Let's Reform The Individual Mandate In ACA

Wow. Twenty five percent of the population did not have insurance before Obama. Who knew?

46 million had no insurance.

25 million had inadequate insurance.

Yeah, that's one out of four in a population of 300 million.

You must have gotten one of those Texas Math books.

The 46M was a lie.
The 25M was also a lie.
And there are more people without insurance today than 2 years ago.
And your numbers add up to less than 25%.

No, they weren't, and not much less. Oh, wait, it's 22%. That makes it soooo much better.

That's a lie, douche.

Not every other nation has gone to single payor. And the ones that have deeply regret it and are trying to go to one like Switzerland has.... The one I have always been a proponent of. The one where government simply mandates but people buy through the Private Market.

And this is why obamacare will fail. Because dimocraps like you are lying scum.

Everything about the ACA was a lie. Everything.

We're gonna sve you $2,500 a year... A lie

We're gonna insured the uninsured -- A lie (there will be more uninsured people AFTER obamacare than before)

If you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it, Period. A lie.

A bald-faced fucking lie. A MONUMENTAL lie.

And that's why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum like you joey. Because you're lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

And a good program, one that should have worked, one that we need, one that I want, one that the American People want......

It's gonna go to shit because of lying scum like you joey.

lying bitch

Actually, you hate because you have deep psychological problems. Seriously, you're the most unhinged poster on this board.

It was going to shit long before Obama Got there. one out of four without insurance or with inadequate insurance.

Switzerland is a small, wealthy country that lives off of it's banking. But let's look at their system.

Health care in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, wait. What they have is pretty much exactly like ObamaCare.

Healthcare in Switzerland is universal[2] and is regulated by the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance. Health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland (within three months of taking up residence or being born in the country)...

The insured person pays the insurance premium for the basic plan up to 8% of their personal income. If a premium is higher than this, the government gives the insured person a cash subsidy to pay for any additional premium.

Great. You're going to cite Wiki? Maybe I'll go in and change some of their 'facts'. Yeah, I contribute to Wiki. So do a lot of other people.

Wiki isn't a joke, it's a good place to start but you need to go a lot further than that.

A LOT further

The Swiss plan is similar in its outward appearance but is different in that it doesn't have incompetent, lying dimocrap scumbags in charge of it.

Who are a fucking joke.

The American People asked for a Health Care Reform package and what your scum-sucking masters gave us was a fucking joke. Just like your party.

Obamacare Is the Worst-Case Scenario | National Review Online

Both Singapore and Switzerland have systems in which overall health-care spending is lower than it is in the United States but out-of-pocket health-care spending is higher. The shocking thing is this: So does practically every other country. A recent World Bank study finds that in the United States, only 20 percent of health-care spending comes in the form of out-of-pocket expenses paid by consumers. In Singapore, it is 88 percent and in Switzerland 72 percent. But even the single-payer systems of Canada and the United Kingdom feature more out-of-pocket spending by consumers, 49 percent and 53 percent respectively. How is it that in countries with “free” universal health care consumers pay more out of pocket than they do in the United States? The short answer is that treatment in single-payer systems tends to be kind of terrible, which is why a tenth of British subjects use private plans rather than the NHS. And a significant share of Britons who use the NHS must be turning to private care fairly often, since it is estimated that the typical medical specialist in the U.K. supplements his income by 50 percent moonlighting in private practice. In Canada, about 75 percent of people carry supplementary private insurance, and about 28 percent of all health-care expenditures happen in the private sector.

And it is worth remembering that under Obamacare there will still be millions of Americans with no health-insurance coverage, while many (and possibly most) of those added to the coverage rolls will simply be given Medicaid cards, which practically come with their own spinal infections. All together, that means that we have managed to combine the worst elements of the state-run systems with the worst elements of the private systems. We have designed a structurally defective system and entrusted its execution to a gang of politically connected incompetents with less technological sophistication than your AOL-using grandmother.

