Let's Hope We Never Go To War With China

I just returned from a three-week tour of China where most of the focus was on natural wonders. But, I did spend my first three days in Beijing enjoying the sights and historical wonders.

COMMIE HAN - CHINA sucks big time .

Shooting War is old fashioned and unnecessary to them. They play long game. When they are done extracting your wealth, they will send a sickness to decimate your population. Afterwards, they will begin to move in if thay want your lands. Who would stop them?
Shooting War is old fashioned and unnecessary to them. They play long game. When they are done extracting your wealth, they will send a sickness to decimate your population. Afterwards, they will begin to move in if thay want your lands. Who would stop them?
Indeed modern warfare has changed forever. Gone are the days of open declarations and mass troop engagements. Modern warfare is far more nuanced now.

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