Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypt’s aggression an act of War

I wouldn't blame it on stupidity. Its intentional.

Its deliberate erasure of any violent or belligerent Arab actions in order to preserve the illusion of Arab innocence and the illusion of Israeli evil. We see the same thing happening in discussions of the Gaza riots.
LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.

I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

MR. 125 IQ, can't figure out when this question has been answered several times by several different people.

If indeed you do have this IQ, it would be about mathematics, and other subjects like that.

Because your ability to comprehend what is being said, and to be honest about history.....you are more than likely between these two:

  • 80 - 89 - Dullness.
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency.
LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.

I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

I said no such thing - you are putting words in my mouth. Obviously, desperately trying to avoid answering my question.


Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Did the Arabs commit the first act of war? Yes or No?
LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.

I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

I said no such thing - you are putting words in my mouth. Obviously, desperately trying to avoid answering my question.


Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?
Your WHOLE point, is to blame Israel for the start of the war.

Now, you are backpedaling .

If Egypt's actions are considered an act of war, what is your beef if Israel preempted and shot first and won the war?

Or is THAT what is bothering you?

And the shame the Arabs suffered from being defeated in 6 days?
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypt’s aggression an act of War

I wouldn't blame it on stupidity. Its intentional.

Its deliberate erasure of any violent or belligerent Arab actions in order to preserve the illusion of Arab innocence and the illusion of Israeli evil. We see the same thing happening in discussions of the Gaza riots.

Same with their fake 'morality'; all their 'solutions' are merely gimmicks to guarantee Israel gets genocided out of existence, as if nobody with any sense would notice this fact re their agendas. Hilariously, they now keep babbling about some 'two state solution' re Hamas, as if there isn't already a 'two state solution' to cite for an example of how stupid it is to sell essentially a 'three state solution', followed by a 'four state solution' ad nauseam.
When individuals put Israeli actions on display absent of the context of those actions and absent any Arab characters, you can be certain what the motivation is. Especially when they double-, triple- and quadruple- down on it.
I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

MR. 125 IQ, can't figure out when this question has been answered several times by several different people.

If indeed you do have this IQ, it would be about mathematics, and other subjects like that.

Because your ability to comprehend what is being said, and to be honest about history.....you are more than likely between these two:

  • 80 - 89 - Dullness.
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency.

So...you ducked the question as well...no surprise there (you types are almost always the same).

You tried some silly, spin tactics to makeup for the fact that you are desperately afraid to put Israel in ANY KIND of a negative light.

Hell...I already commented how I thought it was a brilliant move on Israel's part to strike first (in '67) and that I generally supported Israel's foreign policy before 1982.
But no, you bunch are too stupid/biased/childish to notice that. You just see the big, scary question and panic.
LOL...I can read people like you like a book (closed-minded wimps - not Zionists).

You are a closed-minded, Rabid Zionist who is a complete waste of my time.

Off to my Ignore List (ILOVEISRAEL will probably be joining you soon...but I am having too much fun making him squirm as he desperately tries to not answer an INCREDIBLY, simple question).

Last edited:
The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

MR. 125 IQ, can't figure out when this question has been answered several times by several different people.

If indeed you do have this IQ, it would be about mathematics, and other subjects like that.

Because your ability to comprehend what is being said, and to be honest about history.....you are more than likely between these two:

  • 80 - 89 - Dullness.
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency.

So...you ducked the question as well...no surprise there (you types are almost always the same).

You tried some silly, spin tactics to makeup for the fact that you are desperately afraid to put Israel in ANY KIND of a negative light.

Hell...I already commented how I thought it was a brilliant move on Israel's part to strike first (in '67) and that I generally supported Israel's foreign policy before 1982.
But no, you bunch are too stupid/biased/childish to notice that. You just see the big, scary question and panic.
LOL...I can read people like you like a book (closed-minded wimps - not Zionists).

You are a closed-minded, Rabid Zionist who is a complete waste of my time.

