Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

So three women who were not underage accuse Moore of nothing. One woman who has a really seedy past accuses him of misconduct.

So we're supposed to believe only the nasty one?
C-O-W-A-R-D. You like democrat child screwers. That’s why you’re little hero Carlos was free to try and screw 14 year olds again.
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You do know Barney was reprimanded by his colleagues for fucking barley leagles right?
Moron... when are you going to learn the difference between illegally underaged and legally of the age of consent?

Just admit you’re an idiot who threw Barney Frank’s name into a conversation about politicians caught with underaged minors and move on.

Pleas do not adress me with your rants slave. You are simply a mook. Go play with truth matters and Rderp in the rubber room.

Spits the rightard who threw in the name of a politician NOT caught with an underaged minor in a discussion about policians caught with underaged minors.


Listen TM, you are a moonbat. I mean, all you are doing is repeating verbatim what they are saying on y’all radio and TV, hell, other posts even!. You have no better mbshells only a word. I don’t hold it agains anyone who believes this, or don’t much like Moore. Hell, I hate him for all the reasons I hate trump. But you are different. Only reason you are even commenting is for attention. So go on, go play with RDerp and make your tin foil boat hats.
Well lets look at her past, she knows that GOP representatives like the screw kids...

So she decided to help Democrats... They at least put there pedophiles in prison, GOP put them in Washington...

She had a choice of Democrat or a Pedophile and she went for a Democrat... It is obvious you wanted her to go for a Pedophile.

Um, Barney Frank. And if you dare talking about “ol’Carlos danger”, no, not really. Most second time offenders do real time right now, not two weeks. The democrat are no better.
Huh? What about Barney Frank?
Well lets look at her past, she knows that GOP representatives like the screw kids...

So she decided to help Democrats... They at least put there pedophiles in prison, GOP put them in Washington...

She had a choice of Democrat or a Pedophile and she went for a Democrat... It is obvious you wanted her to go for a Pedophile.

Um, Barney Frank. And if you dare talking about “ol’Carlos danger”, no, not really. Most second time offenders do real time right now, not two weeks. The democrat are no better.
Huh? What about Barney Frank?

I forgot. Your like a good fish and can’t rememb past the last 30 seconds of the 24 hour news cycle. Are y’all had hisself a barely league to. Young man as a matter of fact. Turns out, Barney is a playa since like ‘89. I bet he still likes his boys young to .

Top 10 Political Sex Scandals - TIME

Frank hired Gobie to run errands and allowed him to live at his home, where Frank obviously hoped he would be rehabilitated and renounce his life of sin. The only problem: Gobie kept on working as a prostitute — from Frank's home.
Obviously, being a signer at political campaigns is evil now. But diddling 14 years olds is just fine for the GOP.
And you only know because I told you.

Murder of Jesse Dirkhising - Wikipedia

Jesse William Dirkhising (May 24, 1986 – September 26, 1999), also known as Jesse Yates, was an American teenager from Prairie Grove, Arkansas. He was kidnapped by two men who bound, drugged, tortured, and repeatedly raped him. He died from drugging and positional asphyxiaduring the ordeal.[4][5]
Sounds like Davis Carpenter is a rightwing nut. What’s your point?
The accusations are there but corroborating witnesses are what makes this hard to deny.

He like his girls young, very young. The 14 year old said it is a combination of him running for Senate and the other accusers coming out now... Moore never went for a national post before this and that alone brings in special attention...

Okay, let's be clear... there is nothing wrong with liking young girls. The legal age of sexual consent in Alabama is 16. So as long as the girl is 16 or older, there is nothing illegal about such a relationship as long as it's consenting. It may be creepy as fuck... you might think it's gross... Which I also find very amusing, since you don't seem to mind trannies in the bathrooms of the same young girls... but it's simply not illegal for an older man to date young girls.

These "other accusers" you mention, are women who were supposedly in their late teens who dated him. Again... that's not illegal. The ONLY illegality accused here is the 14 year old girl, and that's a story being told by one person who may or may not be telling the truth. So you've taken that allegation and garnished it with circumstantial evidence of things that aren't illegal to concoct the appearance of an impropriety. And this isn't exactly the first time this shit has been pulled. Do you think we're all stupid?
Boss, the accusations that he molested a 14 year old is more believable than his denials.

I don't find it believable. Like I said, why hasn't this come out before now? The man has a 40 year career and has been extremely controversial for most of it. What I am seeing is, two-faced hypocrite liberals who want to convict him over allegations without any proof of guilt whatsoever.

If he did it and you can prove he did it... fine! Lock him up and throw away the key! But until I see some clear compelling evidence, I am going to presume he is innocent.

