Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 1982 - when I actually admired Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.
When the Egyptian Military starts gathering at your border, one does not wait to try to figure out what they are up to.
It is rather obvious.

Pre emptive Strike. Smart Countries with smart Military and smart Generals do it.

It is called war.

So, yes......the Arabs started the war Israel did not want the day after Israel declared Independence.

THAT was the reason for the Egyptian and other Arab countries to decide to attack Israel.

Jews do not have the "right" to declare anything unless the Muslims say they can do so.

And from 1920, the Muslims made it very clear that Jewish Sovereignty on their own ancient homeland, on any part of it, was a NO DEAL.

And saying that you were "pro Israel" before you became "against", is another trap someone like you wants Jews to fall into.

Another Fail.
How many nations give money to Israel?


The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

LOL...another rabid Zionist who automatically assumes anyone against Israeli foreign policy is an anti-Semite.

How childish.

And as for what 'you' give the 'pals'.

I don't care how much money you give them (guaranteed, it ain't enough).

The only thing I want you to give them is freedom.

We are done here Rabid Zionist, for now.

The Arab League is keeping the Palestinians from Freedom.

Their Arab leaders are keeping them from Freedom.

UNWRA is keeping them from their Freedom.

Let us solve all of those three issues and a free, peaceful Palestinian State will come out of it.

Until then, NO, it is not Israel's fault, it never has been.

The Arab nation IS responsible for the squatters living on Israeli land.
Egypt planned an invasion on the newly restored Israel and told the Arabs living and working in Israel to get out. They did. Egypt lost the invasion and refused to let the displaced Arabs into the countries they originally left to go work in Israel. So those Arabs parked themselves on the outskirts of Israel. And have been used ever since as a terrorist organization against the Jews whose land they wish to usurp.

A peaceful Palestinian state will last only 3 and 1/2 years. Here is why:
Joel 3:1-21
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

Best not to divide what God deeded to the Jews. The result will be blood flowing in the Valley up to the horse's bridles. And an increase of land back to the original deed, i.e. “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates".
There are no squatters living on Israeli land.
That would mean 'all Israeli's'.

But I did not mean that and I should have said 'worse then the Israeli government does'.

My sincere apologies to Israeli's (who are not in the present ruling government).

BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).

Now...we are done here.

I am not wasting my life arguing with every Zionist nut who enters this thread and cannot stand having his/her'precious' Israel talked badly of.
And since you seem to not fully understand the English language...that means every Zionist who seems emotionally unbalanced on the subject...like you seem.

And, once again, Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid South Africa.

Have a nice day.

Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.[/QUOTE]
Are you talking about Olmert’s offer?
This is the 2000 offer:

Israeli Position

In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from 97 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he agreed to dismantle 63 isolated settlements. In exchange for the 3 percent annexation of the West Bank, Israel would increase the size of the Gaza territory by roughly a third. Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state. The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places and have “religious sovereignty” over the Temple Mount. The proposal also guaranteed Palestinian refugees the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them.

Palestinian Position

Yasser Arafat rejected the proposal without even making a counter offer. Arafat, according to chief U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross, was not willing to end the conflict with Israel. The Palestinians subsequently instigated a five-year war of terror that claimed more than 1,000 Israeli lives.

No Peace Without Compromise

This is the 2008 offer:

Revealed: Olmert's 2008 peace offer to Palestinians

Abbas admits he rejected 2008 peace offer from Olmert
This is the 2000 offer:

Israeli Position

In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from 97 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he agreed to dismantle 63 isolated settlements. In exchange for the 3 percent annexation of the West Bank, Israel would increase the size of the Gaza territory by roughly a third. Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state. The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places and have “religious sovereignty” over the Temple Mount. The proposal also guaranteed Palestinian refugees the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them.

Palestinian Position

Yasser Arafat rejected the proposal without even making a counter offer. Arafat, according to chief U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross, was not willing to end the conflict with Israel. The Palestinians subsequently instigated a five-year war of terror that claimed more than 1,000 Israeli lives.

