Let’s remember what happened in 2016


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day. Either way, she didn’t cry fraud while the fucking vote was still being tabulated.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

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Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 said he would only accept the results if he won.
when exactly have dems acted like adults???

they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,

Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 said he would only accept the results if he won.
when exactly have dems acted like adults???

they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,

Lol you idiots and these random anecdotes of peoples claiming shit they can’t prove. It’s so stupid. Any moron can make a claim and then other idiots decide to write an article around the unsubstantiated claim. You’re desperate.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 said he would only accept the results if he won.
when exactly have dems acted like adults???

they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,

Lol you idiots and these random anecdotes of peoples claiming shit they can’t prove. It’s so stupid. Any moron can make a claim and then other idiots decide to write an article around the unsubstantiated claim. You’re desperate.
so youre calling the county officials morons,,,

that would make you the moron cause what I posted is a known fact,,
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

Rump "won" that Terrible Trio (Michigan/Wisconsin/Pennsylvania) by a total of, if memory serves, about 77,000 total votes, combined among the three.

Biden has, at last look, a lead of about 190,000 and still counting. Well past double.

And I say "won" in quotes because he couldn't crack as much as 50% in ANY of those states.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 said he would only accept the results if he won.
when exactly have dems acted like adults???

they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,


they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,""

We don't cotton to tin pot dictators.
You fuckers wouldn't know one if he came up and slapped you across your fat, diabetic, bloated, sweaty faces.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

You are correct, one day after the election the democrats ACTED like adults. Wearing their purple unifying suits during Hillary's concession speech. Oh the pretty words of unity. Oh the pretty words giving Trump a chance. HAH!

That is where the ACT ended. The next day they embarked on a 4 year Resistance, take down Trump campaign that culminated in the most absurd impeachment ever brought on a sitting president. You either have a very short memory or you are very young.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 said he would only accept the results if he won.
when exactly have dems acted like adults???

they have been screaming and crying ever since,,,

Lol you idiots and these random anecdotes of peoples claiming shit they can’t prove. It’s so stupid. Any moron can make a claim and then other idiots decide to write an article around the unsubstantiated claim. You’re desperate.

They're desperate, but what you describe is otherwise known as their normal modus operandi.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

Moron, they thought she had a 98% chance to win so they didn't have the voter fraud operation in place...they thought she owned those states you fucking moron.....


The massive turn out alone is a red flag.

But as for doing better…

The late night spikes that were enough to close all the Trump leads are a red flag.

The statistically impossible breakdown of the ratios of these vote dumps is a red flag.

The ratios of these dumps being far better than the percentages in the bluest of blue cities, even though the historical data does not match, red flag.

The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue) red flag.

Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country, red flag.

The poll observers being removed. Red flag.

The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed, red flag.

The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1, red flag (and basis of the first lawsuit filed)

The electioneering at the polls (on video), red flag.

The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type, red flag.

USPS whistleblower reporting to the Inspector General that today they were ordered to backdate ballots to yesterday, red flag.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

You are correct, one day after the election the democrats ACTED like adults. Wearing their purple unifying suits during Hillary's concession speech. Oh the pretty words of unity. Oh the pretty words giving Trump a chance. HAH!

That is where the ACT ended. The next day they embarked on a 4 year Resistance, take down Trump campaign that culminated in the most absurd impeachment ever brought on a sitting president. You either have a very short memory or you are very young.

Do you think the Trump University con man, 6-time-bankruptcy-filing, porn-star-fucking grifter is brave enough to give a concession speech?

"Absurd impeachment"? Extorting the president of a foreign country to put out a fake investigation of a political opponent in exchange for military aid already promised by Congress? That's absurd?

You are one fucked up traitor and you haven't even realized it yet. You can take your Orange Goon and leave this country, traitor.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

You are correct, one day after the election the democrats ACTED like adults. Wearing their purple unifying suits during Hillary's concession speech. Oh the pretty words of unity. Oh the pretty words giving Trump a chance. HAH!