I'm rude and obscene because ignorant motherfuckers like you, in lieu of performing due diligence, just make shit up out of thin air.

IOW, you're lying bitches.

You take the word of the stupid bitches in the LSM and the lying motherfuckers in your party leadership rather than doing a little work to discover the truth on your own.

Whose fault is the abortion known as the ACA, bitch?


I even hear lying dimocrap scum like you trying to blame Republicans because we didn't help!!

Fuck you.

We told you it was an abortion when you first trotted it out. We warned you it wouldn't work. We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about keeping your Health Plan.

We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about cutting costs.

We told you he was lying about insuring Illegal ALIENS.

We told you he was lying about taking over the ENTIRE Health Care establishment.

We told you he was lying about insuring the uninsured.

And now -- Whose fault is this fucking mess, douchebag?


It is 100% on you and your masters in the dimocrap party.

And now you know what's gonna happen?

The lying scum in the political wing of your disgusting party are going to run away from it.

They're going to claim that it's been changed so much that it bears no resemblance to what they voted for.

Some will succeed in fooling te stupid, like you, into believing their lies. But a lot won't.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will run interference for your disgusting Pols and will fool a few more people.

But overall? People are sick of your lying.

You're incompetent and dishonest. ALL of you.

This was a good idea and you fucked it up. Its time had come. America was ready for what had been proposed by Republicans time and time again and you people hijacked it and FUCKED it up.

Just like you do EVERYTHING you touch.

Everything. You can't do anything right
46 million had no insurance.

25 million had inadequate insurance.

Yeah, that's one out of four in a population of 300 million.

You must have gotten one of those Texas Math books.

The 46M was a lie.
The 25M was also a lie.
And there are more people without insurance today than 2 years ago.
And your numbers add up to less than 25%.

No, they weren't, and not much less. Oh, wait, it's 22%. That makes it soooo much better.

You and your entire party are lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

Go tell your OFA handlers that we aren't buying your bullshit today

I'm rude and obscene because ignorant motherfuckers like you, in lieu of performing due diligence, just make shit up out of thin air.

IOW, you're lying bitches.

You take the word of the stupid bitches in the LSM and the lying motherfuckers in your party leadership rather than doing a little work to discover the truth on your own.

Whose fault is the abortion known as the ACA, bitch?


I even hear lying dimocrap scum like you trying to blame Republicans because we didn't help!!

Fuck you.

Well, you did m ore than that. You obstructed every good idea that would have helped like a Medicare buy in for those over 55 or a public option for those who the private insurance companies wouldn't touch.

And what we ended up with was something like ROmneyCare, which you guys were all for until the Black Guy Did It.


We told you it was an abortion when you first trotted it out. We warned you it wouldn't work. We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about keeping your Health Plan.

We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about cutting costs.

We told you he was lying about insuring Illegal ALIENS.

We told you he was lying about taking over the ENTIRE Health Care establishment.

We told you he was lying about insuring the uninsured.

But none of these were the arguments you made at the time. You guys babbled on about "Freedom" and "Socialism", and you got what you wanted- the Private Insurance Industry living large - and now you are complaining about it.

And now -- Whose fault is this fucking mess, douchebag?


It is 100% on you and your masters in the dimocrap party.

And now you know what's gonna happen?

The lying scum in the political wing of your disgusting party are going to run away from it.

They're going to claim that it's been changed so much that it bears no resemblance to what they voted for.

Some will succeed in fooling te stupid, like you, into believing their lies. But a lot won't.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will run interference for your disgusting Pols and will fool a few more people.

But overall? People are sick of your lying.

You're incompetent and dishonest. ALL of you.

This was a good idea and you fucked it up. Its time had come. America was ready for what had been proposed by Republicans time and time again and you people hijacked it and FUCKED it up.

Just like you do EVERYTHING you touch.

Everything. You can't do anything right

Um, I'm sorry, I had a pretty good life when Bill Clinton was running things.

Things didn't get fucked up for most us until the Retard From Texas stole the election.

