Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”

There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

No reason to get all bent out of shape because you disagree with their "grievances" that they peaceably assembled to petition their government for redress of.

I say let 'em "march" all they want but next time let me have the Starbucks and Valium concession contract. :)

"I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself." -- Oscar Wilde
I'm not the least bit interested in stopping them from marching. I am, however, interested in discussing the real reason why they marched and what a disgrace they are to America.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).

Isn't it just possible that many (most?) of those women have deeply held grievances that they felt were worthwhile enough to go out and "march" for? You don't have to agree with them and it's certainly more than okay to debate the validity of their views on their merits but simply calling them names and attempting to marginalize them because they don't align with your world view is EXACTLY what left wing progressives do all the time. It's a crude tactic to shut down any opposing discourse by demonizing the members of the opposition.
Women (and men) marching to support women's rights scares him....................a lot.
Who has killed that adorable little girl?

She might want to watch out tho, 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they reach 18.....primarily by fathers, step-fathers, other relatives and family friends.
Liberal mothers hand their daughters over for drugs. It's part of another issue, the acceptance of drug use. Like the mother who got high with her boyfriend and dismembered her daughter as part of her rape murder fantasy.

When women lose the notion that children need to be protected in the womb, they don't want to protect them outside of the womb either.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. Offensive. Crude. Crass. And worst of all - there are fucking children at the rally. Children do not need to see giant vagina lips:

There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

No reason to get all bent out of shape because you disagree with their "grievances" that they peaceably assembled to petition their government for redress of.

I say let 'em "march" all they want but next time let me have the Starbucks and Valium concession contract. :)

"I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself." -- Oscar Wilde
I'm not the least bit interested in stopping them from marching. I am, however, interested in discussing the real reason why they marched and what a disgrace they are to America.
There is no real reason why they marched. As one woman said, they were marching for the whole Democrat platform. And that is why it failed.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. Offensive. Crude. Crass. And worst of all - there are fucking children at the rally. Children do not need to see giant vagina lips:

View attachment 108449

What a bunch of stupid bimbos... and these asshats are reproducing?
Who has killed that adorable little girl?

She might want to watch out tho, 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they reach 18.....primarily by fathers, step-fathers, other relatives and family friends.
Liberal mothers hand their daughters over for drugs. It's part of another issue, the acceptance of drug use. Like the mother who got high with her boyfriend and dismembered her daughter as part of her rape murder fantasy.

When women lose the notion that children need to be protected in the womb, they don't want to protect them outside of the womb either.
What an active and scary fantasy life you have.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. The people who claim to "care" about the environment littered and destroyed everything:

Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. Offensive. Crude. Crass. And worst of all - there are fucking children at the rally. Children do not need to see giant vagina lips:

View attachment 108449

But its ok that the president brags about his exploitation of women. Thats ok? Holy fucking hypocrite.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. Offensive. Crude. Crass. And worst of all - there are fucking children at the rally. Children do not need to see giant vagina lips:

View attachment 108449

What a bunch of stupid bimbos... and these asshats are reproducing?
^ Why we marched.
Let me check again.

Yup. He did.

You can oink, oink all you want, doesn't make it true.

You can deny, deny, deny all you want but its still true.

Oink she says.

Idiot he is.

When I care what pigs say I'll be sure to let you know.

When I care what tree stump dumb assholes have to say, I'll let you know. For sure.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. The people who claim to "care" about the environment littered and destroyed everything:

View attachment 108450
You know that was done purposely in front of Trump Tower, right?

No....I bet you didn't..........you just slurped up the RW Male-Koolaid with no questions.
There were very few actual women there. Most of what you saw were unshowered, filthy, gross creatures filled with anger due to ignorance....
  • On Saturday, thousands of ladies in vagina hats descended upon DC to demand more dead babies.
  • They demanded other things, too, like free birth control and free tampons and a free Palestine. They demanded equal rights, even though they already have equal rights. They demanded that the wage gap be closed, even though the wage gap is a fabrication. And they demanded that the government “get out of their uterus,” even though the government was never — and, really, for logistical reasons never could be — in their uterus.
  • The march was an eclectic mix of non sequiturs and falsehoods. Every aspect of feminist mythology was represented in one way or another. But unlimited access to abortion was the theme that tied it all together.
Matt Walsh: Let’s not insult women by calling that shameful nonsense a “Women’s March”


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

No reason to get all bent out of shape because you disagree with their "grievances" that they peaceably assembled to petition their government for redress of.

I say let 'em "march" all they want but next time let me have the Starbucks and Valium concession contract. :)

"I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself." -- Oscar Wilde
I'm not the least bit interested in stopping them from marching. I am, however, interested in discussing the real reason why they marched and what a disgrace they are to America.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).

Isn't it just possible that many (most?) of those women have deeply held grievances that they felt were worthwhile enough to go out and "march" for? You don't have to agree with them and it's certainly more than okay to debate the validity of their views on their merits but simply calling them names and attempting to marginalize them because they don't align with your world view is EXACTLY what left wing progressives do all the time. It's a crude tactic to shut down any opposing discourse by demonizing the members of the opposition.
Women (and men) marching to support women's rights scares him....................a lot.

I'm still trying to figure out what event magically triggered this concern over women's rights? Nary a peep in the last 8 years.. why now?
You can oink, oink all you want, doesn't make it true.

You can deny, deny, deny all you want but its still true.

Oink she says.

Idiot he is.

When I care what pigs say I'll be sure to let you know.

When I care what tree stump dumb assholes have to say, I'll let you know. For sure.
And.....yet here you are...carrying on a dialog.
Why are "they" a "disgrace to America"? Honestly you sound just like the left wing progressives that were blanket demonizing Tea Party Members simply because they didn't agree with the Tea Party's viewpoint(s).
Geezus...you sound like a typical left-wing progressive with your shocking lack of knowledge about what transpired.

This is an absolute disgrace. It's disgusting. Offensive. Crude. Crass. And worst of all - there are fucking children at the rally. Children do not need to see giant vagina lips:

View attachment 108449

But its ok that the president brags about his exploitation of women. Thats ok? Holy fucking hypocrite.
First of all - no - it's not.

Second - he didn't brag about his exploits of women when he was President. It was 20 years before in private.

Third - you're the same holy fucking hypocrite asshole who worships the ground that Bill Clinton walks on. A man who sexually assaulted women. The women Trump talked about allowed him to do what he did.

Could you be a bigger asshole? Could you be a bigger hypocrite? Could you be a bigger liar?
I'm still trying to figure out what event magically triggered this concern over women's rights? Nary a peep in the last 8 years.. why now?
Like I said....this has nothing to do with "women's rights". That issued was solved like 85 years ago. It's a bunch of progressives furious that they can't get larger doses of socialism. They are outraged that they might have to actually hold a job.

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