That is where the ACT ended. The next day they embarked on a 4 year Resistance, take down Trump campaign that culminated in the most absurd impeachment ever brought on a sitting president. You either have a very short memory or you are very young.
Who the fuck cares if there protests you didn’t like. The point is, democrats didn’t call for for fraud and they especially didn’t before the fucking count was over.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

You are correct, one day after the election the democrats ACTED like adults. Wearing their purple unifying suits during Hillary's concession speech. Oh the pretty words of unity. Oh the pretty words giving Trump a chance. HAH!

That is where the ACT ended. The next day they embarked on a 4 year Resistance, take down Trump campaign that culminated in the most absurd impeachment ever brought on a sitting president. You either have a very short memory or you are very young.
Who the fuck cares if there protests you didn’t like. The point is, democrats didn’t call for for fraud and they especially didn’t before the fucking count was over.

You are absolutely correct and these fucking cowards won't admit you are right.
They are Trumptoids, cult members, no better than QAnon.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

Moron, they thought she had a 98% chance to win so they didn't have the voter fraud operation in place...they thought she owned those states you fucking moron.....

You dumb fuck, you can’t just make up bullshit justification like this on the spot. It’s so stupid. More importantly, FiveThirtyEight gave Biden a 90% chance of winning the election. In 2016, he gave Hillary a 72% chance of winning. The media gave Biden just as rosy a prediction.
Trump won't give a concession speech.
He's going to go back to Oklahoma or Kansas or Alabama and hold a rally and bitch and whine to a bunch of glazed-eyed, mindless drooling worshipers who will chant and swoon and cheer him and make him a fucking martyr.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

You are correct, one day after the election the democrats ACTED like adults. Wearing their purple unifying suits during Hillary's concession speech. Oh the pretty words of unity. Oh the pretty words giving Trump a chance. HAH!

That is where the ACT ended. The next day they embarked on a 4 year Resistance, take down Trump campaign that culminated in the most absurd impeachment ever brought on a sitting president. You either have a very short memory or you are very young.

Do you think the Trump University con man, 6-time-bankruptcy-filing, porn-star-fucking grifter is brave enough to give a concession speech?

"Absurd impeachment"? Extorting the president of a foreign country to put out a fake investigation of a political opponent in exchange for military aid already promised by Congress? That's absurd?

You are one fucked up traitor and you haven't even realized it yet. You can take your Orange Goon and leave this country, traitor.
My my such anger in response to me just pointing out accurately what Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did after the election. Do you have any issue with the facts that I stated?
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

Like the leftists did with Scalia?

Or the not my president?


Reality Winner mailing in classified information.

The Steele dossier.

Unmasking by the Obammy administration.


Gvivng Bernie Sanders the shaft.

Giving The Hag the questions before the debate.

Pvssy Hats - the ultimate sign of dignity.

Now its suddenly time to play nice cupcake?

I bet we can magically take of the masks and end the restrictions now too.
Trump won MI and WI by 10,000 and 20,000 votes, respectively. Hillary didn’t demand recounts nor did any other prominent democrat. Democrats aren’t sore losers like republicans are. If you want to poke fun at Hillary for not conceding the night of, go ahead but it’s so retarded to compare the two scenarios. She conceded the next day.

The margin of victory for Trump was only slightly wider in Pennsylvania and Florida. Again, democrats acted like adults. Trump won legitimately. People were fucking pissed, but no one made an accusation of fraud. Let’s also not forget that in 2016 Trump said he would only accept the results if he won.

Like the leftists did with Scalia?

Or the not my president?


Reality Winner mailing in classified information.

The Steele dossier.

Unmasking by the Obammy administration.


Now its suddenly time to play nice cupcake?

I bet we can magically take of the masks and end the restrictions now.
You morons equating accusations over the course of 4 years to making accusations of fraud before the fucking count is over is fucking stupid. As usual, you idiots have terrible arguments. I feel like I’m talking to children.

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