Off to my Ignore List (ILOVEISRAEL will probably be joining you soon...but I am having too much fun making him squirm as he desperately tries to not answer an INCREDIBLY, simple question).

Not ONE of us has panicked, much less not answered the question, and YOU KNOW IT !!!!

And thank you for reminding me that you have not bothered to answer about the Israeli policies since 1982, the Grand reason for you to change your thoughts about Israel.


Because you are a farce.

As I have pointed out to you, at least twice, you are doing nothing more than following Anti-Israel Talking Points.

You asked.

We answered.

You are sick with your hatred for Israel. And THAT is a fact.

What, you truly think that we are not having belly laughs about your psychosis repeating the same question, getting the answer to it and then continuing as if not one poster answered it?

Your IQ is getting lower and lower every time you attack with that question and play at "no one answered it".

Not ONE of my questions have been answered. Or anyone else's .

And you also Play at not "caring" about history, about what happened, about anything which is real.

It has not worked, it will not work.

GENIUS !!!!!!
Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

MR. 125 IQ, can't figure out when this question has been answered several times by several different people.

If indeed you do have this IQ, it would be about mathematics, and other subjects like that.

Because your ability to comprehend what is being said, and to be honest about history.....you are more than likely between these two:

  • 80 - 89 - Dullness.
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency.

So...you ducked the question as well...no surprise there (you types are almost always the same).

You tried some silly, spin tactics to makeup for the fact that you are desperately afraid to put Israel in ANY KIND of a negative light.

Hell...I already commented how I thought it was a brilliant move on Israel's part to strike first (in '67) and that I generally supported Israel's foreign policy before 1982.
But no, you bunch are too stupid/biased/childish to notice that. You just see the big, scary question and panic.
LOL...I can read people like you like a book (closed-minded wimps - not Zionists).

You are a closed-minded, Rabid Zionist who is a complete waste of my time.

Off to my Ignore List (ILOVEISRAEL will probably be joining you soon...but I am having too much fun making him squirm as he desperately tries to not answer an INCREDIBLY, simple question).

Not ONE of us has panicked, much less not answered the question, and YOU KNOW IT !!!!

And thank you for reminding me that you have not bothered to answer about the Israeli policies since 1982, the Grand reason for you to change your thoughts about Israel.


Because you are a farce.

As I have pointed out to you, at least twice, you are doing nothing more than following Anti-Israel Talking Points.

You asked.

We answered.

You are sick with your hatred for Israel. And THAT is a fact.

What, you truly think that we are not having belly laughs about your psychosis repeating the same question, getting the answer to it and then continuing as if not one poster answered it?

Your IQ is getting lower and lower every time you attack with that question and play at "no one answered it".

Not ONE of my questions have been answered. Or anyone else's .

And you also Play at not "caring" about history, about what happened, about anything which is real.

It has not worked, it will not work.

GENIUS !!!!!!

Its pretty easy for him to declare himself a winner by putting all of us who ask the real questions on ignore.
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

MR. 125 IQ, can't figure out when this question has been answered several times by several different people.

If indeed you do have this IQ, it would be about mathematics, and other subjects like that.

Because your ability to comprehend what is being said, and to be honest about history.....you are more than likely between these two:

  • 80 - 89 - Dullness.
  • 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency.

So...you ducked the question as well...no surprise there (you types are almost always the same).

You tried some silly, spin tactics to makeup for the fact that you are desperately afraid to put Israel in ANY KIND of a negative light.

Hell...I already commented how I thought it was a brilliant move on Israel's part to strike first (in '67) and that I generally supported Israel's foreign policy before 1982.
But no, you bunch are too stupid/biased/childish to notice that. You just see the big, scary question and panic.
LOL...I can read people like you like a book (closed-minded wimps - not Zionists).

You are a closed-minded, Rabid Zionist who is a complete waste of my time.

Off to my Ignore List (ILOVEISRAEL will probably be joining you soon...but I am having too much fun making him squirm as he desperately tries to not answer an INCREDIBLY, simple question).