The thing is, this is a mess but it's a mess you all contributed to.

We should have gone to single payer like everyone else.
The 46M was a lie.
The 25M was also a lie.
And there are more people without insurance today than 2 years ago.
And your numbers add up to less than 25%.

No, they weren't, and not much less. Oh, wait, it's 22%. That makes it soooo much better.

You and your entire party are lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

Go tell your OFA handlers that we aren't buying your bullshit today

OFA is hiding under your bed, but if you take the red pill, they will go away.
You're a lying bitch.

Ryan had a great plan for Medicare and what do you scumbags do?

You run an Ad depicting him pushing an old lady in a wheelchair off a cliff.

Fuck you. You and your entire party are the scum of the fucking earth.

We offered our own plans, you killed them. We offered to work with you, you LITERALLY locked us out of our House.

In your ignorant arrogance, you thought that you, and only you, had the right ideas.

Well guess what scumbag?

YOu're not nearly as smart as you thought were, are you?

And that's why you're going to see one of the biggest political routes in the Country's history come November.

I'm thinking as many as 15 Republican pickups in the Senate (10 is more likely) and another 25 - 30 in the House.

I'm also thinking that if the lying cocksucker in chief keeps up his lawless and unConstitutional bullshit that he will be the third dimocrap scumbag to be Impeached and the first to be removed from office.

Here's what you don't get, fuckface....

Many of us on the 'Right' are for the same things you're for. I WANT a serious Health Care Reform Plan.

But it has to be serious. And you can NOT look me in the eye and tell me that you're serious when you don't even address one of the worst parts of our system...... Legal abuse by the only people on Earth lower than Child Molesters -- Lawyers.

You don't even touch that and you exepct is to believe that you're serious about HC Reform?

You're a joke.

A pathetic joke. Your entire party needs to be extinguished from our Country.

Now go back to your OFA masters and tell them we're hip to their fucking lies

Why not? Some people experienced bankruptcy or were homeless. Should they also be penalized?

They already can claim a hardship and avoid the Individual Mandate ... It is already a clause in the ACA.
Originally the "hardship clause" was defined under 11 conditions that were more strict than what has recently been approved by the Obama Administration.
You can claim the process of acquiring new insurance through the exchanges as a hardship by filling out a form.

Bankruptcy, homelessness, food crisis and more have always been part of the "hardship clause" ... And around 30 more "exemptions" have been added to the original 11.

Here is Charles Krauthammer's take on the matter ...
Krauthammer: Obamacare hardship exemption 'essentially cancels' individual mandate | The Daily Caller

That's a lie, douche.

Not every other nation has gone to single payor. And the ones that have deeply regret it and are trying to go to one like Switzerland has.... The one I have always been a proponent of. The one where government simply mandates but people buy through the Private Market.

And this is why obamacare will fail. Because dimocraps like you are lying scum.

Everything about the ACA was a lie. Everything.

We're gonna sve you $2,500 a year... A lie

We're gonna insured the uninsured -- A lie (there will be more uninsured people AFTER obamacare than before)

If you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it, Period. A lie.

A bald-faced fucking lie. A MONUMENTAL lie.

And that's why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum like you joey. Because you're lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

And a good program, one that should have worked, one that we need, one that I want, one that the American People want......

It's gonna go to shit because of lying scum like you joey.

lying bitch

Actually, you hate because you have deep psychological problems. Seriously, you're the most unhinged poster on this board.

It was going to shit long before Obama Got there. one out of four without insurance or with inadequate insurance.

Switzerland is a small, wealthy country that lives off of it's banking. But let's look at their system.

Health care in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, wait. What they have is pretty much exactly like ObamaCare.

Great. You're going to cite Wiki? Maybe I'll go in and change some of their 'facts'. Yeah, I contribute to Wiki. So do a lot of other people.

Wiki isn't a joke, it's a good place to start but you need to go a lot further than that.

