Let’s Prohibit the Swastika as an Avator

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It’s a symbol of The Final Solution and the murder of all Jews.
It originally meant well being and was used for being bad later:

"One of the oldest symbols made by humans, the swastika dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. Scholars generally agree it originated in India. With the emergence of the Sanskrit language came the term 'swastika', a combination of 'su', or good, and 'asti', to be; in other words, well-being."

Don't fear emblems and flags; they cannot hurt you.
It originally meant well being and was used for being bad later:

"One of the oldest symbols made by humans, the swastika dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings. Scholars generally agree it originated in India. With the emergence of the Sanskrit language came the term 'swastika', a combination of 'su', or good, and 'asti', to be; in other words, well-being."

Don't fear emblems and flags; they cannot hurt you.
It‘s a well-known symbol calling for the extermination of Jews.

And if flags can’t hurt, why Is there an objection to the Confederate flag? Why is the n-word prohibited?

Again, leftists are showing concern not to offend minorities….except for Jews. Then, it’s offend away!

More double standards.
I never heard of it.

But anyway….the issue then becomes why do the mods allow SOME very offensive terms or symbols, like a swastika, but not other ones like the n-word?
Why do they allow pro abortionists? Why do they supporters of transgenders? Those are offensive too.

It's because we all view each subject differently. I just view the swastika as a Nazi symbol, nothing more. There's no offense, imo, about it.

I would rather see pro trans booted off the site, I'm not into that mental illness thing. But, free speech.
Why do they allow pro abortionists? Why do they supporters of transgenders? Those are offensive too.

It's because we all view each subject differently. I just view the swastika as a Nazi symbol, nothing more. There's no offense, imo, about it.

I would rather see pro trans booted off the site, I'm not into that mental illness thing. But, free speech.
You’re still not explaining why the n-word is prohibited but the symbol of “Death to All Jews!” is allowed.
It‘s a well-known symbol calling for the extermination of Jews.

And if flags can’t hurt, why Is there an objection to the Confederate flag? Why is the n-word prohibited?

Again, leftists are showing concern not to offend minorities….except for Jews. Then, it’s offend away!

More double standards.
I agree with what you're saying. In fact 100%. But your beef is with the site's admin and mods, not us innocent leftists. We don't do swastikas.
Mods: With antisemitism nearing 1939:Germany right here in America, how about we disallow the swastika as a member’s avator? It is the same as calling doe the extermination of Jews.
I'm torn on this one. When you ban one symbol it can create one of those unintended slippery slopes where anybody who is offended by anything will demand to have it banned.

We Christian have long bridled at the charges of the vicious anti-religious types who say display of the Cross or a creche or the Ten Commandments is a violation of the First Amendment and validation of bad acts of Christians long ago and other such nonsense. A menorah displayed as an avatar would probably highly offend at least one or some of our resident antisemites. Even the American flag is offensive to some.

A wise friend reminded me recently to go cautiously in this area and not make an issue where none is warranted. I can't imagine using a swastika as an avatar or see it as symbolic of anything other than the horrors of the holocaust and the tyranny of the Nazi regime that it represents to most of us, but others do not see that in the swastika. Or they intend it to be offensive with an agenda to get other things banned or whatever. Who knows?

When something is really hurtful, sometimes the ignore button can restore our peace of mine. (((hugs)))

And then there are some things that should be banned automatically such as graphic nudity, bestiality, cruelty, and such and maybe some symbols fall into that category. It is really hard to know where to draw the line on these things.
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The 7 words that are "masked" by the forum software have been discussed many times, as well as the reason for why. To sum it up: If we want to run with the big boys, we have to play by their rules. Google is the "big boy".
I'm torn on this one. When you ban one symbol it can create one of those unintended slippery slopes where anybody who is offended by anything will demand to have it banned.

We Christian have long bridled at the charges of the vicious anti-religious types who say display of the Cross or a creche or the Ten Commandments is a violation of the First Amendment and validation of bad acts of Christians long ago and other such nonsense. A menorah displayed as an avatar would probably highly offend at least one or some of our resident antisemites. Even the American flag is offensive to some.

A wise friend reminded me recently to go cautiously in this area and not make an issue where none is warranted. I can't imagine using a swastika as an avatar or see it as symbolic of anything other than the horrors of the holocaust and the tyranny of the Nazi regime that it represents to most of us, but others do not see that in the swastika. Or they intend it to be offensive with an agenda to get other things banned or whatever. Who knows?

When something is really hurtful, sometimes the ignore button can restore our peace of mine. (((hugs)))
You just gave a Nazi dog whistle. Are you aware of that?
You’re still not explaining why the n-word is prohibited but the symbol of “Death to All Jews!” is allowed.
The n word can only be used by blacks. Only whites are deemed racist using it. If you disallow whites using it, but allow blacks, then you're racist against whites.
You just gave a Nazi dog whistle. Are you aware of that?

Let me first say that I support banning a NAZI --the swastika--in the avatar. I have signatures turned off. But I can’t turn off avatars. So you have my support there.

How would you feel about banning the word “fag” because that word gets thrown around like “thanks you” on this forum.?
Let me first say that I support banning a NAZI --the swastika--in the avatar. I have signatures turned off. But I can’t turn off avatars. So you have my support there.

How would you feel about banning the word “fag” because that word gets thrown around like “thanks you” on this forum.?
I think we’re dealing with a potential slippery slope. Ban the swastika and now we’re talking about banning other free speech. Before you know it this will be a heavily moderated board.
I’m comfortable with that on this platform.
Not me. Im a free speech absolutist. More restrictions on speech would give moderators more power, to which they would abuse.
Not me. Im a free speech absolutist. More restrictions on speech would give moderators more power, to which they would abuse.
Well, then this is bad news for you. The other day--to my astonishment--they removed a post that had an ethnic slur on it. You could have knocked me over with a feather.
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