Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
Hilarious how the racist Left are so worked up by a 5 mile wide stretch of sand.

Just proves they are Gods chosen.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypt’s aggression an act of War

I wouldn't blame it on stupidity. Its intentional.

Its deliberate erasure of any violent or belligerent Arab actions in order to preserve the illusion of Arab innocence and the illusion of Israeli evil. We see the same thing happening in discussions of the Gaza riots.

Same with their fake 'morality'; all their 'solutions' are merely gimmicks to guarantee Israel gets genocided out of existence, as if nobody with any sense would notice this fact re their agendas. Hilariously, they now keep babbling about some 'two state solution' re Hamas, as if there isn't already a 'two state solution' to cite for an example of how stupid it is to sell essentially a 'three state solution', followed by a 'four state solution' ad nauseam.

That is a ridiculous lie.
Arab or Muslims have ruled over Jews in the Mideast for about 2000 years, and not once has there ever been any hostilities or violence.
The main historic violence against Jews came from Christians, not Muslims.
Muslims are not allowed to harm Jews according to the Quran.

But it is clear since the Zionist immigration of the 1930s, that it was all about Zionists attempting to commit genocide against the native Palestinians.

The source of terrorism in the Mideast was from Zionists, like massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, blowing up the King David Hotel, kidnapping and mutilating British soldiers, assassinating the UN moderator, Count Folke Beradotte, etc.

History is clear, all the violence around Palestine was started by brutal Zionist monsters.
If there was even a hint of Arab violence against Jews, then the Jews would have gone somewhere else that was safer.
Arab or Muslims have ruled over Jews in the Mideast for about 2000 years, and not once has there ever been any hostilities or violence.
Bullshit. Did you get your history book in a Cracker Jack box? You are not even close,

And I notice you could not come up with a single time Muslims harmed Jews over religion.
Killing Zionists in defense is not over religion.

Jews are Zionists. I ve been attacked by Muslims several times and I live in Boston
Unfortunately, most Americans have been so brain washed by the media that they think Israel is our de facto 51st state which we are obligated to defend and economically support, as though it was written into the Constitution. ... :cuckoo:
Yeah .........I'm brainwashed........a freaking maniac................yup yup.

If the middle east tries to wipe them off the face of the earth ........as many have vowed over there.........WELL................I think we should make them wish they weren't born..............

So.......yup...........attack Israel and we will pound your asses like tent stakes........

appreciate the post........clearing it up where I stand.

You do realize that 'wipe off the map' statement was made by ONE person (the Iranian political leader) many years ago AND he was just quoting someone else AND the entire phrase was misunderstood?

Besides, even if he meant it...Iran would not dare.

Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads and dozens of Jericho IRBM's that could completely obliterate Iran if it chose to do so. If Iran launched nukes at Israel, Iran would quickly be 'wiped off the map'...and they know it.

So they will never do it.

MAD works.

Plus, Israel has the most powerful military of any Middle Eastern country. The only two that are close - Egypt and Saudi Arabia - are on good terms with Israel right now (especially the latter).

Israel needs ZERO help from America.
MAD only works when both sides want to live.
The religious leadership of Iran has openly stated they can initiate the end times with nuclear war.

But thanks for proving how ignorant the Left are.

That is just a lie.
No leadership in Iran was ever said they could initiate war or want to do so at any time.
In fact, they never once ever threatened Israel at all.
Nor do they have any nuclear weapons capability, yet.
But with all the threats against Iran, clearly they should have and need a nuclear deterrent.

It is foolish for anyone to claim Iran could harm Israel because there would be no way to prevent harming the Arab Muslims, who are the majority.
Speaking of ignorant fools.

Iranian President Prepares For 12th Imam's Reappearance -- Spiritual Life CBN.com

Now the Twelfth Imam Can Come
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

The players on the team don't attack the water boy.
Oh I have no doubt that if we do not do what Israel wants we will have another 9-11. No doubt.

As I recall, you cowardly Muzzie Beasts in Gaza did very little to help your Arab brethren in the 9-11 terror attack of Islam on America. The soldiers of the demon Allah were mostly Saudi, with a few Yemenis. All you did was dance in the streets once it was all over.

You Muzzie Beasts fucked up when you attacked us, one of the greatest blunders in history. You thought we would cower before the evil that is Islam after your unspeakable act of terror. But instead you woke a sleeping giant.

You thought the Americans you were trained to hate were cowards like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama, what you found was the most fearsome people on earth.

You'll never do another 9-11, you found the hard way that you cannot afford the price of your evil. The Jews are much kinder and gentler than we Americans are.
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypr’s aggression an act of War

I said no such thing - you are putting words in my mouth. Obviously, desperately trying to avoid answering my question.


Did Israel fire the first shot in the 1967 War?
Yes or No?
Your WHOLE point, is to blame Israel for the start of the war.

Now, you are backpedaling .

If Egypt's actions are considered an act of war, what is your beef if Israel preempted and shot first and won the war?

