Let's give Trump his due, but...

When Trump is re elected in 2020, that will nullify the so called impeachment scheme.
Donald Trump launches vindictive impeachment victory lap - CNNPolitics

Let's say that Trump is correct, that the House of Representatives filing Articles of Impeachment against him was nothing but an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. Let's say he is correct. Let's give him that much; really so little for those of us who oppose him to give up.

However, for the remainder of recorded history he exists on the list of Presidents impeached. FOREVER! And, there will be no footnote beside his name saying that his impeachment was an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. History WILL NOT say that.

And, despite Article II of the Constitution "says I can do whatever I want," Trump and his cult can't change that, cannot undue that. It is engraved in stone for all future generations, even if he wins another term. He is forever stained, FOREVER! Bigly!!! And that is satisfying!
Big deal, and your post proves you are anything but satisfied...trump has beat you again
Why don't you try telling that to Trump. Don 't think he won't obsess over the fact that his legacy is forever tarnished. And, he will spend the rest of his life railing against the fact of his impeachment, for which there will be no footnote to history. The stain is permanent.

And, since he has never sinned, his life may also last forever, so he has plenty of time to whine and try to change history.

It's not really over yet ya know. That footnote could very well include the fact that the instigators were charged, arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.
It ain't really over till it's over. You might want to wait till say 2025 before shooting your mouth off further. It just might save you some face.

That part is sure to be included. Trump acting like a third world dictator and wanting to imprison his opponents is one of the main things that connects his presidency to every third world dictator, and a defining part of Trumps cabal.

We have a comedian folks

One drowning in flop sweat.
Donald Trump launches vindictive impeachment victory lap - CNNPolitics

Let's say that Trump is correct, that the House of Representatives filing Articles of Impeachment against him was nothing but an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. Let's say he is correct. Let's give him that much; really so little for those of us who oppose him to give up.

However, for the remainder of recorded history he exists on the list of Presidents impeached. FOREVER! And, there will be no footnote beside his name saying that his impeachment was an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. History WILL NOT say that.

And, despite Article II of the Constitution "says I can do whatever I want," Trump and his cult can't change that, cannot undue that. It is engraved in stone for all future generations, even if he wins another term. He is forever stained, FOREVER! Bigly!!! And that is satisfying!
You are incorrect. There will be an asterisk next to this impeachment. The footnote will read, It was pure politics and the only bipartisan aspect of it was some Dems throwing in with the GOP AGAINST impeachment.
Donald Trump launches vindictive impeachment victory lap - CNNPolitics

Let's say that Trump is correct, that the House of Representatives filing Articles of Impeachment against him was nothing but an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. Let's say he is correct. Let's give him that much; really so little for those of us who oppose him to give up.

However, for the remainder of recorded history he exists on the list of Presidents impeached. FOREVER! And, there will be no footnote beside his name saying that his impeachment was an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. History WILL NOT say that.

And, despite Article II of the Constitution "says I can do whatever I want," Trump and his cult can't change that, cannot undue that. It is engraved in stone for all future generations, even if he wins another term. He is forever stained, FOREVER! Bigly!!! And that is satisfying!
Big deal, and your post proves you are anything but satisfied...trump has beat you again

He has cheated the country, again. With the help of Senate republicans of course, let's see if it cost them in November.
He has cheated the country, again. With the help of Senate republicans of course, let's see if it cost them in November.
Using November as a gauge is the right way to do this, using an immeasurable time line like "history" is just a whiny way of venting frustration while pretending trump didn't kick them in the teeth again...this all goes back to trump beheading their Queen...its purgatory for them.
He has cheated the country, again. With the help of Senate republicans of course, let's see if it cost them in November.
Using November as a gauge is the right way to do this, using an immeasurable time line like "history" is just a whiny way of venting frustration while pretending trump didn't kick them in the teeth again...this all goes back to trump beheading their Queen...its purgatory for them.

What Queen, you Trump Humpers are the ones who want a monarch.
He has cheated the country, again. With the help of Senate republicans of course, let's see if it cost them in November.
Using November as a gauge is the right way to do this, using an immeasurable time line like "history" is just a whiny way of venting frustration while pretending trump didn't kick them in the teeth again...this all goes back to trump beheading their Queen...its purgatory for them.

What Queen, you Trump Humpers are the ones who want a monarch.

You so crazy.
What Queen, you Trump Humpers are the ones who want a monarch.
I'm a democrat, I'm voting for Biden or any democratic candidate not named warren...I want the liberals in the party out...they're anointing of hillary is responsible for who is in the white house now...as for what "trump humpers" want, they are at least not costing their party the white house the way white liberals are costing democrats the white house...choosing a candidate based on genitalia is just so not the way to do this.
He may have been impeached but also acquitted and he is still your President and with full presidential powers...…..unlike the other two:cul2:
he exists on the list of Presidents impeached. FOREVER!

What Queen, you Trump Humpers are the ones who want a monarch.
I'm a democrat, I'm voting for Biden or any democratic candidate not named warren...I want the liberals in the party out...they're anointing of hillary is responsible for who is in the white house now...as for what "trump humpers" want, they are at least not costing their party the white house the way white liberals are costing democrats the white house...choosing a candidate based on genitalia is just so not the way to do this.

Neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. I agree Hillary wasn't going to win, I said from the word go she had too much baggage. Not sure who I will be voting for at this point, but I do know who I want be voting for. I guess the next couple of months will pretty much thin it all out.
I wonder if we can read about Blubbs Klinton's impeachment in Trump's presidential library, someday.
Donald Trump launches vindictive impeachment victory lap - CNNPolitics

Let's say that Trump is correct, that the House of Representatives filing Articles of Impeachment against him was nothing but an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. Let's say he is correct. Let's give him that much; really so little for those of us who oppose him to give up.

However, for the remainder of recorded history he exists on the list of Presidents impeached. FOREVER! And, there will be no footnote beside his name saying that his impeachment was an evil scam and hoax perpetuated by Democrats (and Mitt Romney) in an effort to overturn the 2016 election. History WILL NOT say that.

And, despite Article II of the Constitution "says I can do whatever I want," Trump and his cult can't change that, cannot undue that. It is engraved in stone for all future generations, even if he wins another term. He is forever stained, FOREVER! Bigly!!! And that is satisfying!
Spoken like a true loser. Trump 2020!
Bush won the first election but lost the popular vote....Bush then won re-election by a nice margin....Perhaps Trump will do the same...

and hopefully the people who were worshiping Trump don't suddenly pretend they never liked him years from now.....like they currently do with Bush...
Bush won the first election but lost the popular vote....Bush then won re-election by a nice margin....Perhaps Trump will do the same...

and hopefully the people who were worshiping Trump don't suddenly pretend they never liked him years from now.....like they currently do with Bush...

All presidents have partisans, and some of them will be at a point in their lives, where they get overly exited about the person they support.
Bush won the first election but lost the popular vote....Bush then won re-election by a nice margin....Perhaps Trump will do the same...

and hopefully the people who were worshiping Trump don't suddenly pretend they never liked him years from now.....like they currently do with Bush...

All presidents have partisans, and some of them will be at a point in their lives, where they get overly exited about the person they support.
But one party seems to have a bad habit of getting "overly excited" about a candidate and then trashing them and pretending they never supported them the very next election cycle...

Mitt Romney...

and the funny thing is.....none of these people are hated by Trumpers because of their policies....they are hated because they lost...and in the case of Bush, they hate him because his failure was so absolute, trumpers didn't even try to defend it -- they just put on funny little tea party hats and started calling themselves independent....

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