Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".

Lol...of course it does.

If you say 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'? Then you are not excluding any one Palestinian. And if you are not excluding any Palestinian from your description, then by default, you are referring to ALL Palestinian's.
Thus, by definition, you ARE saying that EVERY Palestinian is a murdering, hateful person.

It's common sense and basic English definitions. And I really had to explain that to you?

So noted.

Have a nice day.
Another your idiotic comment.
Okay you stupid freak...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Muslims treat Palestinians worse than the Israeli's do?
Does "the Israeli's do" mean "all Israeli's do"?

That would mean 'all Israeli's'.

But I did not mean that and I should have said 'worse then the Israeli government does'.

My sincere apologies to Israeli's (who are not in the present ruling government).

BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).

Now...we are done here.

I am not wasting my life arguing with every Zionist nut who enters this thread and cannot stand having his/her'precious' Israel talked badly of.
And since you seem to not fully understand the English language...that means every Zionist who seems emotionally unbalanced on the subject...like you seem.

And, once again, Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid South Africa.

Have a nice day.

Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......
Please tell us what “ peace deals” the Palestinians have worked on. I know!!! Stating the Israelis did not have any rights to the Western Wall !! :cuckoo:

Earth to your brain.

The Palestinians do not have a country...they are officially part of Israel. Nothing but 'territories' under the army boots of Israel. How can a people without a country make a country-to-country peace deal?

That's like Texas signing a peace deal with Washington...makes no sense.

BTW - 'On September 29, 2008, before passing the throne as leader of the Kadima Party to Tzipi Livni, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert made unprecedented comments in an interview with Yediot Aharonot. He stated, "[I am saying] what no Israeli leader has ever said: we should withdraw from almost all of the territories, including in East Jerusalem and in the Golan Heights." (September 29, 2008.)'

Olmert admits Israel must withdraw

Earth to your “ brain”

Prior to 1967 the West Bank, E. Jerusalem and Gaza we’re officially recognized as part of Egypt and Jordan which would obviously include the U.N.
Try to read what you posted. Olmert stated Israel should withdraw from most of the territories, not all of them which is exactly what he offered to Abbas. Please tell us why it was rejected and why they formally declared Israel had no rights to the Western Wall

I see originality is not your forte...a sure sign of a medium-low IQ person.

And I have no idea why it was rejected...nor do I much care. That has nothing to do with this. My point was that the Palestinians are not a country. Thus they cannot make country-to-country peace deals. Duh.

That is fact.


Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

The Golan Heights are not a part of the “ Palestinian State” you refer to. However, Gaza, West Bank and E. Jerusalem are. So tell us please why it was rejected and why the PLO Position is the Israelis have No Rights to the Western Wall.

I never said it was part of the Palestinian State. How can Syrian territory be part of Palestine? Sheesh.

And I already told you, I neither know nor care what the PLO position was. Their land is theirs...they should not have to negotiate to be free. No one should.
As far as I am concerned, the Gaza Strip/West Bank IS the nation of Palestine. And Israel is illegally occupying it.

And nothing you can say will change my mind on that.

Now, you dodged the question. I will not answer another of your questions until you answer mine:

Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?
I see originality is not your forte...a sure sign of a medium-low IQ person.

And I have no idea why it was rejected...nor do I much care. That has nothing to do with this. My point was that the Palestinians are not a country. Thus they cannot make country-to-country peace deals. Duh.

That is fact.


Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

The Golan Heights are not a part of the “ Palestinian State” you refer to. However, Gaza, West Bank and E. Jerusalem are. So tell us please why it was rejected and why the PLO Position is the Israelis have No Rights to the Western Wall.

I never said it was part of the Palestinian State. How can Syrian territory be part of Palestine? Sheesh.

And I already told you, I neither know nor care what the PLO position was. Their land is theirs...they should not have to negotiate to be free. No one should.
As far as I am concerned, the Gaza Strip/West Bank IS the nation of Palestine. And Israel is illegally occupying it.

And nothing you can say will change my mind on that.

Now, you dodged the question. I will not answer another of your questions until you answer mine:

Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

Oh, Olmert.....the one who ended up behind bars? That Olmert?

Let us ask you this:

Do you have any knowledge what happened when the Jordanians or Syrians had control of the Golan Heights, from 1948 to 1967?

Do you know how many countries would give the enemy the chance to do again what the Jordanians and Syrians were doing during those years?

Us? You speak of yourself plurally? Unless you are royalty (which I doubt), then that could mean you are schizophrenic.
Sorry, I try not to talk to people like that. I suggest you seek counselling...immediately.

