Let's get one thing straight about Roy Moore

Isn't it just very odd that NONE of these stories ever surfaced until now, that NOT ONE of them surfaced during the battle over the Ten Commandments monument (a battle that gained nationwide attention for months), that NONE of them surfaced when Moore ran for governor, etc., etc.? Isn't that very odd?
No. Read all the material that is being offered as to why they wait so long to report the assault.

I don't buy it. Moore has been in public life for over 20 YEARS. He has run for office several times. He was involved in a legal battle over the Ten Commandments monument in Alabama that gained nationwide attention. In our modern environment, especially in the last 15 years, there is no excuse for any woman waiting 10-20 years or more to "come forward."

By the way, are you aware of the fact that his chief accuser has made similar accusations against other men and that those claims were judged to be unfounded?

Happens all the time...

They were young girls in a very conservative neighbourhood... He worked in the DA office... Sexual relations with minors can take decades to surface...
Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

not much telling how much $$ Republicans have offered to pony up AFTER the dipshit got busted - they didnt hand anyone a dime to keep it from getting out and staying quiet ..
The question is; will the message get across to enough pro-Moore voters to they turn out for the December election?

The unidentified woman reportedly told Lewis that a Washington Post reporter — identified only as “Beth” — had offered her a substantial sum of money to accuse the GOP candidate of wrongdoing.

A family friend who lives in Alabama just told my wife that a WAPO reporter named Beth offered her 1000$ to accuse Roy Moore,” Lewis tweeted.

More @ Claim: Woman Says She Was Offered Big Money to Accuse Roy Moore of Misconduct

Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations… Came Away Empty @ Reporter Tried to Find Voters Who Believe Roy Moore Allegations... Came Away Empty will it make a difference at the ballot box?

No. This is how Karel Rove and Mitch McConnel plan these things. Don’t matter if it’s true or not.
Another lie. They paid a Vritidh guy $168,000 to find dirt on Trump. He found a shit ton of it and they gave it to the FBI who have verified most of what was found.
Pay a dirtbag $168,000 for 'dirt', and the dirtbag will manufacture all the shit you want...the Russia-propaganda-filled report purchased from a foreign agent through a firm who worked for / with the Russians for millions of dollars from Hillary, Comey, Obama, and the DNC proved that.

All you need is a sucker who wants that dirt bad enough, is willing to believe anything, and is willing to pay for whatever you are willing to charge. :p
Uh huh. You feel that way about Benghazi and Vince Foster and the Clinton rapist allegations too?
Do you like making shit up just to see your own posts?

You want to lie and spew BS about Benghazi, Vince Foster, the sexual deviant Bill Clinton, start new treads. Try to reign in your 'triggered butt-hurt' and stay on topic...without lying.
No. This is how Karel Rove and Mitch McConnel plan these things. Don’t matter if it’s true or not.
Again, as proven - want to know what a Democrats is up to, listen to what they are accusing others of doing.... :p
This whole thing is politically motivated. Right before an election??? After 40 years? :eusa_hand:

Saturday , November 11 2017


OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook

OOPS! NEW EVIDENCE SHOWS WOMAN Who Accused Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct Worked For Hillary Campaign…Supported His Democrat Opponent On Facebook -

If you were groped by "Phil Myballz", wouldn't you be likely to support Phil's opponent when he ran for office?
They should've come out before he was a judge. Lol, liberals has used the sexual harassment shit so many times. I don't pay it any attention anymore.

Obviously. You voted for Trump who admitted he sexually assaulted women. You probably think he’s coolfor doing it too.
He said he could, you wanted this man back in the white house. View attachment 160123

Bill Clinton isn’t a registered sexual offender no matter how many times you post the lie. He’s a hound dog and a cheater but that’s not illegal.

A dozen women have not accused Bill of sexual assault like they have Trump. Women said “No” to Clinton and he respected it.
That's why he settled out of court?
Boss, the accusations that he molested a 14 year old is more believable than his denials.

I don't find it believable. Like I said, why hasn't this come out before now? The man has a 40 year career and has been extremely controversial for most of it. What I am seeing is, two-faced hypocrite liberals who want to convict him over allegations without any proof of guilt whatsoever.