Not ONE of us has panicked, much less not answered the question, and YOU KNOW IT !!!!

And thank you for reminding me that you have not bothered to answer about the Israeli policies since 1982, the Grand reason for you to change your thoughts about Israel.


Because you are a farce.

As I have pointed out to you, at least twice, you are doing nothing more than following Anti-Israel Talking Points.

You asked.

We answered.

You are sick with your hatred for Israel. And THAT is a fact.

What, you truly think that we are not having belly laughs about your psychosis repeating the same question, getting the answer to it and then continuing as if not one poster answered it?

Your IQ is getting lower and lower every time you attack with that question and play at "no one answered it".

Not ONE of my questions have been answered. Or anyone else's .

And you also Play at not "caring" about history, about what happened, about anything which is real.

It has not worked, it will not work.

GENIUS !!!!!!

Its pretty easy for him to declare himself a winner by putting all of us who ask the real questions on ignore.
The tactic seems fairly familiar :)
LOL...first, Olmert came out and said EXACTLY that. It's in the quote...hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, rabid Zionist.

'At another point, Olmert said: "In the end, we will have to withdraw from the lion's share of the territories, and for the territories we leave in our hands, we will have to give compensation in the form of territories within the State of Israel at a ratio that is more or less 1:1."'

Ehud Olmert: Israel must hand back land for peace with Palestinians and Syria

And that is final...no matter how much you deny it. You admitted that Olmert said that Israel should give back the Golan Heights.

Which proves that is does not belong to Israel.


We are done on that.

As for the 1967 War. I told you, I will answer zero more questions on it until you answer my INCREDIBLY simple question.

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Will he duck the question again, folks? I am guessing 'yes'.

I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

I said no such thing - you are putting words in my mouth. Obviously, desperately trying to avoid answering my question.


Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Israel will never be removed from The Land. The so called Palestinians, should simply move to Transjordan that was set aside for them. But they will make a mess of things themselves there like they did in Gaza. They would rather take what someone else has built and run it in to the ground.

In GAZA, which is a squatter's settlement, Israel at first managed things there. They built roads, water lines, an electrical grid, administrative buildings, schools and hospitals.

Health Care was good, law enforcement kept things relatively peaceful considering, there were grocery stores with plentiful food, and good infrastructure of all types in Gaza.

The Palestinians continually stirred up by The PLO and HAMAS wanted Israel to leave so they could run things themselves. So eventually Israel left GAZA to The Palestinians.

Things are a complete mess there as public officials horde all the resources, and The PLO and HAMAS do nothing but cause mischief and destruction.
Unfortunately, most Americans have been so brain washed by the media that they think Israel is our de facto 51st state which we are obligated to defend and economically support, as though it was written into the Constitution. ... :cuckoo:
Yeah .........I'm brainwashed........a freaking maniac................yup yup.

If the middle east tries to wipe them off the face of the earth ........as many have vowed over there.........WELL................I think we should make them wish they weren't born..............

So.......yup...........attack Israel and we will pound your asses like tent stakes........

appreciate the post........clearing it up where I stand.

You do realize that 'wipe off the map' statement was made by ONE person (the Iranian political leader) many years ago AND he was just quoting someone else AND the entire phrase was misunderstood?

Besides, even if he meant it...Iran would not dare.

Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads and dozens of Jericho IRBM's that could completely obliterate Iran if it chose to do so. If Iran launched nukes at Israel, Iran would quickly be 'wiped off the map'...and they know it.

So they will never do it.

MAD works.

Plus, Israel has the most powerful military of any Middle Eastern country. The only two that are close - Egypt and Saudi Arabia - are on good terms with Israel right now (especially the latter).

Israel needs ZERO help from America.
MAD works until a mad man gets them................Iran isn't exactly sane.

You forgot Turkey........they have a very strong military also.........and are tending toward the Russian side of the equation lately.
I restate my early response.................Middle Eastern countries try to destroy Israel we will send them to Allah early.....................

