Let’s not pretend conservatives are banning books in school libraries simply because of graphic sexual content

You're annoying, you know that? Quote where I questioned your sexuality. Since you can't? Sit the fck down
You pegged me as a pervert harmful to children. Obviously it makes sense for me to challenge this. Again, you are terrible at gaslighting.
You pegged me as a pervert harmful to children. Obviously it makes sense for me to challenge this. Again, you are terrible at gaslighting.

Quote where I called you a pervert. If you can't and you can't STFU and sit down. It's that simple
It’s a lie that liberals are ‘grooming’ children with books.

And the neo-fascist authoritarian right uses these lies to ‘justify’ banning books.

Such a lie is another example of the dishonest, reprehensible right.

No, it is a fact. Scumbags, like you enable them.

Because you ARE scum.
The issue is the age kinds if any grown adult started talking to any 7 or 8 years old about graphic sexual stuff outside of the school and the parent found they would most likely beat the living shit out of the person doing it. Discussing sexual issues is for the parents to do and it's their decision when and how to do it not the schools. The schools need to focus on teaching kids history and being able to read, write and do math at a competent level not focusing on political and social issues.

That is one of the reasons they had merrick garland and the gestapo declare parents domestic terrorists.....
Ignore these people. This thread is a troll thread and the fascist mods are going to protect it.

Forget how leftist parasites tried to ban Maus because it depicted what a socialist government did to 12 million people across europe in the 1940's, and they did that because of a few drawings that were not erotic in the most remote way, but that was their excuse.
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I’m talking about two different things you moron. Regardless of whether or not children are involved, republicans still whine about homosexuality between consenting adults. They still call it “evil” or “immoral” and that’s fucking stupid.
No, you’re not you idiot. And yes you are fucking stupid and so is zinc. You are promoting that perverted behavior being shown in public to children as young as 5 you sicko. We know what that makes you....
It really does not matter if an LGBT book being banned has sexual content in it. It will be banned either way. Any mention of a gay relationship is automatically condemned.

This doesn’t just apply to LGBT books. It also applies to books with Black Lives Matter content. Oh the horror!

Conservatives only care about their own free speech - not anyone else’s.

Okay, boomer.

Americans don’t want that shit taught at schools. I know the whole “democracy” thing is inconvenient when it doesn’t go your way.
Okay, boomer.

Americans don’t want that shit taught at schools. I know the whole “democracy” thing is inconvenient when it doesn’t go your way.
A gay relationship in a kid’s book that lacks any sexual content is completely harmless to kids regardless of whether or not you snowflake, drama queen, bitch fucks approve of it. Like seriously, fuck what you think lol

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