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Let's get to the bottom of this: Is Obama GAY or not???

I think he's a switch-hitter.

So is Hillary.

Both have a very loose set of moral values.

There you have it folks

Not only is the President a fag but the presumtive Democratic candidate for 2016 is a Lesbo

What passes for political ammunition in Conservative crowds
I don't know, I don't care, and it is Michelle's business. But here is what it might be. I am told that men on the down-low do not consider themselves gay. I guess it would be like, hitting golf balls doesn't make someone a professional golfer.

Down-low is an African American slang term[1] that refers to a subculture of men who usually identify as heterosexual, but who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s).[2][3][4][5] The term is also used to refer to a related sexual identity.[5][6] Down-low has been viewed as '"a type of impression management that some of the informants use to present themselves in a manner that is consistent with perceived norms about masculine attribute, attitudes and behaviour'".[7]

What is quite interesting is that both sides of the argument treat even asking the question as an insult. For crying out loud people like RW support raising being gay to a right yet if someone just asks if maybe someone is still hiding in the closet they are juvenile. By the responses I read, both left/right, conservative/ liberal no one wants to be considered gay.
President Mom Jeans may not be gay.. I really don't care.

But he is a prissy little pansy that throws like a little girl.


I believe the term you are looking for is "nancy boy".

President Mom Jeans may not be gay.. I really don't care.

But he is a prissy little pansy that throws like a little girl.



Obama throws like Nolan Ryan

I just ran across this video and was sorta shocked that this question has resurfaced once again.

Can I ask how?

I'm always curious about the posters who live and breath the latest youtube rumor they've uncovered, how do you guys consistently stumble upon this kinda stuff? I'm assuming has something to do with the content of the websites you frequent, is that correct?

The obsession these so-called "straights" have for gay is downright creepy. They obviously get off by being Peeping Tom's.
In all seriousness, he might be bi.

IDC and it doesn't really matter, but it would explain Michelle
I think he's a switch-hitter.

So is Hillary.

Both have a very loose set of moral values.

There you have it folks

Not only is the President a fag but the presumtive Democratic candidate for 2016 is a Lesbo

What passes for political ammunition in Conservative crowds

Hillary couldn't wait till the smoke cleared over Benghazi before she was appealing to gays, some of her ads were on this site.


She's fooling around with Carlos Danger's wife, used to hang with Donna Shalala, and never forget, many college coeds have tried lesbian sex at least once. Hillary has no problem with munching a rug or two.
I wouldn't be shocked...this is what the Right is currently doing...recycling old rumors about President Obama.

I just wish he'd man up and admit. I think Bodecca, Hazlnut, Pete, Zona, Cabbie and a few others would like to hear Obama admit to being Gay

They support him because he goes out of his way to support them.

But if you accuse him of being gay, well, that's just wrong. Nobody calls their fearless leader a fag.

Just about everything the Liberals do, according to Father Bill Donohue, is motivated by sex.

Let's see what Rush says:

El Rushbo: In fact, I was talking to Bill Donohue, the Catholic League, interviewed him for the latest issue of the Limbaugh Letter. You should read it. You should read every issue of the Limbaugh Letter. We just finished an interview with Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin, and this is Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. He said something. I don't have the interview right in front of me.

But he made the point that practically everything the left, culturally, is trying to move -- everything that they're interested in, every cause, every issue, everything about what the left is trying to do -- is related to sex. Contraception, whatever it is, the left is obsessed with everybody and anybody having sex with anybody -- whoever, wherever, whenever they want -- with no limits and no judgment on it. It got me to thinking of all the things that I have heard.

I remember back in the nineties on this program, when it became fashion about during the AIDS crisis to say, "Okay, so we've gotta start teaching kids to use condoms." They'd take cucumbers to class, and they'd use condoms or balloons, and then that eventuated to parents actually agreeing to letting their teenaged kids have sex in their houses rather than the backseat of the car. Because, as one parent told me on the phone, "At least I know it's clean in my guest bathroom."

The parents said, "Rush, they're gonna have sex; we can't stop them," which became the liberal mantra. "We can't stop 'em, Rush. They're going to do it. You can't stop it." When I tried that same line of thinking on smoking, they wouldn't hear of it. "But wait a minute! Once they start smoking, you can't stop 'em. So why don't you put a pack of cigarettes on the nightstand for when they finish sex?"

