Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

Hannity was trying desperately to lead him in the right direction.

And Creepy Roy promptly hung himself

With parents consent! Which means he followed the LAW as written by that state.

Well no- not a single parent has said she consented to Moore dating the 14/16/18 year old.

And no- even if the Mom said it was okay for Moore to put the 14 year old's hand on his erection- it would still be illegal.

But fascinating that you are okay with it.
And they thought it was “weird,” according to former deputy district attorney.

A former prosecutor who worked in Alabama with GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore in the early 1980s told CNN on Saturday that it was “common knowledge” that Moore dated teenagers — and people thought it was “weird.”

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls. Everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Etowah County deputy district attorney Teresa Jones told CNN national correspondent Alexander Marquardt. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall. But you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that.”


When asked on Twitter why girls didn’t step forward at the time, Jones responded: “At that time, in that atmosphere unless the girls came forward with specifics, then no, no charges could have been brought. The Weinstein, Hoffman, etc. revelations have made it far more palatable for women to come forward.”

More: Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague

More corroboration from a former colleague.

Ever hear about the Congressman who dated a young man while he was in high school? He was a Democrat so he got a standing ovation for it in the US House of Representatives.
If you are talking about Gerry Studds, you might want to recheck your fake news source...the House of Representatives kicked him off his committees and censuring him. It was his constituents back home who gave him a standing ovation.

Here: Gerry Studds - Wikipedia

House Democrats welcomed him back with open arms when he got off. Don't recall outrage from the faithful. Democrats and "selective outrage" are synonymous.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
Irrelevant since it hasn't been established that any such thing ever occured, you lying piece of shit.

Bri, when Moore admits it and all these people independently knew about it its time to cut the shit.

You tell me why a 30 year dating teens is ok. If not, move the fuck on because you know its wrong. Period.

By "teen," do you mean someone 18 years old? Yeah, that's perfectly OK. When you can prove the accuser was 14 at the time, then you would have something to complain about. Until that time, you're simply blowing hot gas.

Moore never admitted that he dated a 14 year old. That's what makes you a lying piece of shit.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
Irrelevant since it hasn't been established that any such thing ever occured, you lying piece of shit.

Bri, when Moore admits it and all these people independently knew about it its time to cut the shit.

You tell me why a 30 year dating teens is ok. If not, move the fuck on because you know its wrong. Period.

By "teen," do you mean someone 18 years old? Yeah, that's perfectly OK. When you can prove the accuser was 14 at the time, then you would have something to complain about. Until that time, you're simply blowing hot gas.

Moore never admitted that he dated a 14 year old. That's what makes you a lying piece of shit.
Nuttin wrong wit a 30plus ole lawyer datin a high skuul kid. A gree.
Allegations against Roy Moore roil U.S. evangelical ranks

“This is one of those excruciating decision moments for evangelicals,” Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said in a telephone interview. “These allegations, if true, are devastating. If true, this is a very big deal.”

According the Pew Research Center, 49 percent of Alabama adults are evangelical Protestants. For some of them, the Moore allegations echo the quandary they faced last year, wrestling over whether to support Donald Trump in the presidential race despite his crude sexual boasts.

The Rev. Robert Franklin, professor of moral leadership at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, said The Washington Post’s report about the Moore allegations represents a test of “moral consistency” for evangelicals.

“Evangelicals are steadily losing their moral authority in the larger public square by intensifying their uncritical loyalty to Donald Trump,” Franklin wrote in an email. “Since this is Roy Moore and not Donald Trump, I think there may be significant disaffection with him, and increased demands for his removal from the ballot.”

As for Moore himself, Franklin suggested there were “classic evangelical remedies” such as confession, prayer and remorse and isolation.

“Election to higher office is not one of them,” Franklin wrote.

Although Trump won 80 percent of the white evangelical vote in his presidential victory, his candidacy exposed and hardened rifts among conservative Christians about partisan politics, the personal character of government leaders and the Gospel. Surveys by the Public Religion Research Institute found that the percentage of white evangelicals who said they still trusted the leadership of a politician who commits an immoral act rose from 30 percent in 2011 to 72 percent last year.

Allegations against Roy Moore roil U.S. evangelical ranks
Maybe those women don't want Moore going to congress? & maybe Democrats did the digging to bring there story's up? maybe Moore lacks Christian values & is a wolf in sheep clothing? or maybe he has a very bad track record through all his public service & is not qualified for the job he seeks.
Why? 16 women came out against Trump and the GOP Loves, Loves, Loves him.
Trump even admits he likes to sexually assault women.

Maybe Moore's behavior isn't a problem, maybe it's a requirement for the GOP.
Everyone knew that Roy Moore liked teenaged girls when he was in his 30s. Hmmm. There's been four girls. Did he only date four different women or was his conduct so innocent with the others, they haven't been paid enough to lie?

What is innocent conduct between a 34 year old guy and a 8th grader?
Irrelevant since it hasn't been established that any such thing ever occured, you lying piece of shit.

Bri, when Moore admits it and all these people independently knew about it its time to cut the shit.

You tell me why a 30 year dating teens is ok. If not, move the fuck on because you know its wrong. Period.

By "teen," do you mean someone 18 years old? Yeah, that's perfectly OK. When you can prove the accuser was 14 at the time, then you would have something to complain about. Until that time, you're simply blowing hot gas.

Moore never admitted that he dated a 14 year old. That's what makes you a lying piece of shit.

There is no need, you have decided to throw your lot behind a molester and think that semantics makes touching a child ok.

That's between you and your God bro
Why? 16 women came out against Trump and the GOP Loves, Loves, Loves him.
Trump even admits he likes to sexually assault women.

Maybe Moore's behavior isn't a problem, maybe it's a requirement for the GOP.

You could be right.

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