But, to answer your questions.

Yes, yes (who was Prime Minister when he said the above quotation), no (nor do I much care) and no (nor do I much care).

We are done here.

Have a sane day.
You are most certainly not having a sane day.

Because to you, ignorance is bliss, and if the Jordanians or Syrians were doing target practice on the Jews of Tel Aviv and killing civilians during those 19 years, your response is actually:

I could not care less.

One of us is truly insane to think that any country would give the enemy any land which would allow them to kill that country's civilians at any time without punishment, without taking over that area, especially when the enemy country attacked Israel in 1967 and lost the privilege of targeting civilians at will.

Keep up your lack of sanity.

He sees nothing wrong with Israel giving back Land that the Syrians had used for Target practice on the Israelis. After Camp David Accords failed because Clinton didn’t put pressure on Israel meet ALL their demands he initiated the second Intifada
Where the poster used the words "EVERY Palestinian"? As you see, you even don't need to admit your lie..

You are really so ignorant I have to explain it to you?


He typed: 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'

That means ALL Palestinian people.

If he meant some, he should have said 'some Palestinians....' OR 'many Palestinians'.

Nope...he said 'The Palestinians'.

That means ALL OF THEM.

Class dismissed.

Have a nice day.
Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".

Lol...of course it does.

If you say 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'? Then you are not excluding any one Palestinian. And if you are not excluding any Palestinian from your description, then by default, you are referring to ALL Palestinian's.
Thus, by definition, you ARE saying that EVERY Palestinian is a murdering, hateful person.

It's common sense and basic English definitions. And I really had to explain that to you?

So noted.

Have a nice day.
Another your idiotic comment.
Okay you stupid freak...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Muslims treat Palestinians worse than the Israeli's do?
Does "the Israeli's do" mean "all Israeli's do"?
BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).
I did provide the links and I never made up anything. You are a dishonest person.
No...incest is more likely the major crime there.

At any rate it is retarded to associate it solely or even primarily with Islam.
Is there a list on the Internet, other than Islam, of religions that are still advocating beheadings?
I need to plan my international vacations with more care.

Very few Islamic countries use beheadings so I doubt you need to worry.

Which means some do. You can’t deny it’s in their Culture. Even the few Beheadings in this Country were done by?????? I know! Israelis !!!
Yes I can deny it is in their culture. That is a canard. It is part of the Arabic culture, it is their chosen form of the death penalty. That is far from all the worlds Muslims. What I don’t understand is why people get so in arms about it but say nothing about the equally barbaric and far more common death by hanging.

In this country...let’s look at decapitations...


Lawrence beheading trial moved to November

Killer seeks release for decapitation slaying near Sparta committed as a teen

Army veteran decapitated his mom using a butter knife and his teeth, deputy says in court

Man pleads guilty in Va. Tech decapitation

Mercer County murder victim decapitated

Exorcism preceded woman’s killing and decapitation, suspect says


Upstate NY woman decapitated 7-year-old son, police say

Oh...and for Israel

Tiberias decapitation suspect: 'divine spirit' drove me to murder ex

Decapitation crimes cross ethnic and religious boundaries.

Decapititation does happen elsewhere but it’s not based on “ religious principles “ as a defense
And it is rarely based onreligious princple among muslims either.
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I agree let the Jews wipe out all the Palestinians....get rid of the garbage and terrorists in that area then concentrate on Irans religious leaders....more shit the world doesn't need or have to be threatened by.

The Arab World has shown no interest in “ peace” since 194& yet Israel is supposed to respect and abide by “ International law?” Its a Joke

Ummm...both Egypt and Jordan have peace treaties with Israel.

So much for your above statement.

History states otherwise. I was referring to the entire Arab World not just two Countries that didn’t have a choice if they wanted any land back, So much for your above statement

The problem is your meme is wrong. There are peace deals and they have lasted. I understand there are other deals being worked on.

Please tell us what “ peace deals” the Palestinians have worked on. I know!!! Stating the Israelis did not have any rights to the Western Wall !! :cuckoo:
I was thinking more of other Arab states.
You have no problem with a state which according to you "steal land and treat it's former citizens (the Palestinians) like virtual excrement"? Really?
The so called Palestinians have been kicked out of every Muslim nation in the region...they strapped bombs to themselves just to kill Jews....The Palestinians were exiled because they were killing people.....The Palestinians are murdering hateful people....if they change for the better the situation they are in will follow....

And where is your unbiased link that factually proves that EVERY Palestinian is a 'murdering, hateful person' (as you claim)?
Where the poster used the words "EVERY Palestinian"? As you see, you even don't need to admit your lie..