A LOT further

The Swiss plan is similar in its outward appearance but is different in that it doesn't have incompetent, lying dimocrap scumbags in charge of it.

Who are a fucking joke.

The American People asked for a Health Care Reform package and what your scum-sucking masters gave us was a fucking joke. Just like your party.

Obamacare Is the Worst-Case Scenario | National Review Online

And it is worth remembering that under Obamacare there will still be millions of Americans with no health-insurance coverage, while many (and possibly most) of those added to the coverage rolls will simply be given Medicaid cards, which practically come with their own spinal infections. All together, that means that we have managed to combine the worst elements of the state-run systems with the worst elements of the private systems. We have designed a structurally defective system and entrusted its execution to a gang of politically connected incompetents with less technological sophistication than your AOL-using grandmother.

I'm rude and obscene because ignorant motherfuckers like you, in lieu of performing due diligence, just make shit up out of thin air.

IOW, you're lying bitches.

You take the word of the stupid bitches in the LSM and the lying motherfuckers in your party leadership rather than doing a little work to discover the truth on your own.

Whose fault is the abortion known as the ACA, bitch?


I even hear lying dimocrap scum like you trying to blame Republicans because we didn't help!!

Fuck you.

We told you it was an abortion when you first trotted it out. We warned you it wouldn't work. We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about keeping your Health Plan.

We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about cutting costs.

We told you he was lying about insuring Illegal ALIENS.

We told you he was lying about taking over the ENTIRE Health Care establishment.

We told you he was lying about insuring the uninsured.

And now -- Whose fault is this fucking mess, douchebag?


It is 100% on you and your masters in the dimocrap party.

And now you know what's gonna happen?

The lying scum in the political wing of your disgusting party are going to run away from it.

They're going to claim that it's been changed so much that it bears no resemblance to what they voted for.

Some will succeed in fooling te stupid, like you, into believing their lies. But a lot won't.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will run interference for your disgusting Pols and will fool a few more people.

But overall? People are sick of your lying.

You're incompetent and dishonest. ALL of you.

This was a good idea and you fucked it up. Its time had come. America was ready for what had been proposed by Republicans time and time again and you people hijacked it and FUCKED it up.

Just like you do EVERYTHING you touch.

Everything. You can't do anything right

Hey taintwallow,

give us an example of the system you desire to see working in real life somewhere?

You see single payer is working in many countries.

what you want has FAILED everywhere
Every claim I made is not only true but verified. That you cannot follow an argument is not my fault.


You claimed Germany has a cost problem and their system "failed" but their per person cost is significantly less than the US.
You understand that is a non sequitur, right? Just because their cost per person is less than the US does not mean their system cannot fail. As it happens it did, and I posted proof they are intently trying to reform the system due to its very high cost.

If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

You claimed Germany has a cost problem and their system "failed" but their per person cost is significantly less than the US.
You understand that is a non sequitur, right? Just because their cost per person is less than the US does not mean their system cannot fail. As it happens it did, and I posted proof they are intently trying to reform the system due to its very high cost.

If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

I spent over 20 years in the Insurance Industry and I can tell you unequivocally that you have no clue.


The system we had was far from perfect.

The system the lying cocksucker in chief has forced on us is a disaster.

France is, or was until the socialist idiot got elected, trying VERY hard to get away from single-payer. So is Holland. Switzerland left their single payer plan in the dirt long ago and Singapore's is based on Private Insurance.

Both work far better than anybody else's.

And Germany's is one the best around. They use a multi-payer, not-for-profit system (most US Health Insurance Companies were not for profit, but since you're a dimocrap, you're too stupid to know that) and while it may be the best in Europe outside of Switzerland, it still has serious flaws..... After over 130 years of trying.

Then there's Austria's system. And The Netherlands.


Well, dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid for words.

You people fucked up a good thing for the next 20 years.

Thanks to you fucking idiots, we may not get modern Health Care reform for another generation.

Thanks a lot, morons.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourselves


The best Hospital in France?