No Peace Without Compromise

This is the 2008 offer:

Revealed: Olmert's 2008 peace offer to Palestinians

Abbas admits he rejected 2008 peace offer from Olmert
Arafat made billions off the conflict and his wife is living it up in a castle in France.
This is the 2000 offer:

Israeli Position

In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered to withdraw from 97 percent of the West Bank and 100 percent of the Gaza Strip. In addition, he agreed to dismantle 63 isolated settlements. In exchange for the 3 percent annexation of the West Bank, Israel would increase the size of the Gaza territory by roughly a third. Barak also made previously unthinkable concessions on Jerusalem, agreeing that Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem would become the capital of the new state. The Palestinians would maintain control over their holy places and have “religious sovereignty” over the Temple Mount. The proposal also guaranteed Palestinian refugees the right of return to the Palestinian state and reparations from a $30 billion international fund that would be collected to compensate them.

Palestinian Position

Yasser Arafat rejected the proposal without even making a counter offer. Arafat, according to chief U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross, was not willing to end the conflict with Israel. The Palestinians subsequently instigated a five-year war of terror that claimed more than 1,000 Israeli lives.

No Peace Without Compromise

This is the 2008 offer:

Revealed: Olmert's 2008 peace offer to Palestinians

Abbas admits he rejected 2008 peace offer from Olmert

And this is what you said:
Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.
You assume, maybe, that all it would take is Olmert saying so, but it does not work that way. There is always opposition.

Olmert to Assad: Israel willing to withdraw from Golan Heights

Don't give up the Golan Heights
No, I don’t assume that at all. That is the whole point. You keep claiming that Israel offered them these incredible deals but they didn’t really.
Oh, the Palestinians did not get an "incredible deal" from Israel.

Just what exactly would have been an "incredible deal" in the eyes of the Palestinians, short of the Israelis committing suicide?
Couldn't you tone down the inflamatory rhetoric? Such as 'begging'?
The zionist Israeli jews almost 75 years after the so called holocaust. Still have their tin cup in hand and demand the gullible western nations give them billions of shekels annually to help them get over the alleged traumatic event. ... :cool:
How many nations give money to Israel?


The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

When Obama was president, around $5-600 million.

Yay! I remembered correctly. :)

U.S. Assistance to Palestinians | U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem
You assume, maybe, that all it would take is Olmert saying so, but it does not work that way. There is always opposition.

Olmert to Assad: Israel willing to withdraw from Golan Heights

Don't give up the Golan Heights
No, I don’t assume that at all. That is the whole point. You keep claiming that Israel offered them these incredible deals but they didn’t really.
Oh, the Palestinians did not get an "incredible deal" from Israel.

Just what exactly would have been an "incredible deal" in the eyes of the Palestinians, short of the Israelis committing suicide?

How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

You would think giving people their basic, human rights would be not asking too much?

Not for Israel.

Israel to the Palestinians: 'You want your basic, human rights? What do we get out of it?'

Like I said - Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid.
Last edited:
Couldn't you tone down the inflamatory rhetoric? Such as 'begging'?
The zionist Israeli jews almost 75 years after the so called holocaust. Still have their tin cup in hand and demand the gullible western nations give them billions of shekels annually to help them get over the alleged traumatic event. ... :cool:
How many nations give money to Israel?


The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

When Obama was president, around $5-600 million.

Yay! I remembered correctly. :)

U.S. Assistance to Palestinians | U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem

Still waiting for your link to proof of your ridiculous post earlier where you said:

'Our fighter planes run on technology they developed.'

Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.
You assume, maybe, that all it would take is Olmert saying so, but it does not work that way. There is always opposition.

Olmert to Assad: Israel willing to withdraw from Golan Heights

Don't give up the Golan Heights
No, I don’t assume that at all. That is the whole point. You keep claiming that Israel offered them these incredible deals but they didn’t really.
Oh, the Palestinians did not get an "incredible deal" from Israel.

Just what exactly would have been an "incredible deal" in the eyes of the Palestinians, short of the Israelis committing suicide?

How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

You would think giving people their basic, human rights would be not asking too much?

Not for Israel.