Or is THAT what is bothering you?

And the shame the Arabs suffered from being defeated in 6 days?

Egypts closing the Gulf of Aqaba is NOT at all even remotely an act of war.
If Israel wanted to protest that, the only legal route was through international law or the UN.
Israel had absolutely no authority to claim a dispute over water access was an act of war.
It was Israel that was in violation of international law by firing the first shot, and in fact the first hundred thousand shots or so.

19 May 1967 – UN peacekeeping force to leave Sinai - BICOM

It was the U,N, who left yet Israel was to go through them? Egypt deliberately closing Israel's right to the Straits of Tiran is an act of War,

Nasser Closes Straits of Tiran, Preparing the Way for the Six Day War | CIE

Don't like the fact that Israel just didn't sit there waiting to be slaughtered? Too bad!

Nice try, but that is NOT an Associated Press or any sort of recognized site, and is clearly lying.
The straits of Tiran are very distant from Israel, and according to the 1949 UN partition, Israel has no access on the border to the straits of Tiran. Not a single city, village, or road.

Nor is a water way dispute grounds for war. Israel was required by law to take Egypt to the Hague.

Sorry, but you are the liar. The Straits of Titan are INTERNATIONAL WATERS and Nasser had no right to block them. The U. N. Was required by Law to stay and keep the “ peace” but chose to leave

Nasser Closes Straits of Tiran, Preparing the Way for the Six Day War | CIE

Don't like it because Israel didn't just sit waiting for the slaughter? Too bad
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Israel will never be removed from The Land. The so called Palestinians, should simply move to Transjordan that was set aside for them. But they will make a mess of things themselves there like they did in Gaza. They would rather take what someone else has built and run it in to the ground.

In GAZA, which is a squatter's settlement, Israel at first managed things there. They built roads, water lines, an electrical grid, administrative buildings, schools and hospitals.

Health Care was good, law enforcement kept things relatively peaceful considering, there were grocery stores with plentiful food, and good infrastructure of all types in Gaza.

The Palestinians continually stirred up by The PLO and HAMAS wanted Israel to leave so they could run things themselves. So eventually Israel left GAZA to The Palestinians.

Things are a complete mess there as public officials horde all the resources, and The PLO and HAMAS do nothing but cause mischief and destruction.

Liar, TransJordan included all of Palestine.
That is why it was called TransJordan instead of just Jordan.

Palestine and Israel was built entirely by Palestinian Arab Muslims.
Like the orange groves of Jaffa, many hundreds of years old.
Jews did not begin emigrating until the 1930s, and even by the 1950s, were never even a third of the Palestinian Arab Muslim population of the combined Palestine/Israel.
And there was no Israel at all or any hint of legal recognition of any possible Israel until Truman forced it on Palestine through a UN resolution in 1949.

Calling the people of Gaza squatters is absurd.
Gaza was where the Arab Philistines, Phoenicians, etc., lived as far back as 6000 BC.
There were no Hebrew anywhere near to the Land of Canaan back then.

Nor did Israel every build anything in Gaza except military bases and a couple illegal settlements.
No roads, hospital, schools, the airport, harbor, or anything at all of any significance.
All these things were built by Arabs long before the illegal Jewish invasion of 1967.
And there were never a significant number of Jewish settlers in Gaza.
All the Jewish settlements were illegal and abandoned in 1994.

Pretty hard to take anyone seriously when they use terms like “Arab Philistines”.

Is that like the French British? Or the Spanish Cherokee? Or the Chinese Coast Salish? Or the Korean Irish?

Wow. The level of discourse in this board continues to disappoint.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
I think the Saudi’s and the Jordanian Bedouin’s you call pals should take care of themselvea first.

And not all Jews are Israelis you insane anti Semite

That is pretty silly.
The Palestinians are Canaanites, Chaldeans, Philistines, Phoenicians, Urties, Amorites, etc., and are nothing at all similar to Saudis or Bedouins. And fact, there are some Bedouins in Palestine, but since they are nomadic, they side with the Israelis who pay them well.

And by the way, the word Semitic means of an Arab language group, so mainly refers to Arabs.
Since the Hebrew were a branch of Arabs, it can apply to them, but certainly not Ashkenazi Jews who have the Germanic Yiddish as their native language.

The Jewish people are a branch of Arabs? Oh wow. Seriously?

Well then I guess the Jewish people have full rights to all the Arab states. Cool.
Israel's 30 Richest in 2018
And Abramovich conquered the top spot with no time left on the clock

Jun 15, 2018 3:15 AM
Israel's 30 richest in 2018 - Israel News

Let the Israelis take care of themselves. I see ads on Fox news constantly send money for IFCJ's.

The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein.

Over the years, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel's victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ's global reach.
About IFCJ
They don't give money to Christians, they take from Christians.

also the US should not send 3.8 billion to Israel every year, when we have so many poor people without food and health ins in the US.
I think the Saudi’s and the Jordanian Bedouin’s you call pals should take care of themselvea first.