The one where the wealthy and connected go?

It's called " l'Hopital Americain de Paris "


Cash only.

you people are just simply stupid
Here's a modest proposal:
The Obamacare roll out and the rough time people have had getting insurance have led to many people not being able to get affordable insurance. If they can't prove they have insurance they will have to pay the penalty under Obamacare.
To help them out, let's let people opt out of the mandate. Perhaps they can simply make a statement that complying is a hardship and that will excuse them from the penalty.
What do you think?

I think that's pretty stupid.

Because then everyone could opt out until they get sick, and then sign up for something. It would bankrupt insurance companies within years.

The real problem with ACA is that it props up the Trillion Dollar Health Insurance Industry. We should go to single payer like every other industrialized nation has done.

That's a lie, douche.

Not every other nation has gone to single payor. And the ones that have deeply regret it and are trying to go to one like Switzerland has.... The one I have always been a proponent of. The one where government simply mandates but people buy through the Private Market.

And this is why obamacare will fail. Because dimocraps like you are lying scum.

Everything about the ACA was a lie. Everything.

We're gonna sve you $2,500 a year... A lie

We're gonna insured the uninsured -- A lie (there will be more uninsured people AFTER obamacare than before)

If you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it, Period. A lie.

A bald-faced fucking lie. A MONUMENTAL lie.

And that's why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum like you joey. Because you're lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

And a good program, one that should have worked, one that we need, one that I want, one that the American People want......

It's gonna go to shit because of lying scum like you joey.

lying bitch

Ummm, I think you just described Obamacare. Woops!

That's a lie, douche.

Not every other nation has gone to single payor. And the ones that have deeply regret it and are trying to go to one like Switzerland has.... The one I have always been a proponent of. The one where government simply mandates but people buy through the Private Market.

And this is why obamacare will fail. Because dimocraps like you are lying scum.

Everything about the ACA was a lie. Everything.

We're gonna sve you $2,500 a year... A lie

We're gonna insured the uninsured -- A lie (there will be more uninsured people AFTER obamacare than before)

If you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it, Period. A lie.

A bald-faced fucking lie. A MONUMENTAL lie.

And that's why I hate, despise and detest dimocrap scum like you joey. Because you're lying bitches.

Every last one of you.

And a good program, one that should have worked, one that we need, one that I want, one that the American People want......

It's gonna go to shit because of lying scum like you joey.

lying bitch

Actually, you hate because you have deep psychological problems. Seriously, you're the most unhinged poster on this board.

It was going to shit long before Obama Got there. one out of four without insurance or with inadequate insurance.

Switzerland is a small, wealthy country that lives off of it's banking. But let's look at their system.

Health care in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, wait. What they have is pretty much exactly like ObamaCare.

Great. You're going to cite Wiki? Maybe I'll go in and change some of their 'facts'. Yeah, I contribute to Wiki. So do a lot of other people.

Wiki isn't a joke, it's a good place to start but you need to go a lot further than that.

A LOT further

The Swiss plan is similar in its outward appearance but is different in that it doesn't have incompetent, lying dimocrap scumbags in charge of it.

Who are a fucking joke.

The American People asked for a Health Care Reform package and what your scum-sucking masters gave us was a fucking joke. Just like your party.

Obamacare Is the Worst-Case Scenario | National Review Online

And it is worth remembering that under Obamacare there will still be millions of Americans with no health-insurance coverage, while many (and possibly most) of those added to the coverage rolls will simply be given Medicaid cards, which practically come with their own spinal infections. All together, that means that we have managed to combine the worst elements of the state-run systems with the worst elements of the private systems. We have designed a structurally defective system and entrusted its execution to a gang of politically connected incompetents with less technological sophistication than your AOL-using grandmother.

I'm rude and obscene because ignorant motherfuckers like you, in lieu of performing due diligence, just make shit up out of thin air.

IOW, you're lying bitches.

You take the word of the stupid bitches in the LSM and the lying motherfuckers in your party leadership rather than doing a little work to discover the truth on your own.

