Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

The Bible is proven true all the time. I'm not into revisionist bullshit, sorry.

The Bible is also proven false by its own words, all the time, as well.
For example, if Noah and his family on the ark were all that survived, then who did Noah's son's marry?
You can't survive as a race with that small of a gene pool.

They already had wives, dumbass. If you knew something, you'd know that.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 7:7-24 - King James Version
We already discussed who settled the land first.
It was the Canaanites, around 8000 BC.
Then Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Philistines, etc., who now are all collectively known as Palestinians.
The Hebrew invaded around 1000 BC, but never held the land long.
They were defeated by the Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans, etc.
They hardly ever ruled, and had not history of any significance there.
The Hebrew essentially were Egyptian emigrant.
The first people to settle the land was Shem and Yefes...conquered by Canaan.
The descendants of Shem took it back.
Your history sucks.

Trying to use the Old Testament is incredibly lame.
Especially since you are not good at it.
Shem was a son of Noah, and clearly even in the Old Testament, the Land of Canaan preceded Noah and Shem.
And no, the Hebrew are no more the descendants of Shem than anyone is.
The word Semitic comes from Shem and refers to the origins of Arab languages, it does NOT refer to Jews.
The sons of Noah clearly take wives who were not on the ark and there were other pre-existing cultures and societies.
Genesis, Chapter 10.
The tribes of Shem and Yefes were violently conquered by the tribes of Canaan and the Children of Israel took it back.
Well, actually God kicked out the idolatrous Canaanite scum.

Canaan goes back to around 8000 BC.
We have sites and proven archaeology.
Nor did anyone kick out the Canaanites.
They tried to massacre them, but there still likely are more than half a million of them.
Some Links?
You realize the digging under the Temple Mount prove you wrong.
In fact, you haven’t posted one fact yet.

What digging? The Romans built the 2nd Temple of Solomon, and Herod was a Roman who only pretended to convert to Judaism.
The first people to settle the land was Shem and Yefes...conquered by Canaan.
The descendants of Shem took it back.
Your history sucks.

Trying to use the Old Testament is incredibly lame.
Especially since you are not good at it.
Shem was a son of Noah, and clearly even in the Old Testament, the Land of Canaan preceded Noah and Shem.
And no, the Hebrew are no more the descendants of Shem than anyone is.
The word Semitic comes from Shem and refers to the origins of Arab languages, it does NOT refer to Jews.
The sons of Noah clearly take wives who were not on the ark and there were other pre-existing cultures and societies.
Genesis, Chapter 10.
The tribes of Shem and Yefes were violently conquered by the tribes of Canaan and the Children of Israel took it back.
Well, actually God kicked out the idolatrous Canaanite scum.

Canaan goes back to around 8000 BC.
We have sites and proven archaeology.
Nor did anyone kick out the Canaanites.
They tried to massacre them, but there still likely are more than half a million of them.
Some Links?
You realize the digging under the Temple Mount prove you wrong.
In fact, you haven’t posted one fact yet.

What digging? The Romans built the 2nd Temple of Solomon, and Herod was a Roman who only pretended to convert to Judaism.

Boy, they told you some good shit, huh? :eek:
The Arab World has shown no interest in “ peace” since 194& yet Israel is supposed to respect and abide by “ International law?” Its a Joke
Shove that peace crap up your ass. There was no major incidents of violence in that area until the Zionist migration.

Shove that piece of crap up your ass. Try reading some books if capable. Anti Semitic has been present in the Arab World since Mohammed. FUCK YOU

That is easily proven to be a lie because Jews live happily under Muslim or Arab rule for about 2000 years.
If Muslims or Arabs were anti-Jew, then none would have been left by then.
It was the Christian Crusaders who harmed Jews, not Muslims.
No, that is foolish.
Land is just sand, and it is only water that makes it useful, and is what limits population.
The fact Israel can now afford desalinization does not give them a right to the land.
In order to support the massive Israeli population centers, they have stolen all the water and made Arab agriculture impossible.
The area is now WAY over populated, and the European Jews do not belong.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.
Another lie from Sheri. Add to that ignorance and stupidity. Israel left Lebanon in 1984 and the Golan Heights were part of Syria who initiated the 67 War along with Egypt and Jordan
You just keep telling that same lie. The '67 war started when Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.

Actually the 1967 war started with an Israeli sneak attack on Egyptian air bases, but close enough.

Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!

While the Gulf of Aqaba was in contest, that is NOT a legal reason to resort to violence.
The proper legal response is to have the international court settle the water rights.
The Israelis attack on Egyptian air bases was totally and completely illegal and without warning or provocation.
And NO, Nasser has said NOTHING at all about any aggressive intents, nor was any of the Egyptian military on any sort of alert.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.
The Bible is proven true all the time. I'm not into revisionist bullshit, sorry.

The Bible is also proven false by its own words, all the time, as well.
For example, if Noah and his family on the ark were all that survived, then who did Noah's son's marry?
You can't survive as a race with that small of a gene pool.

They already had wives, dumbass. If you knew something, you'd know that.

