Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

Wiping asses with bare hands, amirite?

That is pretty ignorant.
Have you ever lived in a desert?
You likely would not survive there a week.

I'd probably bring TP if I knew there was a shortage, jackass.

Toilet paper comes from cutting down trees, which are far too valuable to waste in a desert.
You don't use toilet paper in a desert.
You use sand.
Do you think people in the US used toilet paper 100 years ago?
They did not.

Corncobs and Sears catalog pages 100 years ago.

You wipe with sand, bro? :uhh:

This may explain your disposition.

Sears did not exist until 1886.

Newsflash: This is 2019

100 years ago was 1919. Yoar Welcome.

Post WW1 even.
Son, you have been indoctrinated with some revisionist history that is derp.

The main goal of that is to deny God.

Nothing at all even remotely controversial in what I wrote.
But you on the other hand appear to want to believe Biblical stories that were not even written down until around 200 AD.

Ask me how I know you didn't read this:

The Tel Dan Inscription: The First Historical Evidence of King David from the Bible - Biblical Archaeology Society

No one is claiming that King David did not exist.
Of course he did.
But he was an evil invader who massacred native Canaanite women and children at Jericho.
He should be reviled.
And he was.
The Hebrew invaders were defeated and force to leave by the Assyrians around 740 BC.
The Hebrew invaders were defeated and force to leave by the Babylonians around 600 BC.
The Hebrew invaders were defeated and forced to leave by the Romans around 60 AD.

So in total, the Hebrew invaders only ruled Palestine for a couple hundred years at most.
And all of those “righteous” nations are gone we Jews are still here...annoying you to no end.

Wrong. All those nations are still there, as Palestinians.
The Jews not only left, but the Ashkenazi like Netanyahu are not even from the Mideast at all.
They speak Yiddish, which is Germanic.
It is only the Arab Palestinians who never left.
They are still there...waiting to get their asses kicked out of their desert shitholes.
The first people to settle the land was Shem and Yefes...conquered by Canaan.
The descendants of Shem took it back.
Your history sucks.

Trying to use the Old Testament is incredibly lame.
Especially since you are not good at it.
Shem was a son of Noah, and clearly even in the Old Testament, the Land of Canaan preceded Noah and Shem.
And no, the Hebrew are no more the descendants of Shem than anyone is.
The word Semitic comes from Shem and refers to the origins of Arab languages, it does NOT refer to Jews.
The sons of Noah clearly take wives who were not on the ark and there were other pre-existing cultures and societies.
Genesis, Chapter 10.
The tribes of Shem and Yefes were violently conquered by the tribes of Canaan and the Children of Israel took it back.
Well, actually God kicked out the idolatrous Canaanite scum.

Canaan goes back to around 8000 BC.
We have sites and proven archaeology.
Nor did anyone kick out the Canaanites.
They tried to massacre them, but there still likely are more than half a million of them.
Some Links?
You realize the digging under the Temple Mount prove you wrong.
In fact, you haven’t posted one fact yet.

What digging? The Romans built the 2nd Temple of Solomon, and Herod was a Roman who only pretended to convert to Judaism.
Try keeping up with the news.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
If we stopped supporting them they wouldn't last 5 minutes.

So...does that mean you are for supporting them?
I don't have anything against helping them out, but they need to stop acting like we owe it to them and conservatives need to stop thinking we do.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
If we stopped supporting them they wouldn't last 5 minutes.

So...does that mean you are for supporting them?
I don't have anything against helping them out, but they need to stop acting like we owe it to them and conservatives need to stop thinking we do.
The world’s shortest list is nations that take our tax dollars and thank us.
What’s the capacity?
6,000,000 people and over 90% of the useful land untouched as of yet.
You are one dumb asshole.

No, that is foolish.
Land is just sand, and it is only water that makes it useful, and is what limits population.
The fact Israel can now afford desalinization does not give them a right to the land.
In order to support the massive Israeli population centers, they have stolen all the water and made Arab agriculture impossible.
The area is now WAY over populated, and the European Jews do not belong.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
No, that is foolish.
Land is just sand, and it is only water that makes it useful, and is what limits population.
The fact Israel can now afford desalinization does not give them a right to the land.
In order to support the massive Israeli population centers, they have stolen all the water and made Arab agriculture impossible.
The area is now WAY over populated, and the European Jews do not belong.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
If we stopped supporting them they wouldn't last 5 minutes.

So...does that mean you are for supporting them?
I don't have anything against helping them out, but they need to stop acting like we owe it to them and conservatives need to stop thinking we do.
If the US did not stop Israel during the Six Day War, Israel would have taken over her 5 neighbors and all the Muslim bullshit since then would not have occurred.
The US owes Israel big time.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.
I suggest you move.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.

It almost occurred in my house, good thing I had a Mauser. Yeah, that was my very 1st exposure to Islam.
I agree let the Jews wipe out all the Palestinians....get rid of the garbage and terrorists in that area then concentrate on Irans religious leaders....more shit the world doesn't need or have to be threatened by.

The Arab World has shown no interest in “ peace” since 194& yet Israel is supposed to respect and abide by “ International law?” Its a Joke

Ummm...both Egypt and Jordan have peace treaties with Israel.

So much for your above statement.

History states otherwise. I was referring to the entire Arab World not just two Countries that didn’t have a choice if they wanted any land back, So much for your above statement

The problem is your meme is wrong. There are peace deals and they have lasted. I understand there are other deals being worked on.
Here's a fun-fact. The US supported Israel's bid for independence from Britain in the UN and it's announcement of becoming a sovereign state. But, that's all it got. No one in the US Government believed Israel would survive the decade.

The US had an arms embargo against Israel until 1967 and American citizens went to jail for attempting to send small arms to Israel for its own defense.

After the Six-Day War, it finally looked like Israel might survive and the US began selling (not giving) arms to Israel.

In 1967, the US war in Vietnam was a stalemate against a Soviet equipped enemy force ... However, Israel had just cleaned the clock of a vastly larger Soviet equipped force and they did it with French and British weapons.

The US needed to prove that US weapons could beat Soviet weapons and the only place they could make that demo was Israel. So the US loaned Israel money to buy American weapons (loans that have all be repaid by the way). Israel was then, and remains today, the country with the best track record against Soviet / Russian made weapons. Israel is the ultimate celebrity endorsement in the Weapons Industry.
And the Jews have built metropolises in 70 years that were shitholes under Arabs for 2,000 years.
Your point?

Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.

Probably in your family and homeland. They don't occur here in my town.
Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.

Probably in your family and homeland. They don't occur here in my town.
What do you want from a Coyote?
They’re a ruthless bunch.
The US set up the Jews in Israel because we believe in God, and that's the reality of the situation.

To be fair, the Jews did all the heavy lifting.

IME, Jews usually do not do heavy lifting. It is what it is.

Israelis built Israel with the sweat of their brow and the blood of their children.



Try not to forget that.
Israelis have built nothing.
It was the US giving them over $5 billion a year that built everything.
It is much cheaper when you do not buy land but instead just murder the owners and take it.
Is that why the US just bought Iron Dome and doesn’t ever ask Russia or the Muslims to invent anything?

That is foolish, since Iron Dome is useless.
Almost everything we have is from the Arabs, such as our Phoenetic alphabet, algebra, calculus, etc.

Don’t forget beheadings
That is silly. Beheadings occur everywhere.

Probably in your family and homeland. They don't occur here in my town.

No...incest is more likely the major crime there.

At any rate it is retarded to associate it solely or even primarily with Islam.

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