Let's make america SANE again

1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.

Affirmative action tries to help a segment of the population that centuries of discrimination has put at a disadvantage.

If you oppose affirmative action, you are effectively saying that you want to perpetuate that disadvantage.

Has it been determined at what point the affirmative action has accomplished it's goal? Affirmative action has been for decades.
The irony impaired broken record doesn't appear to like the taste his own medicine.

Says the irony impaired far left drone!

The irony impaired broken record proves my comments.

See that far left drones will always prove my point, that they are irony impaired!

See how the irony impaired broken record repeats his religious dogma without question or hesitation.

And irony impaired far left drones continue to prove my point for me!
1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.

And limit alcohol to 3 drinks per day for conservatives.

Fuck You!!! I worked for the money to buy my Makers Mark and Craft Beer when I want it.
1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.
This is as ignorant as it is hateful and ridiculous.

The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.
I sorta agree with you, however I dont think that women and blacks dont have the ability of white men, but I do think they get an unfair advantage when it does come to hiring.
On a level playing field, in most jobs, women are every bit as able as men. Some physical jobs might show an advantage to being male.

women have an unfair advantage?

you mean like being paid 70 cents on the dollar?
1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.
You may have something here. I read Trump is on track to win 1% of the black vote, surpassing every republican's efforts since Nixon. But this may not be a sign of Trump's boorishness or even incompetence. Trump is doing very well with old whites and this strategy.
1. Get rid of affirmative action. Tell the women and blacks there is no conspiracy to hold them down. They simply don't have the ability of white men.

2. No jobs and no benefits for illegals. We can't let the whole world dump their welfare trash on us. And cut legal immigration back to a few thousand a year.

3. Make welfare unpleasant. No more $30,000 a year for you. You live in a barracks with 50 other welfare queens and get $2 a day for meals.
You may have something here. I read Trump is on track to win 1% of the black vote, surpassing every republican's efforts since Nixon. But this may not be a sign of Trump's boorishness or even incompetence. Trump is doing very well with old whites and this strategy.
polling I say had hitlery at below 85% of the black vote....if this holds, it will be an epic fail for her.....
You may have something here. I read Trump is on track to win 1% of the black vote, surpassing every republican's efforts since Nixon. But this may not be a sign of Trump's boorishness or even incompetence. Trump is doing very well with old whites and this strategy.

10 million illegals will vote for hillary. That's the problem for trump.

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