Let's play a game! It's called, who's the REAL racist.

So how is deporting illegals racist?
It isn't. Next question.
How could you arrive at them both being racist when by your own words neither of Trump's statements are racist?

Defending Trump again?
:lol: Hilarious

Question: Exactly what are you right-wingers trying to prove .. that you're not racist? :lol:

Of course you neanderthal motherfuckers are racist and few non-white people want anything to do with your party or candidates.

Grow some balls motherfuckers .. own up to what you are .. what you have always been.

Don't start whining about how much non-white people hate you NOW that you've become a rapidly dwindling political party that can no longer win a national election.

Guess what? It's only going to get worse for you. :lol:
Name one left-wing position you support for a non-fascist reason.

Democrats changed the demographics of this country because they betrayed the founding of this country and lost the vote of every European ethnic group that they, at one time claimed to represent.

Without changing the demographics Democrats would have been dead as a party more than a decade ago. That is a documented fact.

How stupid.

Did democrats force white people to have fewer children?

How about multi-racial babies .. they aren't white .. and democrats had nothing to do with that either.

Your angst is so sad .. for you. If I had a really tiny violin, I would play Taps on it .. for you.

I know , aal these black and brown people don't belong in your country. :lol: Hilarious.

BTW, if you aren't Native American, you're an immigrant.
How stupid are you?

What I said has nothing to do with not wanting non-white people in America. I was stating the fact that Democrats used to be able to win national elections extremely easily in a overwhelmingly white America and now they lose the white vote convincingly every election because the Democratic Party today is for racists and retards.

Democrats destroyed white families by pushing white women to forgo having children until they are heavily involved in their careers and don't have time for more than one kid. Democrats destroyed white families by emasculating white men with trillions of dollars of propaganda and forcing white adults to support ever more welfare dependent non-whites who continue to have 3 or 4 kids while they are living on welfare. Democrats are directly responsible for the decline in white birth rates in every way imaginable and they will pay for it sooner or later.

BTW, European nationalists say the same thing about non-whites in Europe but those racist non-white right wingers insist there are no natives of Europe.

You said a lot of really stupid shit .. still doing it.

"Democrats are responsible for declining white births". :lol: Nothing short of absolutely moronic.

Regardless of your incredible ignorance for why the Republican Party is so rejected and on the path to becoming the Whigs, suffice it to say that America is evolving .. as it was always going to do .. and in the evolution, republicans and all they stand for is being rejected.

Many republicans have warned of this coming evolution, yet most republicans did nothing to alter their racist behavior.

So, stop fucking whining. Republicans put themselves in this position and were too fucking dumb to do anything about it even when they saw it coming.
"Stupid shit" is anything that disagrees with, and directly conflicts with your pathetically juvenile, fascist and racist worldview.

Without demographics changing Democrats wouldn't have a prayer of being elected dog catcher in fucking Berkeley California using their "progressive" BS platform, much less the presidency.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back and no one will even know the Democrat party ever existed 3 generations from now.
The former is racist, the latter is bigotry, and, both are stupid.

How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Except that isn't what he said.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

'complete shutdown of Muslims'- that covers every Muslim entering the United States- including U.S. citizens and residents.

It includes Muslim American soldiers- and their families.

Just because you lie doesn't make it the truth. He is not talking about US Citizen or members of our armed forces. He is talking about foreigners who our own government admits cannot be properly vetted. Nice try but it's noting but a lib lie.
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.

I don't have a problem with the concept that LBJ might have been a racist- he is not a candidate for President.

But LBJ the 'racist' pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act that was opposed by virtually every Conservative Southern Senator and Legislator.

What has Trump done for the American people to compare with the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
Employed tens of thousands. I mean that counts as something does it not?
I'll have them niggas voting democrat for the next hundred years.
They're super predators.


No Muslims allowed till we get to the bottom of what's going on.
I'll deport the illegals & build a wall.

Which set of statements constitutes racism?
Comparing someone who has been dead for decades who only allegedly said that who can't defend himself


to your crude nominee?

That's the comparison?

Your definition of "good judgement".


