Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships

Edward you’re on your back nine so you must be senile. Let it go.
lol that's when I do my best work Sharp as a tack
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships
Conspiracy theory. Again. Always.

Israel haters simply cannot give this garbage up.

It was investigated and dealt with. Now, have the guts to accept an accident for what it was, as horrible as it was.

Friendly fire happens all the time. Including between Americans.

'Two diplomatic cables written by Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador in Washington, to Abba Eban, Israel's minister of foreign affairs, have been declassified by Israel and obtained from the Israel State Archive. The first cable, sent five days after the attack, informs Eban that a U.S. informant told him (Harman) that there was "clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."[14] The second cable, sent three days later, added that the White House is "very angry" because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American."'

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Rubbish. The pilots were under orders, from officers elsewhere who were not on the scene and had no knowledge of who was on the ship, only that the ship was a freighter known to be a terrorist operated false flag op. We have the radio reports, and we also know U.S. intelligence failed to notify the Israelis of the presence of an American ship entering the war zone. The error was entirely the U.S.'s, and the Israelis didn't sink the ship, showing great restraint. You gimps keep try8ing to peddle that Liberty mythology; I offered to debate one of the 'survivors' in open forum on the evidence several times when some of them were running around the message boards some years ago babbling their antisemitic crap, yet they never seemed to want to discuss it and quickly ran off. Seems they wren't so confident in their 'proof' after all.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships
Conspiracy theory. Again. Always.

Israel haters simply cannot give this garbage up.

It was investigated and dealt with. Now, have the guts to accept an accident for what it was, as horrible as it was.

Friendly fire happens all the time. Including between Americans.

'Two diplomatic cables written by Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador in Washington, to Abba Eban, Israel's minister of foreign affairs, have been declassified by Israel and obtained from the Israel State Archive. The first cable, sent five days after the attack, informs Eban that a U.S. informant told him (Harman) that there was "clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."[14] The second cable, sent three days later, added that the White House is "very angry" because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American."'

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

thats been brought up many times just to watch them go into evade mode.LOL

HAte to be the one to break it to you, but not wasting one's time playing "I Touched You Last!!!!!" with idiots like you isn't 'evasion', it's just common sense.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships

Edward you’re on your back nine so you must be senile. Let it go.
lol that's when I do my best work Sharp as a tack

I meant Nine minutes not holes...he he
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships
Conspiracy theory. Again. Always.

Israel haters simply cannot give this garbage up.

It was investigated and dealt with. Now, have the guts to accept an accident for what it was, as horrible as it was.

Friendly fire happens all the time. Including between Americans.

'Two diplomatic cables written by Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador in Washington, to Abba Eban, Israel's minister of foreign affairs, have been declassified by Israel and obtained from the Israel State Archive. The first cable, sent five days after the attack, informs Eban that a U.S. informant told him (Harman) that there was "clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."[14] The second cable, sent three days later, added that the White House is "very angry" because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American."'

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Rubbish. The pilots were under orders, from officers elsewhere who were not on the scene and had no knowledge of who was on the ship, only that the ship was a freighter known to be a terrorist operated false flag op. We have the radio reports, and we also know U.S. intelligence failed to notify the Israelis of the presence of an American ship entering the war zone. The error was entirely the U.S.'s, and the Israelis didn't sink the ship, showing great restraint. You gimps keep try8ing to peddle that Liberty mythology; I offered to debate one of the 'survivors' in open forum on the evidence several times when some of them were running around the message boards some years ago babbling their antisemitic crap, yet they never seemed to want to discuss it and quickly ran off. Seems they wren't so confident in their 'proof' after all.
here were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, and the NSA. Most of the final reports avoid assigning culpability for the incident and focus on communication breakdowns and matters of protocol. Israeli investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges.

Some veterans of the USS Liberty and other investigators reached a different conclusion. They believe that the Liberty was deliberately attacked and that both the U.S. and Israel covered it up in a hasty investigation. They point to several holes in the official story based on the published reports and declassified communications.

In the days leading up to the attack, Israeli officials claim that they repeatedly warned U.S. ships to steer clear of the coast because any unidentified ships would automatically be considered hostile. American naval and government officials claim that no inquiries were made about the position of American ships until after the attack on the Liberty.

Israeli pilots who flew over the Liberty during the reconnaissance and the attack claim that they did not see any identifying markings on the ship. Liberty crew members maintain that the ship’s designation as an American vessel was plain by her hull markings and that the American flag was flying at full mast when the aerial attack began. Visual confirmation by the Israelis also suggested that the Liberty looked very similar to the Egyptian ship El Quseir. See if you can spot the difference between the two boats.