"No, no. That's bad. We're not gonna let 'em smoke." "Well, but you say they're gonna have sex no matter what." "Yeah, that's right." Bill Donohue's point was that no matter where you look -- be it the abortion debate, be it the conception debate, be it whatever attempts to destroy the Catholic Church -- the left, it's always related to sex. And he may have a point. It is true that pornography is just rampant today.

It's much more visible, readily visible and easily accessed than it ever was 20, 30, 40 years ago. Part of that's the Internet, but television has also played a role in the oversexing and making it look like sex any time, anywhere, in anybody is normal. In fact, that defines whether you're not hip or not. It defines whether you're cool or not. And it has, in a suggestive sense, given license to people. This has led to sexual predators.

They're in much greater visibility today than they were when I was growing up, for sure. There's no question about it. I'm not even... Now, granted, I grew up small town, but it was nothing anybody in our town was concerned about. I think in many places, particularly non-big city areas, that was probably the way it was. But there's no question that the oversexed pop culture has created all kinds of apparent limitlessness, which equals cool behavior, and it has led to some detrimental things.

And this has caused parents who think they're responsible to end up being overprotective and trying to protect their kids from that. But if you do believe this, I mean, all you have to do is look at teenage pregnancy, teenage single motherhood. I mean, it is rampant, and it is almost uncontrollable. And you're not allowed to condemn it. You're not allowed to speak factually, correctly about it. The damage it does to both mother and child, the obstacles that that circumstance puts in people's way?

You're not allowed to say it, 'cause you're not allowed to condemn.

It's because, "Well, it's a product of their poor poverty, socio-economics. It's a problem that the rich have caused all this," and they turn every aspect of this then becomes politicized. But I had not thought of it the way Bill Donohue described it in the interview. The sex angle, obviously, is relevant. But I think also the elimination or prevention of risk -- the denial of opportunity to succeed, to become competent, to become independent -- has taken us to a point now where all of a sudden it's thought that we have a problem.

And we have a problem precisely because leftist engineers began to take over the whole notion of child rearing. And through the power of media and suggestion they began to intimidate parents into believing they didn't know what they were doing. So they go out and buy books written by these leftists on how to do it. All those books were aimed at was simply giving the state as much control over people as possible.

It was rooted in the belief that you as a parent were incompetent yourself. "You don't know how to raise a child. You didn't know how to raise yourself! You don't know how to spend your money the right way. You don't know the right kind of car to drive. You don't know the right way to eat. You're not responsible enough even to get the right health care or health care policy. We have to do that for you! You're not responsible enough to get yourself from point A to point B.

"We gotta get you there in mass transit and we gotta put you in the right kind of car if you're not gonna use mass transit." So it's become just as much control over all of life as they can secure for themselves rooted in their belief that you are incompetent. And they have succeeded in influencing parenthood to the point that they've raised millions of kids that are incompetent now, with no confidence, no ability to achieve independently. That's why I assigned this piece as homework over the weekend.

It's all relevant to everything that we discuss every day here on this program.

Discussing Your Homework Assignment - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Here's the interview with Father Bill Donohue, of the Catholic League.

The Limbaugh Letter, "My Conversation with Bill Donohue" - Catholic League
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The obsession these so-called "straights" have for gay is downright creepy. They obviously get off by being Peeping Tom's.

To me, this is clear.
These posters are obsessed because they're actually gay and want to find out what it's like to kiss another man.
President Mom Jeans may not be gay.. I really don't care.

But he is a prissy little pansy that throws like a little girl.



Obama throws like Nolan Ryan


Nolan Ryan with two broken arms....

I guess it doesn't surprise anyone you have no clue how a baseball is thrown. That girl isn't even throwing like one.
The obsession these so-called "straights" have for gay is downright creepy. They obviously get off by being Peeping Tom's.

To me, this is clear.
These posters are obsessed because they're actually gay and want to find out what it's like to kiss another man.

If we were to believe the idiots of your ilk, this SNL skit would represent to Conservatives a Quadruple Whammy!

A Black POTUS.

Parodying the Pope.

Promoting Obamacare.

Obama kissing Justin Bieber.

[ame=http://youtu.be/_58NrJF6JrU]Obama and Bieber share steamy kiss on SNL - YouTube[/ame]
Let's get to the bottom of this: Is Obama GAY or not???

I don't know if Owe Bama is gay or not but I know he's a dumb ass.

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