There he is folks. Your leader. The man you want to make the leader of the Free World?
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.

I don't have a problem with the concept that LBJ might have been a racist- he is not a candidate for President.

But LBJ the 'racist' pushed through the landmark Civil Rights Act that was opposed by virtually every Conservative Southern Senator and Legislator.

What has Trump done for the American people to compare with the 1964 Civil Rights Act?
Employed tens of thousands. I mean that counts as something does it not?

Oh I had forgotten about the foreign workers that Trump has brought in to work at his resort properties- thanks for the reminder.
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.

Yeah- you don't need facts when you can go without them.

Meanwhile- LBJ pushed, promoted and signed the most important Civil Rights legislature in the 20th Century.
I'll have them niggas voting democrat for the next hundred years.
They're super predators.


No Muslims allowed till we get to the bottom of what's going on.
I'll deport the illegals & build a wall.

Which set of statements constitutes racism?
Comparing someone who has been dead for decades who only allegedly said that who can't defend himself


to your crude nominee?

That's the comparison?

Your definition of "good judgement".


There he is folks. Your leader. The man you want to make the leader of the Free World?

You want to talk about Hillary? He will be a much better leader than her. It isn't like he is going to make race-relations any worse than what Obama has done. There will be more accountability and more consistent application of the law.

If he accomplishes just one thing which is to hold Washington accountable for their corruption, he will be remembered as a tremendous President. If he line item vetoes the pork out of their legislation alone he could probably balance the budget.

Hillary will expand corruption and everyone with a brain knows it.

Keep throwing your stones at Trump but it a joke as you guys are running Hillary.
The former is racist, the latter is bigotry, and, both are stupid.

How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Except that isn't what he said.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

'complete shutdown of Muslims'- that covers every Muslim entering the United States- including U.S. citizens and residents.

It includes Muslim American soldiers- and their families.

Just because you lie doesn't make it the truth. He is not talking about US Citizen or members of our armed forces. He is talking about foreigners who our own government admits cannot be properly vetted. Nice try but it's noting but a lib lie.

Trumps own statement says no such thing.
(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.
It isn't. Next question.
How could you arrive at them both being racist when by your own words neither of Trump's statements are racist?

Defending Trump again?
:lol: Hilarious

Question: Exactly what are you right-wingers trying to prove .. that you're not racist? :lol:

Of course you neanderthal motherfuckers are racist and few non-white people want anything to do with your party or candidates.

Grow some balls motherfuckers .. own up to what you are .. what you have always been.

Don't start whining about how much non-white people hate you NOW that you've become a rapidly dwindling political party that can no longer win a national election.

Guess what? It's only going to get worse for you. :lol:
Name one left-wing position you support for a non-fascist reason.

Democrats changed the demographics of this country because they betrayed the founding of this country and lost the vote of every European ethnic group that they, at one time claimed to represent.

Without changing the demographics Democrats would have been dead as a party more than a decade ago. That is a documented fact.

How stupid.

Did democrats force white people to have fewer children?

How about multi-racial babies .. they aren't white .. and democrats had nothing to do with that either.

Your angst is so sad .. for you. If I had a really tiny violin, I would play Taps on it .. for you.

I know , aal these black and brown people don't belong in your country. :lol: Hilarious.

BTW, if you aren't Native American, you're an immigrant.
How stupid are you?

What I said has nothing to do with not wanting non-white people in America. I was stating the fact that Democrats used to be able to win national elections extremely easily in a overwhelmingly white America and now they lose the white vote convincingly every election because the Democratic Party today is for racists and retards.

Democrats destroyed white families by pushing white women to forgo having children until they are heavily involved in their careers and don't have time for more than one kid. Democrats destroyed white families by emasculating white men with trillions of dollars of propaganda and forcing white adults to support ever more welfare dependent non-whites who continue to have 3 or 4 kids while they are living on welfare. Democrats are directly responsible for the decline in white birth rates in every way imaginable and they will pay for it sooner or later.

BTW, European nationalists say the same thing about non-whites in Europe but those racist non-white right wingers insist there are no natives of Europe.

