Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

The last time our economy crashed, those rich Jews sent money to Israel and all the Christian charities in the US went broke because rich Christians don’t give nearly as much charity as Jews.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

The last time our economy crashed, those rich Jews sent money to Israel and all the Christian charities in the US went broke because rich Christians don’t give nearly as much charity as Jews.

You already posted this. I responded. I recommend medication for your dementia, Sheri.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.
And I don’t care if you disappear right now.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Thank you for your honesty and open antisemitism.
Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

Then cover your ears, SHERI. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

Then cover your ears, SHERI. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Is Sheri from Canada? She does not post like an American.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Thank you for your honesty and open antisemitism.

Three words “ The Holocaust denier” . That’s all you have to know
When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

Then cover your ears, SHERI. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Is Sheri from Canada? She does not post like an American.

If I am not mistaken SHERI is married to a Muslim
Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

Then cover your ears, SHERI. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Is Sheri from Canada? She does not post like an American.

If I am not mistaken SHERI is married to a Muslim

That explains everything.
Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:

Because they are our eyes and ears in the garbage pile known as the Middle East. I have Told you this several times. Do you amnesia? Sheri.

You beg continuously. I am so sick of hearing about poor Israel.

Then cover your ears, SHERI. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Is Sheri from Canada? She does not post like an American.

If I am not mistaken SHERI is married to a Muslim

Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Fuck Israel? After you.
He is so stupid he doesn’t consider Egypt’s aggression an act of War

I wouldn't blame it on stupidity. Its intentional.

Its deliberate erasure of any violent or belligerent Arab actions in order to preserve the illusion of Arab innocence and the illusion of Israeli evil. We see the same thing happening in discussions of the Gaza riots.

Same with their fake 'morality'; all their 'solutions' are merely gimmicks to guarantee Israel gets genocided out of existence, as if nobody with any sense would notice this fact re their agendas. Hilariously, they now keep babbling about some 'two state solution' re Hamas, as if there isn't already a 'two state solution' to cite for an example of how stupid it is to sell essentially a 'three state solution', followed by a 'four state solution' ad nauseam.

That is a ridiculous lie.
Arab or Muslims have ruled over Jews in the Mideast for about 2000 years, and not once has there ever been any hostilities or violence.
The main historic violence against Jews came from Christians, not Muslims.
Muslims are not allowed to harm Jews according to the Quran.

But it is clear since the Zionist immigration of the 1930s, that it was all about Zionists attempting to commit genocide against the native Palestinians.

The source of terrorism in the Mideast was from Zionists, like massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin, blowing up the King David Hotel, kidnapping and mutilating British soldiers, assassinating the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, etc.

History is clear, all the violence around Palestine was started by brutal Zionist monsters.
If there was even a hint of Arab violence against Jews, then the Jews would have gone somewhere else that was safer.

I was under the impression that the beliefs for Muslims were revealed to The Last Messenger (PBUH - c. 570–632, City of Mecca, Hejaz) by Archangel Gabriel (AKA: Jibra'il; means “God is Great or The Strength of God”) sometime in the late 6th and early 7th Century. And the revelation was a very slow process and took over 20 years to impart. IN ANY EVENT, one could not be a believer prior to that time period.

At least that is my impression of history.

It was in this 6th and 7th Century whanArab Leadership establishes a ruling presence, in what we call today, Palestine. I thought the first Israelites had an established footprint in the region more than a thousand years before Christ. It was the Sultans that, by conquest, imposed peace in the region (for about 800 years).

I don't think (at all) that "History is clear, all the violence around Palestine was started by brutal Zionist monsters."

I could be wrong,
Most Respectfully,
RE: Lets Jews aka Israelis take care of themselves.
⁜→ et al,

The value of, and the regional improvements made by, Israel have been → not only of service to America, but the entire region. The Palestinian problem is just but one very small piece to the political dynamics of that little pin-drop of the world.

The Earth has about 24,642,757 sq miles of habitable land. The West Bank makes up about 2,263 sq miles and the Gaza Strip is about 139 sq miles. Together, the disputed territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip) account for about ≈ 2402 sq miles. That is about ≈ .0097% of the habitable land.

Find it on the map of 1/10th of the Earth View:

Sector Overview of Earth centered on Middle East.png

Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Fuck Israel? After you.

Luckily, the actual leaders in the US have a better understanding of the importance of planting the seed of a greater potential for Human Development in this region than those that don't care.

Not everyone sees the cost of creating just another poorly developing Arab state in the region; another unrestrained breeding ground for Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters; as if we don't have enough already.

And remember, we are talking about a culture that simply does not want to improve itself.

Most Respectfully,
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.

Oh you are sucking the jews butts.

Love it when antisemites are exposed and NOT ONE Democrat on this board opposes them.

When I get 'alerts' about posters like Penelope it has to be a really slow day for me to bother responding to them. They do a great job of advertising their idiocy all by themselves.

Why do we give them 3.8 BILLION a year, when they sell weapons to Honduras. Tell me why we give aid to them. Do you donate money to the faux commercials on Fox,

and one in Israel:


We don't 'give' them anything; that's just a myth you losers dreamed up out of nowhere. We pay a very cheap rate for excellent services. A bargain at 5 times that. And besides, the fact that you and the other antisemites around the world are mostly mass murdering sub-human garbage makes annoying your ilk worth another $100 billion all by itself.
Last edited:
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Thank you for your honesty and open antisemitism.
Has nothing to do with Judaism, therefore it’s not anti Semitic. Israel is just the Palestinian patch of land they carved their state out of. Has nothing to do with religion for me, so go fuck yourself.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Fuck Israel? After you.
Whether it exists or not is no concern for me. And their human rights abuses are mounting.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Fuck Israel? After you.
Whether it exists or not is no concern for me. And their human rights abuses are mounting.
Rubbish. Israel more than pays for what little the U.S. gives it many many times over, in intel, AWACs early warning systems, research, testing U.S. gear, standing ready 24/7, 365 to refuel, rearm, maintain, and repair our military aircraft, and a hundred other bennies most of you gimps have no clue about.
Then send them your money.

We need to send them yours; you idiots are the ones causing all the problems, so you should be paying for all the damages. Put your own money where your mouth is, reimbursing everybody else for all the costs.
Fuck Israel. I don’t care If disappears tomorrow.

Fuck Israel? After you.
Whether it exists or not is no concern for me. And their human rights abuses are mounting.

Don’t like it because Israel refused to put up with violence on the border? Too bad and Fuck You

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