Whose fault is the abortion known as the ACA, bitch?


I even hear lying dimocrap scum like you trying to blame Republicans because we didn't help!!

Fuck you.

We told you it was an abortion when you first trotted it out. We warned you it wouldn't work. We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about keeping your Health Plan.

We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about cutting costs.

We told you he was lying about insuring Illegal ALIENS.

We told you he was lying about taking over the ENTIRE Health Care establishment.

We told you he was lying about insuring the uninsured.

And now -- Whose fault is this fucking mess, douchebag?


It is 100% on you and your masters in the dimocrap party.

And now you know what's gonna happen?

The lying scum in the political wing of your disgusting party are going to run away from it.

They're going to claim that it's been changed so much that it bears no resemblance to what they voted for.

Some will succeed in fooling te stupid, like you, into believing their lies. But a lot won't.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will run interference for your disgusting Pols and will fool a few more people.

But overall? People are sick of your lying.

You're incompetent and dishonest. ALL of you.

This was a good idea and you fucked it up. Its time had come. America was ready for what had been proposed by Republicans time and time again and you people hijacked it and FUCKED it up.

Just like you do EVERYTHING you touch.

Everything. You can't do anything right

Holy shit you're full of yourself. Time from some fresh air grandpa. You're going to have an aneurysm.
You understand that is a non sequitur, right? Just because their cost per person is less than the US does not mean their system cannot fail. As it happens it did, and I posted proof they are intently trying to reform the system due to its very high cost.

If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

I spent over 20 years in the Insurance Industry and I can tell you unequivocally that you have no clue.


The system we had was far from perfect.

The system the lying cocksucker in chief has forced on us is a disaster.

France is, or was until the socialist idiot got elected, trying VERY hard to get away from single-payer. So is Holland. Switzerland left their single payer plan in the dirt long ago and Singapore's is based on Private Insurance.

Both work far better than anybody else's.

And Germany's is one the best around. They use a multi-payer, not-for-profit system (most US Health Insurance Companies were not for profit, but since you're a dimocrap, you're too stupid to know that) and while it may be the best in Europe outside of Switzerland, it still has serious flaws..... After over 130 years of trying.

Then there's Austria's system. And The Netherlands.


Well, dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid for words.

You people fucked up a good thing for the next 20 years.

Thanks to you fucking idiots, we may not get modern Health Care reform for another generation.

Thanks a lot, morons.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourselves


The best Hospital in France?

The one where the wealthy and connected go?

It's called " l'Hopital Americain de Paris "


Cash only.

you people are just simply stupid

So Germany is one of the best according to you.

The German Healthcare system -
"Coverage is universal for all legal residents. About 85 percent of the population is covered by SHI and 10 percent by substitutive PHI. The remainder (e.g., soldiers, policemen) are covered under special programs. Undocumented immigrants are covered by social security in case of illness. All employed citizens (and other groups such as pensioners) earning less than €4,237.50 (US$5,422.80) per month (€50,850.00 [US$65,074.00] per year) as of 2012 are mandatorily covered by SHI, and their dependents (nonearning spouses and children) are covered free of charge. Individuals whose gross wages exceed the threshold, civil servants, and the self-employed can choose either to remain in the publicly financed scheme on a voluntary basis (and 75% of them do) or to purchase PHI. "

Germany - The Commonwealth Fund

That what you want to see here?
Ed get Ho,

when was the last time you correctly predicted the outcome of policy?

Great. You're going to cite Wiki? Maybe I'll go in and change some of their 'facts'. Yeah, I contribute to Wiki. So do a lot of other people.

Wiki isn't a joke, it's a good place to start but you need to go a lot further than that.

A LOT further

The Swiss plan is similar in its outward appearance but is different in that it doesn't have incompetent, lying dimocrap scumbags in charge of it.

Who are a fucking joke.

The American People asked for a Health Care Reform package and what your scum-sucking masters gave us was a fucking joke. Just like your party.