And not all Jews are Israelis you insane anti Semite

That is pretty silly.
The Palestinians are Canaanites, Chaldeans, Philistines, Phoenicians, Urties, Amorites, etc., and are nothing at all similar to Saudis or Bedouins. And fact, there are some Bedouins in Palestine, but since they are nomadic, they side with the Israelis who pay them well.

And by the way, the word Semitic means of an Arab language group, so mainly refers to Arabs.
Since the Hebrew were a branch of Arabs, it can apply to them, but certainly not Ashkenazi Jews who have the Germanic Yiddish as their native language.

The Jewish people are a branch of Arabs? Oh wow. Seriously?

Well then I guess the Jewish people have full rights to all the Arab states. Cool.
His contributions are laughable. He knows nothing about history. He apparently knows nothing about Islam either.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.
When I lived and worked in the Gulf, one of the things I used to find amusing is how all foreign magazines and newspaper had been hand censored to remove any mention of the word Israel and any map had to be drawn over to remove Israel.

It was quite literally the Ministry of Truth from Orwell's '1984'.

The sheer amount of hate required for the state to hire hundreds of people just to clumsily re-write the narrative still staggers me to this day.

It keeps the very lucrative money and aid pipelines from Europe flowing via the UN; otherwise the other Arab nations would actually have to support the fake 'refugees' themselves. Now all they have to do is send in a little chump change and a few rockets every once in a while and they can annoy Israelis by proxy. They are the best fed and clothed 'refugees' in world history, and that gravy train ends when they and the other faux 'refugees' quit attacking Israelis and blowing up half of Europe.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypt’s aggression an act of War

I wouldn't blame it on stupidity. Its intentional.

Its deliberate erasure of any violent or belligerent Arab actions in order to preserve the illusion of Arab innocence and the illusion of Israeli evil. We see the same thing happening in discussions of the Gaza riots.

Same with their fake 'morality'; all their 'solutions' are merely gimmicks to guarantee Israel gets genocided out of existence, as if nobody with any sense would notice this fact re their agendas. Hilariously, they now keep babbling about some 'two state solution' re Hamas, as if there isn't already a 'two state solution' to cite for an example of how stupid it is to sell essentially a 'three state solution', followed by a 'four state solution' ad nauseam.

That is a ridiculous lie.
Arab or Muslims have ruled over Jews in the Mideast for about 2000 years, and not once has there ever been any hostilities or violence.
The main historic violence against Jews came from Christians, not Muslims.
Muslims are not allowed to harm Jews according to the Quran.

But it is clear since the Zionist immigration of the 1930s, that it was all about Zionists attempting to commit genocide against the native Palestinians.

The source of terrorism in the Mideast was from Zionists, like massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, blowing up the King David Hotel, kidnapping and mutilating British soldiers, assassinating the UN moderator, Count Folke Beradotte, etc.

History is clear, all the violence around Palestine was started by brutal Zionist monsters.
If there was even a hint of Arab violence against Jews, then the Jews would have gone somewhere else that was safer.

Jewish Migration started approx. 1880 ; not the 1930’s. Jews were committing “ Genocide” against the Palestinians?
Muslims are “ not allowed” to harm Jews? Are they “ allowed” then to harm Christians by enslaving them, killing them and be heading them?
Muslims are “ not allowed “ to harm Jews? Try to read a little history if you’re capable. Too bad the Grand Mufti didn’t know that.
The Jews would have “ gone someplace else” after WW 11? Only a :ahole-1:would make such a remark

Jewish immigration was essentially zilch before the 1930s. It was more like a summer camp type of temporary experience.

There are no historical records of Muslims harming Jews over religion.
The Grand Mufti was an individual, not a leader, and he wanted to harm Zionists, not Jews.

There were lots of places Jews were welcomed to before and after WWII.
They include Spain, Uruguay, Madagascar, and Palestine.
The problem is the Zionists lied and did not just want safety and protection, but to murder and steal the land.

Anyone who actually was Jewish would know that Jews are not supposed to go to Israel until AFTER the coming of the Messiah.

Jews staying in Europe after WW11? The Jewish migration started in the 1800’s.

The Grand Mufti wanted to kill Zionists, not Jews, Is that why he got together with Hitler?
To REASONABLY expect Jews to wait until the coming of the Messiah would only come out of a moron
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Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the faux commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.
Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

I do? Show one post of me begging. Your dementia is off the rails. Never said they were poor. They provide a service and we pay for it.
Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

The last time our economy crashed, those rich Jews sent money to Israel and all the Christian charities in the US went broke because rich Christians don’t give nearly as much charity as Jews.
Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

The last time our economy crashed, those rich Jews sent money to Israel and all the Christian charities in the US went broke because rich Christians don’t give nearly as much charity as Jews.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

The last time our economy crashed, those rich Jews sent money to Israel and all the Christian charities in the US went broke because rich Christians don’t give nearly as much charity as Jews.


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