Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

LOL...another rabid Zionist who automatically assumes anyone against Israeli foreign policy is an anti-Semite.

How childish.

And as for what 'you' give the 'pals'.

I don't care how much money you give them (guaranteed, it ain't enough).

The only thing I want you to give them is freedom.

We are done here Rabid Zionist, for now.

The Arab League is keeping the Palestinians from Freedom.

Their Arab leaders are keeping them from Freedom.

UNWRA is keeping them from their Freedom.

Let us solve all of those three issues and a free, peaceful Palestinian State will come out of it.

Until then, NO, it is not Israel's fault, it never has been.

The Arab nation IS responsible for the squatters living on Israeli land.
Egypt planned an invasion on the newly restored Israel and told the Arabs living and working in Israel to get out. They did. Egypt lost the invasion and refused to let the displaced Arabs into the countries they originally left to go work in Israel. So those Arabs parked themselves on the outskirts of Israel. And have been used ever since as a terrorist organization against the Jews whose land they wish to usurp.

A peaceful Palestinian state will last only 3 and 1/2 years. Here is why:
Joel 3:1-21
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

Best not to divide what God deeded to the Jews. The result will be blood flowing in the Valley up to the horse's bridles. And an increase of land back to the original deed, i.e. “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates".
There are no squatters living on Israeli land.

Yes there is. They gathered there after Egypt and Syria refused to let them in. Sin7ce none of them had been there long enough to receive refugee aid, they changed the rules to allow them to receive it.
Most were indiginous. That argument serves one and only one purpose, to disenfranchise a people of their rights. Like the way others do by calling Jews European invaders. There are no squatters or invaders, just people trying to demonize the other.

It's not the same because Jews didn't arrive in Europe as invaders.
Those who stress the need in using correct definitions are merely bringing clarity so that the terms and lexicon that's supposed to protect minorities doesn't turn against them.

Ask an Arab and a Jew to pronounce the word "Palestine" then tell us who's the indigenous...
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Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
No...so long as Israel won't allow it and America refuses to recognize it...the Palestinians cannot declare independence.

If you knew anything about it - which you do not appear to - you would know that you cannot just declare independence in the World today.
1. Palestinians declared independence in 1988.
2. The UN officially acknowledged the proclamation of the Palestinian state. Palestine has a status of a UN observer state.
3. Pathetic.

Exactly, you rabid Zionist...you just proved my point.

All they get in the UN is 'observer state'. That's nothing...token at best. Why? Largely because America blocks their full statehood in the UN.

And has that stopped Israel from violating their territory whenever they feel like it? Or building more settlements? Or blockading them?


Your Observer State status means nothing.

You just proved for me that until Israel AND America allows it, the Palestinians cannot be a proper, internationally observed, sovereign nation.

Again, lesson over.

I will waste no more time on this nonsense or read any more of your silly, uninformed, heavily-biased responses on this.

Have a nice day.
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States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.
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States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.
If you follow Mc Idiot you know he’s an eloquent moron; he’s never wrong once he’s made his stance.

I can picture Mc just standing there when someone sticks a pistol in his mouth and tells him he’s a dead man.
He’ll tell himself that he need do nothing until the person pulls the trigger.
Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?
Have you ever visited the Golan?

Are you still living in a country built by traitors?
"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.
Are you talking about Olmert’s offer?

So you admit that Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted which is what I’ve been saying all along.
Yes, but could he deliver? What is the point if he cant?[/QUOTE]

Abbas IMMEDIATELY said “ NO” If he really wanted “ peace” he would have said Yes and then the ball would be in Israel’s lap.
How could Israel and The Palestinians “ negotiate” when they were offered almost everything and it was rejected?
Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end
Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.
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Israel would not allow it. They would attack the territories with the pretext of 'defending Jewish settlements'. And Israel blockades them...so, what would be the point?

And the second they tried to take it to the UN - America would block it (as they have when Europe tried to declare that same thing).

Not much point in declaring a government if the UN won't recognize it.

No...so long as Israel won't allow it and America refuses to recognize it...the Palestinians cannot declare independence.

If you knew anything about it - which you do not appear to - you would know that you cannot just declare independence in the World today.

Individual States and States collectively at the UN can't "block" a State from forming and declaring independence (and Palestine has already declared her independence). International law does not work that way. The UN has no authority to create or recognize States or Governments. All the UN can do is accept or decline membership into the UN organization.

Governments which are terrorist organizations engaging in violent riots at the border with her neighbor are not going to be accepted as members of the UN for the simple reason that the UN only accepts "all peace-loving nations which accept the obligations contained in the present charter, and ... are willing and able to carry out these obligations".

Governments which do not effectively have sovereign control over their own territory (I'm talking about Gaza here) are not going to be accepted as members of the UN.

This myth that Israel and the US must somehow "permit" Palestine to become a State is nothing more than demonization of Israel by making her responsible for the failure of Arab Palestinians to develop a State. The reason Arab Palestine hasn't been fully recognized as a State is because it isn't acting like one.
LOL...another rabid Zionist who automatically assumes anyone against Israeli foreign policy is an anti-Semite.

