Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

We don't believe you. And we don't want books written by people like you, in schools where children can be exposed to your sick ideas.
If I had a book in high school, it would be either about the history of the Bill of Rights, or alternatively why MacArthur sucked.
The point, that you're trying so hard to avoid, is that a book like "Lawn Boy," presents sex with a ten year old as normal and acceptable, which is a very bad idea to teach a fourteen year old. A not so cool fourteen year old (like the kind that read books in the library), who's not banging and smoking dope in the early teen orgy you imagine, might look to a younger child for gratification after having the idea planted by this book. They may not think that is "cool," but it will seem plainly acceptable to the adults trusted to educate him.
You think this planting ideas in a 14 year old's head? Dude how old ARE YOU? This is nothing.
Why are certain words banned on this site? If you're so concerned about censorship, then change the policy here. Hypocrite.
I didn't make the rules, just agreed to abide by them, JUST LIKE YOU DID. That's all you have to do.

Back to the topic. If it's age appropriate do you have an issue? If you still have an issue do you agree that school libraries should prohibit violence and any sex at all from the shelves? At least that would be a fair policy.
I didn't make the rules, just agreed to abide by them, JUST LIKE YOU DID. That's all you have to do.

Back to the topic. If it's age appropriate do you have an issue? If you still have an issue do you agree that school libraries should prohibit violence and any sex at all from the shelves? At least that would be a fair policy.
Schools also have rules. History has violence. Sexual perversion is not a school subject. Damn, you're a dumb fuck.
Shelf space in a school library is limited. Books should be chosen for the value they impart to student's education. If they are going to be offensive to parents who pay the taxes and send the kids to be educated, as a default that should be honored, or at least taken into account.

I wish that people did not object to Huckleberry Finn, for example. But I'm not a black parent whose kid comes home and says they just read a book in which the protagonist uses the N-word, and he's the hero. The few books in my school's library that talk about gun safety and hunting are so old, I have to think that publishers don't even send such books to libraries anymore, because of the superstition among many about guns being able to induce the bearer to commit acts of violence. No problem, my kids already know gun safety, having had to recite the rules before they got to go to the range.

Will this render school library fare plain and uninteresting and dumb down the books as far as critical thinking on controversial issues? No, doubt. But anyone thinking that the public schools are smartening kids up and teaching them critical thinking hasn't been to one in a while.
I didn't make the rules, just agreed to abide by them, JUST LIKE YOU DID. That's all you have to do.

Back to the topic. If it's age appropriate do you have an issue? If you still have an issue do you agree that school libraries should prohibit violence and any sex at all from the shelves? At least that would be a fair policy.

You keep digging your own hole.

Just stop

Absolutely nothing sexual is "age appropriate" in schools. That you think it might be? Pretty disturbing
This is why books are being banned:


A book that tells white kids that white is evil. Found on the teacher resource page OF MY FUCKING SCHOOL DISTRICT, not just in whackaloon articles. A reality that not one person on the left here defending this shit has ever addressed.

So, fuck you, you are damn right that this racist shit has a massive backlash. Anyone supporting this crap is outright evil and should be behind bars.
This is why books are being banned:


A book that tells white kids that white is evil. Found on the teacher resource page OF MY FUCKING SCHOOL DISTRICT, not just in whackaloon articles. A reality that not one person on the left here defending this shit has ever addressed.

So, fuck you, you are damn right that this racist shit has a massive backlash. Anyone supporting this crap is outright evil and should be behind bars.

That crap will never be in our children's schools. Take it to the bank
He's just trolling, I've seen other comments about him

Shelf space in a school library is limited. Books should be chosen for the value they impart to student's education. If they are going to be offensive to parents who pay the taxes and send the kids to be educated, as a default that should be honored, or at least taken into account.

I wish that people did not object to Huckleberry Finn, for example. But I'm not a black parent whose kid comes home and says they just read a book in which the protagonist uses the N-word, and he's the hero. The few books in my school's library that talk about gun safety and hunting are so old, I have to think that publishers don't even send such books to libraries anymore, because of the superstition among many about guns being able to induce the bearer to commit acts of violence. No problem, my kids already know gun safety, having had to recite the rules before they got to go to the range.

Will this render school library fare plain and uninteresting and dumb down the books as far as critical thinking on controversial issues? No, doubt. But anyone thinking that the public schools are smartening kids up and teaching them critical thinking hasn't been to one in a while.
Fair points.

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