When this stuff comes up there is typically a very damninng evidence. Like right after he denied it, she would have then said “well he has a scar running from left of his belly button to his hip” or whatever. Moore is a fuckhead. That said, this shit is dirty and reminds me of when Oarel Rove got John McCain and other republicans he doesn’t like.
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You do know Barney was reprimanded by his colleagues for fucking barley leagles right?
Moron... when are you going to learn the difference between illegally underaged and legally of the age of consent?

Just admit you’re an idiot who threw Barney Frank’s name into a conversation about politicians caught with underaged minors and move on.

Pleas do not adress me with your rants slave. You are simply a mook. Go play with truth matters and Rderp in the rubber room.

Spits the rightard who threw in the name of a politician NOT caught with an underaged minor in a discussion about policians caught with underaged minors.


Listen TM, you are a moonbat. I mean, all you are doing is repeating verbatim what they are saying on y’all radio and TV, hell, other posts even!. You have no better mbshells only a word. I don’t hold it agains anyone who believes this, or don’t much like Moore. Hell, I hate him for all the reasons I hate trump. But you are different. Only reason you are even commenting is for attention. So go on, go play with RDerp and make your tin foil boat hats.
Oh? What have I “repeated verbatim?” You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
You like young girls. Jake Starky said you did. So did Ravi and cerail killler. See what I did there ?
Yes, you lied without corroboration. IOW, you bore false witness, I and Ravi and whoever cerail killer may be would refute you in criminal libel actions and take a lot of your money.

You conservative liars are so easy to dump on your asses.

Did I? Well yeah, but say I had your real name and got that to your boss and even got some kid from your past to say as much? This is a bit. A flagrant hit. Tell me Jake, when it came out dubya had a DUI, you vote for gore when you heard?
I'm not saying Moore is being 'Herman Cain'ed ... but it sure looks a lot like Moore is being 'Herman Cain'ed.
Is it possible that people get bad press sometimes because they have done bad things? Or is it always a conspiracy?
The accuser's own mother has discredited some of the accuser's accounts.

I don't just flip a coin or go by bias to discount criminal / bad behavior. I listen, read, research, look at the evidence, and wait for everything to come out. As I said, Moore could still be guilty as hell - I'll withhold judgment for now.

I have not said Moore is innocent. I have no idea. I do know that almost every election Democrats have women crawling out of the woodwork to accuse GOP politicians at every level of sexual misconduct .. while their own party's politicians' and members' of sexual misconduct is recorded and proven.

If 'everyone' knew about Moore, WHY WAIT UNTIL ELECTION TIME for all of it to come flooding out? These continuous 'coincidences' eventually make some people numb and automatically think 'here we go again', that it is all part of the standard liberal politics.

Where has this same outrage from the Left been against Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Roman Polanski, etc? This selective outrage at election time from the left also makes people jaded and doubting.

Don't blame anyone but Liberals for that happening. If they were ever outraged at such behavior at any other time except election time AND when it involved members of the Left people would believe / care more.
This whole thing is politically motivated. Right before an election??? After 40 years? :eusa_hand:

Saturday , November 11 2017


OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook

OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook -

If you were groped by "Phil Myballz", wouldn't you be likely to support Phil's opponent when he ran for office?
They should've come out before he was a judge. Lol, liberals has used the sexual harassment shit so many times. I don't pay it any attention anymore.

Obviously. You voted for Trump who admitted he sexually assaulted women. You probably think he’s coolfor doing it too.
He said he could, you wanted this man back in the white house. View attachment 160123

Bill Clinton isn’t a registered sexual offender no matter how many times you post the lie. He’s a hound dog and a cheater but that’s not illegal.

A dozen women have not accused Bill of sexual assault like they have Trump. Women said “No” to Clinton and he respected it.
You do know Barney was reprimanded by his colleagues for fucking barley leagles right?
Moron... when are you going to learn the difference between illegally underaged and legally of the age of consent?

Just admit you’re an idiot who threw Barney Frank’s name into a conversation about politicians caught with underaged minors and move on.

Pleas do not adress me with your rants slave. You are simply a mook. Go play with truth matters and Rderp in the rubber room.

Spits the rightard who threw in the name of a politician NOT caught with an underaged minor in a discussion about policians caught with underaged minors.


Listen TM, you are a moonbat. I mean, all you are doing is repeating verbatim what they are saying on y’all radio and TV, hell, other posts even!. You have no better mbshells only a word. I don’t hold it agains anyone who believes this, or don’t much like Moore. Hell, I hate him for all the reasons I hate trump. But you are different. Only reason you are even commenting is for attention. So go on, go play with RDerp and make your tin foil boat hats.
Oh? What have I “repeated verbatim?” You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
The question is; will the message get across to enough pro-Moore voters to they turn out for the December election?