How childish.

And as for what 'you' give the 'pals'.

I don't care how much money you give them (guaranteed, it ain't enough).

The only thing I want you to give them is freedom.

We are done here Rabid Zionist, for now.

The Arab League is keeping the Palestinians from Freedom.

Their Arab leaders are keeping them from Freedom.

UNWRA is keeping them from their Freedom.

Let us solve all of those three issues and a free, peaceful Palestinian State will come out of it.

Until then, NO, it is not Israel's fault, it never has been.

The Arab nation IS responsible for the squatters living on Israeli land.
Egypt planned an invasion on the newly restored Israel and told the Arabs living and working in Israel to get out. They did. Egypt lost the invasion and refused to let the displaced Arabs into the countries they originally left to go work in Israel. So those Arabs parked themselves on the outskirts of Israel. And have been used ever since as a terrorist organization against the Jews whose land they wish to usurp.

A peaceful Palestinian state will last only 3 and 1/2 years. Here is why:
Joel 3:1-21
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

Best not to divide what God deeded to the Jews. The result will be blood flowing in the Valley up to the horse's bridles. And an increase of land back to the original deed, i.e. “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates".
There are no squatters living on Israeli land.

Yes there is. They gathered there after Egypt and Syria refused to let them in. Sin7ce none of them had been there long enough to receive refugee aid, they changed the rules to allow them to receive it.
Most were indiginous. That argument serves one and only one purpose, to disenfranchise a people of their rights. Like the way others do by calling Jews European invaders. There are no squatters or invaders, just people trying to demonize the other.

No, they were not indigenous. And you have believed Hamas propaganda without investigating the truth. Here are the facts:

Here is the result of the British Mandate to survey the land and break it down into ownership:
71.2 % of the land was owned by Great Britain
8.6% owned by Jews
16.9% was owned by non-resident Arabs living in Syria, Jordan, and various other countries.
3.3% owned by resident Arabs.
Those 3.3 were invited to stay and work in Israel. And some did. Some sold their land to Jews at exorbitant prices.

Egypt decided to invade Israel and told the Arabs living there to get out so they wouldn't inadvertently killed. They did. Egypt lost. Syria and Egypt refused to let the Arabs that left Israel into their countries. They had no where to go. So they squatted on the edge of Israeli land.

Here is the announcement made by the Jews when the Arabs were told to get out of harm's way by Egypt:

From the Jewish Haifa Workers' Council
"For years we have lived together in our city, do not fear. Do not destroy your homes and bring upon yourself tragedy by unnecessary evacuation and self imposed burdens. But in this city, yours and ours, Haifa, the gates are open for work, life, and for peace for you and your families."

And here you have the proof that those Arabs were NOT forced out of Israel by the Jews:
April 27, 1950 from the Arab National Committee of Haifa
"The removal of the Arab inhabitants was voluntary and carried out at our request."

Those displaced Arabs didn't qualify for refugee aid because they didn't fit the definition of a refugee being a person that was forced to leave their home. The UN changed the definition so the Arabs wouldn't starve to death.

Listen to this man. He knew more about the reason these Arabs were hung out to dry by Egypt and Syria than you do:

1960 King Hussein of Jordon:
"Since 1948 Arab leaders have used the Palestine problem in an irresponsible manner. They have used the Palestine people for selfish political purpose. This is ridiculous, and I could say, even criminal."

Now you tell me, looking at the amount of Arab land surrounding Israel, why the tiny little sliver of a nation called Israel should be forced to give up their land and give it to the Arab pawns.
Should Israel do that, (and they are going to, for peace sake and regret it) Israel will lose 1/2 of their capital, Jerusalem to terrorists, and will become 8 miles across. Ripe for the picking.

Would you think it would be a good idea to give 1/2 of Washington DC to ISIS? Then why should Israel give theirs to Hamas?
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Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson
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Egypt initiated by deliberately blocking Israel’s Rights to International Waters. The U.N. “ peacekeepers “ actually aided them by deliberately leaving. You can’t admit that. :ahole-1:
Don't give me this fucking shit. Israel doesn't respect Palestinian rights to international waters. So fuck you, hypocrite! And UN peacekeepers leaving, is not an invasion.
Sorry you fat degenerate deviant, but pre-emptive attacks aren't 'illegal', except to stupid tards who smoke too much meth and watch PBS documentaries.
Article 51 of the UN Charter states there are only two ways you can legally attack another country and Israel had neither.
It was Egypt with the blockade, the U.N. “ peacekeepers “ LEAVING and Nasser’s bragging he was going to destroy Israel once and for all with their Military building up isn’t the initiation of War? Pro Palestinians are too ignorant, racist, or stupid to know the difference
It's not an attack. And what they do within their own sovereign borders, is none of your fucking business!
The UN also allowed terrorists to set up gun pits right next to their observations posts, then cried and whined when they got collateral damage when the Israelis fired back at them. these PLO fans are the most mentally retarded gimps on the planet, so no sense in doing anything but mocking them for the comedy they provide.
So what. The Israelis set up snipers to shoot at unarmed Palestinian civilians.

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