Let's hear it for those Non-Unionized, Private Sector Employees!!!!

How do you know his union status?

Fed Ex is famously non-union. They have better pay and better benefits than union UPS. It drives the left crazy.
No it doesn't.

The only reason non-union Fed-Ex employees earn a living wage is Fed-Ex management's fear of the Teamsters coming in. The same thing is true of all non-union occupations which are paid a competitive wage. Were it not for the threat posed by existing unions the American work force would indeed be on a par with that of Mexico.

Have no doubt of that.
Yep... Private sector employees who don't belong to unions are all such hard working diligent workers, and Unionized ones are slugs.

FedEx Guy Throwing My Computer Monitor - YouTube

Considering that only about 10% of all American workers, or less, belong to a union, I don't really understand the point.

Can't right wingers find someone new to hate? Someone we can all agree on? Like al Qaeda? Oh, wait, they let Bin Laden go. OK, there must be someone.

The point, my fellow progressive... is to show that Private Sector Non unionized employees can be and are just as bad of fuck ups as the Right wing union haters make Unionized employees out to be.

There are good and bad employees on both sides.

Sure. That was the point of your OP. :lame2:
How do you know his union status?

Fed Ex is famously non-union. They have better pay and better benefits than union UPS. It drives the left crazy.
No it doesn't.

The only reason non-union Fed-Ex employees earn a living wage is Fed-Ex management's fear of the Teamsters coming in. The same thing is true of all non-union occupations which are paid a competitive wage. Were it not for the threat posed by existing unions the American work force would indeed be on a par with that of Mexico.

Have no doubt of that.

Which is the goal of the Corporatists.
Yep... Private sector employees who don't belong to unions are all such hard working diligent workers, and Unionized ones are slugs.

FedEx Guy Throwing My Computer Monitor - YouTube

Considering that only about 10% of all American workers, or less, belong to a union, I don't really understand the point.

Can't right wingers find someone new to hate? Someone we can all agree on? Like al Qaeda? Oh, wait, they let Bin Laden go. OK, there must be someone.

The point, my fellow progressive... is to show that Private Sector Non unionized employees can be and are just as bad of fuck ups as the Right wing union haters make Unionized employees out to be.

There are good and bad employees on both sides.

Considering that only about 10% of all American workers, or less, belong to a union, I don't really understand the point.

Can't right wingers find someone new to hate? Someone we can all agree on? Like al Qaeda? Oh, wait, they let Bin Laden go. OK, there must be someone.

The point, my fellow progressive... is to show that Private Sector Non unionized employees can be and are just as bad of fuck ups as the Right wing union haters make Unionized employees out to be.

There are good and bad employees on both sides.

Sure. That was the point of your OP. :lame2:

It was... you don't have to believe me. I don't give a shit.
Ok... funny how most of the outsourcing came before Obama.... but it's all Obama's fault... the Conservative meme... Blame Obama.

The buggy whip manufacturing jobs aren't coming back, but without constraints, new fields will open up.
Unions have been a dying entity since Reagan... that was 30 years ago. BTW... funny how back in the 50's and 60's when Unions were strong and taxes(and wages) were higher, the country was in much better shape.

You are right, in the 50's and 60's they were not yet owned by the left and used as a way to fund democrats.

The only reason they support the left is because the right hates them... it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
If unions would get out of politics, the right would be more open to them. But as long as your leadership dictates your votes, and you dutifuly comply, we're not going to like it.

You like to pretend it's about hating workers, but that's bullshit.
No... I'm talking about the Private Sector jobs that people used to be able to raise a family on in relative comfort.... THOSE JOBS. If we had THOSE JOBS, there would have been no need for a stimulus.

Those jobs went away because unions made it too expensive to compete.

And what about non-union employees? Do they also make too much to compete with say....Mexico?

Isn't that what you're REALLY saying? That in order to compete we must lower our wages and standard of living to that of Mexico?
Obama's trying to make that happen, isn't he?

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