Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.
Maybe that had something to do with Israel taking over the DMZ and evicting Arab residents?
If you follow Mc Idiot you know he’s an eloquent moron; he’s never wrong once he’s made his stance.

I can picture Mc just standing there when someone sticks a pistol in his mouth and tells him he’s a dead man.
He’ll tell himself that he need do nothing until the person pulls the trigger.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Egypt initiated by deliberately blocking Israel’s Rights to International Waters. The U.N. “ peacekeepers “ actually aided them by deliberately leaving. You can’t admit that. :ahole-1:
Don't give me this fucking shit. Israel doesn't respect Palestinian rights to international waters. So fuck you, hypocrite! And UN peacekeepers leaving, is not an invasion.

So it was OK for Egypt to block International Waters that Israel had the Right to and the U.N. Actually Aiding them. FUCK YOU !!!
It was Egypt with the blockade, the U.N. “ peacekeepers “ LEAVING and Nasser’s bragging he was going to destroy Israel once and for all with their Military building up isn’t the initiation of War? Pro Palestinians are too ignorant, racist, or stupid to know the difference
It's not an attack. And what they do within their own sovereign borders, is none of your fucking business!

They do NOT have the Rigjt to block INTERNATIONAL Waters you. :ahole-1:
Sorry you fat degenerate deviant, but pre-emptive attacks aren't 'illegal', except to stupid tards who smoke too much meth and watch PBS documentaries.
Article 51 of the UN Charter states there are only two ways you can legally attack another country and Israel had neither.

I know what it says . It refers to the UN intervening;;the same UN . That Deliberately left the area. :fu:
Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson

LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.
Last edited:
If you follow Mc Idiot you know he’s an eloquent moron; he’s never wrong once he’s made his stance.

I can picture Mc just standing there when someone sticks a pistol in his mouth and tells him he’s a dead man.
He’ll tell himself that he need do nothing until the person pulls the trigger.
Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.

Actually many times they are, as anyone who took advanced logic beyond 101 knows; you really are an ignorant dumbass bigot, and so is McRocket; it's just a fact.
Egypt initiated by deliberately blocking Israel’s Rights to International Waters. The U.N. “ peacekeepers “ actually aided them by deliberately leaving. You can’t admit that. :ahole-1:
Don't give me this fucking shit. Israel doesn't respect Palestinian rights to international waters. So fuck you, hypocrite! And UN peacekeepers leaving, is not an invasion.

"Palestinians" are not a state.
I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson

LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.

I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response
Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".

Lol...of course it does.

If you say 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'? Then you are not excluding any one Palestinian. And if you are not excluding any Palestinian from your description, then by default, you are referring to ALL Palestinian's.
Thus, by definition, you ARE saying that EVERY Palestinian is a murdering, hateful person.

It's common sense and basic English definitions. And I really had to explain that to you?

So noted.

Have a nice day.
Another your idiotic comment.
Okay you stupid freak...where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Muslims treat Palestinians worse than the Israeli's do?
Does "the Israeli's do" mean "all Israeli's do"?

That would mean 'all Israeli's'.

But I did not mean that and I should have said 'worse then the Israeli government does'.

My sincere apologies to Israeli's (who are not in the present ruling government).

BTW, don't post another quote from me without also posting a link to it (for context's sake) or you will be ignored.
You could have made that up (as it is I vaguely remember it).

Now...we are done here.

I am not wasting my life arguing with every Zionist nut who enters this thread and cannot stand having his/her'precious' Israel talked badly of.
And since you seem to not fully understand the English language...that means every Zionist who seems emotionally unbalanced on the subject...like you seem.

And, once again, Israel IS the 21'st century version of Apartheid South Africa.

Have a nice day.

Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?
Enough with your GOTCHA questions.

Syria attacked Israel more than once.
It does not want peace.
Why would any country actually give a piece of land to the enemy without a Peace treaty, as it was done with Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula.

Jews/ Israel are spinning things?

I caught you in a few "talking points" from anti Israel sites already.

Screech your question all you want. You know that it is a worthless question.

Did Arafat sign the Oslo Accords OR NOT ?
Is it not an agreement that the Arab Leaders would stop incitement and violence and teachings against Israel and Jews OR NOT ?

When have Arafat or Abbas stopped inciting and funding more education and violence against Israel and Jews?

Your turn.
And these are REAL questions, based on actual historical facts and not like the false " I am Sooooo offended that you guys are not answering my very reasonable questions"
you seem to enjoy dishing to us.

I will not rest until you answer the above questions.

