Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

And where is your unbiased link that factually proves that EVERY Palestinian is a 'murdering, hateful person' (as you claim)?
Where the poster used the words "EVERY Palestinian"? As you see, you even don't need to admit your lie..

You are really so ignorant I have to explain it to you?


He typed: 'The Palestinians are murdering hateful people'

That means ALL Palestinian people.

If he meant some, he should have said 'some Palestinians....' OR 'many Palestinians'.

Nope...he said 'The Palestinians'.

That means ALL OF THEM.

Class dismissed.

Have a nice day.
Utter nonsense. "the Palestinians" doesn't mean "all Palestinians" or "every Palestinian".
It is not utter nonsense. When you state "the Palestinian people" you are talking about all.
None of that has anything to do with us here in the US, where there is no Sharia Police
Muslims driving around in knockoff NYPD cars. Of course. No such thing.
Just like the Jews and the Asians.
"Just like the Jews and the Asians."
All Jews? All Asians? Each one of them?

Pretty much.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
When the Egyptian Military starts gathering at your border, one does not wait to try to figure out what they are up to.
It is rather obvious.

Pre emptive Strike. Smart Countries with smart Military and smart Generals do it.

It is called war.

So, yes......the Arabs started the war Israel did not want the day after Israel declared Independence.

THAT was the reason for the Egyptian and other Arab countries to decide to attack Israel.

Jews do not have the "right" to declare anything unless the Muslims say they can do so.

And from 1920, the Muslims made it very clear that Jewish Sovereignty on their own ancient homeland, on any part of it, was a NO DEAL.

And saying that you were "pro Israel" before you became "against", is another trap someone like you wants Jews to fall into.

Another Fail.
What a country does within their own sovereign borders, is none of your fucking business!

BTW, the Bush Doctrine was ruled illegal.
Yet another clueless terrorist apologist who doesn't know that blockading a country's port is an act of war by any international standard, and there is nothing wrong about preemptive attacks, either. 'first shots' is just dumbass schoolkid 'logic', 'Tommy Hit ME First!!! Wah Wah!!!" doesn't apply in Adult World, kid; the 'rules are far more realistic than your limited experience with getting beat up by the other kids for being an ass. It isn't rocket science to know when your enemies are preparing to attack you, especially in the ME.
They didn't block an Israeli port. Nothing wrong with preemptive attacks, except for the fact that it is fucking illegal you fucking moron.

BTW, 50 years later and Israel is doing the same thing in Syria.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Yet another clueless terrorist apologist who doesn't know that blockading a country's port is an act of war by any international standard, and there is nothing wrong about preemptive attacks, either. 'first shots' is just dumbass schoolkid 'logic', 'Tommy Hit ME First!!! Wah Wah!!!" doesn't apply in Adult World, kid; the 'rules are far more realistic than your limited experience with getting beat up by the other kids for being an ass. It isn't rocket science to know when your enemies are preparing to attack you, especially in the ME.

He sees nothing wrong with blockading Israel’s Right to “ International Waters” and the U.N. Actually helping them to do it. He is an. :ahole-1:
Here we go again. He refused to acknowledge that Abbas has stated many times he will not tolerate “ one single Israeli in Palestine “ and ignores the fact that the PLO has stated Israel had no rights to the Western Wall. It’s called deranged Pro Palestinian Mentality syndrome
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.
Are you talking about Olmert’s offer?[/QUOTE]

So you admit that Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted which is what I’ve been saying all along.
Yet another clueless terrorist apologist who doesn't know that blockading a country's port is an act of war by any international standard, and there is nothing wrong about preemptive attacks, either. 'first shots' is just dumbass schoolkid 'logic', 'Tommy Hit ME First!!! Wah Wah!!!" doesn't apply in Adult World, kid; the 'rules are far more realistic than your limited experience with getting beat up by the other kids for being an ass. It isn't rocket science to know when your enemies are preparing to attack you, especially in the ME.
They didn't block an Israeli port. Nothing wrong with preemptive attacks, except for the fact that it is fucking illegal you fucking moron.

BTW, 50 years later and Israel is doing the same thing in Syria.

Sorry you fat degenerate deviant, but pre-emptive attacks aren't 'illegal', except to stupid tards who smoke too much meth and watch PBS documentaries.
Last edited:
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 1982 - when I actually admired Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.
When the Egyptian Military starts gathering at your border, one does not wait to try to figure out what they are up to.
It is rather obvious.

Pre emptive Strike. Smart Countries with smart Military and smart Generals do it.

It is called war.

So, yes......the Arabs started the war Israel did not want the day after Israel declared Independence.

THAT was the reason for the Egyptian and other Arab countries to decide to attack Israel.

Jews do not have the "right" to declare anything unless the Muslims say they can do so.

And from 1920, the Muslims made it very clear that Jewish Sovereignty on their own ancient homeland, on any part of it, was a NO DEAL.

And saying that you were "pro Israel" before you became "against", is another trap someone like you wants Jews to fall into.

Another Fail.

It was Egypt with the blockade, the U.N. “ peacekeepers “ LEAVING and Nasser’s bragging he was going to destroy Israel once and for all with their Military building up isn’t the initiation of War? Pro Palestinians are too ignorant, racist, or stupid to know the difference
Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:
Israel invaded Egypt. You can't admit that.

