Lets list the ways the nation has lost its collective mind due to socialist marxist propaganda through our media.

Do the people control the means of production in the he NFL, I think not.
Well, the players have more control in the MLB. But the NFL shares revenues, so in effect, the teams don't own the means of production, the organization does, and that is the definition of socialism.
I will. Have a great time and bring a guitar, even if they won't let you play it. lol
Lol. I almost brought the one I bought last week. 20th anniversary McCarty with a solid rosewood neck…
If a man pretends to be a woman we are a required to pretend along with him.

Somehow it's un-American for the official census to count how many American citizens live in America.

Russia influencing our election is really really bad, but illegal noncitizens voting in elections are good.

It was perfectly fine for biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.

People who never owned slaves are to pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.

People who've never been to college, pay the debt of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US, must go through a rigorous vetting process that often takes years, but any ignorant illiterate gang bangers that illegally cross the Southern border are welcome.

$5 billion dollars for border security where clear evidence of child trafficking on a mass scale as well as mass numbers of criminals flow into the country is too much, but $1.5 trillion dollars for FREE HEALTHCARE IS NOT.

People who insist there is no such thing as gender are insisting that all transgender women are real women and real aren't actual women until a biologist determines they are women. Plus they demand a female SC nominee and female president.

We see country after country collapsing under socialism and insist it is great solution for us.

Certain people are held responsible for things that happened many years before they were born, and others are not held responsible for things they are doing right now.

Pointing all of that hypocrisy out somehow makes us racist. Like pointing out the virus came from China is racist even though it in fact came from China.

Where putting to death a mass murderer is wrong, but mutilating and killing unborn babies is right.
All great countries, empires & societies have a shelf life. America had a pretty decent start considering it had to fight like all get out to become independent. I truly believe that the panic of 1837 was the 1st step towards America's civil war. America semi recovered after 1865 but bigger g'ment was on the center stage which is WHY we have, as a county, become a more violent society as well as a bankrupt society. Don't despair as this collapsing nation thing has been going on since clear back to the Akkadian empire(maybe even further back???). Just take life one day @ a time, make sure your life insurance policy(no charge it's free) is up to date with the Mutual of Messiah*(very important) & roll with the daily life punches so you don't get KO'd & go down yourself. If we're lucky we may just meet on the other side for a game of shuffleboard. As my cousin Mike once told me & I quote; "Life's a bitch, then ya die"!
You seem a tad confused, Owl, so let's straighten a few things out for you.

Somehow it's un-American for the official census to count how many American citizens live in America.

The Census is very clearly defined, you count EVERYONE, not just "Americans".

Russia influencing our election is really really bad, but illegal noncitizens voting in elections are good.

Except no proof they are.

It was perfectly fine for biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.

By "Blackmail", you mean insist that the Ukraine fire a corrupt prosecutor after the EU, IMF and Republicans in Congress said he needed to go before they approve any more aid?

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US, must go through a rigorous vetting process that often takes years, but any ignorant illiterate gang bangers that illegally cross the Southern border are welcome.

Yes, because there are jobs Americans don't want to do, no matter how much you pay them.

Of course, Irish and German professionals don't want to come to this country, their own countries are much nicer because they don't have conservatives fucking things up.

$5 billion dollars for border security where clear evidence of child trafficking on a mass scale as well as mass numbers of criminals flow into the country is too much, but $1.5 trillion dollars for FREE HEALTHCARE IS NOT.

We already spend 17% of our GDP (about 4 Trillion dollars) on health care. The money is already being spent, just not smartly. Countries that have single payer spend far less.

Where putting to death a mass murderer is wrong, but mutilating and killing unborn babies is right.
Fetuses aren't babies, and executing people is wrong if 1 out of ten times you send someone to death row, they turn out to be innocent.
Somehow it's un-American for the official census to count how many American citizens live in America. - Yes, instead of enforcing the immigration laws and deporting people here illegally, make sure they are properly represented by congress. Makes total sense.

Killing bald eagle eggs nets you a hefty fine. Killing unborn human children is encouraged. - Would love to hear a response to this one.
Killing bald eagle eggs nets you a hefty fine. Killing unborn human children is encouraged. - Would love to hear a response to this one.

Fetuses aren't babies.

Humans aren't an endangered species.

You can get in trouble for messing with an Eagle's nest, which is certainly not an unborn eagle.
Liberal logic.

Not at all.

You can prevent a person from messing with an Eagle's nest, but not much you can do about the mother eagle kicking eggs or even hatchlings out of the nest.

Conversely, you can punish someone who punches a pregnant woman and causes her to miscarry, but not much you can do about a woman who decides she is going to end her pregnancy on her own.
The first thing a totalitarian government does when it takes over a country is to make the media a part of the government. Democrats never had that problem. The media has been the propaganda arm of the democrat party since FDR.
If a man pretends to be a woman we are a required to pretend along with him.

Somehow it's un-American for the official census to count how many American citizens live in America.

Russia influencing our election is really really bad, but illegal noncitizens voting in elections are good.

It was perfectly fine for biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but an impeachable offense if Trump inquires about it.

People who never owned slaves are to pay reparations to people who have never been slaves.

People who've never been to college, pay the debt of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US, must go through a rigorous vetting process that often takes years, but any ignorant illiterate gang bangers that illegally cross the Southern border are welcome.

$5 billion dollars for border security where clear evidence of child trafficking on a mass scale as well as mass numbers of criminals flow into the country is too much, but $1.5 trillion dollars for FREE HEALTHCARE IS NOT.

People who insist there is no such thing as gender are insisting that all transgender women are real women and real aren't actual women until a biologist determines they are women. Plus they demand a female SC nominee and female president.

We see country after country collapsing under socialism and insist it is great solution for us.

Certain people are held responsible for things that happened many years before they were born, and others are not held responsible for things they are doing right now.

Pointing all of that hypocrisy out somehow makes us racist. Like pointing out the virus came from China is racist even though it in fact came from China.

Where putting to death a mass murderer is wrong, but mutilating and killing unborn babies is right.

If a man or woman decides to be something else, it doesn't hurt you. Whatever floats their boat.

The Constitution clearly states that all people except diplomats and their families should be counted. It says nothing about citizens.

Biden simply stated they will not send AMERICAN taxpayer dollars to a corrupt regime.

No one is paying for anything. Forgiving student loan debt does not raise or lower your taxes.

The law allows them to ask for asylum.

There is no evidence of child trafficking on a mass scale.

What is wrong with a female SC justice or a woman President?

Everything you don't like is socialism to you.

Calling it the Wuhan virus led to numerous attacks on Asian-Americans.

All you have is talking points. Abortion is not killing a unborn baby.

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