Israel to the Palestinians: 'You want your basic, human rights? What do we get out of it?'

Like I said - Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid.
They were offered exactly that in 2000 and 2008.

Check my previous post as to how Arafat and Abbas reacted to the offer.

You do not know this much.

Arafat and Abbas would never accept an Israeli offer, because there would be one Arab or another who would "do them in" if they ever dared to do so.

They saw what happened to the President of Egypt after he signed a peace treaty with Israel.

And "Apartheid" is only if one segregates people in one's own country, aka as in South Africa.

There is no forced segregation in Israel. Arab cities, or villas are only Arab cities only because that is how they have been for 1400 years.

Most still separate by clans.

You can say Apartheid all you want. Israelis know that there is no such thing in their country. And.....so do all the South Africans who have ever visited Israel.
The zionist Israeli jews almost 75 years after the so called holocaust. Still have their tin cup in hand and demand the gullible western nations give them billions of shekels annually to help them get over the alleged traumatic event. ... :cool:
How many nations give money to Israel?


The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

When Obama was president, around $5-600 million.

Yay! I remembered correctly. :)

U.S. Assistance to Palestinians | U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem

Still waiting for your link to proof of your ridiculous post earlier where you said:

'Our fighter planes run on technology they developed.'

Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

"Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has launched a production line for the outer wing set of the F-35 stealth fighter key component to make the advanced fighter jet invisible to radar, the company announced."

Israeli-built wings for new F-35 will make jets invisible to radar

Does the part where you attack the source or say "iiisssss notttt" come now?
The zionist Israeli jews almost 75 years after the so called holocaust. Still have their tin cup in hand and demand the gullible western nations give them billions of shekels annually to help them get over the alleged traumatic event. ... :cool:
How many nations give money to Israel?


The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

When Obama was president, around $5-600 million.

Yay! I remembered correctly. :)

U.S. Assistance to Palestinians | U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem

Still waiting for your link to proof of your ridiculous post earlier where you said:

'Our fighter planes run on technology they developed.'

Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.
How is this one?

Why Only Israel Can Customize America's F-35 (At Least for Now)

The subject is American handouts.

And they should stop.
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

LOL...another rabid Zionist who automatically assumes anyone against Israeli foreign policy is an anti-Semite.

How childish.

And as for what 'you' give the 'pals'.

I don't care how much money you give them (guaranteed, it ain't enough).

The only thing I want you to give them is freedom.

We are done here Rabid Zionist, for now.

The Arab League is keeping the Palestinians from Freedom.

Their Arab leaders are keeping them from Freedom.

UNWRA is keeping them from their Freedom.

Let us solve all of those three issues and a free, peaceful Palestinian State will come out of it.

Until then, NO, it is not Israel's fault, it never has been.

The Arab nation IS responsible for the squatters living on Israeli land.
Egypt planned an invasion on the newly restored Israel and told the Arabs living and working in Israel to get out. They did. Egypt lost the invasion and refused to let the displaced Arabs into the countries they originally left to go work in Israel. So those Arabs parked themselves on the outskirts of Israel. And have been used ever since as a terrorist organization against the Jews whose land they wish to usurp.

A peaceful Palestinian state will last only 3 and 1/2 years. Here is why:
Joel 3:1-21
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

Best not to divide what God deeded to the Jews. The result will be blood flowing in the Valley up to the horse's bridles. And an increase of land back to the original deed, i.e. “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates".
There are no squatters living on Israeli land.

Yes there is. They gathered there after Egypt and Syria refused to let them in. Since none of them had been there long enough to receive refugee aid, they changed the rules to allow them to receive it.
... because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American."'

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

lol 'probably', etc., i.e. dream up dumbass conspiracy theories.to replace actual facts.

There were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, and the NSA. Most of the final reports avoid assigning culpability for the incident and focus on communication breakdowns and matters of protocol. Israeli investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges.

Yes, and nothing has ever come along to refute those findings.

Some veterans of the USS Liberty and other investigators reached a different conclusion. They believe that the Liberty was deliberately attacked and that both the U.S. and Israel covered it up in a hasty investigation. They point to several holes in the official story based on the published reports and declassified communications.

