Let's go to the Electoral College Map

The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The conventions are the first major milestone and we are seeing Hillary return to her preconvention leads
Toss up states are just that. They will decide the election

Right now, Trump needs two our of every three toss up votes
Things will be clearer in a few weeks, but yeah, Trump isn't a great place right now. Electoral vote may be closer than popular though. I don't think it's impossible he carries Pennsylvania and Ohio, but I'm hearing a lot of chatter that Trump's campaign has basically written off New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. That would make it very hard to win as if those go Hillary, I don't see him carrying Wisconsin, Nevada or Virginia.
Things will be clearer in a few weeks, but yeah, Trump isn't a great place right now. Electoral vote may be closer than popular though. I don't think it's impossible he carries Pennsylvania and Ohio, but I'm hearing a lot of chatter that Trump's campaign has basically written off New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. That would make it very hard to win as if those go Hillary, I don't see him carrying Wisconsin, Nevada or Virginia.

As usual, Florida and Ohio are key. Trump needs both as well as 79 additional toss up votes
Things will be clearer in a few weeks, but yeah, Trump isn't a great place right now. Electoral vote may be closer than popular though. I don't think it's impossible he carries Pennsylvania and Ohio, but I'm hearing a lot of chatter that Trump's campaign has basically written off New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. That would make it very hard to win as if those go Hillary, I don't see him carrying Wisconsin, Nevada or Virginia.

As usual, Florida and Ohio are key. Trump needs both as well as 79 additional toss up votes
Doesn't he actually need Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania at this point? Even with those three he has to hold one of the following: North Carolina, Virgina, or a two state combination of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin?

That's going to be...tough. But again, we will see in a few weeks where the race is.
Things will be clearer in a few weeks, but yeah, Trump isn't a great place right now. Electoral vote may be closer than popular though. I don't think it's impossible he carries Pennsylvania and Ohio, but I'm hearing a lot of chatter that Trump's campaign has basically written off New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. That would make it very hard to win as if those go Hillary, I don't see him carrying Wisconsin, Nevada or Virginia.

As usual, Florida and Ohio are key. Trump needs both as well as 79 additional toss up votes
Doesn't he actually need Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania at this point? Even with those three he has to hold one of the following: North Carolina, Virgina, or a two state combination of Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin?

That's going to be...tough. But again, we will see in a few weeks where the race is.

I look at it this way, Bush barely squeaked by to reach 270
Trump is in no way close to where Bush was in being able to take the toss up states
The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The conventions are the first major milestone and we are seeing Hillary return to her preconvention leads
Toss up states are just that. They will decide the election

Right now, Trump needs two our of every three toss up votes

Yep, but a lot of time to win and lose an election. If Clinton were smart she would stay home, Trump is doing a good job of campaigning for her.
The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The conventions are the first major milestone and we are seeing Hillary return to her preconvention leads
Toss up states are just that. They will decide the election

Right now, Trump needs two our of every three toss up votes

Yep, but a lot of time to win and lose an election. If Clinton were smart she would stay home, Trump is doing a good job of campaigning for her.

Seems that way

But this is the reason I thought Republicans needed to nominate someone like Bush, Kasich, Rubio or Christie

They would have been able to compete in toss up states. Looks like Trump is losing red states NC, Georgia and Arizona
The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The conventions are the first major milestone and we are seeing Hillary return to her preconvention leads
Toss up states are just that. They will decide the election

Right now, Trump needs two our of every three toss up votes

Yep, but a lot of time to win and lose an election. If Clinton were smart she would stay home, Trump is doing a good job of campaigning for her.

Seems that way

But this is the reason I thought Republicans needed to nominate someone like Bush, Kasich, Rubio or Christie

They would have been able to compete in toss up states. Looks like Trump is losing red states NC, Georgia and Arizona

The Republicans are a mess, when Trump is hailed as a hero, we are in trouble. When Hillary is the Democratic nominee, we are in trouble. The next four years will bad no matter who wins and the world will look at us as nuts.
The election is far out there. A lot can happen and the polls will shift. Oregon only has Clinton up by 3? That will go Clinton, but it shows the unrest of the people who are still deciding.