The Israeli torpedo boats believed that the ship was a combat vessel because they tracked it at a speed of 28 knots. The Liberty’s top speed was well below that, and its standard cruising speed during signal work was close to 5 knots.

Records indicate that Israeli Naval Operations ordered the torpedo boats to halt to the attack because the target had been incorrectly identified. The commander of the torpedo boat division claimed that he never received the order, although the deputy commander testified to having relayed the halt order to him.

There is a broad contemporary consensus that the reports conducted at the time were based on shoddy investigations. However, the question remains: Why would Israel deliberately attack the vessel of a neutral ally. Some say it was an attempt to bring the U.S. into the war on Israel’s side. Perhaps, but why? By June 8, Israel’s victory was almost assured. It did not need America’s help. Other theories include that Israel believed that America was sharing its signal information with the Egyptians, or that America had evidence of Israeli atrocities, and the attack was meant to force the U.S. to keep the information secret.

It is quite possible that what happened to the USS Liberty on June 6, 1967 was just what the Israeli and U.S. governments say it was, an accident. It wouldn’t be the first time human error led to tragedy. Sadly, it won’t be the last.
And btw I'm Jewish BUT American first

what do the evil zionists worshippers here do when you post that little fact when they start getting desperate just cause you dont like Israels policys.they know they cant use the old tiremsome lameduck anti semitic on YOU,so what do they start saying to YOU when you bring that up?:abgg2q.jpg:
And btw I'm Jewish BUT American first

what do the evil zionists worshippers here do when you post that little fact when they start getting desperate just cause you dont like Israels policys.they know they cant use the old tiremsome lameduck anti semitic on YOU,so what do they start saying to YOU when you bring that up?:abgg2q.jpg:
they usually have no answer
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
and bomb our ships
Conspiracy theory. Again. Always.

Israel haters simply cannot give this garbage up.

It was investigated and dealt with. Now, have the guts to accept an accident for what it was, as horrible as it was.

Friendly fire happens all the time. Including between Americans.

'Two diplomatic cables written by Avraham Harman, Israel's ambassador in Washington, to Abba Eban, Israel's minister of foreign affairs, have been declassified by Israel and obtained from the Israel State Archive. The first cable, sent five days after the attack, informs Eban that a U.S. informant told him (Harman) that there was "clear proof that from a certain stage the pilot discovered the identity of the ship and continued the attack anyway."[14] The second cable, sent three days later, added that the White House is "very angry" because "the Americans probably have findings showing that our pilots indeed knew that the ship was American."'

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia

Rubbish. The pilots were under orders, from officers elsewhere who were not on the scene and had no knowledge of who was on the ship, only that the ship was a freighter known to be a terrorist operated false flag op. We have the radio reports, and we also know U.S. intelligence failed to notify the Israelis of the presence of an American ship entering the war zone. The error was entirely the U.S.'s, and the Israelis didn't sink the ship, showing great restraint. You gimps keep try8ing to peddle that Liberty mythology; I offered to debate one of the 'survivors' in open forum on the evidence several times when some of them were running around the message boards some years ago babbling their antisemitic crap, yet they never seemed to want to discuss it and quickly ran off. Seems they wren't so confident in their 'proof' after all.
here were several investigations conducted into the incident by the U.S. Navy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, the U.S. House and Senate, and the NSA. Most of the final reports avoid assigning culpability for the incident and focus on communication breakdowns and matters of protocol. Israeli investigations into the matter similarly blamed lack of communications and found no reason for anyone involved to face criminal charges.

Some veterans of the USS Liberty and other investigators reached a different conclusion. They believe that the Liberty was deliberately attacked and that both the U.S. and Israel covered it up in a hasty investigation. They point to several holes in the official story based on the published reports and declassified communications.

In the days leading up to the attack, Israeli officials claim that they repeatedly warned U.S. ships to steer clear of the coast because any unidentified ships would automatically be considered hostile. American naval and government officials claim that no inquiries were made about the position of American ships until after the attack on the Liberty.

Israeli pilots who flew over the Liberty during the reconnaissance and the attack claim that they did not see any identifying markings on the ship. Liberty crew members maintain that the ship’s designation as an American vessel was plain by her hull markings and that the American flag was flying at full mast when the aerial attack began. Visual confirmation by the Israelis also suggested that the Liberty looked very similar to the Egyptian ship El Quseir. See if you can spot the difference between the two boats.

The Israeli torpedo boats believed that the ship was a combat vessel because they tracked it at a speed of 28 knots. The Liberty’s top speed was well below that, and its standard cruising speed during signal work was close to 5 knots.