You said a lot of really stupid shit .. still doing it.

"Democrats are responsible for declining white births". :lol: Nothing short of absolutely moronic.

Regardless of your incredible ignorance for why the Republican Party is so rejected and on the path to becoming the Whigs, suffice it to say that America is evolving .. as it was always going to do .. and in the evolution, republicans and all they stand for is being rejected.

Many republicans have warned of this coming evolution, yet most republicans did nothing to alter their racist behavior.

So, stop fucking whining. Republicans put themselves in this position and were too fucking dumb to do anything about it even when they saw it coming.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back.

And how are the Republicans going to get rid of all of the non-whites and women?
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.

Yeah- you don't need facts when you can go without them.

Meanwhile- LBJ pushed, promoted and signed the most important Civil Rights legislature in the 20th Century.

You really like that racist because he came up with a new way to financially enslave the blacks and the poor. Nice going.
How could you arrive at them both being racist when by your own words neither of Trump's statements are racist?

Defending Trump again?
Name one left-wing position you support for a non-fascist reason.

Democrats changed the demographics of this country because they betrayed the founding of this country and lost the vote of every European ethnic group that they, at one time claimed to represent.

Without changing the demographics Democrats would have been dead as a party more than a decade ago. That is a documented fact.

How stupid.

Did democrats force white people to have fewer children?

How about multi-racial babies .. they aren't white .. and democrats had nothing to do with that either.

Your angst is so sad .. for you. If I had a really tiny violin, I would play Taps on it .. for you.

I know , aal these black and brown people don't belong in your country. :lol: Hilarious.

BTW, if you aren't Native American, you're an immigrant.
How stupid are you?

What I said has nothing to do with not wanting non-white people in America. I was stating the fact that Democrats used to be able to win national elections extremely easily in a overwhelmingly white America and now they lose the white vote convincingly every election because the Democratic Party today is for racists and retards.

Democrats destroyed white families by pushing white women to forgo having children until they are heavily involved in their careers and don't have time for more than one kid. Democrats destroyed white families by emasculating white men with trillions of dollars of propaganda and forcing white adults to support ever more welfare dependent non-whites who continue to have 3 or 4 kids while they are living on welfare. Democrats are directly responsible for the decline in white birth rates in every way imaginable and they will pay for it sooner or later.

BTW, European nationalists say the same thing about non-whites in Europe but those racist non-white right wingers insist there are no natives of Europe.

You said a lot of really stupid shit .. still doing it.

"Democrats are responsible for declining white births". :lol: Nothing short of absolutely moronic.

Regardless of your incredible ignorance for why the Republican Party is so rejected and on the path to becoming the Whigs, suffice it to say that America is evolving .. as it was always going to do .. and in the evolution, republicans and all they stand for is being rejected.

Many republicans have warned of this coming evolution, yet most republicans did nothing to alter their racist behavior.

So, stop fucking whining. Republicans put themselves in this position and were too fucking dumb to do anything about it even when they saw it coming.

Republicans simply have to change the demographics back.

And how are the Republicans going to get rid of all of the non-whites and women?
By doing to non-whites what Democrats did to whites...

White women are already overwhelmingly Republican.
How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Except that isn't what he said.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"

'complete shutdown of Muslims'- that covers every Muslim entering the United States- including U.S. citizens and residents.

It includes Muslim American soldiers- and their families.

Just because you lie doesn't make it the truth. He is not talking about US Citizen or members of our armed forces. He is talking about foreigners who our own government admits cannot be properly vetted. Nice try but it's noting but a lib lie.

Trumps own statement says no such thing.
(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population.

He was talking about taking in refugees and immigration. You libs really have to stretch to get your talking points.
The former is racist, the latter is bigotry, and, both are stupid.

How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Sorry for the delayed answer: sudden guests and then dinner. It is hard being popular at times. lol.

He said; 'complete and total ban' and when pressed if he meant American citizens he dodged the question. If he stated otherwise about citizens and I missed it, I'll gladly admit my error. Couple that comment with having a database on all Muslims living in America gives me great pause. You're aware of my family history enough (Catholics and Polish Jews) to know such statements are alarming to me.