Bible Gateway passage: Genesis 7:7-24 - King James Version

Regardless, Noah and his son Canaan were not Hebrew, and even according to your biblical story, the Land of Canaan was for the Canaanites, given to them by God, and not for the later Hebrew emigrants from Egypt to steal from the Canaanites.
Canaan was supposed to be a son of Noah, so then had the right to the land, not the later Hebrew invaders.
Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.
he was an evil invader who massacred native Canaanite women

They know what they did.

So the children, infants, and even animals were supposed to be guilty of something?
Isn't it just more likely that Hebrew simply were greedy?

I wasn't really looking for a reply ... I just needed you to post a couple of times more so that Mossad could pin-down your IP Address.

Just ignore those black drones over your 'house'.
And by the way, Turkey, Russia, and Iran are not Arab.

never said they were, moron; try and do a better job of playing semantic games and build better strawmen next time you decide to parrot stupid left wing rubbish.

That is why they are the problems.

They do that because Arabs are arrogant and stupid, a dangerous combo, and the non-Arab neighbors aren't dumb enough to stand around waiting for the bandits to invade again; they've been there , done that already.

They invade and take over because they are not Arab and have no concern for the natives.

lol like I said, you're utterly clueless about those 'natives' and their history; it's called do them in before they do you in.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.

Corncobs and Sears catalog pages 100 years ago.

You wipe with sand, bro? :uhh:

This may explain your disposition.
And by the way, Turkey, Russia, and Iran are not Arab.

never said they were, moron; try and do a better job of playing semantic games and build better strawmen next time you decide to parrot stupid left wing rubbish.

That is why they are the problems.

They do that because Arabs are arrogant and stupid, a dangerous combo, and the non-Arab neighbors aren't dumb enough to stand around waiting for the bandits to invade again; they've been there , done that already.

They invade and take over because they are not Arab and have no concern for the natives.

lol like I said, you're utterly clueless about those 'natives' and their history; it's called do them in before they do you in.

That makes no sense because the Hebrew were not native and should not have invaded and massacred Canaanites in the first place.
Then after leaving for centuries, it is even less sensical for Jews to return to the Mideast if they even remotely thought there was any danger in doing so.
So there was never any threat at all, Jews in Israel are just claiming there was some sort of threat, as an absurd excuse.
But look at the facts and we only see Zionist violence, such as blowing up the British in the King David Hotel, assassainting the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.
You have no problem with a state which according to you "steal land and treat it's former citizens (the Palestinians) like virtual excrement"? Really?
The so called Palestinians have been kicked out of every Muslim nation in the region...they strapped bombs to themselves just to kill Jews....The Palestinians were exiled because they were killing people.....The Palestinians are murdering hateful people....if they change for the better the situation they are in will follow....

That is incredibly ignorant.
Palestinians have never moved, and are likely the oldest cultures in the entire Mideast.
They are the Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Philistines, etc.
They never left or lived elsewhere.
They commit suicide when there is no other choice and their homes are being stolen.
Anyone would do the same.
The Palestinians were never exiled until Zionists wanted their homes, and there was no legal basis for killing them or forcing them to leave.
Israelis all deserve to die unless they give back the Palestinian homes.

lol 'Palestinians' didn't even exist until 1956, when Arafat made up some stupid crap to sell to idiots like yourself. They're a complete fabrication; they considered themselves Syrians, except for those who were merely illegal immigrants from Egypt, Iraq, and the Arab peninsula. One of the main reasons the Ottomans brought Jews in in the first place was because the 'natives' didn't pay taxes, dodged the drafts, and in any case had ;largely disappeared during the civil war between the Ottomans and Egypt.

But don't let that stop you from parroting lies fed you, since you have nothing worthwhile to discuss anyway unless somebody else puts your talking points in your mouth for you.
That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.

Corncobs and Sears catalog pages 100 years ago.

You wipe with sand, bro? :uhh:

This may explain your disposition.

Sears did not exist until 1886.
That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.

Corncobs and Sears catalog pages 100 years ago.

You wipe with sand, bro? :uhh:

This may explain your disposition.

I never said I lived in a desert.
And by the way, Turkey, Russia, and Iran are not Arab.

never said they were, moron; try and do a better job of playing semantic games and build better strawmen next time you decide to parrot stupid left wing rubbish.

That is why they are the problems.

They do that because Arabs are arrogant and stupid, a dangerous combo, and the non-Arab neighbors aren't dumb enough to stand around waiting for the bandits to invade again; they've been there , done that already.

They invade and take over because they are not Arab and have no concern for the natives.

lol like I said, you're utterly clueless about those 'natives' and their history; it's called do them in before they do you in.

That makes no sense because the Hebrew were not native and should not have invaded and massacred Canaanites in the first place.
Then after leaving for centuries, it is even less sensical for Jews to return to the Mideast if they even remotely thought there was any danger in doing so.
So there was never any threat at all, Jews in Israel are just claiming there was some sort of threat, as an absurd excuse.
But look at the facts and we only see Zionist violence, such as blowing up the British in the King David Hotel, assassainting the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, etc.

lol now you think segueing into another topic will cover your ass for you. You make zero sense, because you literally don't know what the hell you're talking about from one sentence to the next. If you don't want to talk about Arabs just say so.
Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.

Corncobs and Sears catalog pages 100 years ago.

You wipe with sand, bro? :uhh:

This may explain your disposition.

Sears did not exist until 1886.


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