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The conventions are the first major milestone and we are seeing Hillary return to her preconvention leads
Toss up states are just that. They will decide the election

Right now, Trump needs two our of every three toss up votes

Yep, but a lot of time to win and lose an election. If Clinton were smart she would stay home, Trump is doing a good job of campaigning for her.

Seems that way

But this is the reason I thought Republicans needed to nominate someone like Bush, Kasich, Rubio or Christie

They would have been able to compete in toss up states. Looks like Trump is losing red states NC, Georgia and Arizona

The Republicans are a mess, when Trump is hailed as a hero, we are in trouble. When Hillary is the Democratic nominee, we are in trouble. The next four years will bad no matter who wins and the world will look at us as nuts.

They already do
Trump has no path to 270, unless he releases his taxes and shows up and gives solid performances in the debates which is a long shot, sorry ain't gonna happen..:eusa_naughty:


Sorry not enough white trash USA to elect a Fat, bloated narcissistic , ugly, homophobic, xenophobic, racist , cocksucker..

Fuck him and all of his white trash, groupies, inbreds, fanboys, don't get jealous when him and his inbred midget clown look alike buddy Putin go get a room, after Hillary kicks his ass in the election, my $$$ is on the Orangutan wearing the dog collar, and yelling daddy..

I'm looking at Hillary in the 370 range with Trump giving up red states NC, AZ and Georgia
Yes if Trump ditches the debates, and continues to run a dysfunctional campaign Clinton could get in the 360-370 range, it's a stretch but POSSIBLE:clap2:..

She would have to take Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Utah, it's all in play..

It's only August 2, so we still have a long ways to go, but right now the winds at her back...:biggrin:, and things are looking good!!:thup:
Things are starting to swing more to Hillary. We still need more statewide polls to come in

Interesting development as the odds of Hillary winning are now at 77% up from 68% after the RNC
Trump unfavorability is at 64% in recent polls. Looks like all that loving from his kids at the RNC is wearing off

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
Nationwide polls do not matter...ask President Gore
What matters is the Electoral Vote in which Hillary leads 202 to 154 in states heavily leaning blue or red
There are 182 Electoral Votes up for grabs...these votes will decide the election

As of today, Trump will have to win 116 out of the 182 available votes or 64%

Hard to do when he is trailing in most battleground states

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

This is exactly what both John Dickerson and Chuck Todd have been saying on their Sunday morning news shows, Face The Nation and also Meet The Press.

I love watching and listening to both of them.

Dickerson plays softball while Todd plays hardball however.

When Dickerson asks an obviously hard question he softens and sugar coats it a bit.

When Todd does he shoves in the knife and turns it then throws salt into the wound.

Funny guys, both of them !!!
Today's poll shows Clinton at +1 in Utah.

Utah could vote Democrat for president for first time in 50 years

Probably an outlier, but if Utah is even competitive, that shows how poorly Trump is doing.
Trump is doing exceptionally well in Oklahoma.

So Oklahoma is Trump's true lover like Utah was for Romney and like Hawaii was for BHO.

Very nice Siamese kitty in your avatar.

I almost adopted a young Siamese as a girlfriend for my white male Angora longhair. But he did not want her. He hissed at her furiously. Poor little girlie kitty Siamese -- she just wanted a home.
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When did GA become a toss up state?

I think the stats governing this is not too clear. I have to look at there methodology.

There are just too many ardent social conservatives in GA to make it a toss up!!

Its not only Georgia but once Red Arizona which is now showing up as a tossup

Georgia has a large minority population that in the past has been hard to get out to vote. The latest poll has Trump up by only 2
I would have to guess that all the southern border states with Latinos in them are now purple due to Trump's mouth --

- Ariz
- NM
- Texas
- Florida (Cuban is Latino -- Island Latino)

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