all women lie about rape and assault but enough do to make suspicious claims, well, suspicious. Of the four women claiming that Roy Moore assaulted them, one is a DNC campaign worker, one seems to be on the payroll. The two others' claims are of innocent conduct. One woman claiming that Moore asked her mother for permission to take the girl out. Mother said no and the girl never saw Moore again. Now that's a huge act of harassment right there.

The facts are, 40 years of service, 8 major election campaigns and only when its a senate campaign with a democrat challenger has this come up and it stinks to high heaven.
Welcome to national politics! Before it was just Bama.

It is the GOP who doesn't want to be painted with Moore and for more reasons than that he is just a pedophile
No question Moore was creepy while in his thirties

More concerning is his behavior as a judge and his first amendment violations as well as his hatred of gays
Who funds the "Foundation for Moral Law?
Willis Carto, one of the country's most prominent white supremacists.
Thank you. I didn't know about this guy. He's dead now, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery next to our folks who fought Hitler. Is this disgusting, or what???
Are you saying they shouldn't bury veterans in Arlington because you don't like their political views? He fought the Japs in WW II and recieved a purple heart
We have to live by morals. It is morals that makes this country great. I know that you Hillary's supporters wants a immoral society, that you can do whatever you want to anyone at anytime. But it will be a cold day in hell that if any of you Hillary's supporters will be able to penetrate my bottom with any foreign object.

he Foundation for Moral Law was established in 2003[3] by Republican politician Roy Moore. Pastor Phillip Ellen became the first president of the Foundation for Moral Law in December 2002.[8] Randy Stafford acted as vice president at that time, and Mel C. Glenn Sr. was executive director. Foundation for Moral Law - Wikipedia

Genesis 19: 4 Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. 5 They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

Thank you Gawd - just what i needed - a F-ing Sunday school lesson from Roy Moore o_O

As usual democrats set the bar too high. Even after he was married, Hillary's husband allegedly "dated" everything in a skirt and while Monica was "of legal age" she was barely a year or two older than his daughter. Does that mean Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual molestation and rape?

Yes, we are searching so hard to make having a 14 year old stroke your cock that we are going to equate a legal aged woman with a 14 year old and call consenting adults molesters.

Please cut that commercial to play in Alabama.
Isn't it just very odd that NONE of these stories ever surfaced until now, that NOT ONE of them surfaced during the battle over the Ten Commandments monument (a battle that gained nationwide attention for months), that NONE of them surfaced when Moore ran for governor, etc., etc.? Isn't that very odd?
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?

Not all women, Crystal Mangum did when she accused the La Crosse player. Lena Dunham did when she accused somebody, she never did get that story straight. The women, real or imagined who were the subject of a Rolling Stone article did. Wanetta Gibson accused Brian Banks of rape. She was lying. Mary Zolkowski lied when she claimed to have been raped. Jemma Beale claimed to have been raped by 15 men. She was never raped at all.

Two women who accused Bill Cosby of raping them were on the bandwagon but lying when it was proved that Cosby was in fact, out of the country at the time. One woman who accused Donald Trump of groping was only trying to sell her line of sex toys. One woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of inappropriate conduct is now in jail for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Not all women lie about rape and assault but enough do to make suspicious claims, well, suspicious. Of the four women claiming that Roy Moore assaulted them, one is a DNC campaign worker, one seems to be on the payroll. The two others' claims are of innocent conduct. One woman claiming that Moore asked her mother for permission to take the girl out. Mother said no and the girl never saw Moore again. Now that's a huge act of harassment right there.

The facts are, 40 years of service, 8 major election campaigns and only when its a senate campaign with a democrat challenger has this come up and it stinks to high heaven.
Welcome to national politics! Before it was just Bama.

It is the GOP who doesn't want to be painted with Moore and for more reasons than that he is just a pedophile

The establishment RINOs never liked him. Getting rid of those worthless slime is exactly the reason people voted for Moore.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?
If these allegations are true, why did they wait so long to come out?

The media is really going out of its way to go after Hollywood and now politicians.
The media isn't going after anyone: they are simply reporting allegations.
Horseshit. WAPO even admits these two vulturs spent 4 months looking for women to accuse Moore, and if allegations are correct, they also offered to pay for any such allegations.
So they heard a rumor of Moores past romantic pursuits and spent four months verifying the story before they printed it
You mean they spent fou months trying to dig up any dirt they could find on him and cajoling people to bear false withness against him. Do you supposed they would have invested that kind of effort if Moore was a Republican?

The dirt was already there

They spent four months verifying a lead. That is what Reporters do. Identify sources, verify their story, follow up

Would they do it if Moore weren't a Republican?
They did it on Clinton

No newspaper paid anyone for 4 months to investigate Clinton. His accusers stepped forward on their own.
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

You're right, it is not odd. it's criminal. They are all guilty of slander and libel.
All women lie about rape and assault, right?