That being said, he is likely blowing smoke about bans and databases, but I'll never be able to vote for him. I think Trump is a fraud trying to be everything to everyone and it comes across as bullshit. (Take his floppy positions on guns in schools and abortions)

I can't bring myself to vote for candidate I can't trust and I can't trust Trump. Meh.
The former is racist, the latter is bigotry, and, both are stupid.

How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Sorry for the delayed answer: sudden guests and then dinner. It is hard being popular at times. lol.

He said; 'complete and total ban' and when pressed if he meant American citizens he dodged the question. If he stated otherwise about citizens and I missed it, I'll gladly admit my error. Couple that comment with having a database on all Muslims living in America gives me great pause. You're aware of my family history enough (Catholics and Polish Jews) to know such statements are alarming to me.

That being said, he is likely blowing smoke about bans and databases, but I'll never be able to vote for him. I think Trump is a fraud trying to be everything to everyone and it comes across as bullshit. (Take his floppy positions on guns in schools and abortions)

I can't bring myself to vote for candidate I can't trust and I can't trust Trump. Meh.

I think he's flamboyant, shoots off the cuff without thinking first and he's a showman...but given Clinton will likely be the alternative? I have to go with Trump. I did see Gary Johnson is polling very well with Independents, somewhere around 10% in one poll. That was interesting and I think sums up how people feel about this election and the choices
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.
You don't need facts. Character assassination is enough. Go read a biography and come back when you know something.
The former is racist, the latter is bigotry, and, both are stupid.

How is it bigotry enforcing federal law and vetting people coming to America? That isn't bigotry

Vetting people isn't. Banning all Muslims traveling to US and open to placing government surveillance against Mosques is a terrifying thought. It is a gross overreaction.

Evidently you don't know what Trump said either...he said until we can get a handle on the vetting process. C'mon,mdk you're better than this

Sorry for the delayed answer: sudden guests and then dinner. It is hard being popular at times. lol.

He said; 'complete and total ban' and when pressed if he meant American citizens he dodged the question. If he stated otherwise about citizens and I missed it, I'll gladly admit my error. Couple that comment with having a database on all Muslims living in America gives me great pause. You're aware of my family history enough (Catholics and Polish Jews) to know such statements are alarming to me.

That being said, he is likely blowing smoke about bans and databases, but I'll never be able to vote for him. I think Trump is a fraud trying to be everything to everyone and it comes across as bullshit. (Take his floppy positions on guns in schools and abortions)

I can't bring myself to vote for candidate I can't trust and I can't trust Trump. Meh.

I think he's flamboyant, shoots off the cuff without thinking first and he's a showman...but given Clinton will likely be the alternative? I have to go with Trump. I did see Gary Johnson is polling very well with Independents, somewhere around 10% in one poll. That was interesting and I think sums up how people feel about this election and the choices

I would rather slam my dong in car door than vote Clinton. lol. I am pulling for Austin Petersen for the Libertarian nod, but Johnson would be fine with me as well. (Insert obvious joke here)
Remember when LBJ called for a ban of all ******* from traveling to the Untied States and was open to surveillance against black churches? Yeah, me neither.
The attempt to portray Johnson as a racist is as pathetic as it is offensive to history. Johnson was a tremendous opponent of racism and was genuinely horrified by it.

Bullshit. He has an extensive history of racism prior to becoming the President. He decided to utilize the Tammany Hall principles from NYC that grew the party there and utilize it for the benefit of the party.

The Truth About LBJ and MLK - Breitbart

All of you liberals are revisionist when it comes to the nasty history of the Democratic Party.
Yeah Im a big liberal all right.
It is a slander on Johnson to say he was a racist.
What is the last biography of him you read?

You don't need a biography. He was a member of Congress with a lengthy history of racism.
You don't need facts. Character assassination is enough. Go read a biography and come back when you know something.

Nobody needs a politically slanted biography or movie as it is not the truth. His record while in Congress is all you need. It is fact without your liberal revisionist slant.

Keep defending your racist democrats and their political tricks that re-enslaved the blacks.

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