Do the proper research and figure out what was going on before and after the Oslo Accords. Let us see how peaceful the Palestinians became, how Arafat and Abbas have Both live up to those Accords.
I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson

LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.
Your enemy comes to your border with its military and you want your country to do what?

I would like to see Russia on the Western American border.
Iran on the Eastern American border.
North Korea on its Northern border.
And Turkey on its Southern border.

Let us see America do nothing and just let the enemy fire the first

You do know what the answer is.

When the enemy makes it very clear that they are going to attack your country, one does not just sit there like a stupid wooden duck.

Yes or No ?
I answered you. Did Egypt initiate by Deliberately blocking Israel’s Right to International Waters? Why did the U.N PEACEKEEPERS leave???? You still don’t have the guts to answer my question.

No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson

LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.
And here are a few more questions for you to muse on:

1) Why wasn't the Arab League created during the 900 years of Ottoman conquest?

2) Why didn't the Arab/Palestinians riot against the Ottomans, possibly not even once during those 900 years?

3) Why didn't the Palestinian Leadership, Husseini, not agree to the first Partition in 1937?

4) Why didn't the Palestinian Leadership, still under Husseini, not agree to the second Partition in 1947?

5) Why did Husseini go to Iraq in 1940 to start a riot against Iraqi Jews, which lead to the death of at least 280 Jews and thousands injured, businesses and homes looted?

Memories of Baghdad's 1941 pogrom

6 ) What was it that Palestinian Arab Husseini saw in Hitler and the Nazis, that made him want to start his own SS Nazi troop with Bosnian Muslims, wiping out the Jews of Bosnia?

Never-before-seen photos of Palestinian mufti with Hitler ties visiting Nazi Germany

I think the above is more than enough to make you think and research for some time.


Spit on the whole thing and call it Jewish/ Israeli Propaganda.
Last edited:
No, you did not.

It's only two words...'yes' or 'no'. You just refuse to answer or risk making your arguments a joke.
I have answered lots of your questions. But I will answer no more of yours until you answer two of mine.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?

But watch folks, he will probably duck answering them again.

I answered you about the Initiation of the 67 War, Anyone reading your ignorance post would get the impression that for no reason at all Israel started to shoot into Egypt who initiated the aggression? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response .
Regarding the Golan Heights Olmert did offer but with two reasonable conditions
Stop recognizing Hezbollah
Israel staying there for 25 years to ensure the iolence would end permanently. However you are too stupid to know the difference,
Only a Moron would expect Israel to give back land without expectations that all violence would end

Yup...he dodged one of them again.

I will ask again:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

And 'no'...there were no conditions Olmert offered. He said flatly that Israel should give the Golan Heights back to Syria...period.

'The outgoing prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, has said his country will have to withdraw from "almost all" the land it captured in the 1967 war and divide Jerusalem in order to agree long-awaited peace deals with the Palestinians and Syria.'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria


Hell...the guy admitted that it is 'captured land'. That right there proves that it does not belong to Israel....DUH.

I did answer your question. The War was initiated by Egypt due to their actions and the U.N . Actually helping them to do it Why can’t you admit it? When asked what Israel should have done there is no response.
Israel acquired the Golan Heights because Syria initiated War by shooting into Israel from that area. Leave it to a Pro Palestinian Moron to deny it. What he doesn’t admit is that Olmert’s “ offer” was conditional, He did not just come out and state Israel should give back the Golan Heights. End of Lesson

LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.
And here are a few more questions for you to muse on:

1) Why wasn't the Arab League created during the 900 years of Ottoman conquest?

2) Why didn't the Arab/Palestinians riot against the Ottomans, possibly not even once during those 900 years?

3) Why didn't the Palestinian Leadership, Husseini, not agree to the first Partition in 1937?

4) Why didn't the Palestinian Leadership, still under Husseini, not agree to the second Partition in 1947?

5) Why did Husseini go to Iraq in 1940 to start a riot against Iraqi Jews, in which lead to the death of at least 280 Jews and thousands injured, businesses and homes looted?

Memories of Baghdad's 1941 pogrom

6 ) What was it that Palestinian Arab Husseini saw in Hitler and the Nazis, that made him want to start his own SS Nazi troop with Bosnian Muslims, wiping out the Jews of Bosnia?

Never-before-seen photos of Palestinian mufti with Hitler ties visiting Nazi Germany

I think the above is more than enough to make you think and research for some time.


Spit on the whole thing and call it Jewish/ Israeli Propaganda.

Ask why “ Palestine “ wasn’t created before 1967 and there will be no response

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