Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

Again, age appropriate is bad? Boomer worried da high schoolers gonna be reading and getting dem strange city folk ideas.

Don't worry about boomers, wheezer. How's that, noob?

You're trying to bait but I'm much more clever than you

Right back at you, wheezer, why should any sexually explicit material be available to ANY child?

Fcking loon, you're disturbing
A fourteen year old is maybe the worst age at which to read a book that sexualizes pre-teens. Fourteen is right when their sexuality is forming and they may be questioning it, and experimenting with it. That book encourages them to think of ten year olds as potential sex partners, at age at which they have access to ten year olds, as siblings, cousins, or in the school next door.

Absent that particular book, "Lawn Boy," they may not have imagined getting a ten year old boy to perform oral sex on them. But, now they have a book provided by adult educators that celebrates a ten year old boy performing oral sex.
14 year olds are already banging. They can be tried as adults. They can be forced into being parents in ChristoMAGA states. They can read about man killing man, about slavery and rape in history and the library. But books with Da Gayz are too much. Ok.
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14 year olds are already banging. They can be tried as adults. They can be forced into being parents in ChristoMAGA states. They can read about man killing man, about slavery and rape in history and the library. But books with Da Gayz are too much. Ok.
I read books about Nazis putting Jews in ovens. Let's put Democrats in ovens. That's your reasoning.
All of them?
Just the cool ones. Smoking dope too. Also reading that evilz CRT and about how the South enslaved Black People. All good CHRISTOMAGAs should pull their kids out of school before Jr. High. It's the oy way to keep em safe from Da Gayz.
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Nebraskan Democrats accuse Republicans of posting child porn ... for posting pics from a trans book currently available in school libraries

How about that , and the book is not banned.

I'm about to get banned, but I'm convinced we have a child molestor on staff at U

Nope. So you're just a regular run of the mill child molester.
I will molest an enchilada. What's your excuse? You're terrified of Da Gayz and everyone becoming Da Gayz. But that's not how it works. Why are you so worried. It's 2022, you can come out. It's ok.
Just the cool ones. Smoking dope too. Also reading that evilz CRT and about how the South enslaved Black People. All good CHRISTOMAGAs should pull their kids out of school before Jr. High. It's the oy way to keep em safe from Da Gayz.
The point, that you're trying so hard to avoid, is that a book like "Lawn Boy," presents sex with a ten year old as normal and acceptable, which is a very bad idea to teach a fourteen year old. A not so cool fourteen year old (like the kind that read books in the library), who's not banging and smoking dope in the early teen orgy you imagine, might look to a younger child for gratification after having the idea planted by this book. They may not think that is "cool," but it will seem plainly acceptable to the adults trusted to educate him.
I will molest an enchilada. What's your excuse? You're terrified of Da Gayz and everyone becoming Da Gayz. But that's not how it works. Why are you so worried. It's 2022, you can come out. It's ok.

We don't believe you. And we don't want books written by people like you, in schools where children can be exposed to your sick ideas.
You need a bullet in your sick brain.
That's not nurturing nor on topic. I did place #1 in my division though. Always messes me up for a day. To the topic .
I just view this as a censorship issue not about what's age appropriate, but really Bout having anything gay related. You can't handle that, so must lash out.
I don't know why I'm even posting this on this particular thread, but for some reason it popped into my head: I always tell the students that I work with that when a bully provokes you and you get in trouble for your response, you have allowed them to outsmart you and win.

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