Not all women, Crystal Mangum did when she accused the La Crosse player. Lena Dunham did when she accused somebody, she never did get that story straight. The women, real or imagined who were the subject of a Rolling Stone article did. Wanetta Gibson accused Brian Banks of rape. She was lying. Mary Zolkowski lied when she claimed to have been raped. Jemma Beale claimed to have been raped by 15 men. She was never raped at all.

Two women who accused Bill Cosby of raping them were on the bandwagon but lying when it was proved that Cosby was in fact, out of the country at the time. One woman who accused Donald Trump of groping was only trying to sell her line of sex toys. One woman who accused Bill O'Reilly of inappropriate conduct is now in jail for making false claims of sexual harassment.

Not all women lie about rape and assault but enough do to make suspicious claims, well, suspicious. Of the four women claiming that Roy Moore assaulted them, one is a DNC campaign worker, one seems to be on the payroll. The two others' claims are of innocent conduct. One woman claiming that Moore asked her mother for permission to take the girl out. Mother said no and the girl never saw Moore again. Now that's a huge act of harassment right there.

The facts are, 40 years of service, 8 major election campaigns and only when its a senate campaign with a democrat challenger has this come up and it stinks to high heaven.
Welcome to national politics! Before it was just Bama.

It is the GOP who doesn't want to be painted with Moore and for more reasons than that he is just a pedophile

The establishment RINOs never liked him. Getting rid of those worthless slime is exactly the reason people voted for Moore.
Establishment RINOs

Is that what you are calling sane moral republicans now?
Who funds the "Foundation for Moral Law?
Willis Carto, one of the country's most prominent white supremacists.
Thank you. I didn't know about this guy. He's dead now, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery next to our folks who fought Hitler. Is this disgusting, or what???
Are you saying they shouldn't bury veterans in Arlington because you don't like their political views? He fought the Japs in WW II and recieved a purple heart

No, I'm not. I just said that it was disgusting. I think that minimizing the "political views" of people whose views consist only of hating other groups of people is also disgusting.
As usual democrats set the bar too high. Even after he was married, Hillary's husband allegedly "dated" everything in a skirt and while Monica was "of legal age" she was barely a year or two older than his daughter. Does that mean Bill Clinton was guilty of sexual molestation and rape?

Yes, we are searching so hard to make having a 14 year old stroke your cock that we are going to equate a legal aged woman with a 14 year old and call consenting adults molesters.

Please cut that commercial to play in Alabama.
Apparently you believe dating an 18 year old woman is a crime, so why not a 21 year old woman? How old was Clinton when he was using Monica for a humidor? He was in his 50s, wasn't he?
Who funds the "Foundation for Moral Law?
Willis Carto, one of the country's most prominent white supremacists.
Thank you. I didn't know about this guy. He's dead now, and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery next to our folks who fought Hitler. Is this disgusting, or what???
Are you saying they shouldn't bury veterans in Arlington because you don't like their political views? He fought the Japs in WW II and recieved a purple heart

No, I'm not. I just said that it was disgusting. I think that minimizing the "political views" of people whose views consist only of hating other groups of people is also disgusting.
You said it was disgusting that he was buried alongside veterans in Arlington. What else can that mean other than that you don't think he should be buried there because of his political views?
Two advertisers back away from Sean Hannity's show

Realtor.com and Keurig are pulling their advertisements from Sean Hannity's Fox News show. Both faced criticism on Twitter about continuing partnerships with Hannity after his controversial coverage of the sexual assault allegations against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Neither company explicitly cited the Moore coverage as its reason for backing out.

Two advertisers back away from Sean Hannity's show
They date men in their 30's, every day? Really? You actually believe this? :rolleyes:
The question is why do grown men date teenagers.
An 18 year old female is a grown woman.

But why can't he stick with his own age group? Running from something, like maturity maybe?
And he's Mr. Big Christian, he's advertised himself as such, so he always knew what his sexual morals were supposed to be. No sex until marriage, am I right?
Frankly, I'm appalled at all of these supposed adults picking on teenagers. Americans seem to be all over the map about this. After all of this "morality" shit all over the place, people are okay with adults trolling for kids? I'm not okay with it. I'm glad that people who are now adults are finally speaking out about what happened to them when they were vulnerable, so no more protection for the animals who do these things.

Then don't vote for him. It's amazing how people who voted for Clinton and defended him suddenly get all holier than though when A Republican is in their sights.
Who voted for Clinton after the Lewinski scandal? Name names.
He wasn't up for reelection at the time, moron. Of course, you already knew that. You voted for him despite all the allegations from women who said he sexually assaulted them.

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