Obamacare Is the Worst-Case Scenario | National Review Online

I'm rude and obscene because ignorant motherfuckers like you, in lieu of performing due diligence, just make shit up out of thin air.

IOW, you're lying bitches.

You take the word of the stupid bitches in the LSM and the lying motherfuckers in your party leadership rather than doing a little work to discover the truth on your own.

Whose fault is the abortion known as the ACA, bitch?


I even hear lying dimocrap scum like you trying to blame Republicans because we didn't help!!

Fuck you.

We told you it was an abortion when you first trotted it out. We warned you it wouldn't work. We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about keeping your Health Plan.

We told you the lying cocksucker in chief was lying about cutting costs.

We told you he was lying about insuring Illegal ALIENS.

We told you he was lying about taking over the ENTIRE Health Care establishment.

We told you he was lying about insuring the uninsured.

And now -- Whose fault is this fucking mess, douchebag?


It is 100% on you and your masters in the dimocrap party.

And now you know what's gonna happen?

The lying scum in the political wing of your disgusting party are going to run away from it.

They're going to claim that it's been changed so much that it bears no resemblance to what they voted for.

Some will succeed in fooling te stupid, like you, into believing their lies. But a lot won't.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will run interference for your disgusting Pols and will fool a few more people.

But overall? People are sick of your lying.

You're incompetent and dishonest. ALL of you.

This was a good idea and you fucked it up. Its time had come. America was ready for what had been proposed by Republicans time and time again and you people hijacked it and FUCKED it up.

Just like you do EVERYTHING you touch.

Everything. You can't do anything right

Holy shit you're full of yourself. Time from some fresh air grandpa. You're going to have an aneurysm.

Go fuck your dead aunt, douchebag.

You accuse people of not being up to speed on something and all I'm telling you is that I spent over 20 years in the Industry, taught on the subject and that you don't have a clue.

And all you got is a childish ad hominem?

Go away, punk.

It's stupid bitches like you that fuck this Country up.

The ACA is a fucking disaster. And it's going to be repealed because it's a disaster.

Wait until the claims start rolling in. Just wait.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

This could have, and should have, worked.

You idiots should have come to us for help. We have the expertise and the knowledge.

All you got is a bunch of fucking thieving Lawyers.

And the final product proves your stupidity. It's a disaster. An unmitigated disaster.

And we all get hurt, BAD, because you arrogant fuckwads thought you could do it without Adult supervision.


Yes, it DOES affect me personally. And I'm SUPER pissed off because I saw it coming a mile away and nobody would listen...

Well, Republicans listened, they heard and we tried to tell you what was going to happen.

But you insisted you had it under control.

You didn't then, and you don't now.

It's a clusterfuck. Just like everything you fucking idiots do.

Sorry, I can't read your rant if it's not properly spaced. Can you please reformat and resubmit.

Thank you for your anticipated compliance.
ed get Ho has never been proven correct in a prediction of anything that I have ever seen.

What makes these righties think what they say carries gravitas when they are NEVER right in the end?
You understand that is a non sequitur, right? Just because their cost per person is less than the US does not mean their system cannot fail. As it happens it did, and I posted proof they are intently trying to reform the system due to its very high cost.

If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

I spent over 20 years in the Insurance Industry and I can tell you unequivocally that you have no clue.


The system we had was far from perfect.

The system the lying cocksucker in chief has forced on us is a disaster.

France is, or was until the socialist idiot got elected, trying VERY hard to get away from single-payer. So is Holland. Switzerland left their single payer plan in the dirt long ago and Singapore's is based on Private Insurance.

Both work far better than anybody else's.

And Germany's is one the best around. They use a multi-payer, not-for-profit system (most US Health Insurance Companies were not for profit, but since you're a dimocrap, you're too stupid to know that) and while it may be the best in Europe outside of Switzerland, it still has serious flaws..... After over 130 years of trying.

Then there's Austria's system. And The Netherlands.