I.e., some freaks tried to pull some dumb crap out of their asses, and you prefer the stupid version over the real one. Who are those 'other investigators' exactly?

In the days leading up to the attack, Israeli officials claim that they repeatedly warned U.S. ships to steer clear of the coast because any unidentified ships would automatically be considered hostile. American naval and government officials claim that no inquiries were made about the position of American ships until after the attack on the Liberty.

And we know that is a fact; we failed to notify Israelis of our presence.

Israeli pilots who flew over the Liberty during the reconnaissance and the attack claim that they did not see any identifying markings on the ship. Liberty crew members maintain that the ship’s designation as an American vessel was plain by her hull markings and that the American flag was flying at full mast when the aerial attack began. Visual confirmation by the Israelis also suggested that the Liberty looked very similar to the Egyptian ship El Quseir. See if you can spot the difference between the two boats.

And the reason why such markiings don't mean squat is the Terrorists had already made several attacks from ships flying false flags and markings, so your story is still just rubbish, and so is the 'veterans' version.

Nothing else said later in your post does a thing to offer proof to the contrary; no evidence the pilots ever saw the Egyptian ship personally first hand, and no evidence you would have suddenly noted the difference either, if you had been there. I guess we're supposed to believe the Israelis are mindless idiots who just wanted to start a war with the U.S. cuz like, they're just evul n stuff.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Yet another clueless terrorist apologist who doesn't know that blockading a country's port is an act of war by any international standard, and there is nothing wrong about preemptive attacks, either. 'first shots' is just dumbass schoolkid 'logic', 'Tommy Hit ME First!!! Wah Wah!!!" doesn't apply in Adult World, kid; the 'rules are far more realistic than your limited experience with getting beat up by the other kids for being an ass. It isn't rocket science to know when your enemies are preparing to attack you, especially in the ME.
First of all because Israel is a strong ally, both in a military and economic sence. It benefits the US to keep Israel strong as its only solid ally in the region.

Second. Most of the money given is in the form military credits. Almost none of the aid is economic aid. Because Israel purchases most of their military goods from the United States, a good deal of that money is reinvested in the United States and the weapons manufacturers that operate here. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a clause in the contract that says a certain % needs to being spent on US companies.

Update: the minimum % is 76%. This money goes directly back into the US economy. It is also the minimum, so most years it goes above that amount. In 2016, President Obama re negotiated the deal and obtained the concession of israel that from now on 100% of the 3.8 million $ would be spent to bur US military hardware.

Another by product of the US-Israeli military relationship is that the US has a say on Israeli weapon deals. Because of that Israel had often to curb many billion dollars arm deals. For instance, Israel had to scrap a deal worth billions of dollars deals for selling UAVs and Falcon airborne early-warning system to China, because of American pressure.

Israel provides the United States with intelligence and technology in return. There are US tanks equipt with Israeli defense system "Trophy" as an example. This has saved tons of lives in Iraq and Afganistan.

The so called Palestinians have been kicked out of every Muslim nation in the region...they strapped bombs to themselves just to kill Jews....The Palestinians were exiled because they were killing people.....The Palestinians are murdering hateful people....if they change for the better the situation they are in will follow....

And where is your unbiased link that factually proves that EVERY Palestinian is a 'murdering, hateful person' (as you claim)?
Where the poster used the words "EVERY Palestinian"? As you see, you even don't need to admit your lie..

You are really so ignorant I have to explain it to you?


He typed: 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'

That means ALL Palestinian people.

If he meant some, he should have said 'some Palestinians....' OR 'many Palestinians'.

Nope...he said 'The Palestinians'.

That means ALL OF THEM.

Class dismissed.

Have a nice day.
Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".
It is not utter nonsense. When you state "the Palestinian people" you are talking about all.
None of that has anything to do with us here in the US, where there is no Sharia Police
Muslims driving around in knockoff NYPD cars. Of course. No such thing.
Just like the Jews and the Asians.
"Just like the Jews and the Asians."
All Jews? All Asians? Each one of them?

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