If he did it and you can prove he did it... fine! Lock him up and throw away the key! But until I see some clear compelling evidence, I am going to presume he is innocent.
Why didn’t Jennifer Flowers’ story come out until Bill Clinton ran for president. Why didn’t Trump’s pussy grabbing confession come out until he ran for president. C’mon, you can’t possibly be this naive?
But the stories about WJC were pretty much known when he ran. He even did the patented "ah have caused payhn in mah marrhage."

Apparently the stories about Moore likewise circulated but they were more or less ignored, because his solid core of voters will not be dissuaged even over his being removed TWICE from the supreme court. He follows a higher law, according to his supporters.

The WP story is probably politically motivated, but that has nothing to do with whether it was truthful. Given the independent corroboration, the only rational response is to accept the guy is a pervert. Unfortunately, I doubt that disqualifies him in Ala. And I live next door to those crazy fuks.
His accusers are far more believable than is he.

But this isn't Sally Jessy Raphael! It's not a matter of who you think is more believable. We have a system of justice in this country and the burden of proof is on the accuser. The accused doesn't have to prove their innocence, they are presumed innocent until you've proven them guilty. What evidence do you have other than a 38-year-old allegation that hasn't surfaced until now?

Now you claim it's only coming out now because Moore is seeking national office... okay, so the woman was supposedly a Trump supporter and Trump backed Moore's opponent, Luther Strange in the primary.... why didn't she come forward THEN?

You see, when I take off my partisan political hat and examine this objectively, it doesn't make sense to me. Again, I am not a big fan of Roy Moore! I'm not condoning or excusing child molestation! I just don't buy this for one second. If he were guilty of this, it would have come out a long time ago.
Like waiting for evidence that Hillary Clinton is guilty of something before proclaiming her guilt?
DL, the evidence against Hillary has already been presented and proven. Her actual crimes have been stated, posted, and proven time and again. FBI Director Comey even declared publicly she broke the law...then changed his wording because he realized he 'outed her'.

I have assessed that you are a pretty intelligent person. Are you going to prove me wrong by declaring the FBI stating it has thousands of official documents recovered from Hillary's server never turned in as required by the FOIA and Federal Records Act is somehow NOT a crime?

A woman accuses Moore of a crime. The Left declares her trustworthy and anyone who doubts her is a sexist.

A woman comes forward to declare she was paid or to discredit part of the accuser's story and calls THAT woman a 'liar'...
Uh huh. You feel that way about Benghazi and Vince Foster and the Clinton rapist allegations too?
Do you like making shit up just to see your own posts?

You want to lie and spew BS about Benghazi, Vince Foster, the sexual deviant Bill Clinton, start new treads. Try to reign in your 'triggered butt-hurt' and stay on topic...without lying.
You said in your post that Bill Clinton and Weiner weren’t subjected to as much press as people like Judge Moore. That is factually untrue by any measure. It reveals a bias on your part. Which is okay with me. I mention the past Clinton stories and you say they were “proven “ because of repetition in the public sphere. Either they didn’t cover these stories or they were proven by repetition. Can’t have it both ways my fellow citizen.

A woman accuses Moore of a crime. The Left declares her trustworthy and anyone who doubts her is a sexist.

A woman comes forward to declare she was paid or to discredit part of the accuser's story and calls THAT woman a 'liar'...

I am more interested in the mother. Say there was a relationship. Was the mother letting Moore have the girl for political favors? See? That’s how this works. That would have been the democrat line of defense.

A woman accuses Moore of a crime. The Left declares her trustworthy and anyone who doubts her is a sexist.

A woman comes forward to declare she was paid or to discredit part of the accuser's story and calls THAT woman a 'liar'...

Having it both ways, that's how they roll

A woman accuses Moore of a crime. The Left declares her trustworthy and anyone who doubts her is a sexist.

A woman comes forward to declare she was paid or to discredit part of the accuser's story and calls THAT woman a 'liar'...
She “came forward”? It’s a second hand account of an anonymous statement. You equate that with four women going on record with their names. And you insist elsewhere that you only believe objective facts. You may be a serious person but your posts on this subject don’t appear to be serious.

Deborah Wesson Gibson, Leigh Corfman, Wendy Miller and Gloria Thacker Deason are four of Moore's accusers. Real people.....as opposed to this "anonymous" source the OP provided.

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