Let's hear from all of the USMB Covid vax supporters: Who is getting the new booster shot for the latest variant?

USMB used to be loaded with Covid vax disciples. Given the woeful performance of this "vaccine", I wonder if the support is still there. Are you going to get the new booster "designed" for this latest variant?

Ahh...I asked a lady that was as vaxed as much as she could be. She said she will 'think about' the new vaxes. She got covid even with all the vaxes and boosters. She said maybe it would have been worse!

I never got the vax or boosted. Was tested for covid antibodies in 2021 and had none. In 2022 a gal in the house came home with the covid virus. She had been vaxed and max boosted. She went the full round from before covid symptoms to developing symptoms and recovery in the house with me around her the whole time. She was tested twice and showed she was covid positive. I was in close proximity to her the whole time in a small house, but not doing anything in contact other than a hug before she was diagnosed with covid. I never got the covid from her. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe eating lots of yogurt helps. I had read probiotics help with covid. (But that is not why I eat yogurt.) Who knows? I eat a mix of 3 varieties of plain yogurt. About 3/4 of a gallon of yogurt a week.


Dunno if they work or not. But I wore masks. I figured if doctors wear them during an operation, they must help...some. If I didn't feel like a mask that day, I wore a useless neck gaitor and pulled it up over my mouth. Keeps people off your back.

covid oooo you almost had it.jpg
You are emotionally ill for wanting punishment for those who won’t take the ineffective, un researched, experimental shot. I will no longer debate with a handicapped person
Ahh...I asked a lady that was as vaxed as much as she could be. She said she will 'think about' the new vaxes. She got covid even with all the vaxes and boosters. She said maybe it would have been worse!

I never got the vax or boosted. Was tested for covid antibodies in 2021 and had none. In 2022 a gal in the house came home with the covid virus. She had been vaxed and max boosted. She went the full round from before covid symptoms to developing symptoms and recovery in the house with me around her the whole time. She was tested twice and showed she was covid positive. I was in close proximity to her the whole time in a small house, but not doing anything in contact other than a hug before she was diagnosed with covid. I never got the covid from her. Maybe I'm lucky or maybe eating lots of yogurt helps. I had read probiotics help with covid. (But that is not why I eat yogurt.) Who knows? I eat a mix of 3 varieties of plain yogurt. About 3/4 of a gallon of yogurt a week.


Dunno if they work or not. But I wore masks. I figured if doctors wear them during an operation, they must help...some. If I didn't feel like a mask that day, I wore a useless neck gaitor and pulled it up over my mouth. Keeps people off your back.

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New information about the high quality surgical masks.
Seems like they are designed for short term useage like a surgical procedure. They are unhealthy to wear10 hours a day while moving about day after day.
It's hilarious when some nut-job who's basing life and death decisions on what he hears on TikTok tries to accuse me of not being logical.
Watching the outcome of all the dubious side effects of shot worshipping And The Fact that it neither prevents getting it nor transmitting it is outcome evidence and fact. Your side step to Tim Tok bullshit is evidence of surrender.
Also stop wishing harm on people, it is a reportable offense
the vaccine has been remarkably safe and effective, if you are not up to date, it is a matter of time before a new variant takes you down to the ventilator, endangering your nurses in the process.
For those that get the safe and effective vaccine shot, why would they be endangered from those that don’t?
Not last time, not this time, not ever. Vaxtards can take the Trump vaccine and shove it up their collective asses.

I heard Pfizer had Uncle Donald jerk off in a test tube, and that's what they made their vaccine out of.

So you Covidiots have Donald Trump's DNA swimming around inside you...hhahahahahahahaha.
USMB used to be loaded with Covid vax disciples. Given the woeful performance of this "vaccine", I wonder if the support is still there. Are you going to get the new booster "designed" for this latest variant?

From what I understand, this article, although only one month old, is already outdated. I don't believe it does actually cover the latest variants circulating. But, they won't be upfront about this. Everyone must get their jabs. And no one will have any side effects. Deaths, yeah some people who get the jab will die but the left can just explain it away to be something else. These people were going to die anyway. It was just a coincidence.
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