They know it...........and that's the deal...........Now put your Radical elements over there on a leash or in jail...........
I answered you. Who initiated the conflict? I’m guessing there will not be a response

The ones who fired the first shot...duh. Israel.

There - I answered your question - against my better judgement...now you answer mine:

Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?

Still stuck on Schoolyard Stupid, I see. You clearly know zilch about international laws and what is considered acts of war, dumbass.

He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

I said no such thing - you are putting words in my mouth. Obviously, desperately trying to avoid answering my question.


Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?


Then you are lying.
It is EXTREME clear from history, as well as having been alive then myself, that Israel started the 1967 was with a sneak attack on the totally unprepared Egyptian air bases, wiping out the entire Egyptian air force.
Israel will never be removed from The Land. The so called Palestinians, should simply move to Transjordan that was set aside for them. But they will make a mess of things themselves there like they did in Gaza. They would rather take what someone else has built and run it in to the ground.

In GAZA, which is a squatter's settlement, Israel at first managed things there. They built roads, water lines, an electrical grid, administrative buildings, schools and hospitals.

Health Care was good, law enforcement kept things relatively peaceful considering, there were grocery stores with plentiful food, and good infrastructure of all types in Gaza.

The Palestinians continually stirred up by The PLO and HAMAS wanted Israel to leave so they could run things themselves. So eventually Israel left GAZA to The Palestinians.

Things are a complete mess there as public officials horde all the resources, and The PLO and HAMAS do nothing but cause mischief and destruction.

Liar, TransJordan included all of Palestine.
That is why it was called TransJordan instead of just Jordan.

Palestine and Israel was built entirely by Palestinian Arab Muslims.
Like the orange groves of Jaffa, many hundreds of years old.
Jews did not begin emigrating until the 1930s, and even by the 1950s, were never even a third of the Palestinian Arab Muslim population of the combined Palestine/Israel.
And there was no Israel at all or any hint of legal recognition of any possible Israel until Truman forced it on Palestine through a UN resolution in 1949.

Calling the people of Gaza squatters is absurd.
Gaza was where the Arab Philistines, Phoenicians, etc., lived as far back as 6000 BC.
There were no Hebrew anywhere near to the Land of Canaan back then.

Nor did Israel every build anything in Gaza except military bases and a couple illegal settlements.
No roads, hospital, schools, the airport, harbor, or anything at all of any significance.
All these things were built by Arabs long before the illegal Jewish invasion of 1967.
And there were never a significant number of Jewish settlers in Gaza.
All the Jewish settlements were illegal and abandoned in 1994.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
I think the Saudi’s and the Jordanian Bedouin’s you call pals should take care of themselvea first.

And not all Jews are Israelis you insane anti Semite
I restate my early response.................Middle Eastern countries try to destroy Israel we will send them to Allah early.....................

They know it...........and that's the deal...........Now put your Radical elements over there on a leash or in jail...........

No one needs force to destroy Israel.
All you have to do is enforce international law.
Israel is in violation of hundreds of UN resolutions, and dozens of international laws.
The 6 million Jews legally can not rule over the 12 million Arab Muslim natives they stole the homes from.
I restate my early response.................Middle Eastern countries try to destroy Israel we will send them to Allah early.....................

They know it...........and that's the deal...........Now put your Radical elements over there on a leash or in jail...........

No one needs force to destroy Israel.
All you have to do is enforce international law.
Israel is in violation of hundreds of UN resolutions, and dozens of international laws.
The 6 million Jews legally can not rule over the 12 million Arab Muslim natives.
The UN is a dang joke..........Israel has the right of self defense..........and we back that......

The paper tiger UN can pound sand.
Unfortunately, most Americans have been so brain washed by the media that they think Israel is our de facto 51st state which we are obligated to defend and economically support, as though it was written into the Constitution. ... :cuckoo:
You want Israel to take care of itself? Kiss a healthy share of the Islamic world goodbye.

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