You are really so ignorant I have to explain it to you?


He typed: 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'

That means ALL Palestinian people.

If he meant some, he should have said 'some Palestinians....' OR 'many Palestinians'.

Nope...he said 'The Palestinians'.

That means ALL OF THEM.

Class dismissed.

Have a nice day.
Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".
It is not utter nonsense. When you state "the Palestinian people" you are talking about all.
Lol...of course it does.

If you say 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'? Then you are not excluding any one Palestinian. And if you are not excluding any Palestinian from your description, then by default, you are referring to ALL Palestinian's.
Thus, by definition, you ARE saying that EVERY Palestinian is a murdering, hateful person.

It's common sense and basic English definitions. And I really had to explain that to you?

So noted.

Have a nice day.
Another your idiotic comment.
Okay you stupid freak...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Muslims treat Palestinians worse than the Israeli's do?
Does "the Israeli's do" mean "all Israeli's do"?

That would mean 'all Israeli's'.

But I did not mean that and I should have said 'worse then the Israeli government does'.

My sincere apologies to Israeli's (who are not in the present ruling government).

BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).

Now...we are done here.

I am not wasting my life arguing with every Zionist nut who enters this thread and cannot stand having his/her'precious' Israel talked badly of.
And since you seem to not fully understand the English language...that means every Zionist who seems emotionally unbalanced on the subject...like you seem.

And, once again, Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid South Africa.

Have a nice day.

Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......[/QUOTE]

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?
Israel is always boasting what a hi tech country they are and how they lead in inventions and innovations.

While at the same time begging the U.S. and other western power for more free money and weapons to help defend themselves from the problems they create with their neighbors by attacking and bombing them on a regular basis. .... :cuckoo:

You've never heard the term 'loan guarantees'?

Couldn't you tone down the inflamatory rhetoric? Such as 'begging'?

As for hi tech. Israel's technology kept Steven Hawking alive for so long.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?
Another your idiotic comment.
Does "the Israeli's do" mean "all Israeli's do"?

That would mean 'all Israeli's'.

But I did not mean that and I should have said 'worse then the Israeli government does'.

My sincere apologies to Israeli's (who are not in the present ruling government).

BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).

Now...we are done here.

I am not wasting my life arguing with every Zionist nut who enters this thread and cannot stand having his/her'precious' Israel talked badly of.
And since you seem to not fully understand the English language...that means every Zionist who seems emotionally unbalanced on the subject...like you seem.

And, once again, Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid South Africa.

Have a nice day.

Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?[/QUOTE]
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

Sorry, I am already debating with enough rabid Zionist's in this thread. You are passed my quota. And I have almost no respect for rabinous Zionists. And 'no'...it's NOTHING to do with religion. I think ALL major religions are silly and a complete waste of time.

I just glanced at you post and felt the urge to reply. I did not read your reply to it nor will I in future.

If there is one thing I have learned in 'chat forums' is that no one seems more full of hatred, contempt and blindness to the truth then rabid Zionists.

And it's not even close.

It's like deep inside, they know their position is TOTALLY WRONG morally. So they lash out in a desperate attempt at denial. Or maybe they are just sick. Not sure which.

Have a nice day.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.
Germany is know for anti Jewish actions since the Visigoth in the 5th and 6th centuries.

Naziism is simply another form of that Christian hatred for Jews,
too many Germans have displayed for all the Centuries of their Christian existence.

Israel treats Arabs much better than Arabs have ever treated Jews in all the 1300 years before the Balfour Declaration.

Try not to equate Jews and Israel to any groups or governments, or times, when any of those very people were attacking, robbing, raping, burning or murdering Jews with gusto.

Foreign Policy behavior?

Israel is doing great in their Foreign Policy "behavior".
Which is what is attracting Arab and other countries to have Diplomatic

By all means keep your attempts at mirroring what Christians and Muslims have done to the Jews, to Israel and its great Health, Jobs, and Education opportunities given to all the Palestinians who want any of it, as long as they will live in peace with Jews and all Israelis, Jews and non Jews.

You lose.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

I can read, you guy use the holocaust to make money. Never mind about everyone who died in WWII, only the Hebrews matter, that is what disgusts me. More Polish died than Jews. By the way one of your rabbis said those killed in WWII and those who died of starvation and typhus were reincarnated to die. Crazy. They were sinners.
Rabbi Says Holocaust Victims Were Sinners

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, leader of the Shas party, also declared that Prime Minister Ehud Barak has “no sense” because he is trying to make peace with the Palestinians, who are “snakes.”