Records indicate that Israeli Naval Operations ordered the torpedo boats to halt to the attack because the target had been incorrectly identified. The commander of the torpedo boat division claimed that he never received the order, although the deputy commander testified to having relayed the halt order to him.

There is a broad contemporary consensus that the reports conducted at the time were based on shoddy investigations. However, the question remains: Why would Israel deliberately attack the vessel of a neutral ally. Some say it was an attempt to bring the U.S. into the war on Israel’s side. Perhaps, but why? By June 8, Israel’s victory was almost assured. It did not need America’s help. Other theories include that Israel believed that America was sharing its signal information with the Egyptians, or that America had evidence of Israeli atrocities, and the attack was meant to force the U.S. to keep the information secret.

It is quite possible that what happened to the USS Liberty on June 6, 1967 was just what the Israeli and U.S. governments say it was, an accident. It wouldn’t be the first time human error led to tragedy. Sadly, it won’t be the last.
And btw I'm Jewish BUT American first

what do the evil zionists worshippers here do when you post that little fact when they start getting desperate just cause you dont like Israels policys.they know they cant use the old tiremsome lameduck anti semitic on YOU,so what do they start saying to YOU when you bring that up?:abgg2q.jpg:
they usually have no answer

no surprise in the least,change the subject if they DO reply no doubt same as they do on Israels war mongering ways.:abgg2q.jpg:

wow talk about the fox guarding the henhouse that is exactly what you got having the CIA,THE NAVY AND JOINTS CHIEFS OF STAFF,NSA and houise and senate investigate it.

only a fool would think THOSE people would have an independent non biased fair investigation.:haha::laughing0301:

thats the same thing as a robber going into a bank and his partner stays outside and when the robber leaves one of the bankers comes outside and asks his partner-did you see where he went? expecting him to give that banker an honest answer.comedy gold.:iyfyus.jpg::haha::laughing0301:
Which is crazy
Why? It's a non-violent protest of Israeli policies. You think terrorism is a better alternative? What do you do with someone who refuses to obey the law? Look the other way? If someone robs a bank, you don't negotiate with the bank robber that allows him to keep part of the money.
And btw I'm Jewish BUT American first

Uh huh..

Shove that piece of crap up your ass. Try reading some books if capable. Anti Semitic has been present in the Arab World since Mohammed. FUCK YOU
What I said is true. The closest you fuckers can get is 1836. Go back and do more homework, junior.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.
I can't wait to hear you lay that one out for us....
Not a problem...

They've outlawed dissent.
They call themselves the "Jewish State".
And they are in violation of over 200 UN resolutions.​

just as you just took him to school,another poster did as well the other day how the senate i believe passed a bill that outlaws critisem of Israel,wow some free country we live in,love that free speech we have.:5_1_12024::2up::dance:
Shove that piece of crap up your ass. Try reading some books if capable. Anti Semitic has been present in the Arab World since Mohammed. FUCK YOU
What I said is true. The closest you fuckers can get is 1836. Go back and do more homework, junior.

indeed it is true you so much owned him.LOL

States don't have rights, people do.

you are overloading his brain there with too much logic,common sense and facts.LOL
what do the evil zionists worshippers here do when you post that little fact when they start getting desperate just cause you dont like Israels policys...

Wait, where did anyone on this thread discuss Israel's policies?
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:
What Nations have they attached and bombed recently? You did say on a regular basis, after all.
Syria ... :cool:

The British bombed Syria. They took off from Cyprus.

Any comments?

Let me explain something to you.

When someone does a bad thing, using an example of someone else doing a totally different thing (even if it is worse) does not in ANY WAY mitigate the first bad thing.

For example: 'sure, I raped her. But my friend raped two people. So let's forget about what I did and concentrate ONLY on what he did'

Life does not work that way...except in the minds of people desperately trying to spin a situation.

You rabid Zionist's have a consistent theme throughout this thread...when people mention something terrible Israel did. You ignore that completely and try and shift attention to something else entirely.
And it ain't working (from where I sit).

Have a nice day.

Keep grunting and pointing.
Actually, the 1967 War started with Egypt blocking Israel’s right to International Waters, coupled with the U.N . “ peacekeepers “ deliberately leaving as Nasser was bragging to the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all . Nice try though !!
States don't have rights, people do.

Deflection. Pro Pal mentally can’t admit the Arabs initiated the War. :fu:

Guess again, pal.

'The first and most critical move of the conflict was a surprise Israeli attack on the Egyptian Air Force.'

Six-Day War - Wikipedia

He who fires the first shot - starts the war.

Hey, I don't fault Israel for attacking first...it was a brilliant move (that was before 16 September, 1982 - when I stopped admiring Israel).

But saying the Arabs started the war is factually and blatantly false.
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