Egypt initiated by deliberately blocking Israel’s Rights to International Waters. The U.N. “ peacekeepers “ actually aided them by deliberately leaving. You can’t admit that. :ahole-1:

The UN also allowed terrorists to set up gun pits right next to their observations posts, then cried and whined when they got collateral damage when the Israelis fired back at them. these PLO fans are the most mentally retarded gimps on the planet, so no sense in doing anything but mocking them for the comedy they provide.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so
I don't care what he said. He might have said EXACTLY what you said...I don't care. It is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Israel has no legal rights to the Golan Heights or to subjugate the Palestinians....NONE.
That is the fact you people just cannot face/live with. So instead, you just turn the Palestinian's into evil and start spinning justifications for Israel's horrific actions.

Once again:
Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?

"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.
Are you talking about Olmert’s offer?

So you admit that Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted which is what I’ve been saying all along.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but could he deliver? What is the point if he cant?
No. The subject is antisemitism.

How much do we give the pals?

Oh right. Not part of the o/p’s rant.

LOL...another rabid Zionist who automatically assumes anyone against Israeli foreign policy is an anti-Semite.

How childish.

And as for what 'you' give the 'pals'.

I don't care how much money you give them (guaranteed, it ain't enough).

The only thing I want you to give them is freedom.

We are done here Rabid Zionist, for now.

The Arab League is keeping the Palestinians from Freedom.

Their Arab leaders are keeping them from Freedom.

UNWRA is keeping them from their Freedom.

Let us solve all of those three issues and a free, peaceful Palestinian State will come out of it.

Until then, NO, it is not Israel's fault, it never has been.

The Arab nation IS responsible for the squatters living on Israeli land.
Egypt planned an invasion on the newly restored Israel and told the Arabs living and working in Israel to get out. They did. Egypt lost the invasion and refused to let the displaced Arabs into the countries they originally left to go work in Israel. So those Arabs parked themselves on the outskirts of Israel. And have been used ever since as a terrorist organization against the Jews whose land they wish to usurp.

A peaceful Palestinian state will last only 3 and 1/2 years. Here is why:
Joel 3:1-21
“For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land, and have cast lots for my people, and have traded a boy for a prostitute, and have sold a girl for wine and have drunk it. “What are you to me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? Are you paying me back for something? If you are paying me back, I will return your payment on your own head swiftly and speedily. For you have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried my rich treasures into your temples. ...

Best not to divide what God deeded to the Jews. The result will be blood flowing in the Valley up to the horse's bridles. And an increase of land back to the original deed, i.e. “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates".
There are no squatters living on Israeli land.

Yes there is. They gathered there after Egypt and Syria refused to let them in. Sin7ce none of them had been there long enough to receive refugee aid, they changed the rules to allow them to receive it.
Most were indiginous. That argument serves one and only one purpose, to disenfranchise a people of their rights. Like the way others do by calling Jews European invaders. There are no squatters or invaders, just people trying to demonize the other.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.

Are you serious? You don't know much about it, do you?

Israel would not allow it. They would attack the territories with the pretext of 'defending Jewish settlements'. And Israel blockades them...so, what would be the point?

And the second they tried to take it to the UN - America would block it (as they have when Europe tried to declare that same thing).

Not much point in declaring a government if the UN won't recognize it.

And look at the Donbass region and the Crimea? They voted over 90% to leave Ukraine in two referendums? Result? Almost no one recognized it and Russia got sanctioned for helping them.

No...so long as Israel won't allow it and America refuses to recognize it...the Palestinians cannot declare independence.

If you knew anything about it - which you do not appear to - you would know that you cannot just declare independence in the World today.

Lesson over.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
How about unconditionally allowing them to form a country (on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank)?

States don't need the permission of other States to come into existence. Absolutely nothing prevents them from forming and declaring their own State. Other than their own ineptitude.
No...so long as Israel won't allow it and America refuses to recognize it...the Palestinians cannot declare independence.

If you knew anything about it - which you do not appear to - you would know that you cannot just declare independence in the World today.
1. Palestinians declared independence in 1988.
2. The UN officially acknowledged the proclamation of the Palestinian state. Palestine has a status of a UN observer state.
3. Pathetic.
"Did Olmert say that Israel should withdrawal from the Golan Heights?
Yes or no?"

This is anti Zionism nonsense.

Leaders can say what they will. Getting it passed by the Knesset and other governmental bodies is another story.

The PA signed the Oslo Accords and have done ZERO to live up to them. And THAT was a signed document, for all the world to see..........and not the mere saying of a Palestinian Leader.

The PA, instead of living up to the Oslo Accords of bringing peace between the two parties, unleashed more terror, killing more Jews than before the Accords were signed.

You insist in knowing only one side of the conflict and making only one side the evil one.

Need one wonder why.......

Then why do you keep insisting Israel offered them everything they wanted?
Israel offered them 97% of what they wanted, including East Jerusalem as their Capital.

What Israel can Never offer, is what the Arabs know will destroy Israel. A return of all the Arabs who call themselves Palestinian refugees, with all their children and grandchildren, simply because the Arabs wish to keep those people as refugees until they achieve their goal. Israel defeated, the same way as Mohammad defeated the Jews of Khaybar.

You know all of this.
Are you talking about Olmert’s offer?

So you admit that Olmert offered them ALMOST everything they wanted which is what I’ve been saying all along.
Yes, but could he deliver? What is the point if he cant?[/QUOTE]
The Doves of Israel were in charge: they would have given Araphart anything he wanted.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.

Sorry Pal

Egypt initiated the War when they deliberately blocked Israel’s Rights to International Waters and the U.N. Peacekeepers actually aided them in doing so

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War? Yes or No?

And you still have not got the guts to answer my other question:

Did Olmert say that Israel should give back the Golan Heights to Syria?
Yes or No?
America was created by traitors.
Feel free to leave.

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