Yosef was speaking in his weekly Saturday night sermon broadcast over the party’s radio stations and is even beamed overseas by satellite.

He called the Nazis “evil” and the victims “poor people,” but he said the six million “were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”

you can't get much more crazier than that.
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Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

Sorry, I am already debating with enough rabid Zionist's in this thread. You are passed my quota. And I have almost no respect for rabinous Zionists. And 'no'...it's NOTHING to do with religion. I think ALL major religions are silly and a complete waste of time.

I just glanced at you post and felt the urge to reply. I did not read your reply to it nor will I in future.

If there is one thing I have learned in 'chat forums' is that no one seems more full of hatred, contempt and blindness to the truth then rabid Zionists.

And it's not even close.

It's like deep inside, they know their position is TOTALLY WRONG morally. So they lash out in a desperate attempt at denial. Or maybe they are just sick. Not sure which.

Have a nice day.

Heard it all before.

Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

I can read, you guy use the holocaust to make money. Never mind about everyone who died in WWII, only the Hebrews matter, that is what disgusts me. More Polish died than Jews.

You've got some serious hangups.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.
Germany is know for anti Jewish actions since the Visigoth in the 5th and 6th centuries.

Naziism is simply another form of that Christian hatred for Jews,
too many Germans have displayed for all the Centuries of their Christian existence.

Israel treats Arabs much better than Arabs have ever treated Jews in all the 1300 years before the Balfour Declaration.

Try not to equate Jews and Israel to any groups or governments, or times, when any of those very people were attacking, robbing, raping, burning or murdering Jews with gusto.

Foreign Policy behavior?

Israel is doing great in their Foreign Policy "behavior".
Which is what is attracting Arab and other countries to have Diplomatic

By all means keep your attempts at mirroring what Christians and Muslims have done to the Jews, to Israel and its great Health, Jobs, and Education opportunities given to all the Palestinians who want any of it, as long as they will live in peace with Jews and all Israelis, Jews and non Jews.

You lose.

What's the point of trying to explain anything to these people? Brought up on myths and fairy tales.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

Sorry, I am already debating with enough rabid Zionist's in this thread. You are passed my quota. And I have almost no respect for rabinous Zionists. And 'no'...it's NOTHING to do with religion. I think ALL major religions are silly and a complete waste of time.

I just glanced at you post and felt the urge to reply. I did not read your reply to it nor will I in future.

If there is one thing I have learned in 'chat forums' is that no one seems more full of hatred, contempt and blindness to the truth then rabid Zionists.

And it's not even close.

It's like deep inside, they know their position is TOTALLY WRONG morally. So they lash out in a desperate attempt at denial. Or maybe they are just sick. Not sure which.

Have a nice day.
Poor Nurse Ratchet.

Still having a bad insane day.

Could not have slept well after last night's tirade.

So, this morning, more of the same " I know it all about Jews and Zionists, blah, blah, blah. "

By all means, keep us all Zionists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, First Nations, and all other Zionists at a a very lonnnnnnnng distance.

You are bound to feel the boomerang coming back at ya.


Am Israel Chai.

The People of Israel LIVE :)
Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

What did they ever do to you to arouse such rabid hatred?

How about treating the Palestinians not much better then the Nazis treated Jews before Kristallnacht? Like sub-humans.

And I see no rabid hatred. I see disgust in their foreign policy behavior.

Are you really that brain dead? How do you know anything about Jews and Nazis before the Holocaust?

Sorry, I am already debating with enough rabid Zionist's in this thread. You are passed my quota. And I have almost no respect for rabinous Zionists. And 'no'...it's NOTHING to do with religion. I think ALL major religions are silly and a complete waste of time.

I just glanced at you post and felt the urge to reply. I did not read your reply to it nor will I in future.

If there is one thing I have learned in 'chat forums' is that no one seems more full of hatred, contempt and blindness to the truth then rabid Zionists.

And it's not even close.

It's like deep inside, they know their position is TOTALLY WRONG morally. So they lash out in a desperate attempt at denial. Or maybe they are just sick. Not sure which.

Have a nice day.
Poor Nurse Ratchet.

Still having a bad insane day.

Could not have slept well after last night's tirade.

So, this morning, more of the same " I know it all about Jews and Zionists, blah, blah, blah. "

By all means, keep us all Zionists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, First Nations, and all other Zionists at a a very lonnnnnnnng distance.

You are bound to feel the boomerang coming back at ya.


Am Israel Chai.

The People of Israel LIVE :)

Anything they don't understand, they label it Zionist.

It's so depressing.

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