Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

It’s definitely odd that you assume I am gay simply because I defend the behavior. The truth of the matter is that I am a mature adult that doesnt whine like a bitch about something so objectively harmless. I respect other peoples’ lifestyles even if I have no desire to engage in it.

Homosexuality occurs in the animal world all the time so it definitely is natural.

And yeah, you are not a psychiatrist. Far from it. Therefore you have no authority whatsoever to call it a mental disorder. I don’t think it is because the experts in this field do not think it is. Simple as that really.
I assume you're gay because your a lefty male & you have serious issues.

The fact you think somebody has to have specific credentials to make such an obvious judgement shows what a badly programmed robot you are.

Gay & indoctrinated is no way to go through life kid
Correct. Butt fucking isn't sex. The anus isn't a sex organ. Did you take biology?
If it's not sex, why are you worried about it?

Also yes I took biology. I went to school. The daughter has a minor in it. You have stayed you didn't go to school though.
Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as girls. But faggots make up less than 4% of the population.

Less than 4% of the population accounting for almost half of all childfuckers has to tell you that there is something wrong with that less than 4%.
But you aren't concerned about the majority of cases just Da Gayz. Why do you not care about women?
And to Kill a Mockingbird....

Here.....the cite continues to vanish but I captured a quote...

Leftists who believe that speech is violence are gaining a foothold within the mainstream of the Democrat Party.

The “speech is violence” mantra has been used as justification by the radical Left to deplatform speakers from college campuses, push for online censorship, and even destroy public property.

The Burbank Unified School District in Los Angeles recently barred To Kill A Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and others.

From Newsweek:

And everything else they want banned...

In high schools, we read those books the left wants banned. Now, leftists won’t even read the Cliffs Notes versions of any of those books. They’d rather indoctrinate kids by shoving perverted sexualized crap in their faces. You leftists all know what that makes you, even if you won’t admit it.
In high schools, we read those books the left wants banned. Now, leftists won’t even read the Cliffs Notes versions of any of those books. They’d rather indoctrinate kids by shoving perverted sexualized crap in their faces. You leftists all know what that makes you, even if you won’t admit it.

They scream bloody murder about books sexualizing children but I remember when they demanded Mark Twain be banned. I loved reading Mark Twain
But libraries are for all the kids, including the gay kids you hate and fear.

Children don't identify as “gay”, or with any other sick sexual perversion, unless some pedophilic piece of shit is filling their heads with that shit.

And normal, sane, decent people, do not think of or speak of children as having such sick sexual perversions. Pedophiles do.
The issue is the age kinds if any grown adult started talking to any 7 or 8 years old about graphic sexual stuff outside of the school and the parent found they would most likely beat the living shit out of the person doing it. Discussing sexual issues is for the parents to do and it's their decision when and how to do it not the schools. The schools need to focus on teaching kids history and being able to read, write and do math at a competent level not focusing on political and social issues.
What’s funny about this is that conservatives like to fancy themselves libertarians but they are really just hypocritical idiots who lack real principles. A normal adult does not whine and bitch about what consenting gay adults do behind closed doors. Not conservatives! No sir.
They have to whine and think these people are evil scum.
The perverted shit you’re pushing is not behind closed doors dumbass. You want kids exposed to graphic homosexual behavior. In their school library. You are scum and there’s a special chamber in the 9th level waiting for people like you.....

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