Well, dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid for words.

You people fucked up a good thing for the next 20 years.

Thanks to you fucking idiots, we may not get modern Health Care reform for another generation.

Thanks a lot, morons.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourselves


The best Hospital in France?

The one where the wealthy and connected go?

It's called " l'Hopital Americain de Paris "


Cash only.

you people are just simply stupid

4 of the top 5 insurance companies in the US are for profit. I am not sure if you had a point there.

Everything else you said is nonsensical ramblings.
If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

I spent over 20 years in the Insurance Industry and I can tell you unequivocally that you have no clue.


The system we had was far from perfect.

The system the lying cocksucker in chief has forced on us is a disaster.

France is, or was until the socialist idiot got elected, trying VERY hard to get away from single-payer. So is Holland. Switzerland left their single payer plan in the dirt long ago and Singapore's is based on Private Insurance.

Both work far better than anybody else's.

And Germany's is one the best around. They use a multi-payer, not-for-profit system (most US Health Insurance Companies were not for profit, but since you're a dimocrap, you're too stupid to know that) and while it may be the best in Europe outside of Switzerland, it still has serious flaws..... After over 130 years of trying.

Then there's Austria's system. And The Netherlands.


Well, dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid for words.

You people fucked up a good thing for the next 20 years.

Thanks to you fucking idiots, we may not get modern Health Care reform for another generation.

Thanks a lot, morons.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourselves


The best Hospital in France?

The one where the wealthy and connected go?

It's called " l'Hopital Americain de Paris "


Cash only.

you people are just simply stupid

4 of the top 5 insurance companies in the US are for profit. I am not sure if you had a point there.

Everything else you said is nonsensical ramblings.

He did say the German healthcare system is one of the best around. I can't wait to hear why and if he thinks we should model ours similar to their system.
If Germany's costs are "very high" then how would you describe US costs which are almost double?

You have demonstrated gross ignorance on the topic and an inability to learn even when presented with reality. I find little point in arguing with the willfully ignorant so step up your game or I will just chalk you up as just another useless moron.

I spent over 20 years in the Insurance Industry and I can tell you unequivocally that you have no clue.


The system we had was far from perfect.

The system the lying cocksucker in chief has forced on us is a disaster.

France is, or was until the socialist idiot got elected, trying VERY hard to get away from single-payer. So is Holland. Switzerland left their single payer plan in the dirt long ago and Singapore's is based on Private Insurance.

Both work far better than anybody else's.

And Germany's is one the best around. They use a multi-payer, not-for-profit system (most US Health Insurance Companies were not for profit, but since you're a dimocrap, you're too stupid to know that) and while it may be the best in Europe outside of Switzerland, it still has serious flaws..... After over 130 years of trying.

Then there's Austria's system. And The Netherlands.


Well, dimocraps are just stupid. Too stupid for words.

You people fucked up a good thing for the next 20 years.

Thanks to you fucking idiots, we may not get modern Health Care reform for another generation.

Thanks a lot, morons.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourselves


The best Hospital in France?

The one where the wealthy and connected go?

It's called " l'Hopital Americain de Paris "


Cash only.

you people are just simply stupid

4 of the top 5 insurance companies in the US are for profit. I am not sure if you had a point there.

Everything else you said is nonsensical ramblings.

Know what the net worth (market cap) of the top 500 not for profit Health Insurance Companies is?





You're a genius, aren't you?

fucking moron.

If you're looking at number of people insured? So what?

Not for profits companies like Harvard Pilgrim have little desire to get big. Why should they? They're concerned with the people in the few States they cover and not the least bit concerned about expanding into unknown territory.

And there are THOUSANDS of them... Or there used to be.

My wife's Company was self-insured as a non-profit (about 1,200 employees). They stopped that when obamacare came around and her premiums went from $10 a week to $50 a week.

Still better than a sharp stick in the eye but -- You know what?

Fuck you. You're an idiot.

You're not worth my time

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