The unidentified woman reportedly told Lewis that a Washington Post reporter — identified only as “Beth” — had offered her a substantial sum of money to accuse the GOP candidate of wrongdoing.

A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

More @ Claim: Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations… Came Away Empty @ Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations... Came Away Empty will it make a difference at the ballot box?

This is a lie. The WAPO does not pay sources ever. This did not happen.
View attachment 160154
Moron... when are you going to learn the difference between illegally underaged and legally of the age of consent?

Just admit you’re an idiot who threw Barney Frank’s name into a conversation about politicians caught with underaged minors and move on.

Pleas do not adress me with your rants slave. You are simply a mook. Go play with truth matters and Rderp in the rubber room.

Spits the rightard who threw in the name of a politician NOT caught with an underaged minor in a discussion about policians caught with underaged minors.


Listen TM, you are a moonbat. I mean, all you are doing is repeating verbatim what they are saying on y’all radio and TV, hell, other posts even!. You have no better mbshells only a word. I don’t hold it agains anyone who believes this, or don’t much like Moore. Hell, I hate him for all the reasons I hate trump. But you are different. Only reason you are even commenting is for attention. So go on, go play with RDerp and make your tin foil boat hats.
Oh? What have I “repeated verbatim?” You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
Nice picture. Too bad you can’t actually articulate what it is your delusions inform I “repeated verbatim.”

You’re a fucking mental case. You know that, right?
A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

Who puts the currency symbol at the end of the number? I mean other than the Russians. :poke:
The question is; will the message get across to enough pro-Moore voters to they turn out for the December election?

The unidentified woman reportedly told Lewis that a Washington Post reporter — identified only as “Beth” — had offered her a substantial sum of money to accuse the GOP candidate of wrongdoing.

A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

More @ Claim: Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations… Came Away Empty @ Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations... Came Away Empty will it make a difference at the ballot box?

Wow longknife there's hope for me and Freedmen's Town yet!
When enough Republicans go down from paid attacks,
I can start pimping the issues and history that would implicate
Democrats for exploiting and enslaving poor Black communities
both politically and economically. Maybe I should start advertising
now, and offer to go for sale to the highest bidder. Either pay me
to testify against the Democrats for conspiring to violate civil rights,
or pay me to be silent with enough money to fix all the damages caused.

Either way it would advertise the equal if not worse hypocrisy and damage
by Democrats long complained about but hushed up in order to get people elected, too!
Vince Foster and the Pedophile Porno Pizza Palace ...the media ignored it

Bullshit. Ken Starr investigated the Vince Foster suicide and found that Vince was seriously depressed and his family was looking for help for him.

The Pedo Pizza Parlour was ignored by the MSM because it never happened. What happened is some fool went into that family restaurant on a Saturday night and frightened customers by shooting up the place in an effort to shut down a non-existent sex ring.

The alt-right media lies and lies and lies. It’s all they have.
I'm not saying Moore is being 'Herman Cain'ed ... but it sure looks a lot like Moore is being 'Herman Cain'ed.
Is it possible that people get bad press sometimes because they have done bad things? Or is it always a conspiracy?
The accuser's own mother has discredited some of the accuser's accounts.

I don't just flip a coin or go by bias to discount criminal / bad behavior. I listen, read, research, look at the evidence, and wait for everything to come out. As I said, Moore could still be guilty as hell - I'll withhold judgment for now.

I have not said Moore is innocent. I have no idea. I do know that almost every election Democrats have women crawling out of the woodwork to accuse GOP politicians at every level of sexual misconduct .. while their own party's politicians' and members' of sexual misconduct is recorded and proven.

If 'everyone' knew about Moore, WHY WAIT UNTIL ELECTION TIME for all of it to come flooding out? These continuous 'coincidences' eventually make some people numb and automatically think 'here we go again', that it is all part of the standard liberal politics.

Where has this same outrage from the Left been against Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Roman Polanski, etc? This selective outrage at election time from the left also makes people jaded and doubting.

Don't blame anyone but Liberals for that happening. If they were ever outraged at such behavior at any other time except election time AND when it involved members of the Left people would believe / care more.
Your post reveals your bias. And I’m okay with that. To you it seems like Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner received no bad press due to their reprehensible actions. To you the timing of these allegations about a Judge Moore diminish the truthfulness of the claims. I hear you. I think I disagree with you in both.
Liberals are the scum of this country. They will pay big bucks for lies. Just like they gave the Russians millions to create a false dossier on Trump.

Another lie. They paid a British guy $168,000 to find dirt on Trump. He found a shit ton of it and they gave it to the FBI who have verified most of what was found.

But keep lying. It’s all you have at this point.

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